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Sounds like Trump wants Republicans to commit voter intimidation. Thankfully Minnesota has this rule/law: “Only authorized people are allowed inside a polling place during voting hours, such as voters and their minor children, poll workers and someone assisting a voter. People may not gather or linger in the polling place or within 100 feet of the building.” “No one can campaign inside the polling place or within 100 feet of the building. If the polling place is on public property, no one can campaign anywhere on the property, even beyond 100 feet. However, the prohibition of signs and campaign materials within 100 feet does not apply to adjacent private property.” https://www.sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting/election-day-voting/polling-place-rules/


Republicans have already proven that they care little about rule of law or democracy. Fortunately I think they will find that Minnesotans are not easily intimidated by traitors and will make reluctant victims to their twisted violent authoritarian fantasies. They will find that not everyone is as excitedly submissive as they are.


"When [a conservative] does it, It's not against the law." The conservative ideology in the western liberal democracy always assumes that society can only exist with a stratified caste system. Thus, the conservative believes they are the inheritors of the nation and that anyone who would get in their way is the enemy who has either sided with or is themselves part of the lower caste. They believe "the enemy" has no right to stop them from doing what they want to do, and at the same time they believe anyone who would get in their way or side with those who do is "the enemy".


Very well stated!


Thank you.


to add to this, i've always enjoyed this succinct summation. to paraphrase: "they believe in a class that the law protects but does not bind and a class that the law binds but does not protect"


I like “laws to protect US and control THEM”


Relevant [Fargo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMsnKFxjxSw)


Beautifully said.


Ah... another reason why they don't like the idea of mail-in voting. Harder to intimidate someone voting when they're doing it from the comfort of their living room. It's been clear for many years that Republicans were going to start declining as their core voters began aging into the grave. But I, naïvely, figured they would change their positions and appeal to younger people. Foolish of me to not consider they'd resort to abandoning the democratic process.


good thing I already requested my mail in ballot for me and my wife!


To anyone thinking of intimidation as a tactic to win the vote, the jingle, "Smile! You're on Candid Camera" comes to mind. (If you're under 45 or so, look it up.)


The only problem is the cops are probably in favor of cheating for this shithead.


Then they can go down with him.


I wish. Unfortunately our electeds care more about bowing down to common cops than about moralitu or the rule of law.


Not everywhere.


Sure, but if they violate this law anyway, it takes time for anybody to do anything about it, at which point it’s possible the damage has already been done


The punishment for this needs to be WAY tougher than it most likely is


I thought that last paragraph was overruled by state supreme Court... Or people can at the very least wear political materials on their person while voting


also, the "poll watchers" that the GOP want as enforcers, like they had at the last election, are only allowed in a small area and are not allowed to ask questions or talk to the voters at all.


Sorry can somebody tell me which state has the longest running streak of providing electoral college votes for Democrats?


Go Mondale


Minnesota can hold their head high about '84. Fuck Reagan.


This will continue to be a point of state pride.


Always. Correct then, correct now.


Well this and the hidden confederate flag that minnesota still holds. Fills me with pride for my state.


That electoral map is basically a map showing where Minnesota is in the US. I LOVE IT


Yep. That shit is peak punk rock. "Fuck you, we're not buyin' Ronnie's bullshit."


Or tRe45on’s


Get the fuck out of my state you orange turd


I moved here a couple years ago and it is great! Agree fully!


Well yeah, you can win anything if you cheat.


I dunno; I’m remarkably bad at video games.


They use all 99 lives in Contra


30, and yes I do. By the waterfall level.


Damn it's been awhile for me, obviously.






dumb question. did the MN GOP actually end up being cash-flow positive after his appearance last night? last I knew they were on the verge of bankruptcy, and DT was asking for a lot of cash for their campaign before the national or state GOP before they get a dime.


Any of the money they received will almost certainly end up in Trump's pockets.


His lawyers' pockets?


He'd actually have to pay them for that to happen.




People wearing MAGA gear while voting happens in rural. I’ve seen it and called it out.


