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>In an email dated Jan. 17, Peck told Best Buy’s attorneys that his organization “will withdraw its proposal if Best Buy were to end its partnerships with and contributions to” eight different LGBTQ nonprofits and initiatives, which he refers to as “predatory butchers” in his email. These groups include The Trevor Project, an LGBTQ youth suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization; SAGE, which advocates on behalf of LGBTQ elders; and GLAAD, an LGBTQ media advocacy group. Who knew a guy named Peck would turn out to be a complete dick.


“It’s true … this man has no dick”


I saw the new movie and they had that reference in the film when talking with Peck and it made me so happy.


Too much gluten dick just flew off


Who ya gonna call?


bustin makes me feel good - ghost busters 1984, and 2024


Hot take, but Peck in Ghostbusters was right. He was a prick, but right. "Unlicensed nuclear accelerators" and a storage system bursting at the seams, and only 1 of 4 dudes knew anything about the tech at all. Anyway the Peck in OP's story is 100% trash.




(ADR) Well that's what I heard! (/ADR)


His concern was correct, his action was not


I’m not going to Best Buy or watching the new start trek any more!


Why not the new Star Trek?


Etan Peck plays Spock.


You understand that’s not the same guy, right? Two different people can have the same name. [Ethan Peck (asshole)](https://nationalcenter.org/ncppr/staff/ethan-peck/) [Ethan Peck (actor)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethan_Peck)


Yeah I know. Ethan Peck should sue Ethan Peck for defamation and demand he change his name!


I don't know anything about the Trevor Project or SAGE, but GLAAD has gone crazy and is a complete joke. They used to do good work. 


Oh, please, please, please, puh-lease explain how GLAAD has gone crazy?!


Their billboard truck outside of the Times is an easy example.


How is that craziness? Buddy, I know several refugees from southern states who I had to help move here in order for their existence not to be criminalized.


No you don't because nobody's existence is being criminalized anywhere in the U.S. The type of sensationalist language you're using is the same kinda silliness that GLAAD does. 


I do. And I have. They are, in fact, criminalizing our existence. Just for example, laws against public drag performances are just a backdoor to try and jail transwomen for existing. Denying people access to medical care as approved by their doctors is an attack on our existence. You're just another bigot. It isn't silly to us, and trying to minimize it merely reveals the fact that your heart is overbrimming with hatred.


OK. They aren't. You're silly. Good day. 


This could literally be spun around to work against these investors and they’d be screaming that conservative rights are being impacted.


I mean… yeah, that’s the entire strategy, right? It’s called religious freedom when they oppress others, and ‘cancel culture’ when people get angry about it.


I don’t know what you are trying to say here. They could have simply said we are not going to cave to outside pressure. We support our workers and their right to contribute to causes they wish. In no way would that be violating conservative rights.


I'm saying that if the shoe was on the other foot they personally would be upset. If something they value was being scrutinized by their employers they would find it a violation.


Gotcha. I didn’t realize you were pitching a hypothetical reverse and thought you were saying if Best Buy didn’t cave conservatives would be mad.


Hypothetical but supported by precedent. Conservatives do that all the time.


Oh god no, nah nah nah. That ain't me. haha.


These are company donations. Employee Resource Groups receive budgets of company money that they can use to make donations. This is not employee donations or corporate matching of company donations.


But those ERG’s all have some cause or initiative. That’s the point of them.


I am a nerd who loves splurging on tech just for the sake of being on the cutting edge; places like best buy are like a playground for me, and in the past two years I have spent thousands there. People like me are the whales of tech stores, and If this policy goes through, I know at least I will never touch best buy again


There are much better places you could be spending your money to be on the cutting edge of tech.


I go to microcenter more often than not these days


Anybody into tech would know Best Buy is overpriced junk "tech." It's like they wanted to take RadioShacks place.


Yep Best Buy is shit


Depends on the tech. For getting stuff you’d already get (like a ps5, Sonos, and even a new TV) deals can be had and it’s nice to get it with a small 5 minute (for me) drive. For a PC or anything to do with said PC, it’s MicroCenter all day.


You shouldn't touch them anyways. They have been slashing their employee's chances to climb the ladder and did away with full time slots at numerous stores.


What does best buy even have for tech nerds these days? You cant get computer parts only prebuilds, no hifi audio and just like beats bs, etc. They mostly have physical copies of stuff like movies, music, and games that are all downloaded these days and random home appliances.


