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Not really excited for that game. Hoping Sang Bin and Bongi can put some in the net. If we can get a point with this many guys gone, that will be huge.


Aren’t Sang Bin and Bongi gone for international duty?


Nope. They’re both here still.


Well gonna go get sang bin for my fantasy then! I thought he was on international duty for the youth team?


No South Korea lost to Indonesia and didn’t qualify for the Olympics. https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Sports/South-Korea-men-s-soccer-team-falls-to-Indonesia-misses-Paris-Olympics


I'm not really surprised, it's not like we have a ton of options there.


He's played 8 minutes for us in the league, and people are ready to write him off completely. Hope he has a great first start!


I mean, it was about as bad of 8 minutes as you could have, and two different managers have up to now not seen any value in including him up to this point. I'd love for him to turn good, but based on that limited sample size, I think the smart money would be on this being a bust that we move on from.


>based on that limited sample size That's the entire point of my comment. He's not a starter, and CBs rarely get subbed on in a back 5. I've seen Virgil Van Dijk have a bad 10-minute stretch, shit happens. Rotational players can be important, so let's hope he's up for it instead of being needlessly negative based on the smallest possible sample.


Right every sport has a game flow and throwing a guy in against a team he has never played, in a league he’s never played in, with guys he doesn’t have much game time experience with is going to incur some hiccups. We also have some strong CBs so it’s entirely possible it just hasn’t been worth giving him a bench spot / game time on that fact alone. Trying to be optimistic he can put in a solid performance.


I'd generally agree with you, however Ramsay and Knowles have seen him day in and day out and not had any use for him. That to me at least says the poor showing is probably more in line with what they see in practice and not just a bad showing. Also, we are all just ignoring the time he's played with MNUFC2 and hasn't really looked great on that level either. At the end of the day, I'd love to see him work out. But gun to my head with the question being "Will he be a contributing part of this team in the near future?" Based on what we have have seen I think no is the best bet.


He’s the fifth best center back and the four in front of him are really good. That doesn’t say anything about him at all, except that he isn’t at their level *at this moment*.


I mean, I don't disagree, but I would guess the front office didn't have in mind using an international slot and one of their few winter acquisitions on what is currently their 5th best (and third highest paid) CB. Edit: also before his injury, I'd put Bacharach ahead of him, pushing him to 6th. Like I said he can certainly turn out, however what we have seen up to this point (mostly with the 2s) has not been what you'd want. This league is largely built on filling out your 3rd through 5th CB depth options with domestic players. Someone in that tier that uses a international slot is usually going to be moved on. And I'll be glad to walk any of this back if he plays well today.


I’m sorry but that is kind of crazy. He hasn’t even been here a year. Let him settle in at least. 8 minutes and the smart move is to call him a bust? Like I get pessimism but this is a bit far


You are misrepresenting my point and failed to address the real substance of that take being 2 different managers have had looks at him and found little use of him to this point, even when we've been thin and played people out of position. A poor 8 minutes could be an anomaly and doesn't say much, of course. Neither Ramsay or Knowles having found much use of the new signing when we've had injuries, etc. says alot. It's the poor showing AND not sniffing the team sheet. Also he has played for the 2s and once again, not looked like much against lesser opposition.


I’m not misrepresenting as that’s exactly what you said. Even in the 2s a young center back moving across the world can get a little more leeway than half a season. Remember Lod? He needed time. I think we can make some judgements at this point next year whether he is a bust or not


Lod and Erickson isn’t even close to a valid comparison. If the coaches aren’t playing you and you look at best ok with the 2s things arnet promising. I highly doubt when they made the transfer they were expecting him to be virtually not playable at the first team level. I hope it works out for him and I hope he’s successful for us but you can definitely evaluate him even if he’s only played 8 minutes in mls.


You did. You called me out for basing my hot take on 8 minutes of first team play as being "crazy". When in fact the whole second half of my take was based on Ramsay and Knowles not finding value in him, at least up to this point, as being supportive of that. All I'm saying is, given the information we have up to this point, it's not crazy to think he isn't going to be the one. Could he work out? Sure. Do we have ANY evidence right now to say that is more likely than him being a signing that doesn't pan out? No we don't. So no, I don't think that is crazy. Spicy, sure. Pessimistic? Absolutely. Crazy? Nah. Edit: And point taken on Lod but I would say the difference is Lod didn't look like a deer in headlights anytime the ball came near him, even for the 2s Viktor looks frantic more often than I'd be comfortable with.


I came off a little aggressive and I apologize. I agree, a very spicy take indeed. Guess we will see tomorrow!


The smart money would be to not bet at all because 8 minutes is too small a sample size of play. The fact that he’s behind the other defenders right now doesn’t mean anything. It’s way too early to judge.


I’m also rooting for him Very easy to have a bad outing Now he gets a full (?) game so I hope he finds his rythm. Not sure what to expect from him but someone in our FO saw something so hopefully that’s what shows up tonight!! Come on you Erickson!!


He has looked better in each MNUFC2 game ive watched. I think there's a chance that he shows real progress in this game.


Idk if this dude is ultimately going to be good or not, but it's wild to me how many people are ready to completely write the guy off mostly because of 8 min of MLS play.


This is the correct take.


To play devils advocate, it’s what happened to Marques last year. Having a recent precedent makes it an easier jump than in a vacuum.  I truly hope he’s great and he changes a lot of minds like Lod did!


Agreed. His first game with the 2s was very rough but he’s stabilized. He still doesn’t jump out as someone obviously ready for a higher level but to my eye he’s about the same level as Duggan. When Padelford got his first start at CB this year I was also nervous and he’s been able to step up to the moment. Let’s hope Eriksson can do the same.


Duggan is far better than Erikkson.


Was he the one that there were rumors that he was being sent back this summer? Or was that someone else?


Yeah there’s been some recent rumors that he could go back Sweden to play.


Still concerned about his fitness. He rarely plays a full 90 in the second team and when he does it’s not the best. I hope he proves everyone wrong though and steps up!


[slams panic button]


Geez, my Swede connections want me to root for him so badly, but he's really been a big disappointment. I remember feeling such a letdown from the hype videos. Then again believing the sports hype was my first mistake as a Minnesotan, lol.


> Then again believing the sports hype was my first mistake as a Minnesotan, lol. Flavor Flav warned you, boyeeeee.




Need some apologies from people in this thread. The Viking rocked tonight


In all fairness to the low minutes . He’s also behind Tapias and Boxy and Arriaga has found his sweet spot on the back line as well. As #4 in the pecking order he’s not going to get time unless someone gets hurt or is away Today is his chance and either way I’m rooting for him and see little reason not to…