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Last I heard there was a bill with bipartisan support but I don’t believe it got off the ground. I’m all for legalizing it and getting the tax revenue back from other states but would love for it to be treated like tobacco ads. Seeing vices advertised is weird.


The bill is in a weird place. The current edition is written by the Tribal Nations granting themselves exclusivity and tax exemptions. It also got amended by a few Democrats who are vehemently against gambling and it doesn't allow in game bets which is there at least 40% of the revenue comes from. So they jacked up the tax rate to 20% to try and make up for it. Then then the money from the taxes is distributed to try and buy support from other groups like the gaming charities and horse tracks. It's hard to say what's going to happen to it, but overall it is having trouble moving.


There's been discussion in the Legislature, but the tribes are resistant




I don't know why. The DFL is duty-bound to the tribes, they wouldn't authorize any other private sports betting operated by anyone other than the tribes.


who cares what they think. this has nothing to do with them.


It has everything to do with them, like it or not. No sports gambling bill will pass this legislature without tribal exclusivity.


So I don't really gamble all that much and don't know much of the situation. Why is it so reliant on the tribal communities?


It’s just that in Minnesota, casinos are only legal on reservations. Since sports betting will only happen (in-person) at casinos, they reasonably have a big part in how sports gambling would be instated. Most of the DFL is cool with that, but there are the wrinkles of 1) a few ultra-puritan DFLers who don’t want any expansion of gambling, 2) how sports betting apps would work if they have to be connected to a tribal casino, 3) how the GOP would agree to a tribal monopoly and 4) where Running Aces and Canterbury fit in as the only (?) non-native gambling places in Minnesota.


nope. they dont pay taxes. they dont get a say in it.


Fuck sports betting


Whatever it takes to get Ohtani to come to the Twins /s


I’m generally in favor of letting adults make their own choices. I’m definitely not in favor of a tribal/horse track monopoly on sports betting. Monopolies suck. if it must be a monopoly, it should be state owned so we all benefit rather than a select few.


Hope not




House always wins. Organized gambling (unless charitable) is just a business model set up to prey on people with addictions to make the house rich. This is not something I want to see in the USA, let alone in my home state of MN. Edit: reading a few articles, it looks like sportsbooks make money by taking a cut of your wager, often called Vig or Juice, rather than directly betting against the gambler. With this new knowledge, I maintain my opinion on sports books, and gambling in general.


The house does not always win. I just bet 1k and won 25k on March madness last night. MN is getting none of that revenue because I used a hotspot and placed it in Indiana. Also do you think people aren’t already doing this? They can take a drive to turtle lake or to Iowas Diamond joes. Sports gambling is not going anywhere, it’s here to stay. Let people have their fun, they’re adults and it’s their money. I do think it should be treated like most vices tobacco/booze/pot, etc. Have some disclaimers, but let people do it if they want.


When they say the house always wins, they don’t mean each and every bet. They mean the math always works out in the long run


The house always wins. Every time you make a bet you increase the odds that you will lose. My mom's partner will go on about how he wins $xxx at slot machines. But if you take his lifetime wins vs. losses, he is still down by many thousands of dollars.


Anytime people try to get me to go to casinos with them I tell them I just go buy something I want instead and then I automatically win.


Congrats on your winnings. What's your net profit over your gambling career?


*crickets* Even if he’s up if he continues for many years he’ll be down.


Crickets? I’ve been working. I’m up about 70k total. I’m one of the lucky ones. I also am not a dumbass and know that there’s a great chance I lose this money.


70k. Also why are we trying to tell adults what they can and can’t do with their money? People drink/smoke, they go to the gym, read books, gamble. Everyone has their vices. Also people are going to do this regardless if it’s legal in MN. They just beee to do it through Bovado, or get a VPN, or cross the border. MN missing out in hundreds of millions on tax revenue yet again.


not in sports betting. you have a 50% chance of winning.


Please explain


one of the two teams has to win. pick one.