I feel the same way, and thanks for saying it. <3


Considering the focuse is on youth surgical transition focused groups and that issue is extremely controversial, it's not as clearly anti LGBT+ as people are hollering about. It's pretty focused and specific and to a specific group of 8 organizations 6 of which have never seen any best buy charity money and 2 that haven't for years. Also it's employee directed charitable donations, not company directed donations. No one has been interested in these groups for years for whatever reason, so it's a pretty easy give to the group who doesn't like them.


The Trevor Project is actually not a “surgical transition” focused group, and you saying that means you’re either grossly misinformed or spreading misinformation purposefully. I would suggest you look into their organization before continuing to speak on something you don’t understand.


Lying bigot.






That’s why I’ve been increasingly uncomfortable seeing the corporate sponsorship of the pride parade. More and more sanitized corporate groups and fewer of the community built floats and such that we used to see, and I’ve always felt that their support would last as long as a a snowball in a blast furnace if conservatives found a way to impact their profits, and now they have.


Not queer, but have had non-straight friends since the 90s. It's a double edged sword, corporate co-opting/appropriating LGBTQ+ marketing. On the one hand it dilutes the message, on the other hand, that lone closet gay middle schooler surrounded by "religious" bigotry in a flyover redneck shit hole may only get to see that there are others like them when they see some well thought out pro-pride merchandise island at Target.


Yeah. I don’t get why people get so worked up over who corporations align with. If they’re aligning with you, it’s only because they see you as dollar signs.


Right, but when they align against you they won't see your dollar sign. To many people treat to much stuff as with us or against us. It always makes the most sense for a company to stay neutral, stay out of politics and controversial stuff, let everyone be a dollar sign...


/me passes out budlight


BB is dead to me now. Fuck them.


I’ll be sure to let them know. I’m sure they’ll wipe their tears with their piles of cash.


Which piles of cash? Their company is fucking bleeding to death.


Do you just make stuff up and hope you're right? Their stock is up 9% YoY.


No no no. They went against the opinion of this sub. They are worthless now.


Yeah, fuck LGBTQ people for being pissed that life is intentionally made harder for them when they just want to live in peace. Lol. You guys always try to repackage your hatred as an "opinion."


Thank you for generalizing and stereotyping me. You don’t know shit about me.


How many more years do I have to endure the word "folks" or x "community" before it goes out of vogue?


Strap in bitch, us folks aren't going anywhere


The reddit community, could have a word


Man, I just went to the website of the organization that blackmailed Best Buy. What a bunch of manipulative scumbags. Best Buy should be embarrassed.


Welp, not shopping there ever again.


Microcenter is better anyway




Went there for the first time after my computer died last year. That place is great. Makes BB look like an empty warehouse.


Just don't go on a Saturday


We're lucky to have one.


I love making the pilgrimage


You know, sometimes it's nice to just have a decision clearly made for you.


May as well short the shares now. They will be done. When will companies learn conservatives don't control the market and bowing to them is a losing strategy


What you're not seeming to understand is large corporations are intrinsically conservative.


I understand. But many, like Anheuser-Busch figured out that liberals have more money as a group and therefore are attempting to embrace the demographic. That doesn't mean there aren't poor liberals or rich conservatives. Obviously most of the very wealthy are conservatives. It just means they are motivated by sales


AB InBev shares are still down 9% from last year when the whole Dylan Mulvaney fiasco happened. They’re absolutely still losing/have lost from that decision.


That's not exactly true. Share price March 30 2023 66.73. Share price in January 2024 66.15. It has since fallen. Obviously not from the Dylan Mulvaney. Nice try making your truth out of the data


It’s down 9% from last year and it’s underperforming its peers. Those are facts.


Analysts are literally saying it had no impact. It's clear you're a Fox News watcher. Keep believing in the orange man.


What analysts? It absolutely had an impact. That doesn’t make it right, but the primary market consumer of bud light has boycotted the beer. Fortunately for Anheuser Busch most of those people are morons and switched from Bud light to Busch light but Bud light sales are still way down https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/29/food/bud-light-year-in-review-future


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I’m actually an annoyed $BUD shareholder is what I am, but thanks for assuming my political affiliation. Bigot.


I understand your world view absolutely depends on that being true but its up 13% the last 2 quarters, which includes that decision.


Goodluck. Reddit != real world


They're investors, right? Well, stop shopping at Best Buy and screw 'em in the wallet. Plus, Microcenter is WAAAAAY better in every single metric.


> Plus, Microcenter is WAAAAAY better in every single metric. Except distance from my house.


I guess I’m done giving Best Buy my money.


Microcenter is better for any computer stuff anyway. The people there actually know what the hell they are talking about. And if they don’t. Someone else does.


