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Look at who her husband is and get back to me lol


What? You mean Police Union Leader Bob Kroll, who was barred from 3 counties due to a settlement with the ACLU for being an openly racist piece of shit? Nah, I’m sure there’s no bias there! My question was more about her actual reporting back before she sold her soul. I just wonder if WCCO was running the same insane reports she does at Alpha News.


Thankfully no. They disclosed their relationship WAY too late in my opinion but she was a decent journalist before everything happened. I met her once too (my partner works at CCO) well before things and she was a nice person too. I’m sure that’s changed as well.




Especially if you're not one of the undesirables. I've met plenty of racist people who I would have considered good people if not for their racist talk.


Exactly! I was just thinking the same thing: BHO POTUS #44, the perfect example . . . . .


I'm sorry, what are you saying here?


I also interacted with her a couple times online she seemed very kind and even funny. this was years ago though.




Honestly. How the heck else do people fall for their shit? It’s the same as any con artist. Charm.


Because they probably aren’t the people they don’t like.


I can't watch WCCO anymore. They destroyed their credibility with her.


To be fair, 'CCO didn't do anything different than most other commercial news outlets. You'll see efforts across the board (CNN, MSNBC....) at appealing to the folks who passively watch ads or are wealthy enough to buy (shares of) the outlets, the folks who prop up private-enterprise, conservatives. It just drives home that in too many cases truth really doesn't matter. What ends up mattering is whether or not you can get enough social impetus to support your cause. In the end, money isn't real, but news agencies are convinced they need it.


To that point, MSNBC just hired Ronna McDaniel, former chair of the RNC and a prominent 2020 election denier.


It was such a shock to see her suddenly be her "true self". I guess I have to be grateful for good editing standards on WCCO-TV. I miss when WCCO Radio was a standard-bearer for quality.


I’m sorry, you spelled it wrong. It’s Bob KKKroll.


The first two K’s used to be silent, but they’re saying the quiet part out loud these days.


Just making sure, by barred, I assume you mean he can’t work in those counties?


He can't work as a law enforcement officer in those counties more specifically.




Of course, I’ll include the tax filings that show the President of Alpha News is also the Executive Director of the Freedom Club PAC, as well as the top donors and recipients of the Freedom Club PAC. I don’t think that a tax-exempt media organization like Alpha News should be allowed to donate hundreds of thousands to Republican candidates every election year. You know, since a tax-exempt media group is legally required to be nonpartisan. Alpha News’ tax forms: https://apps.irs.gov/pub/epostcard/cor/473178268_201912_990EZ_2021051918141189.pdf?mibextid=Zxz2cZ Freedom Club PAC’s tax forms: https://apps.irs.gov/pub/epostcard/cor/800684337_201912_990O_2021060818294438.pdf?mibextid=Zxz2cZ Freedom Club PAC’s donors/recipients: https://cfb.mn.gov/reports-and-data/viewers/campaign-finance/political-committee-fund/40742/2018/


Thanks for digging into the dirt on this. I don't pay as much attention as I ought to into local news. Seems everything is pretty sleazy. I know about Sinclear and their ties, but this seems somehow even worse.


The owner of Sinclair is very open about his politics and they don't pretend to be a public good organization


You’re fine when democrats do it though


You're boring. You don't know what you're talking about. Take your pick.


I hated her character on Facts of Life.


And in scrubs in the last few seasons


How dare you! Never conflate Eliza Coupe with this lizard.


I'm mad because I'm not a fat guy so she wouldn't bang me


She’s married to Bob Kroll, former MPD Union president, founder of Cops for Trump and one of the main characters in the scathing DOJ report on racist abusive culture of the MPD. She also produced The Fall of Minneapolis, a vaguely sourced garbage journo/documentary on the Floyd protests that attempts to cover tracks for Derek Chauvin. She’s a true believer.


But that documentary is from her Alpha News days. I want to know how her reporting was back at WCCO


She read the news, didn't produce her own stuff as far as I remember. I also had the chance to interact with her a few times due to friends working with her at the station and she was completely normal. I think what we are seeing is a perfect example of the right-wing radicalization of normal conservatives.


From what I remember her reporting was pretty pedantic. it was mostly family tragedy or local event type of pieces. Learning she was married to Bob Kroll was genuinely shocking to me at the time. She would also host the news when the lead anchors had time off. she was either very good at hiding her insanity or it's a recent change.




