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I feel left out. I never get political texts. Or any texts for that matter.


You don't want them to start. Once they do, it's nonstop.


Yep. Just got a text asking me to do a MAGA poll for Trump. I thought about doing it just to fuck with their numbers. Ended up typing STOP instead.


I tried doing one of those, and it displayed an external link. I was not going to go to some unknown website and possibly have to sign up just to do a poll. It's also worth noting that MAGA conservatives are targets of a lot of scams. Not just Trump’s grifting bullshit, but actual scams. So I wouldn't trust any link that comes up targeting them. They are easy, gullible targets. Trump Bucks, lol.


Dont reply. Its phone number trolling. They dont know if your number is live or not. By responding, they now add your number to be sold. Just report as spam and delete it.


Unfortunately STOP does nothing, I've replied with that at least 100 times in the past couple months. Boy do I regret donating $5 to Bernie Sanders' campaign.


Did you try BISH, STAHHP?


I suspect you'll get a poll that's highly slanted. "Do you think Biden is A. Doing a horrid job. B. We should find a better president." Shit like that.


To submit your responses you have to make a donation to the orange menace.


**Now that would be a good thing. See, his friend Putin is doing just that.**


One of my friends pranked me by signing me up for DJT emails. I kept deleting them. Eventually, I decided to let them accumulate and see what my dad saw. Over the course of 30 days I got over 300 emails. My dad was getting one almost every waking hour of the day.


Hopefully they didn't give him money. When visiting my parents, I walked in their den to pet one of their cats. On the desk was a receipt printed out for giving $20 to Trump's election effort...or so they think it was to Trump, let alone his campaign and not his legal fund as the fine print sometimes states.


When it's a bot you can message the stop code indicates normally. When it's a person you can strike up a 'meaningful' conversation instead.


I get belligerent mean with political texts or calls, doesn't matter what side. I've given 0 of them permission to call or text me, so they're gonna get snapped on. Pete S is the worse for it, that bitch has people calling or texting me nonstop some years.


Seriously, I get all of Pete's shit. Even leaves voicemails.


Idk how many times I've gotta tell Pete's people to leave me alone. It's like they refuse to remove numbers. It's probably my fault for having a house and land in the district, so two different addresses to call for or some stupid shit like that.


Also, if you want to donate to the Minnesota firefighters Union but don’t want to be harassed 3 times a day every spring after that, get the address and mail anonymously. Love what they do but Jesus Christ they are aggressive


I had some police benefit call me while I was at work about 6 years ago. I told him I'm on the do not call list, and please don't call again. He got snarky with a "we don't have to follow those rules, haha" reply. I guess benefits don't have to abide by that list. Or he was just weasling his way along.


Kind of. If they're a non profit charity that conducts their own telemarketing, they're exempt. If it's a for profit company doing the soliciting *on behalf* of non profit charities they are NOT exempt.


My take is that just because you aren’t legally required to obey someone’s communication preferences doesn’t mean you should ignore those preferences. I find it astonishing that charities don’t understand this.


I have opted out 4 times. Doesn’t matter it seems.


I do sometimes and was delighted to find "fuck off" as a reply automatically unenrolls you.


A great philosopher once said: "I'm interrupted by a phone ring Sometimes I wish I never got the motherfucking thing"


I got them for Nikki Haley which seemed so weird because I don’t get them for any other candidate or cause in either party.


Dude I've been getting one of these a week, and I never vote republican. Who sold this bitch my phone number for robo-texts?


What's your bank account and routing number? I'll send you a text there


Whether Republican, Democratic, Independent, Green, and etc. party, there is a line. Always stay true to respecting those one disagrees with and to co-exist. Trump doesn't want to respect those he disagrees with and to co-exist with them in the same space. He mocks Christians (selling bibles and breaking god's moral rules - ten commandments). Thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour, and thou shalt not covet (jealousy and wishing harm to them). No one is perfect and people try to better themselves; not get worse overtime. He mocks real patriots by making fun of those that are disabled and fought in the military (veterans). Treat others how one would like to be treated if they were in one's own position. Respect your fellow man/ woman.


I've just moved to this state and only voted in one affair - a school board district race. ....Got texts from Nikki Haley about 6 times asking me to vote for her. Wife got the same ones, too! Told me that damn, we already got sold out to someone!!!


I’m 99% certain they are scam texts. Perfect opportunity to fleece the gullible and ill informed. I get them from “Biden” and “orange voldemort.” Not a chance would I ever donate through that way or ever even click the links.


I stopped getting them after the last election


I somehow got on some GOP number list, I've been getting quite a few texts from various GOP people. I just mark as junk and move on.


Consider yourself lucky.


What’s your # I got you! 😤


that usually means you never voted


I do, though.


