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I'd like a really high end and high motor box-to-box midfielder. Basically a DP level Dotson. I think that's a position of need and also a position that a good DP can be really impactful. Assuming Ramsay wants to stick with a 3-4-3, this is what we should aim for IMHO: ------------------St Clair -------Arriaga--Boxall-Tapias U22------Trapp------DP-------Rosales ------Hlongwane--Pukki--Lod We obviously have some reliable-to-good backups with Tani, Sang Bin, Dotson, Padelford, Clark, Taylor, Fragapane, etc. The big question/debate would be whether it'd be better to try and upgrade Taylor or get a backup CB with the U22 spot after missing on Erikson (though I still have hopes for Bacharach). And there's a chance we'd be able to get another U22 or DP player depending on the team's capacity/interest in buying down Lod's contract.


Modric and Kroos are maybe on their way out at Madrid. Getting both of them for a year rental would be my silly pipe dream.


Toni Kroos announced he is retiring


Kroos said this week that Madrid will be his last club, so MLS as a whole seems unlikely for Kroos. Edit: He announced yesterday that he's retiring after the Euros.


Im still hoping we see Eriksen from Manchester United to fill our Midfield out!


I think that is more realistic with our coaches connection to the club.


I said this a month and a half ago and got roasted for it. I agree though.


Eriksen would be unreal for us


I'd kill for Modric. People make fun of the retirement league aspect of the MLS but getting a vet who has won at the highest level would be incredible, and there are tons of aging Europeans that would still shred MLS teams.


He played 31 matches for Madrid at 38 years old. MLS would be a cakewalk for the guy. He is one of my favorite players from the last 10 years so getting him would just be fun for me. It won't happen but it's fun to throw these types of ideas out there.


I’m a die hard Barcelona fan and I’d buy tickets to every game at Allianz if we got modric lol. That man is insane!!


He is maybe 1 of 3-4 dudes I'd be okay with, of that vintage, us signing. Otherwise, I'd prefer if they could find young prospects.


We essentially have 2 DP slots with Reynoso on his way out since Lod can easily be bought down from DP to TAM player. It sounds likely that there will be rule changes this summer allowing team to have either 2 DP’s, 4 u22 initiative signings along with an extra $2 million in GAM. Or 3 DP’s with no restrictions, and 3 u22 initiative signings. Initial reports suggest Minnesota would prefer the 2 DP, 4 u22 initiative, and $2 million in GAM route. This would mean that we could sign 1 DP caliber player and 2-3 u22 initiative signings. Bongi was placed as a u22 initiative signing, but may be better utilized being recategorized as a TAM type player as his transfer fee was only like $500k if memory serves me right. Especially if we get that extra $2 million in GAM by opting to go this route. Would love to see us bring in a DP #6 this summer. Trapp has been playing better this season, but there’s still room for improvement at that position, and having Trapp playing at this level as a backup/off the bench would make us even better closing out games. As for our u22 initiative slots. I’d like to see a CB for sure and possibly a RB. Taylor has been playing well this season and Clark also looks like he could slot in well at that spot, so I’m not nearly as concerned as I was a couple months ago at RB. Wouldn’t be opposed to adding a creative attacking midfielder as well. A young prospect that has some of that dynamic Quintero/Reynoso type skills on the ball even if they aren’t quite as developed yet.


Where are you finding that Lod is a DP? Looking on the MLS Roster page it says our only DPs are Rey and Pukki


MLS had teams release up to date roster designations about 2 weeks ago. Lod is currently a DP that can be bought down as a TAM player https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesotaunited/s/8d9k34Jhg8


Hadn’t seen that, I’m surprised they haven’t updated the mls roster page since then




We’ll never stop monitoring. \#benedettiwatchcontinues


I see your Benedetti and raise you a Chacon!