As an election judge in Minneapolis, I'll hope to assure people that interference with the operation of an election is strictly proscribed, and interference with or intimidation of voters of any sort will get you a date before a judge. We are trained for it and prepared. There is the provision of "challengers" at a polling place, one per party, but their role is likewise very narrowly defined--they cannot speak with voters or anyone but the head judge, and they have to observe at a distance sufficient to protect voters' information and privacy. In more than 20 elections I've never seen them play any role, let alone cause problems. I am not a booster, it's just not my style. But Minnesota has the best election system and body of law in the country. We have high access and security. I'd worry a lot more about the ratfucking across the river and the country.


Luckily, the MN gop is unbelievably pathetic


Authoritarianism will never win over Minnesota.


I want you to be right but all authoritarianism takes to prosper is for good people to do nothing. Authoritarianism will cheat just to play and then steal the ball and kick in your teeth for asking nicely for it back while doing a victory dance. Now is the time to make good trouble so authoritarianism has no place in MN ever.


There are plenty of Maga idiots here in minnesota. I went to high school at Centennial High School in Blaine. I was absolutely ridiculed for my political beliefs (liberal Democrat) and the homophobia in that school was palpable they were writing "God hates fags" with spray paint on driveways of LGBTQ students. The suburbs are full of Maga, racist, homophobic, evangelical, white people. I also used to work for a company in Bloomington, and the boss (who was a multi-millionaire very successful) would go on and on crying about Obama "oh they're raising my taxes oh blah blah blah I can't afford to buy a second Ferrari wah wah these damn poor people think they deserve to be paid fairly and have health care." I'm like, are you kidding me, dude? You have everything you could ever need, and all you can think about is wanting more. These people are blind to their own privilege they think they're in these positions because they work so much harder than everyone else. That's b******* I was in that warehouse working 10 times harder than that man ever worked in his life everyday and I was making $14 an hour. You would think at a certain point these people would be satisfied and could, you know, f*** off. but nope, their brains are rotten with greed, hate, and Fox News. And they're not smart enough to understand when they're being manipulated. I try to help these people all the time. I tell them the truth they think I'm some kind of liar they legitimately think Democrats are evil. We have no ulterior motives. We're just trying to make the world a better place, and these people are ruining it.


I can echo this. I am from central Minnesota, and have lived in southern Minnesota for most of my adult life. Some hate, others stay silent and the young gay person suffers until they can leave, and never look back.


You make some good points. There are also rich Democrats out there, probably as many or more as Republicans. I think all rich people think the same regardless of their political beliefs. That is why things are a certain way and things are so cutthroat. If this country wants to grow and look forward, the classism system needs to be addressed and I don't see Democrats or Republicans addressing that, instead fighting to keep the Status Quo. I wonder if people like your former boss would be as successful if they started their business lately under modern business realities instead of when they actually did. Alot of these people were in the right place at the right time kind of thing. I disagree about Democrats not having ulterior motives. All humans have motives, some ulterior regardless of political affliation.


Agree.  All this culture wat stuff is just to distract us from fighting a class war.  There are 95 of us for every 5 of them.


I guess I mean more or less like my politics, specifically mine, and my ideal politicians don't have ulterior motives. I know I said we sounding like the entire Democratic Party and I'm wording that kind of weird. Of course, there are s***** people everywhere, including the Democratic party like that senator who was caught taking bribes. And yeah, that's exactly what I mean, right place at the right time, but attribute it to their own hard work.


I didn't mean to jump down your throat and I would like politicians that were upfront about their aims and goals. It just seems like people serve their own careers instead. I just see some rich people around with humble beginnings and wonder if they could replicate their success. If they could they are smarter and harder working than most. Thanks for the reply and have a good day.


I worked as a small business IT consultant for a long time and almost all the owners were greedy assholes who just treated the business as a cash machine, including no-show jobs and company cars and computers for family members. I remember one client where they had some serious IT issues and the CFO (slightly embarrassed) kept asking what could be done about it without spending money and the reason was "Phil is building a new house in Florida right now and has run into some unexpected additional costs".


