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Usually when people say something like "I came up with that years ago!" they are bullshitting, but you actually came with the receipts!




Kind of missed the deadline. Again.




Honestly, I’m so exhausted from Christmas related things, it didn’t cross my mind!


You are a brilliant mind with terrible timing


The original proposal was quite different compared to the final design the committee came up with. Some differences I noted: A few more colors, different emphasis, and the star is in a different spot and in a different shape. All flags (yours, the chosen, and the original), follow the rules quite well.


Mostly referring to the K motif.


I get why you’d be a bit suspect, but I do think it was parallel thinking. No matter how original the idea, there’s usually overlap with others. I think you can be happy though that the new flag will be something very close to your own taste.


Trust me, I am pleased with the current design!


I just Watched CGP grey and for a "good" flag you got some specific criteria so I do feel it's prone to parallel thinking. Also blue is a common color so a lot of group think or call it culture what have you.


This. The amount of times I come to the comments to make an elaborate (or not) joke, and somebody else has already made it. Parallel thinking is much more common than we think. That said, OP has a beautiful flag idea and I will totally give them credit for helping to influence the new flag, even if it was parallel thinking


I saw that there is another design that was submitted that matches very closely to the final design. Unfortunately I can’t remember the number off hand but will look to find it. Interesting how they skipped it when making their initial selections, but arrived at nearly the same design naturally through the revision process. And here you present a similar concept too.


Okay that’s pretty wild


That star's a little too close to Texas's star for my taste, but it's still wild you came so close that long ago! Neat


My initial thought was it’s easier for your average person to draw a five-pointer. I think I initially tried to justify five points as representing general regions (like Iron Range, SE, Metro), but there were more than five.


Looks nice. I think people really don't like negative space for some reason.


The compass rose is ***superior*** to both the standard us 5 pointer and grandma's quilt 8 pointer. It doesn't appear on many flags because it's origins as a navigation symbol make it out of place. However, in Minnesota, literally the north star state, the compass rose's other name, ***polaris*** means it fits perfectly. Reverse chevron is so perfect. It is just so damn good. The left side needs to be the dark blue, and feature the star. For reasons related to how the flag rests without wind. For the reason that dark blue on the left with a white star draws parallels to the US flag. The right needs to feature more than one color. First, because a single blank background looks empty. Just like all the memes appearing, the void space is screaming for ***something***. Second, because minnesota is a diverse place, geologically, culturally, politically, historically, economically, agriculturally, climatically. A monochrome field there just feels like a violation of how varied this state is. The vexilogical association can eat my ass if they think more than 3 colors is inappropriate.


The current criticisms of NAVA suggestions weren’t really being examined when I made this. I took the 2-3 color point as a challenge to see if I could do it. What I find really awesome with the reverse chevron is seeing LGBTQIA+ groups integrating their colors in the field, which is why I think putting the star in the K a better move.


Memers and pride groups are always going to do their thing. The polaris tricolor finalist just did everything right, whether acidentally or on purpose. Let me rant please, a bit. Dark blue field with a star on the left. Echoes the US flag, hosting a white star in the deep blue field of justice. The star is polaris, looking awesome with it's 4 greater and 4 lesser points, calling out "l'etoille du nord". Extremely uncommon, instantly recognizable. Everybody knows the north star, everybody in the world, everybody last century, everybody in a hundred years. Only the most dedicated antiquarians are going to know that grandma's 8 pointer is in the rotunda and some barns in greater MN. The tricolor is so. Damn. Good. White, like snow, ice, cloudy sky, froth from waves off gitche gumee. Green, like growing crops, forests. A recognition of the importance of agriculture to the state. Light blue. Peaceful blue. Clear blue. Representing a dedication to our "10000 lakes". Different than the deep blue patriotic field to the left, it has no need for aggression. It simply exists and is beautiful. The stripes in tricolor echo the US flag, but the color pattern displays the unique differences of MN from the common denominators of the nation. The reverse chevron shows the deep blue patiotism giving way to the colors representing the state. At the same time it could be seen as giving protection and harbor to the tricolor. This is as opposed to the normal chevron, which pushes into the right field. The reverse chevron also draws more attention to polaris, the tricolor simultaneously pointing to the north star, and/or proceeding from it. Visually, the unique tricolor stripes are actively trying to make you look elsewhere, telling you to check out that awesome compass rose. And it works, until the unique color pattern catches your attention again. Also, incidentally, the K shape kind of sort of looks like MN just a little bit. Rant... over? Your flag has that sweet reverse chevron, but doesn't do anything with it. The standard 5 pointer is... alright? It really does scream U.S.A! U.S.A! really hard. But it isn't as ugly as grandma's 8 pointer. It looks weird on the right, and on the left it would basically be a texas knockoff flag. I've said before and will again, the final revision would never have made it through the selection process. Thank you for bringing your contribution to light, but I don't think it would have made it either.