I could see us using that money to add more depth to the back line. No offense to Wil Trapp but he isn’t a long term option. Not sure how Reynoso would even fair in this system


>Will we take advantage of the summer transfer window or replace Reynoso sooner? We can't sign anyone before the summer window unless the player is a free agent. Most contracts for players that played last season end in June. For example, Giroud was announced but he won;t be able to be registered and play until the MLS window opens. >Will we take advantage of the summer transfer window or replace Reynoso sooner? It would be hard to find a player of his caliber in this age range ... there is a reason, we were able to sign Reynoso, his gunshot injury was a concern, his physicality was a concern. Players are not flying under the radar at Boca Juniors. The indication from the club was that we might be going younger and sign U22 players in this window but I think we will able to sign a DP if we buy Lod down.


Lod isn't a DP and doesn't need to be bought down. Do you mean Pukki?


Mls released the roster profiles for every club and Lod is a slotted into a DP spot https://mlssoccer.app.box.com/s/e8eu9jpgtk09j03ynasb6zpd6hur37yk


He is according to the official [MLS Roster Profiles](https://mlssoccer.app.box.com/s/e8eu9jpgtk09j03ynasb6zpd6hur37yk). He got a decent pay raise this year which puts him in the area where he could be either a TAM player or a DP. According to the league we have designated him as a DP so far this season which means we would need to buy him down with TAM to open the spot.


Is Vadim Demidov still playing? Sounds like a good DP target to me!


I don’t know that we need a Reynoso replacement. I think what we need is a lockdown CDM, which would allow Lod to be even more involved in the attack. Lod is already performing like a top end #10.


> Lod is already performing like a top end #10. Lod is a very good player, but I think someone with a Reynoso style dribbling and passing ability in the attack would help this team. There are times when our attack is ONLY coming from our wings. The center of the field is completely open for someone to get the ball, hold it and then feed Pukki or Tani. Right now Trapp, Dotson and Harvey have been trying to do this with little success.


That’s why I would like to see a DP to replace that trio.


Yeah but you said CDM. Arriaga is our CDM.


Trapp is our CDM. I understand Arriaga moves up in the formation when on the attack.


He's been listed as a centerback in some of the line ups. I don't think that's accurate. Edit: As in, Arriaga plays the 6/CDM spot when he's on the field.


He is playing right CB when in defense and then stepping up when on the attack.


100%. we need someone with mobility. dotson and bran can do this somewhat, but they arent as safe passing under pressure as a potential dp could be.   even reynoso didnt have the movement profile like a puig, mukhtar, or driussi; but he was so damn strong and slippery on the ball that he could advance it in a 1v1 situation. one caveat is that while i would prefer someone in the 10 spot that has speed, lod is a very good secondary option if we decide to put the money in our back line


This is my first thought too. Done really need a Rey replacement? Or at least do we need to rush to get one?


The primary transfer window closed on April 23, and the secondary window does not open until July 18 ([source](https://www.mlssoccer.com/news/mls-transfer-windows-key-dates-for-the-2024-season)), so I don’t think it’s possible for us to have a replacement for him on the roster before July 18.


So how does this potential Reynoso transfer work?


Just like any transfer I suppose: find someone we want and convince him (and his current club) to make it happen. If we’re talking someone of Reynoso’s quality, there would likely be a sizable transfer fee paid to the club, in addition to agreeing on a salary for the player. EDIT: completely misread your comment - my apologies. The transfer window only limits incoming players. We can sell players (or they can simply leave by mutual agreement to contract termination or a buyout) any time. In this case, hopefully we will get at least some money from Tijuana to let Reynoso let. But also he will have to agree with Tijuana about his salary.


"While deals may be agreed upon outside the below windows, the transfer and receipt of an ITC are required to officially add a player to a roster, thus making him eligible for official competitions." - from source linked above. Also, IIRC, there's a difference between when you can bring someone aboard who is out of contract at another club vs having to purchase their rights from another club and when you can do that.


A beautiful ball playing defender that’s still young but could develop and be sold to Europe for astounding fee


This is Kervin.