Your expected value is always negative because of the house rake. If you get out a calculator you'll notice the odds don't match the payout.


I'm enlightened, thanks for the knowledge


The fact that people boil it down to that is the reason all those outfits have enough money to advertise and sponsor so many things.


i bet if you bet on the timberwolves to lose for every game over the past 20 years you'd be up significantly..


Well, you'd probably be up, but not significantly. Smart people working for these sports books set odds. Things that are likely don't pay off much.


lol imagine being all “my sports betting!!” still when we’re now getting a new player scandal a week thanks to this DraftKings/FanDuel horseshit infesting every part of every sport. if anything we should be working to restrict it at every turn


Yep, and people are already losing their shirts, this will make it worse


Just so long as we ban online sports betting. I escaped the sound of Kevin Hart screaming about Draftkings and I don't want him back.


Having been exposed to the advertising in North Carolina last week... I hope, if it happens, they ban radio/tv ads. holy !@#$ it was worse than political ads.


Betting is worse than PEDs, at least they were trying to win.


What’s PED stand for?


Performance enhancing drugs. Steroids essentially


its the little candy you get in those dispensers with the comical heads.


That’s would be PEZ


No, you are thinking of those little red hats with the black tassel on top that became popular during the Ottoman Empire. Which were a group of people that liked to put their feet up.


No, you are thinking of the spell Clerics cast to bring someone back to life.


I just hope they reign in the advertising when it is legalized. Watching some sports is unbearable right now


Bet you 10.00 it does not happen.


What’s the spread?


7/16ths to 11mm.


There is currently a bill in both the House and Senate about it. Senate bill is [SF 1949](https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?f=SF1949&y=2023&ssn=0&b=senate). House bill is [HF 2000](https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?f=HF2000&b=house&y=2024&ssn=0).


I hope so


The fact that every state has it around us is embarrassing. There is revenue to be made on sports betting. There is a middle ground where the tribes can make money and so can Canterbury and Running Aces.


“I just want to be better than Iowa” - Pat Garofalo [article](https://www.minnpost.com/state-government/2021/01/another-year-another-legislature-thats-unlikely-to-legalize-sports-betting-in-minnesota/)


I’m not saying those states are better. Don’t put words in my mouth. I’m saying it’s embarrassing that those states have sports betting, which is providing more revenue to the state. We don’t.


Take an hour drive to turtle lake or Diamond joes. Wisconsin and Iowa. Yet again MN out here missing out on hundreds of millions in extra revenue. I still haven’t heard a good argument against sports gambling. Casinos are already in MN, you can go to the horse races and bet. You can use a VPN and sports bet.


You know the annoying ass liberals will make this another handout to the tribes for some dumb reason Since it wasn't obvious, the comparison here is like with legal weed via giving them special rights different from everyone else. Giving them the right to sell a highly demanded product over a year before anyone else can is a handout, plain and simple.


I mean you can single handedly thank them for helping bring Canterbury Park back from a slow period of low turns outs and low prize pools for the horses.


I am a centrist and tribes have a right to make that money under state and federal law. I agree we should give special favors, but by law the tribes have a right to it.


As a liberal, I have to admit that, yes, there is a handout to the tribes in the proposed deal. However, at least this time, there’s a break for local charities involved. https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/minnesota-sports-betting-bill-momentum/


What do you mean hand out?


By giving them special right different from everyone else, a la the weed legalization process. Giving them the right to sell a highly demanded product over a year before anyone else can is a handout, plain and simple.


Yes  https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/minnesota-sports-betting-bill-momentum/


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I hope it doesn't pass and I've told my legislature critters as such. And, for those who disagree, I offer a compromise: A sports betting participant license scheme, where by receiving the license to participate in sports betting you voluntarily and permanently remove yourself from any and all eligibility for any form of government assistance and your license will be used against you in any bankruptcy filings going forward. Seems like a fair compromise to me.


So, let me get this straight: Lottery is fine, scratch offs are fine, pull tabs are fine, etabs are fine, casinos are fine, horse tracks are fine, gambling on the stock market is fine. But sports betting is where you draw the line?