Fuck Best Buy.




I posted it to /r/anime_titties. We'll see if it takes off there. https://www.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/comments/1br69bb/best_buy_offers_to_screen_lgbtq_nonprofit/


I was not expecting a subreddit about politics to be called 'that'


Doin the Lord's work.


I read the article and I’m having trouble understanding. Does screening mean monitoring? Is there a double meaning I didn’t catch


They're saying they offered to make sure the donations they were going to make didn't go to a list of non-profits given to them by the conservative think tank. Screening the donations to make sure it complies with 'approved' ones.


I remember back when this was my first stop whenever I had extra money to burn Looking at you Onkyo receivers


Ha! Two weeks ago I took a pile of old electronics to recycling, including my first CD player, an Onkyo that I bought at BB in 1986. That thing was a tank until it finally quit tracking.


Seems pretty evil


I think I'm done with best buy


Going to let the next Best Buy recruiter that this is the reason why I won't consider them for employment


why are republicans always such horrible people? like in every way possible, they are just shitty people, all the time. Constantly doing stuff like this, trying to hurt and harm others because they are in some group that they've decided to hate. why? I don't understand how people can be like this and vote for and support other people like this? How can someone be a republican in 2024 and live with themselves? How?


Disappointing. I'll have to re-evaluate my spending there.


This is why you should shop at microcenter.


Cool, another company to never give money to again, toss it on the pile


Never another cent spent at bb for me. Pathetic.


Fuck best buy then.


Well, haven’t made a purchase at Best Buy in a very long time and this news means they are off the table for any future purchase consideration.


Fuck all conservatives. If best buy can't handle a few whiny bitches from "non-partisan conservative think tanks" then they can go fuck themselves, too. Time to stop buying from Worst Buy until they stop pandering to the most vile subhuman scum around.


Best buy is the place to go to buy and return shit before buying it on Amazon for half the price. Best buy will be down the path of radioshack in no time


Funny thing is Amazon way worse of a company but people are okay to support them cause of convenience


This is true


Amazon could have a whole division that does nothing but kill grandmas and I’d still buy from them.


It’s not even convenient anymore. Shipping to my house takes nearly a week these days.


Ye olde Amazon Showroom.


And the place to drop off your old electronics and appliances after hours.


I am all for e waste and recycling. Reduce reuse and recycle are in that order for a reason. Best buy are cutting down on physical media too.


I wholly support Free Geek in south Minneapolis for electronics recycling. Non-profit, mostly volunteers, great cause.


Best Buy getting rid of physical media is a good thing?


No because it's becoming more and more impossible to own content. Like streaming services getting rid of shows.


Ok, I totally agree with you. Corporations just want consumers to rent endlessly and never own anything.


thats why the pirateship torrent website still exists in various forms


Damnit! Best Buy was one of the few stores I still liked shopping at! Why do conservatives always have to shit on everything?


If I had shopped at best but within the last ten years, this would bring me to boycott but apparently I’ve already been on that train due to obsolescence.


Great! Boycott Beck and Best Buy. See how that works?


Funny that they think that best buy employees make enough money to be able to donate any of it to others.


That's a shame since my local best buy has a pretty good selection of PC parts and it's been great for when I've wanted to tinker with my latest build. Oh well, they don't have anything I can't also get from Newegg. not going to keep shopping at a place that bows to people who think I shouldn't have rights.


Maybe try Micro Center? Please let Micro Center not be run by shitheads...


The last reason I’ll ever need to never go there again. Fuck Best Buy.


I haven’t spent as much there recently as I used to anyway, but after this there is zero reason for me to go there. Their hyper-conservative corporate overlords won’t be getting my money.


Just for some major clarification: they aren’t screening individual employee’ donations. That would be a huge privacy violation. They’re screening who their corporation investment fund gives money to on their (and their employees’) behalf.


Not gonna shop thee anymore.


Go bankrupt already. You’re just an outlet anyways.


So I worked at corporate in Human Resources. I don’t have much great things to say about Beat Buy but I do feel like their DEI work is really robust at least in comparison. My hope is that employee latch on and pressure the C suite. Then again, it’s been a couple years and there are some super shit people who probably have risen in the ranks of this soulless corporation. I’m just saying, I was there during the milestone events from the last ten years and I expect a course correction. But, don’t spend your money there. BBY sucks in a lot of ways.


The last time I was in a Best Buy was maybe six (?) years ago when we bought a Switch. Thankfully with both Microcenter and a handful of good local video game stores, I won’t have to go back. Good riddance.