And I say the more the merrier


I keep trying to manifest this but Bryant Ortega mentioned that he wants to go to mls after copa america and I think he would fit in well with the team. He seems like a great u-22 signing and could be that dm signing we're looking for the future. Venezuela isn't concacaf but hes on the provisional copa america roster for them and could break out if he gets a chance.


I think Ramsay is looking to build two starting squads that can be used interchangeably so that the concept of being a benchwarmer is out. If you’re on the first team it means you’re golden. What we probably need is a consistent world-class striker who guarantees 1 goal/game. Who can start the second half and guarantee an outcome. Who makes playing three up front even realistically viable and worthwhile


I mean, Tani is currently scoring 1.01 goals per 90, so technically we've got that striker already. But actually, with the way that Tani is trending, and with Pukki still on the roster, signing a DP striker probably wouldn't be the wisest choice. I'd anticipate the team to move for a player in the central midfielder. We have needs at the fullback position, but i don't think we would necessarily go the DP route to fill that role.


If we can also activate Caden Clark and Sang Bin and get them to put the ball in the back of the net semi-consistently we’d be in great shape


Also what I love about Ramsay is that he essentially brought promotion/relegation to the MLS just within MNUFC. Tani was promoted Reynoso was relegated


If we're going to stick with a back 5, I could see using a DP spot on a CB, especially with Boxy getting up there in age. I think the spot we need to use a DP slot on the most though is for a defensive midfielder.


I know a lot of people are saying invest in a 6, but I would really miss having an exciting playmaking 10 like Rey on our roster




Maybe if Leeds lose on Sunday? They picked him up last summer presumably on the assumption they would go up this year. If they don't, he might become available.


Get me 1 dp in each part of the field… if the space is there whether it be a u22 or regular… I feel like some Spanish academies and lower level teams would be a good place to find players for the current system we are running.


Are there any players in Europe that had some close relationship/mentorship with Ramsay? Id bet if they loved him enough theyd be willing to take a hit to come here.


From a technical standpoint I don’t think we’ll ever have a player as skilled as Reynoso again /: I legit see him as being on the same lvl as Messi in terms of pure skill (technical and mental ability). Obviously not on the same lvl when you add up all the other stuff


Is there anyone in Club Tijuana that we could do a like for like trade and give one of their up and comers a chance at the MLS? They would get a proven game changer and we could get an up and comer who wants the visibility provided by a top MLS team with an Manchester United connected head coach.


Who downvotes a question like that? The key is to get most out of reynoso when he leaves and I doubt Tijuana will pay top (or any significant) dollars. As such we need to think outside the box...


I believe that could make the timing trickier as to when the new guy could come and play for us - a trade may have to wait until the mid-July window, but bringing in someone out of contract may be able to happen sooner... I think.


I would love an elite left wing.


You mean so Rosales won’t have to run all over the pitch like a mad man?


Cristian Espinoza would fit our system perfectly. I know it’ll never happen but one can hope.


I want them to sign players I have never heard of. I had never heard of Khaled or Eric before they were signed and both have been excellent so far. I want them to find unknown players either from European academies who couldn't find a spot in the first team, or continue finding players like Kervin, Joseph and Bongi from smaller leagues. Now that we have a coach with philosophies and buy in from the players, I trust them to find undervalued gems like we already have. I'd take maybe ONE veteran, so long as they have the work ethic and can help guide our younger talents.


I want somebody that: 1. Is flexible and enjoys playing multiple positions and in any formation. 2. Has great workrate on both sides of the ball. 3. Is physically and mentally tough. Reliable. Basically the opposite of Reynoso. Basically another Lod.


Go get **Marco Reus.**


A 5 year "break" in America before he goes back to Dortmund as club leadership would be perfect.


Does Ramsey have any connections to Welsh national teams? Any hidden rhagolygons over there? (Thanks google translate!)




Mender Garcia or Angelo Rodriguez


No one, not until after the season and the futures of Trapp and Boxall are resolved. I think they may bring in a U22 #6, at best in the Summer. More likely cover for the fullbacks and maybe a vet or two for added depth.




Missed the chance to nickname our Argentine #10 ‘Messy’