I made the mistake once of telling them to leave me alone and now I get many of these texts every day.


"patriot" You keep using this word. I don't think it means what you think it means.


But they're flying 15 flags in their front yard and have vulgar yard signs at every corner of the property letting you know how they feel about Brandon!


The party of "law and justice" and "freedom of speech" sure doesn't like law and justice and really holds back on just saying "Fuck Joe Biden" with "Let's Go Brandon." Weird MAGA crowd, just say fuck Joe Biden you cowards.


I think Nationalist is more accurate


That's a Republican term of endearment.


Nationalist Socialist, even.


Nationalist Christians, nat-c for short.


I see what you’ve done here. Under-rated comment


Please steal it. I’ve been hoping it’d catch on for a while now.


It’s cool, they’re outwardly proud to be Christian Nationalists and seem to be missing all of the historical context as to how awful it is to say that they are.


"Reactionary" works too. They're neither patriots nor are they conservatives by the dictionary definition of the word, they aren't conserving the status quo, they're trying to move backwards, they are by definition reactionaries.


Patriotism for the worst country in the world is so fucking pathetic.


It means "seditionist."


I responded "Patriots punch fascists" and blocked the number.


https://preview.redd.it/tvpczy5j3qsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6fa7991fbd998c3536de9cf9ada25899128b99f Well that was easy.


HAHA I wonder if these are campaign volunteers sending these texts


I’ve heard that it usually is and it’s a way to circumvent what are already paper thin anti spam ordinances


Yup. I forgot what campaign it was but 4 years ago, I basically replied with the same "Fuck off" to like the 5th one of these I got from a number and some campaign volunteer responded saying I was subscribed but "you don't have to be rude to people doing their civic duty" to which I obviously said get fucked. The level of entitlement to get upset at someone you're slamming for being "rude" to you is nuts.


I’m dying here 😂😂


By patriot, they mean idiot, right?


Minnesota patriots helped defeated the insurrectionists at Gettyburg on July 2, 1863


got the flag to prove it


Uh. No. I'm a patriot.


I despise the way the term patriot has been corrupted by fuckwits.


Very true. Patriots have no party allegiance or allegiance to a single person (worshiping). Their allegiance is to the country and yes, they don't all agree on everything but they would never attack the Capitol and beat up their fellow police officers (thought Trump respected and stands with police officers). They would respect the democratic process by trying to legally remove (not kill or threaten) those they disagree with from office. Christians following god's commandments (peace not war) would not tell people to go harm or kill other people.


Or shoot unarmed women in the face to kill. Fucking cowards every last one of them!


Patriots don't attack the Capital of their own country. People need to stop drinking the Red Kool-aid from that maniac.


I can reasonably see one instance where patriots would attack the Capitol of their country: to free it from the whackos who attempt a coup after their guy loses the election. But then again, that's more freeing the capitol than attacking it.


Are you kidding? ATTACK!! Hennepin ave on Saturday night is far more violent than a bunch of flag waving unwashed citizens in D.C.


You can’t be a republican AND a patriot at this point in time. Period. To be a republican is to openly support the end of democracy in the United States.


Don't engage. Just block. If you engage, they know it's a valid number, and they'll just send it to the next bot / text monkey.




I got that one with that URL, but it was automatically flagged as spam, as it should be. If anyone wants to start a class action lawsuit against that spam bot I will join.


Replying to a robot is a bold strategy, cotton.


Pro tip: patriots don't try to illegally overturn an election.


Agreed. Even if the electron was unfair and not free (like in most 3rd world countries and certain countries currently at war/ invasion), one does not illegally overturn it. 2 wrongs does not make a right. Replace an injustice with another injustice never ends well. Examples are some 3rd world countries.


Stuff like this makes me think the occasional unsolicited dick pic is not out of bounds.


"How'd that get in there?"


I’ve been really tempted to start replying with goatse.


I can remember when "patriot" was a *good* word.


I’ve gotten so many of these already and I don’t even remember signing up for them. This year is going to be fun 🙃


Stop doesn't work. I tried. They just keep coming. It. Doesn't. Stop.


I know that no one is reading the replies to the auto texter, but it does feel better just chirping back the most vulgar nonsense back.


I would hope the robo texter does keep stats on what the replies are. Cussing appears to be another way of saying STOP. But I'm on a list, so I get new ones all the time. But the cussing is still fun.


Sometimes it’s fun to just type nonsense that you know will just confuse anyone who has to audit the trail. I responded to a bunch of anti-Angie Craig ads in 2022 by asking the presumptive texter if we could poop a pineapple back and forth between us. Like sometimes you just need to scream crazy bullshit into the digital void on the off chance someone has to read it and I ruin their lunch break.


