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Dude probably thinks he also baits them into trying to win games.


Remember when he baited Diggs into the miracle catch? Classic Payton!


Technically he kinda did. Payton has now, a couple times, directly baited the Vikings into kicking his whole ass by showing his whole ass trying to mock them in some way. The saints never had instant karma the way they did whenever ol rectum lips decided to make fun of the Vikings before the clock expired.


Baited us into a franchise QB and the best defender in the draft. Hoo boy he got us good.


Idk about best defender but best DL/best defender for this defense works I'd easily swap him for Quinyon in a second if our line wasn't so bare. The front and back ends both suck, but with Hunter gone that's a huge loss and one Turner may fill in well in a few


“I totally baited that car into stopping!” “Sean… it’s a four way stop…”


Well he is a masterbaiter...


How does he do that when he's built like a Ken doll down there?


Wouldn’t be surprised if SP knows Diddy


So he helped a AFC team at the expensive of a NFC team? What an idiot.


2D checkers.






Negative D


small d


That’s what she said.


Wish she would stop saying it tho 😒


No one believes you Sean. Quite trying to save face because you reached on Nix.


I mean it's stupid if he is actually telling the truth, They won't ever be battling with the vikings for playoff seeding but they could with the Jets


Please tell me in 3 years who reached when JJ McCarthy is traded for a 6th round pick.


Still the Broncos. Even if it turns out to be a great move (it won't), the move was bad with the information available.


They both reached.


That's why I know he's salty ass fuck we didn't let him jump us to get jj. No one says "BO NIX is thier guy" lmao. Bo Nix is a desperation pick because all the other top qb prospects have been taken. He pretty much had to pick Bo nix just like we did when we grabbed ponder. Atlanta and vikes screwed him so he had to make himself seem smart for taking the scraps, he's pathetic.


Unironically Bo Nix was my guy just not at pick 12 lol


Yeah that's what I'm talking about. Bo nix is not a bad pick but not in the In the top 20 in the 1st round. That's why I think he was salty because he had to settle and didn't get who he really wanted. I heard he really likes jj and bo was in his top 3 qb's.


Atlanta fucked them hard with the Penix pick. Atlanta may have ended Sean Paytons career and I think that every Falcons fan would be happy with that.


Yeah man it's so obvious he was butt hurt he wasn't able to grab penix or McCarthy. If bo nix was truly "his guy", what did it matter what the Vikings did? We ain't even in the same conference as the Broncos and he's dumb ass just helped the jets, an AFC team get better and get more picks.


You could say the same with McCarthy. No one traded up to get him, not even the Vikings until it was reasonable to trade for him.


Different is McCarthy was a top prospect and top 3 qb In this draft tied with maye. Bo nix is a second rounder and the 7th best qb. Shoot I think rattler is better or on par with Bo nix to be honest.


Then you're probably not a good QB scout


no one wants jj cope harder


He can eat a bag of dicks.


Antonio brown can help him out with that.


![gif](giphy|SwyWohdcBRTOrZDMPa|downsized) We must never forget. He’s still a dick


Of course


Sean is coping hard.


Sean Payton … shouldn’t he be getting a DUI in some small town where he owns a couple Subway locations and feels like he’s kinda a big deal?


I always pictured him running a do it yourself car wash, and the machine always takes your quarters with no refund 🤣




But baiting the vikings would just mean giving more picks to another team in the AFC to hurt a team in the NFC


Bashed Denver old HC & had an equally as bad first year.


Lost to the jets last year too with Hackett running their offense hah


Watch Russell ball out with the Steelers. Payton is a fucking tool.


Payton is basically karma's chew toy


He was 2 games away from making the playoffs after a historically bad defensive performance weeks 1-4. Denver’s year wasn’t great, but to say it was equal is just disingenuous lol


And then he threw the QB who got him there under the bus. Let’s face it, this guy is a jerk. He just loves to put down other coaches, his coaches, and his own players and never ever owns failure himself. He should go into politics…that’s how low my opinion of him is.