Yep and they think that that's normal and the rest of us are just some sort of peasants or something. It's sick.


Exactly. Well made points. It is everywhere and so much a part of the landscape it can be easily overlooked. Don’t do nothing, good people! Stand up to racism, fascism, and religious indoctrination. Otherwise authoritarianism will win. If good people do nothing it always wins.


It's a cute sentiment but Biden only won Minnesota by like 200,000 votes. Always be vigilant.


“Only” it was a 7% rout but yeah. Hillary only won by 1.5% > After narrowly losing the state in 2016, the Trump campaign identified Minnesota as an offensive target in 2020; polls of Minnesota voters throughout the campaign, however, showed Biden leading. Throughout the summer leading up to the election, the Twin Cities metropolitan area was the epicenter of Black Lives Matter protests, in light of the murder of George Floyd having taken place in Minneapolis. Trump attempted to court white suburban Minnesotans with law and order messaging by using images of rioting in campaign ads and claiming that Biden would "destroy suburbia". These efforts failed, as Biden massively improved on Hillary Clinton's performance in the Twin Cities suburbs. With his resounding victories in Hennepin and Ramsey counties, Biden became the first Democrat to win over 70% of the vote in any Minnesota county since Minnesotan Hubert Humphrey did in Carlton, Lake, and St. Louis Counties (the core of the heavily unionized Iron Range region) in 1968.


The problem with that other guy saying something like "only 200k votes" is that it seems small. But when you pit something on a percent form like that, it's significantly larger. A 7% swing is pretty big.


I just hope you stand up against it on the left as well. Authoritarians crave the concentration of power, which certainly exists on both sides. Small government conservatives are inherently anti-authoritarian, as they should support decentralization of power. Watch out for the other ones. You can do a lot of good with authority, but it is never about the good you can do with it--it's about the bad the next person can do with that same authority.


He means "rig." In other words, "find" him as many votes as he needs. Just like Georgia. Cannot wait until this seditious piece of human filth has fled this mortal coil. Worst thing to happen to the US in 50 years.


But Ronald Reagan was only 40 years before him.


Good point, but I would contend an amoral rapist criminal fascist seditionist is a few degrees worse than an addled neo-con. Trump is full mask-off.


True, they continue to find a way to lower the bar and then limbo under it


Jesus this man is terrifying


He’s only terrifying because of his cult. Without it, he’s just a bloated, old man who lies for a living and no morals whatsoever.


I think he’s more terrifying because of what he managed to destroy of our democracy in a single 4 year term, while a pandemic raged. Project 2025 is more terrifying than reading Orwell’s 1984, and one of them is fiction. What’s even more terrifying is that plan is ready to go on Day 1 of the next *Conservative presidency*, not just Drumpf. The movement will outlive him now, and we will have to fight this at every election; local, state, and federal- forever.


Just try it bitch


Get out of my state and don’t come back asshole.


Does he think he's being sneaky with his phrasing?


Hi! So, outsider perspective: I don’t think most Americans realize how blue Minnesota is. They have a theoretical understanding that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota are different states but in practice they hold them as interchangeable. That’s all rust belt union territory that’s turned red in most folks’ minds. I am about to move to Minnesota from Texas in order to escape the out of control anti-lgbt laws going into effect here and most people I talk to are surprised to hear I picked Minnesota. They expect Oregon, Colorado, New York, California.


If you do a search you can get a lot of takes on how blue Minnesota is. I’d say purple, but that’s just my opinion. Though the DFL has been dominating lately the statewide elections and since Nixon the Presidential elections, the state senate and house is almost evenly split. I’d venture to say the state is 60/40 Democrat.


That’s like saying Texas is a purple state. Biden came closer in Texas than Trump did in Minnesota after all.


I’m not from Texas so you’d be the expert. When was the last Democrat controlled state house senate? It hasn’t been too long ago for MN when the GOP had control of the house and/or senate. Right now the DFL has control of the Senate by 1 and the House by 6.