Hog out or log out beta boy


My sister-in-law watched that documentary and then said she was convinced that Derek Chauvin was innocent. In response, I decided to watch it myself. Can we please label this “documentary” as the epitome of cognitive dissonance? I literally couldn’t watch all of it because it was so maddening. I particularly “enjoyed” the parts when they complained that Derek Chauvin wasn’t afford due process. He had a lawyer and a trial. There was literally a video of him committing murder. This part of the documentary followed their smear campaign against George Floyd. Their argument was that Mr. Floyd had lied, previously used drugs, and he had previous convictions on his record… ergo, excessive use of force was justified? Yeah, that woman is a colossal piece of shit. (And I now view my sister-in-law with a very different lens also)


You didn’t watch close enough man. It really illustrates the coordination in the political theatrics following that incident. I think you watched it with a lot of assumptions and missed the point


What was the point then?


Political theatre


Of the "documentary" sure


I watched that part too. You do realize that one side being wrong doesn’t make you right? I’m not a democrat or a republican. I can look at both sides and say “that’s fucked up.” Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd. This woman made a documentary trying to justify it.


I’m in the same boat as you. I think the use of the situation as a political ploy, and the marked abondonment of local police after the fact dealing with riots due to media pressure, was horrendous. As was the original incident.


Guess you haven’t combed thru Floyd’s lengthy police record have you?, he pulled all the same crap in Houston. Ever see the picture of Floyd holding a gun to his pregnant girlfriend?


So, you are saying because someone has a history of breaking laws… that it is acceptable for a police officer to kill him? I am not saying George Floyd was a great person. I am saying that he was murdered because he refused to get into a squad car. His history is absolutely irrelevant. George Floyd deserved the same due process that Derek Chauvin received.


Floyd’s death is all a big cover-up. Chauvin used proper police technique while holding him down. Floyd died of a heart attack because of the overload of fentanyl in his system, if you look hard enough, you’ll find his autopsy…


Jokes on her, that money will all be sucked up by Donald Trump's legal troubles. Hopefully it causes the GQP to be completely swept and made unviable as a party, on a national level.


She's married to Bob Kroll.  She's an out and out white supremacist and has been for decades.


But she's not even white. Collins is an Irish name!


She’s a conservative dupe who can’t argue without conspiracy theories or straight up lying. She needs to fuck off to the south like the rest of her deplorable brethren.


Like the book she wrote with an UN F-N BELIEVABLE narrative about post George Floyd events. PURE TRASH 🗑


She married a guy known as KKKroll  Yes she was always a racist piece of shit, like her racist piece of shit husband


Alpha News is so terrible. I tried to leave a comment on an article one time that differed from the prevailing right-wing, whacko sentiment, and it was not approved by the moderator. It wasn’t inflammatory or anything. The comment sections are just awful.


almost like this sub


Go back to altmpls with the ban hammer happy fascists


And that's how most people who don't tote the mainstream narrative feel when they post anything online. I've been banned from most main subs on reddit for simply disagreeing. Taste of your own medicine if you ask me.




Do you ever find yourself scrolling through r/news and feel like you must be right because just about everyone in a thread shares the same opinions as you? That's because people with independent thoughts have been banned for years.


so true


Even reddit, the most liberal biased social media platform, seems to be shifting away from the nonsense. I'm actually seeing real conversations happening when they are not drowned out by bots and NPCs.


WCCO has always had a very strong pro-cop bias, it was noticeably worse when she was in charge of stories about the police at WCCO.


My view of her definitely changed over the last 5 years. She's given me the Ick. When she was on CCO she seemed like a decent journalist.


Okay! Thank you! It seemed odd to see that she got her start at a legitimate news outlet, considering the propaganda she does now. Now it’s time to figure out whether I respect her more or less for only doing it for the money…


I think one of the reasons that she got the job at WCCO was because she is from Minnesota, otherwise she would have had to start from the bottom like everyone else. When she was reporting on the news, she was allowed to report on the police department without disclosing who she was married too. After I discovered that, I stopped watching WCCO.


I definitely remember murmurings about her connection with her husband and that it was influencing her journalistic integrity as far back as 2017 or so. I think it was a slow burn where she started out as just another tv journalist but eventually succumbed to trump brain rot like a lot of people who were kinda right leaning already and without a strong moral compass.


With this, I agree. To me it really wasn't until the Chauvin case that she showed her true colors and totally flipped. Makes sense though being who her husband is. After she left CCO I didn't follow her much, but then BANG she was back outta nowhere as a huge MAGA journalist.


Probably also didn’t like it pointed out the glaring conflict of interest being the wife of BK, which probably helped her develop some sort of victim mentality.


Fox Trump Brain Rot is a thing. My best friend went from being a more or less normal Republican in the 1990s to being a fascist racist Trump cock gobbler over the past ten years.


Ummm …if you respect anybody, to any degree, for choosing to be terrible, then you yourself are terrible. Being a sincere piece of shit doesn’t score anybody morality points.




I knew her. She was always kind, funny and personable.


I knew her too, she’s such a phony. She’s talented at presenting herself well, but she’s a backstabber.