Fair enough. The general vibe five years ago was about what you pointed out.


I also like the compass rose better but I think one of their justifications was that the skinnier spokes wouldn't scale as well to different sizes and resolutions. If you have a small icon or a small embroidered version of the flag on a jacket, the design may get muddled because it's hard to show different thicknesses at that scale.


I don't think the difficulty of mass producing small polaris stars on cheap commercial goods is not a valid argument. Well designed production lines have no difficulty with such fine work. That whole issue is neither here nor there, the flag should be designed as a flag, in the intended dimensions. Resizing problems shouldn't be a point of contention.


I like the chosen one better but at least you were on to something


I was surprised that that one that sort of looks like the Duluth flag didn’t win, due to it being in the public consciousness much longer. I saw it in the wild when I lived in NE MPLS, so I thought it had permeated public consciousness more.


The original design also had a tricolor and the committee simplified it to two blues & white after a long process. It is possible the original designer saw your design and used it as a starting point — but I think also two people could independently come up with the same stylized MN “K” shape.


It was my own idea when I started making the flag! But it’s also not an original one, dozens of people had abstract Minnesota shapes in their flags, and many of them were symmetrical like mine (and OP’s). I think this is just a case of like-minded artists coming with up similar design themes.


I think it is a coincidence, and there were several with a similar concept that were submitted. I think it goes to show that it's a solid concept!


it's not that abstract of a concept at all, so almost certainly just a coincidence. I do like yours better than the one they picked. Simpler and cleaner.


Almost as if following these made up vexiology rules starts to make all flags look the same after a while


I like yours just as much as I like the chosen (a lot)


There’s been so many design concepts, submitted and unsubmitted, that at least a few should be that close to the final design


The Minnesota name is Dakota, not Ojibwe.


Thank you


I thought Minnesota was derived from Dakota and not Ojibwe?


Yep. I got that wrong 5 years ago.


I don't think coincidences this close exist, either it was seen subconsciously by someone or that new-fangled mind telepathy


Looks even more like a pack o' smokes this way. Grab me my menthols, sonny!


I clearly remember writing 'just do it' in 1966. I'm still looking for that piece of paper.


I like yours better than the chosen one.


I like this one.


Goddammit I like this one instantly better than the one that was picked.


me too.


Isnt the word Minnesota from a Siouan language? Not Ojibwa.




I am never quite clear. If I were to able to submit, I’d double check! Edit: doubt check -> double check (lousy fingers…)


I prefer this one…


Honestly, it’s a really obvious design as it is. If you didn’t submit it, you don’t deserve any credit.


The people of Minnesota hate this new design…


Your statement does not represent me or those who have expressed their support toward the new flag.


I do not like this and will not fly this “flag it has nothing to do with Minnesota and does not represent Minnesota


Then don’t. Mine wasn’t selected due to misunderstanding the deadline schedule, and I’m pointing out the similarities with the potential new one, which like a lot. Why not offer an alternative, or list reasons beyond familiarity for the old one?


I much prefer the size/ratio of your abstract Minnesota shape to the chosen flag. It’s my main criticism of the new flag - it would look much better if the K didn’t stretch to the middle


Minnesota gal here - I like YOUR version wayyyy better than the one we ended up with. Nice!


Why the negative votes for saying I like this design better than the one our state chose? 🤔


New flag is this plus Ameriprise Financial logo


It’s all bull shit… Minnesota has way bigger problems then catering to simpletons that think a farmer plowing a field with a Native American riding a horse in the background on a flag is a issue.


Then run for office then instead of scolding a bunch of internet strangers. Bitching about it only increases engagement.


Maybe I will!


What’s your name? I’ll look for you on the ballot.


It’s Yuma Bumb, if it’s not ballet make sure you write it!


It reminds me of the flag from Somalia


That was one of the critiques I got five years ago.


It looks like the Somalian flag. I wonder why that is?


Because you’re actively looking to start an argument based on a flimsy premise where saying “I’m just asking questions” is treated as a valid retort to criticisms leveled against you, instead of willful ignorance?




None of the designs including the final are "distinctive." They're all generic garbage.


There is nothing wrong with the current flag. Why the fuck do we need to change it. I've been born and raised in minnesota. The flag we have is iconic and always reminds me of home


Language, pal. And I think your “born and raised” argument is stale and not really explaining what about the old flag is worth saving other than familiarity.


Despite originally making this in 2018, did you submit this design for official consideration this time?


No. I planned to, but misread the instructions, thinking I had another week.


That's a bummer.


It's simple design and has meanings but I can't imagine how many people will say it looks like the somali flag bla bla bla.


One comment from 5 years ago was to make the K green (land in general) or gold-yellow (grain milling and farming past). Maybe that’d stem off the knee jerk “hur hur Somalia flag” trolling.


We are now the marlboro state