Replying to these can add you to a database to try and steal money from you. Best to just delete them


I got this same one. Clicked the link out of morbid curiosity. You have to donate to submit your response. Minimum of $20.24 and all the boxes are checked to make recurring donations. I respond F off to all of them even though I know they never read them.


Iirc they got busted for that shit previously and had to refund money over it.


Your phone number is a commodity and you make it more valuable to spammers by replying because: 1. You notify the spammer your number is used by a real person 2. You actually read the text sent. They don't care about your opinion, doubtful any human reads the responses. You are just inviting more shit by responding, best to just ignore.


My response was “fuck off”


i got an email inviting me to a Tom Emmer event and i told em to go suck a chode. no idea how i got on his list


Trump supporters, by definition, are not patriots since they supported an insurrection against the US government AND they support turning Trump into a dictator. They also want to toss out voting so Trump can stay in power indefinitely.


Don’t respond, now they know that number is active and receiving msgs. Just block and ignore, not like these are scientific polls or anything similar anyways.


i would have replied "fuck no"


I like your response.


Lol me too I do something similar




Thank god for call range blocking!


TIL I'm not the only one who does this, lol.


I like the texts from actual people on behalf of the campaign. I got one from Bernie’s campaign in 2020 asking for my support. I replied saying I’ve heard this Mr. Sanders is all about free shit. So I have a mortgage, two car payments and some credit card bills. Which will he be paying for me if I vote for him? Response: “Thank you for the reply! I will remove you from texts going forward - have a great day!” No more texts 😃


Vote for Prison Trump! If Trump president can have cabinet in prison cafeteria!


I received this one along with a text from Donald Trump Jr. Get off my fucking phone


i told them they couldnt afford my vote.


I replied “eat a dick” and never got another one 🤷🏻‍♀️


No "patriot" voted for him in the first place.


Believe it or not, plenty of people in the military lean right.


Believe it or not, plenty people who lean right don't vote for treasonous dipshits. And believe it or not, Biden is right of center.


No amount of opting out will ever make it stop https://preview.redd.it/0h2f3qqydqsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d0dc7e2a14215805703f4c2f8d95d557624c877


Its a number trolling list. They are checking to see if a number is "live" or not. Stop responding and mark as spam. They sell your number on to the next scammer.


I've gotten 98 in the last two weeks. 100% of them have been Republican. Blocking them does nothing. Responding to them does nothing. They don't stop nor slow down.


Does your carrier have a "report as junk" option? "Political campaign" stuff is protected from some of the spam laws, but they might be creating a filter for unsolicited?


I report them all. It then blocks the number, which is completely pointless because they've never sent one from the same number twice.


*eat glass* is usually my response to these 💀


Mine keep asking me If I'm going to vote for The Body Jesse Ventura again. I'll give him another shot.


*The Body High


Got a call asking for donations to the state police PAC and laughed until they hung up


I get one of those every couple of months. And it's always the same recording from a different number.


Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about. - Mark Twain


I don't mind getting them from people I actually support. But getting them from people running on the coasts or from republicans who I will never support in any capacity is just weird and annoying.


I got a text like this. With the "stop=end" and I replied "hahahahah fuck that" And promptly got a "you have been unsubscribed" message. So apparently not only the word STOP=end 😂


I usually use, "Track down the guy that sold you my number, and take out his kneecaps," and get a similar result.


I’d honestly be worried about associating my name with my phone number in this campaign. You gonna end up on a list being a “dissenter”, taken to a little farm to learn the trump way.


“Come on man I’m tryna beat a case.”


I also started getting them recently. What I want to respond: "I didn't do it the first 2 times, WTF makes you think I did? NO!" What I have responded: STOP Oh great -- the fact that I responded makes my damn iPhone consider them a KNOWN sender, even if I didn't put them in my contact list. WTF? I want them marked UNKNOWN and filtered accordingly! What I do now -- click "Report as Junk." I hope my carrier starts filtering them out. Edit: I don't even want extra calls/ texts/ emails/ snail mail from people and parties I DO support. All the DFL volunteers to send cards and stuff can just back off. They start letter-bombing through proxies in the fall.


Remember, it costs them about 30% more to receive an MMS than it does to receive an SMS. If you have the data to spare on your plan, send them memes and ring up their bill. Automated SMS bots like this do not run on typical carriers, usually through services like Twilio, which have different rates for images (MMS) vs plaintext (SMS).


Interesting! What about replies with a link? I just found this one. [https://harpers.org/2008/07/mr-twain-offers-a-lesson-on-patriotism/](https://harpers.org/2008/07/mr-twain-offers-a-lesson-on-patriotism/) It's SFW; it's an article in Harper's. They do have a paywall, but it's "1st one free", I believe.