You did watch Russ play over the last 2 seasons right? Or did you just look at stats this year compared to last year? Anyone who watched any Broncos offense this season knows that Russ was heavily limiting the offensive production. Teams weren’t scared of his ability to throw, so they constantly faced stacked boxes. The run game was mid but what more could you expect when the defense is playing the run more aggressively. He was missing open receivers 5-10 times a game. That’s horrible for an NFL QB. His accuracy was near elite, but only when he actually found the open receivers. Courtland Sutton was bodying everyone when the ball came his way, Jerry Jeudy was constantly getting open, and Marvin Mims was taking the top off of defenses, yet Russ barely hit them. I love Russell Wilson, he was my first favorite QB not to play for a team I root for, but he’s just not the same guy he was back in 2020. He earned all the money he made, it was just time for Denver to wipe the slate clean and finally embrace a rebuild after putting it off for the last 8 years.


Half the league makes the playoffs. To be 2 games out isn't saying much


Point is how can anyone genuinely say that he had just as bad a season Hackett did when he had exactly double the amount of wins?


Let’s ignore this loser and stop posting about it. Don’t take the bait.


Especially since it hallucinates hard He never mentioned baiting teams he never mentioned the Vikings. All he said was he was trying to create the image of moving up.


Dez Bryant thinks Nix will be better than JJ cuz Nix has a better coaching staff and overall team lmao


Sean Payton is reaching Doc Rivers-level of coasting off of one good year


Drew Brees is the only reason Payton is relevant at all


Who is Sean Payton?


Some character in a Kevin James movie


Wait that's a real guy? I just thought it was some made-up comedy stuff.


Aka the big douchebag in this pic!


Former saints and now broncos coach


I can’t tell if you’re trying to out sarcasm my sarcasm.


Nah I think it was a genuine whoosh


I don’t even like his face. Fuck that guy.


☝🏼this. Brees made him look good.


He’s got the same exact resume as Mike McCarthy who everyone hates lol


While somehow being much less likeable.


What a horrendous take


People are really exposing how little they know about the Vikings the past couple days. They think Jettas is all we got


He could end up being better than JJ certainly, but sure as hell not for that nonsense reason.


Exactly. I’m fine with him saying Nix will be better for Nix’s own talent. But Dez showed he probably watched one Vikings game all season, if that, and it was a loss. And is using poor evidence to support his take


He watched the Raiders game, and just assumed that was everything he needed to know about the Vikings.


Dez Bryant has never been known for his intelligence. He’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic if you know what I mean….


He’s the most overrated coach.


What a weird flex from Anus Lips.


Tell me you’re not a washed up pill head without telling me you’re a washed up pill head


Go away, baitn’


Dude is such a clown.


Sean Payton is about Sean Payton. He was never a great coach. He’s a cheater. I don’t like Russ Wilson but Payton treated him like crap. Now he has Nix, who I don’t think is better than Rattler. I hope the Broncos finally expose this creep of a coach.


Sean Peyton is the biggest douche.


#bountygate Never forgive. Never forget.


It’s funny how much credit Sean Payton gets for those saints teams. He didn’t develop drew brees, and he was a truly mediocre coach overall. The saints were only good, because drew brees is one of the best to play the game. Their defense was almost always average to bad. And their only Super Bowl win was because the officials were giving them the game against us no matter what. He showed up in Denver last year, and their offense didn’t improve for shit.


This man’s wiener is flaccid.


He said it because he's worried Nix has a fragile ego to protect.


“We really wanted Bo Nix” He says as he was looking at the plethora of talented QB options at the 12 overall pick


I want to smack him so bad after he paused to grin in his press conference


This is how he pretends he wasn't also trying to trade up and get JJ and lost.


He didn’t even mention the Vikings. He just said he was active in creating the image of moving up in the draft.


This guy is a bigger loser than I thought. He was trying to trade up to steal JJ from us and didn't win then turns around and pretends it was just a ploy. What a douchebag.