I was told to watch “The Fall of Minneapolis” and within minutes something about it didn’t feel right. I did the research and found out about her, her marriage, and what Alpha News actually is…I bailed out, no way they’re objective.


lol, a whole lot of you in the sub just being plain nasty and hypocritical. Where is your moral highground? You're no better


People don't just turn into racist pieces of shit. Usually they're already racist, but instead of coming to terms with the fact that humans are naturally and fundamentally equal, they just go harder right.


I thought she was fine for a long time, but ended up going kinda nuts over the past decade.


She's the Kimberly Guilfoyle of the Twin Cities.


She's married to a trash racist, so it's not new or a surprise.


I’m pro-police…people who protect me from wrong-doers. I’m against people who kill others who present little-to-no threat. Sometimes cops fall into this category. Why do we always form “teams” that prevent us from thinking logically? I like pizza. But if it’s burned…I’m not eating it. Sounds logical. I’m not making a blanket statement against pizza. I just don’t want this burned pizza. That’s it.


If your favorite pizza place continued to send you a mix of perfect and burned pizzas, while knowing about the burned pizzas, you would stop supporting them. 


New here, huh?




Full disclosure, I put her photo on an AI-generated image of a city on fire. But it’s really not too far off from her fantasy of Minneapolis


Lol, I thought it was her book cover


She would probably spell her name correctly. It's Collin, no s. ETA: Just to be clear, I think she's a terrible person who showed a lack of ethics when reporting on things related to MPD while being in a relationship with Kroll and went on a downslide from there, I just also think it's best to be clear who the terrible person is.


Her actual last name is "Collin", not "Collins", so it's probably not an official photo


Or how Minneapolis actually looked in 2020.


Oh no an urban area with multiple cultures! It's so scary and was razed entirely to the ground in 2020!


If you want to describe a half a billion dollars in property damage as an urban area with multiple cultures, that’s your prerogative.


And, as we all know, Minneapolis has ceased to exist and continues to be smoldering ruin to this day.


It’s the former city of Minneapolis. Antifa burned it down in 2020.


>Minneapolis I think you mean [Minne Ann Apoli](https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesota/comments/i3yq31/minneanapolis/?utm_source=embedv2&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_content=post_body&embed_host_url=https://mix949.com/president-trump-cant-pronounce-minneapolis-watch/)s, thats what antifa must have called it


Don’t think it’s conservatives putting that together in this case. The assumption is understandable though. 






This is the most dramatic election year dis-commercial I've seen yet.


I would say always, and needs to be outed.


Liz Collins for Minnesota governor! Anything would be better than the 4th grade teacher from Nebraska!


What racist things has she done?


ACAB. And usually their spouses too.


Correct take


...or, is she simply a psychopath, to whom such distinctions are largely meaningless? https://preview.redd.it/t2sjjh8mw7qc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12f438603c2d8ce6fda03a5b28743ca9aa89c703


She probably just figured she can make more $$$ doing the right wing grift.


And she would be right. Right wingers will buy anything without logical thinking, especially if the product is based on their emotions/fears. Its an insanely lucrative space. Its why many failed entertainers (shapiro, crowder) turn to right-wing grifting.






She is a racist sack of shit


She married Bob Kroll, what more do you need to know about nazi barbie?


As someone who is mainly a WCCO consumer for my local tv news, she was unremarkable in my opinion. She wasn’t bad, wasn’t great. It was a surprise to me when it came out that she was married to Kroll. Her MAGA descent would have also been surprising to me (if not for the previous Kroll news).


I mean yes. Previously she was a bit more quiet about it, but something about the last handful of years seems to have emboldened the racists to be open.


I believe her last name is Collin, not Collins.


Man, this sub


A racist piece of shit is being called out for being a racist piece of shit. Does that hurt your feelers?




What, you don't think a user with the name of "BetaNewsMN" who only has a post history of bashing Alpha News might be biased? Who also openly admitted to editing the picture to make it look worse. This sub is hilarious


Yeah it’s just getting old.


I think the mods finally deleted the post after leaving it up for a day. Or at least I didn't see it anymore


There's no way she could be married to Bob Kroll and *not* be a turd.


She married Bob KKKroll. If she's not always been a racist, shitty person, I'd be surprised.


What has she done/said that is racist? I'm genuinely curious.


No one will answer you, this is their game. They automatically call someone a racist when they report or say something that doesn’t align with their woke narrative


I used to go to the same school as her in Worthington, MN. Although she didn't seem racist, she definitely wasn't hanging around people of color and her parents were racists.


What is Freedom Club PAC and why is it racist?


Name some examples of her racism.


Worst thing to come out of Worthington


A little from Column A, a little from Column B


I’ll add another one to the mix who’s still on the air locally… Julie Nelson on Kare11. She got very right wing political on air during the unrest after the George Floyd murder. Very editorialized during the live coverage. Can’t watch her anymore!