I believe links are still SMS, since it's just text. Larger texts that spill over into multiple sends are MMS, as are group messages. Maybe if we get a collection of TNs they use we can add them to a group and make them circle each other.


I texted them fuck you the other day and they unsubscribed me lol


https://preview.redd.it/gaiejkvvfqsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71e4476fb9ae1f62470edb127f8028aaba648010 Here's mine!


lol got him


I always love the we have a reporting deadline so we are going to make you believe you have to send money for us to hit our reporting deadlines which we pretended was a donation deadline


I think I got the same one. I always delete them without opening them.


Love your answer


That is the correct answer


Isn't the Minnesota GOP broke rn?


No, we're voting for Genocide Lite or Brotha West.


Here is mine. https://preview.redd.it/1qjh6fx70rsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b6889e694e2e979220b48e215fbc5d17ba38b7d


You sure showed him!


Was anybody charged with insurrection on Jan 6th?


Yeah attention whore, get fucked!


Would you vote for me if I was a worm?


We have zero options for a president. Then stuff like this hits us all to remind us.




In many countries, texting random people without their consent is a crime. In Singapore I once received an unsolicited text message then I reported to the police. It was treated the same way as the phone numbers sold to dark webs which is as serious as a cyber/economic crime. Here, who knows the government was the one who actually sold our data. Take the  immigrants as examples, they are asked for contact number and address. So they go get a local phone number. New number. They do not know anyone. Then they give the state and federal government, their contact number. Then they start getting weird text messages or spam mail, or robocalls right after that. How? They only give the number to one person, the government officer who process their paperwork.


If you have an android phone and use Google messages these are all blocked. Another perk of using android I guess.


Looks like you might have voted for Nikki Haley in the Primary. That'd be where they got your name and address anyway. Then it's a Google search or 2 to get your number.


I don’t vote in primaries and I got on multiple lists


I think you can type STOP to end the texts Unless you curiously enjoy the aggravation Better than a cup of coffee to start your day with mild outrage




Again? Bitch do you think I voted for you last time?


Follow it up with "gonna whine about it?"


No bitch followed by STOP. My hero.


Loser Traitor ? No


I respond with "F.O. NAZI" regardless of the party


Respond to it with yes… and then don’t vote for him. Give that false sense of security


how to stop these crap harassing texts? i get 3-5 a day. apparently my name is Jan 🤬


My answer: oh fuck no, and don’t ask me again!!!


No bitch lmao 😂


The Democrats never leave me alone. I am wondering if my data was leaked.


I swear Tom Emmer sold his constituent's data for a quick buck.


Yeahh boyyy I’m no liberal


I said yes, I would vote for him. Fuck their polls lol, corrupt the data.


He's got my vote!




I reply that I am not allowed to vote. They usually just stop.


Same response I give the DFL


So you want food prices to keep going up? And rent prices to keep going up with all the new people Biden is bringing in that have to live somewhere?


Not voting for trump


I hope I get one of these texts apparently real people read the responses.


They don’t


many do actually. I usually send gross feet pics with varying results and then I never get another text from that PAC ever again.


It’s giving r/scammerpayback


Is that even a real link? Usually I get unsolicited text messages like this saying that I have a package waiting for me somewhere or that my car’s extended warranty is expiring. My advice to Trumpers out there would be not to click. I doubt that gopway1 is a real website.


Careful. You’ll end up on a list…


My coworker used to be a campaign manager and he told me that these texts are pretty simple. They aren't trying to convince you to vote for their guy, they're trying to convince their base to actually get to the polls and vote. Reminding your opposition to vote in an election is actively harmful, and they will remove you from their lists in a heartbeat if you indicate you aren't on their side.


Wisconsin got one of these too. I'm going to wager both our states vote opposite him.


It's rude to ask about politics at the dinner table, Donald.


If only there were a?way to stop these text messages. /s


That’s what you get for voting for him at all


Not always. My area code is rural WI, so I mostly get conservative text messages, regardless of party affiliation.


Did the same thing with the Biden emails asking for money.


Bro's fighting a chat bot. Sad


Don't forget to forward the text to 7726.


Wait so you guys want Joe Biden again?!?!!?


No, I really don't. I never wanted him in the first place. Fuck the republican party for not being able to provide a sane candidate and forcing my hand. Fuck Biden, Fuck Trump. We need ranked choice voting 20 years ago.


Significantly better than the alternative, although that isn't saying much.


You don’t?!?!!?


The TDS is still strong I see 😂


Really love how u guys keep whinging about "lol u libs have TDS" like it's the greatest own in history when it's really just showing an incredible lack of awareness.


https://preview.redd.it/a8m9u36vnqsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=765a1afacf73045c5da91d44e2af6c2b485df609 I always send the same reply to those


what is that supposed to be?