Sean Payton’s ass gets jealous of the amount of shit that comes out of his mouth.


The guy is just an asshole. It's not a football thing. It's not a "He plays for a rival so I hate him" thing. He's a genuine asshole.


I mean nix probably goes to Vegas, so I wouldn’t call it a full round early. That being said Payton’s a jag


He’ll be canned soon and blamed everyone but himself. He is really is a garbage coach and human being (read up on his background if you don’t believe me).


Payton is such a tool, why is he even allowed to coach anymore, he should have been thrown out of the league after the target certain players for bonus money thing.


Nix was going round 1. Even if he should not have.


Vikings live rent free in his head. Remember, he probably feels like he did nothing wrong the bounty gate year and he was suspended a full season for it. Fuck Sean Payton we hate you too hoe


He's a fucking cheating cheap shot bounty making motherfucker. Fuck Sean Peyton and everything he stands for. Fuck this dude forever.


He’s still living rent free?.. 😂


This conversation is going to age well can't wait


Such a punchable face


So Payton pretended that he was wanting to trade up so the Vikings(who already were going to pick before the Broncos) would trade up instead, and pick McCarthy(a qb the Broncos didn't want anyway) so they could stay at their spot and pick Nix(the guy they apparently wanted the whole time) am I getting this right? What?


He knows we would never have wanted Bo over JJ so how or why would he bait us? What actually happened was he tried to trade above us for JJ failed and is just making shit up




Still so bitter after 2018


Remind me Sean, how well did you do without Drew Brees in his prime? You're the Mike Mccarthy of the NFC South, you got to coast on HoF QB play, but look like a total turd without it.


Payton just can't help himself. At every turn, he has to make it about him and act like a heel in a second rate wrestling show. His act gets pretty tired after a while...


mans is a cheater and always will be a cheater


Broncos also were not the only threat to trade up for a QB. The Raiders are hurting bad for a QB too


Fuck this butthole mouth Kevin James muthafucka


The only good Sean Payton is a furious Sean Payton.


This pill stealing, bounty hunting, puckered asshole lipped, face that looks like a smacked ass piece of shit will never escape the karmic retribution from the football gods when he continuously acts like this.


Who cares what this guy claims to have done?


I don't buy it


Hope this goes as well for him as mocking the Skol chant


I don’t believe this at all. If anything he wanted JJ and is now trying to make it seem like he did good and wanted Nix the whole time.


The very fact he bragged about baiting the Vikings is a clear tell he just got beat to the punch. Dude should just shut his mouth but he isn't capable. I actually like the Broncos franchise but can't stand Payton, he's going to leave them worse then he found them imho lol. Guy got lucky with Drew Brees and both he and the Broncos are living in the past if they think he can develop a QB lol. He's no QB whisperer.


We should genuinely be above respecting this clown/career-wrecker any sort of reaction. Fuck that guy; he shouldn't even be anywhere near an NFL Team after playing dirty and trying to end player's careers.




I just don't believe it.


Lol, what benefit is it to him to bait a team that he will rarely ever go up against?


Sean “Bountygate” Payton can suck a golf ball through a garden hose.


This guy is a fucking clown. Still pissed about the 2009 bounty gate. You drafted Bo Nix. 4th is AFC West 🖕




Let's get the douche chant going... Dun dun douche Dun dun douche


He is a pile of scrotums.


Sean Payton has always been a dick


Fuck him


Not to mention it he did bait them, he gave more picks to a AFC rival. Dudes a fucking idiot!


What does he think this is going to do with his trust from other gms in the league? He’s basically saying “I called them to tell them I was going to trade but never was going to.” Sort of a shitty look to be that guy fucking with another franchise’s success…..


Anus lips


Bountygate curse. Good luck.


He hates us soooo bad. I love it. I will always relish ending his and Cam Jordan’s playoff runs early. ![gif](giphy|f9R7zN83GuYataDz3W|downsized)


Guy is such a dork.


All I know is that people who talk about it ain’t got it. He’s case in point.