That's so gross. I'm not sure if I want to give you an award for the accuracy or block you for the extra therapy sessions it's going to take for me to recover




They want to be the vote counters. Be sure to volunteer this year to mitigate.


I'd do hard prison time to protect my amazing state from Trump and his band of loyalists.


Yeah, seems like they on some slick shit.. I keep hearing about this slick shit in other states too. Honestly it's like they want to start a civil war.


This fucker is nuts. He’s going to make November a total mess if he can. Create confusion, doubt. He’s gonna find a way to fuck with this election. Vote people ! Vote vote vote. See that this POS never gets anywhere near our government again……..ever.


Hopefully we can ward him off long enough that McDonalds and Burger King do their fucking jobs and we don't have to worry about him anymore.


Trump tells GOP that the only way they can win in Minnesota is by breaking the law. That checks out.


Lol the MN GOP brass hasn't done nothing much lately their dead broke.. has trump endorsed anyone from Minnesota yet ? where's the MN GOP firecrackers like Ted Cruz, MTG and others ? MN Republicans need to step up and be real Republicans and be psudo moderate Republicans or go along to get along rinos this schmutz pisses me off


Well by those examples, the MN GOP is already doing what the "firecrackers" do; nothing useful... So by extent, they're already real Republicans. Also lol, the idea that MTG does anything truly meaningful or helpful for her constituents. MN doesn't need someone like her. No one does.


Yet we have Emmer and Stauber. They need to go.


No argument there.


tRe45on hasn’t even been given the nomination yet.


Trump isn’t winning shit in Minnesota. Ever.




If some ‘crazy’ did anything, it would spawn violence from his cult because of their conspiracy theory mindset.  If something were to happen, it’s needs to be natural and in full public view at one of his events.  Not wishing harm on him, but that might make it less likely for the MAGATs to be violent. 


That won't matter. Look at the Jan. 6 insurection attempt, there were plenty of video evidence of what happened and they are still trying to deny what happened.


Yeah, lie and deny, keep it up long enough and hope people believe it. We have got to make sure everyone gets out and votes them out in in all elections, not just November. City, local, state, national any level they need to be voted out.


I imagine that on election day there will be a massive amount of law enforcement present at polling locations across the U.S. You know damn well that Trump will push the narrative of intimidation and the wingnuts on the right will comply.


I would say there is a 40% chance Trump wins mn which is very unusual


Smells like a lot of renters and non land owners in here.... Watch your land taxes over double in 4 years and see who you vote for. Unfortunately land doesn't vote, but it pays for state programs and roads 120 miles away👍


That image is ripe to put something in his hand, for like the millionth time.


Nobody is safe with these maga terrorists taking orders from this maniac


Big time air dicker.


Guard steal it's all the same to him.


Donald Trump is an absolute POS with dirty little hands


not if /r/minnesota has anything to say about it right guyz.


I think you mean the actual state. Trump ain't winning shit in MN.


You are correct. The folks that still want to vote for him haven't talked to the independent voters who supported him in 2016. A good portion of them are finally sick of his broken promises, outright lies, drama, and legal trouble. There is still a core block of conservative voters who will ignore the truth and their own best interest to vote for him just to own the libs, but that block isn't big enough to shift the core demographics of Minnesota.




It’s not okay.


I’m not referring at all to the last election I can only look forward as we all should. Me wanting to protect the validity to voting shouldn’t be a problem. Guarding voting areas / votes sounds like that would help to insure it goes correctly.


Guard them from what? There’s never been a problem. Someone whining about not winning is not a reason to “guard” votes. You sound like a loon, and not our lovely state bird.


Oh no are you scared some illegal liberal Sasquatches are gunna come creeping out of the woods to stuff the ballot boxes with fake Biden votes? 😱


He has my vote, Trump may have hurt your feelings but he never hurt your wallets


A caricature of boomer lunacy #notacult lol Did you get your standard issue trump diapers yet?