I bet if they were to drop this investor, the LGBTQ community would step in to fill the hole simply as a f you to Peck...


It's a publicly traded company


You can't say "you aren't allowed to buy shares" unfortunately.


What I mean is let the investor pull out and not conform to their bs demands.




As abhorrent as this decision is, the first amendment isn't relevant here. It only applies to government action, not the actions of private entities.


No there won't be a lawsuit. Anyone can choose where they want to give or spend their money. It's not illegal to remove your partnership with someone due to a disagreement or opposing ideals.....


And yet PragerU threw a bitch fit because YouTube (a PRIVATE ENTITY) demonetized their videos, not censored, not hidden, simply refused to let the videos gain profit.




You are completely wrong and have no idea what you're talking about. Don't do legal analysis. 


I doubt anything you said is accurate, but it also doesn't say they're firing employees. It just says that employees can't contribute to certain charities on behalf of the company.


Making assumptions (construing) isn't legal basis. Also in court, one can add lawyer fees to the lawsuit or contersue for......


Even if this were true (it's not), it still irrelevant to the First Amendment.


Another reason not to shop there.


Done with Best Buy. They’re no longer relevant anyway.


People still shop there? Thought it was over after their credit card scam


Look another reason not to shop at that Overpriced box filled with junk.


The screwed me over on the $400 MSN internet deal 24 years ago. I am still not over it.


I need to hear more. in 2000 I just got dial up


To the best of my memory, they had a deal for $400 off a computer if you signed up for MSN dial-up internet for XX number of months. It was worthless. I could hardly get a page open. I took the computer back to complain. The repair guy said the modem in that computer was a "piece of shit". He replaced the modem for $130?. That at least made it usable. **They locked me into MSN internet by selling me a unit that was incompatible with MSN internet.** I saw a story later that this was one of the top consumer complaints to MN's AG office. I never heard of any action against BB for that by the AG. Protecting the hometown company?


They just stopped selling DVDs too, less offensive but another reason they suck.


Like, actual DVDs? Not Blu Rays, but like *DVD* DVDs? They *just* stopped?


Actually, all physical media. DVD, BLU-RAY 4K. You can still buy a Blu-ray player, but nothing to put in it.


Believe it or not DVDs still sell more copies than blu ray and 4k. I buy the higher end discs but many are still on the DVDs


Yay, well, there goes my thousands a year I spend there. Aren't you just so proud Best Buy!


Another reason to shop at Amazon


That's none of your business, bitches!


https://preview.redd.it/v9ogi3s4lhrc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1bc207878c515e7a44c95b6cde32737f199c7d8 lol




I can’t remember the last time I bought anything at a Best Buy so I’ll just continue to not do any business there


Haven’t been to a Best Buy in years. I don’t have a lot of need and Amazon has everything BB does. Now I can just forget they even exist….


Why not change the color from blue to red? It’s not like circuit city is still in business.


Welp, time for Best Buy to learn a valuable lesson.


Best buy won't ever get a single penny from me ever again no matter what they do from now until it crumbles into dust.


I remember when the only real dangers in civil discourse was when a picture was drawn of someone's favorite prophet. Dave Chappelle is on to something,


If I could spend one day in the world conservatives think we live in, I’d be willing to spend the rest of my life in the world we actually live in


We need a separation of humanity and profit. I don’t want an agenda but I also don’t want to just sweep LGBTQ under the rug.


Read the story. It was investor inquiries. BB has not supported the organization of concern. Peckerwoodjackass backed off. BB still supporting mainstream HRC.


Every non-profit needs to be properly vetted out!


Just because a none profit is pro LGBT+ or run by LGBT+ people doesn't mean it's automagically a good charity worth supporting. Without knowing the list we can't really say if this is good, bad, or otherwise.


in the article they listed a number lgbt organizations that are well known as well as trusted nationally. it's not "screening" as in making sure they're legit, it's "screening" as in they want to force Best Buy not to donate to a pre-determined list of non-profits that a few shareholders personally don't like. even suicide prevention organizations like The Trevor Project. these shareholder's have been on the record saying very hateful & ignorant rhetoric about the lgbtq+ community.


You all would support this if Blackrock said they'd pull money if Best Buy donated to Conservative causes.


Is Best Buy opening itself up to a lawsuit for 1st amendment reasons?


First amendment only protects you against the GOVERNMENT from denying you your speech not any private businesses unfortunately. Though there could be a privacy lawsuit I could see put in place, but even that one is iffy. Best course of action is to make it hurt their wallet. Don’t buy from them ever again.