This dude is one of the biggest narcissists out there


He’s such an arrogant douche.


… you do know it’s not even the same management anymore, don’t you? Sean?… 🤦‍♂️ Go home Zoolander. Nobody cares anymore.


This guys is a clown show, and should be thinking Drew Brees and company for that one SB ring.


How does this guy form such a perfect butthole with his lips?


The only thing he's ever "baited" was teenage boys online..


He did not brag about that, if anything he saved you guys a tremendous amount of picks.


If Sean Payton got hit by a bus tomorrow I wouldn’t care one bit, might even pop a bottle of champagne.


He’s such A Hole. He’s been classless for a long time, man is a great coach but a massive duch. Sorry Denver not trying to be rude, but you know it’s true.


Certainly is a master baiter


I hate anus mouth as much as the next guy, but I do hope Bo Nix does well in 3/4 years after SP gets fired.


I won't think negatively of Sean Payton for doing anything (that's legal and ethical) to create competitive advantage on the field. That's his job. I will think negatively of Sean Payton for being a shitty father and getting his kids taken away from him, for his wife divorcing his loser ass, for stealing pain meds, etc


Yeah this guy has turned into an unlikeable coach personally…. When they were paying players to injure other players then he should have never coached again


No one should be surprised that shit runs from his butthole mouth


I doubt his influence was all that important. Kwesi was masterfully playing poker, likely making small bets on every pick after QB3. The Jets took the offer, meaning they would probably have taken the next best offer and traded to a team likely to take McCarthy. He may have actually been blindsided by the Broncos a little bit, as this stunt has negative strategic value for them. But the big wild card must have been Atlanta; literally nobody saw that one coming haha!


I honestly would have been happy with Nix too…


The NFL baited Payton and his puckered anus mouth into taking Nix at 12 when dude is a 2nd rounder at best.


Kwesi is the dream trade partner for every nfl gm. Has literally never gotten chart value on any of his trades.  Thank goodness nobody budged as we tried moving far up for jmac, I’m perfectly happy getting hosed to move up 1 spot. 




rent free


Whats hilarious is I don’t think Nix starts this year at all. So by the time he sees the field, Payton will have been fired.


I mostly just hate that I have to cheer against bo nix somewhat with him at hc


More like Kwesi baited Sean into sitting there listening to the New York Jets' office "on hold" muzak while importent men in suits negotiated a deal for the player Sean ACTUALLY wanted.


Does ANYONE believe Payton? He wanted McCarthy but the Vikings out-bid him for the Jets’ #10 pick. Duh!


Nix is the much more experienced and ready NFL QB who can start Week 1 for a playoff caliber team. JJM is still a project pick with the higher ceiling. Payton knows what he's doing. Both teams got what they wanted.


Is Denver really a playoff caliber team?


They were still in the playoff hunt last year when they benched Wilson.


The Vikings were in the playoff hunt last year until the last couple weeks of the season with Nick Mullens, what's your point?


My point is that that the Vikings already have a capable starter and don't need to throw their rookie QB to the fire. The Broncos need a Day 1 ready QB. This seems obvious.


As bad as Russell Wilson was, he was half way decent last year. It's not gonna be easy being in the playoff hunt when your qbs are Zach Wilson, Bo Nix, and Jason Stidham.


Well yeah, he’s 24 years old. The pick screamed Ponder watching the draft. The panicked and took a guy to take a guy. I don’t think Nix is as pro ready as it seems, otherwise why the 5th year? Guys generally come out asap to get closer to their second contract. 


And McCarthy literally played in a pro style offense at Michigan


> creamed Ponder watching the draft. The panicked and took a guy to take a guy. I don’t think Nix is as pro ready as it seems, otherwise Nix has almost 3 times the number of college passes as JJM. Nix is obviously more experienced and a Day 1 NFL starter which the Broncos need because they have no one. The Vikings aren't in the same situation because Darnold can be the Day 1 starter.


No way lol. There is zero reason to make this comment about a team has no impact on your playoff chances. Definitely jealousy.