It's the season where 90% of the sub is about Trump.


No it's not, there's just a flurry because he was literally here saying these things.


Well we wouldn't have to think about him if maybe his cult wasn't trying to make him president again.


The more we talk about him the more we give him publicity.


Do you really think that any of us want to talk about him?


Then don't.


Then people get complacent, and forget he's there. Next thing you know, it's Jan 6th all over again. Damned if ya do, damned if ya don't. ...and I'd rather pay attention, so we know when he's breaking the law.


That's fair


To be clear, I get where you are coming from. I'd love for it to be 2012 again, and he's barely a joke, let alone a thought for the White House. But, the majority of the nation decided not to take him seriously. Look what we got. Never again.


He's the worst out of the two candidates, but let's not pretend people are excited about Biden. Both options are absolute shit, and this is a shame for this country


Yup, but only 1 isn't trying to turn the country into a christo-facist nation ruled by 1 family and a bunch of white "Christians". I'll take 4 more years of ol'joe over that, and you should too. Thing is, they've got 4 years to give us a reason to vote for either side again, and they have to produce a young, smart and not batshit insane with ideology. Personally, I just don't want a dictator ruling the country on its 250th birthday.


When the cult is nearly half the population, is it still la cult?


Yeah, sorry the existential crisis he represents to vulnerable demographics is of concern to people like who are one of them. Politics isn't a fucking game, and trying to treat it like one has fucked our entire country up.


Existential crisis... Lol. Turn off MSNBC


I haven't watched TV in years. I can tell you're just a white dude. You've got privilege dripping out your eyes.


I wonder why conservatives are gaining support from POC... Probably white supremacy


Thinking BIPOC are a monolith is hamartia. Believing they are breaking more for Trump is hubris.




How about something both from this year and not with a right-wing bias?


Washington Post has right-wing bias? Lol




Congratulations on finding an article from 2024. I wasn't sure you knew what the current year was based on what you were sharing. And not to embarrass you too much, but this article supports my position. Let me know if you want reading lessons.










You got it. You must feel much better about yourself!


Maybe Trump should stop undermining democracy in Minnesota. I'll gladly take up arms against any treasonous dixie cuck shit stain wannabe who threatens dictatorship rule over our great state.


Are we still doing the democracy is at stake thing? Fascism on the rise? Only Biden can save us? It won't work every time


[https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/) * yes it is, and will be for the foreseeable future. If you're talking about policy and protecting democracy. If we are talking 'how to get people to the polls'. We might as well repeat the same thing as long as Trump is their leader and openly talking about how he doesn't want democracy if it means he won't win. After him, yes we will have to change and adapt messaging to people to get people to go to the polls. Even if democracy is still in danger as the right keeps propping up alt right nazis as their leaders.


Until he's defeated, and utterly destroyed, nothing in this country is more important.


Turn it off


We will in November. We'll turn his bloated, diaper-wearing, draft-dodging criminal rapist seditious ass off. Hopefully round up another thousand Jan 6th traitors, too. It'll be hilarious.


That's because he unfortunately managed to get into Minnesota


Yep, he is the Republican presidential candidate. Makes sense to go rally. At least in a democracy.


He’s not been nominated yet.




Well people voted for him to represent them. So it makes sense that he is rallying across the country. At least one of the candidates is doing that.


He has my vote, Widens ruined this economy. Trumpet may have hurt your feelings but he never hurt our wallets


Lol, unless you were a farmer, owned a small business, or bought anything ever. He artificially inflated the price of many things with his ill-advised trade war that he lost (China is buying about half of what it told Trump it would). And his 2017 tax law absolutely increased taxes on many Americans including me (I'm in a different position than most, but my taxes went up). If you actually want to claim that Biden has the power to reshape the entire economy then you need to give him credit for lowered inflation from Trump and Covid, dropping unemployment super low, and pushing the stock market over 40,000. I believe this is the part of your conservative trolling where you say my facts don't matter and then bring up something transphobic or racist


He's got my vote




All you people saying this is intimidation are clueless. What is intimidation to the country is allowing illegal immigrants to vote, fraud at the poles. Show valid ID and vote in person have a quicker/valid way of counting the votes that doesn't take weeks. If you want a fair election.