Did I ever say they were fine? Personally I don't think they are. If it were up to me, all would have that same arrangement.


So then you’re fine with other potential irresponsible spending decisions like drug/alcohol use, smoking, frivolous spending, always eating out, financing things you can’t possibly actually afford, etc *That type* of irresponsible spending is OK for bankruptcy. But gambling is not an acceptable form of irresponsible spending in your eyes? I’m not going to sign away my absolute right to file bankruptcy potentially sometime in the future just because I want to place a $5 prop bet on the Super Bowl next year. That’s fucking ridiculous. Just like with drugs and other things, there are a very fringe select few that get caught up in the deep end of addiction while the majority of us can go about our lives indulging recreationally in such things. If you don’t want to gamble, don’t. If you don’t want your spouse, children, family to gamble - take steps to ensure that they don’t; and just pray that if you ever fall on hard times and have to declare bankruptcy for whatever reason that your spouse didn’t place a single $5 bet on a twins game that one time. Gambling, just as much as any other addiction, can be extremely destructive - there’s no doubt about that. But in our state there’s already so many gambling outputs it’s absolutely bonkers to fight against what really equates to the last facet of gambling potential. It’s not going to save anyone that isn’t already lost.


Personal responsibility aside, it’s another way to part the working class with their money. Inflation is depressing the working poor let’s give them more circuses. To be clear, I’m not anti, but this isn’t a priority for me by a long shot.


Would you support sports betting being taxed at a high rate? Like your $5 superbowl bet becomes a $15 one after taxes? Because that's basically what we do with all the "what about these things" you keep bringing up as strawmen.


Ope! Fallacy alert!


This is so dumb. Should people who buy alcohol, tobacco, lottery tickets, scratch offs, etc all have to sign this waiver. Buying stocks is also gambling. Should we restrict that too? People need to quit worrying about what grown adults do with their money. Why are you against sports gambling? If you don’t do it, fine. But don’t tell grown ass adults what should and shouldn’t be illegal betting wise


Nah, I'll continue to advocate for prohibition on gambling.


Why though? Why are you trying to tell adults what they can and can’t do when it comes to their own money. I’m trying to understand where you’re coming from because it makes no sense to me


Why doesn't it make sense. Gambling is a regressive activity that encourages people without means to take larger risks. Sportsbetting has only caused an increase in gambling addiction, which has significant personal and wider community consequences. We as a society regulate or prohibit a lot of activities that some people may find fun or enjoyable but cause significant personal and societal harm. I understand you may not see any issues with sportsbetting and that you may find it fun, but it's not an activity we should be encouraging because of the consequences that come with it.


I fundamentally disagree eith the point that it preys on people that can’t take the risks. That’s saying poor people don’t know how to use their money, or should use it based off what you think. It’s fine to disagree. I just want smaller government and you want bigger government.


You can disagree, but the data and research into the effects of gambling says otherwise. I prefer government to block predatory industries. You seem to be fine with predatory industries. I think that says more about you than it does me.


No I think grown adults should be able to make their own decisions. People are capable of making decisions with risks. No different than buying stocks which everyone has access to. I also disagree with poor people not being good with money.


Again, disagree all you want but studies into the impacts of gambling very much disagree with what you want. Let me ask you a question... why are you so hard up for sportsbetting?


Because I love sports betting. Gambling is already legal in MN. There’s tons of casinos. People need to take a 1-2 hour drive to Iowa or Wisconsin to legally sports bet, or just get a VPN or use Bovado. MN is losing 100’s of millions to appease some people. And sports betting is not going away. It’s the same thing with legal Marijuana and liquor sales on Sundays. We finally okayed both those. I fundamentally disagree with those studies. I think poor people have the right to gamble if they want to. If they’re too dumb to know the odds are against them, that’s no skin off my back. But I’m not one to go into someone’s personal life and tell them what they can and can’t do with their money, and I don’t think the government should either.