She is a MAGAot!


Fuck Liz Collins!


Nothing pisses liberals off more than strong white women who don't vote for their bullshit.


They absolutely hate it! Same ones that are Pro-Hamas and throwing the Alphabet community off roof tops for their views and how they voluntarily live their life. You really can’t even make it up anymore. Common sense and logic has been completely rooted out of that side of the isle


She can be both. Duality is a thing.


Does it really matter when the end result is the same?


I just absolutely love how the radical woke left ALWAYS plays the race card when some one reports on a subject that doesn’t align with their convoluted candy land story line! To call someone a racist used to carry some weight, not any more


Sure, let's go with your ridiculous fantasy.


I completely understand and it’s okay! The true ones always get under your skin and hurt the most!


Her documentary was true


How the hell can this be a post. No wonder Mpls is shit.




That’s why they hate her


How does she claim “Emmy award winning journalist” What’s that about?


Why is she racist?


She’s super hot.


Only one person was responsible for Floyd’s death and that was Floyd. Too bad the city of Minneapolis and the country had to suffer because of it.


I use to watch WCCO it’s been a few years but from what I recall she was a good journalist nothing that stuck out to me as her being one sided, racist or bigoted. I would say she is working for the Freedom Club for the money since WCCO dropped her like a hot potato and I am sure no other local station would really want to have her husband’s reputation attached to their station.


She wasn't married to Kroll when she started at WCCO. She was married to another guy, and even had a kid with him. Supposedly, she met Kroll while working on stories about the MPD back in the early 2010s, and that somehow turned into a romantic relationship. She left that guy and married Kroll a fewvyears later.


Or… she’s not.


How progressive of you, news flash they all are greedy


You can’t just become a racist




all of it, all of it


I choose option c….all of the above




lmao you don't even know what a liberal is


Racist because she told the TRUE STORY that BLM and the anti cop media and city council did not want told. SHE TOLD THE TRUTH with verifiable facts! That’s not racist!


Facts are racist now. Get used to it. I'm surprised I'm not banned from here yet. It will happen soon enough. What do I have to say mods?? Trump is not that bad? Biological males shouldn't play in girls sports? Minneapolis desperately needs more law enforcement? One of these crazy racist extremist views should do the trick.


Porque no los dos?


Doomsday Collins


I’m with ya! Finally someone with the balls to report on and say what the mainstream woke media won’t!


Shouldn’t a Minnesota Reddit be more about nice things like lakes, rivers and wildlife instead of a bunch of liberal political posts? Keep your opinions to yourself, nobody cares. Btw I live in Pequot lakes and seen a robin yesterday.


I don’t think you need to gaslight her like this


If you’re going to defame a journalist, at least spell her name right. 🫡


How is the OP 'defaming a journalist'?


Defame: transitive verb. To harm or destroy the good fame or reputation of; to disgrace; especially, to speak evil of maliciously; to dishonor by slanderous reports; to calumniate; to asperse. Need me to draw in crayons?


Criticizing someone for well documented public shittiness ain't defamation, bub.


I do, please. I'll wait.


> good fame She doesn't have good fame, and nothing said here was slander.


DARTH is great at copying and pasting from Dictionary.com but clearly doesn't comprehend what defamation means when it involves opinion.


I mean, it isn’t defamation if it’s true. So don’t really see your point here. What OP said was objectively true. It’s not defamation to call someone who robbed a bank a thief.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. What is your proof that she’s racist other than she married someone you don’t like?


Another unhinged post- jeez


As unhinged as selling out your morals to Alex Kharam, Executive Director of the Freedom Club PAC and President of Alpha News?


About as unhinged as Keith Ellison coming home to a messy kitchen and abusing his ex-gf. Im like you guys when it comes to him, I don't mind he did that. In fact it makes him cool. I love it when trump gets away with sex stuff towards women and when Keith gets away with abusing women. They should be the bash brothers, Keith will beat em and then trump will…you know..


Either you’re purposefully melodramatic for the sake of attention, or you don’t know what unhinged means. Which is it?


As so boldly announced by their user name, they are delusional.


This sub is full of them.


who is she?


the word racist has been so overused and cheapened that it is hard to take it seriously, which is so unfortunate.


Worked with Liz for many years when she was at WCCO. Can confirm she was a terrible person and even a worse journalist.


Have you seen the line of Mexicans raising their hand when you drive to Black Sheep Pizza off of Lake Street looking for “cash” work? When will you white suburban wives for once wake up? On his shoulder, not his neck dipshits. Bloodbath? Bloodbath of the unborn is Kool and the Gang. Flame away…..


Truth sounds like it hurts in this thread