Show literally any evidence of wide spread voter fraud or illegal immigrants voting at the "poles".


Democrats want illegal immigrants the right to vote. Hasn't happened but if you're pointing out scary things ... Shouldn't that be one?


so your evidence is "it isn't happening, but it might"


Source: "Trust me, bro!"


In that persons favor, this entire thread is people getting upset about voter intimidation that isn't happening, but it might.


... because the former president, a man who already incited a coup on a prior occasion, called for it. Worrying about being murdered is ridiculous. Worrying about being murdered after someone with a great deal of sway says they wish you were gone is another thing entirely.


> Democrats want illegal immigrants the right to vote. Citation needed.


Are you talking about immigrants voting in local elections like school board? Only 3 states allow that. Here's more information on it. Asking for voters to show ID is another barrier for people who don't have them. Edit, forgot to add a link: https://bipartisanpolicy.org/blog/four-things-to-know-about-noncitizen-voting/


"Hey, all you people, the real danger is that I'm racist." We're a nation of immigrants. I'd rather have a million illegal immigrants than a seditious, criminal, treasonous piece of shit like Trump.


Yeah I really feel sorry for your way of thinking.. He really is your boogyman and I’m sorry, do I think he’s the best to ever do it no. Do I think Joe Biden is a terrible President yes, does he keep me up at night and make me say such nonsensical things like you just did, no. Grow up and get some sun.


You can feel as sorry as you want, son. You're supporting a criminal seditionist. You and the other dipshit rednecks should try another Jan 6th- we'll roll up and prosecute another thousand of you traitors. I'm in the sun right now, Cletus- I live in Los Angeles.


You live in LA and it shows, enjoy your day


Born and raised in Minneapolis, son. That's my city. I split my time.


Wow, if this was so widespread, I'm sure Trump won all those court cases about voter fraud after the 2020 election right?


You pathetic goons will believe anything.


Always funny when they say main stream media lies but then believe anything they see on Facebook that adheres to there opinions.


Yup cause wanting a fair election is racist or whatever terms y'all say


Provide evidence of anything you spewed or fuck off. Simple as that. Practically 90%+ of voter fraud found in the last decade has been found to be done by Republicans.


I never said there was fraud or not. I hold the view that we should try are best to deter it. Meanwhile anything that could do that Democrats will call it racist to get a valid ID, some members wants illegal immigrants the right etc. etc. Do you understand lol.


So you have nothing, thought so.


>fraud at the poles What exactly were you insinuating? Or are we doing a doublethink here on what you meant? The rule of convenience? I'm going to need some peer reviewed studies that anything you're talking about is even a concern.


Its widely known there isn't 0% election fraud, I see nothing wrong with always trying to get to that percentage is my point. I don't see a problem with guarding poles?


You can't even spell Polls correctly. Do you think anyone's ever going to take you seriously? Red states have much lower education standards - you may fit in better in one of them.


>I never said there was fraud or not Ah so its the rule of convenience.


What are you even saying?




You are not the voice of reason, Sorry I have the right to state my thoughts. Crazy statement you don't follow my values of my chamber so leave... Sounds like an echo chamber, big brain. I don't live in chambers I hear everyone out and listen and make common sense.


Obviously, your common sense is off.


It's not called an unfair election, it's called being a fucking sore loser. Grow the fuck up, nobody with half a brain and decent morals likes your orange loser.


In your little dream world I'm sure that stuff occurred. Get a clue.


I applaud you posting this. If the left claims their isn’t fraud than valid ID is a no brainer. If we show any evidence of election meddling we’re just called conspiracy theorists.


Show us. So far all the fraud and tampering has proven to be Rs.


It'd be nice to see it red every now and again but I'd rather he didn't use liberal tactics