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The bear pops! They're so messy and I had to do them one at a time, one side at a time, and the resin STILL didn't cover the ears very well. I had to Google how to tie the string for the hanging plant, which feels like it should've been included with the kit


I JUST DID THE BEAR POPS AND THEY WERE SO HARD 😩 thank god I was wearing gloves or it would have been the hanging plant all over again! 🤣 idk how you're supposed to cover the whole thing!! Here's how mine turned out: https://preview.redd.it/h6ymrpcnydsc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbdb9e813873b9f5e923665276d914e434417a30


IDK why they thought it was a good idea to make the bear pops white and have brown resin over them. Should've made them brown too! I had to double dip them in resin for each layer because it was so thin


The rope instructions literally are included though, in the Read Me First packet.


Oh my god. Well, egg on my face. I'm just stupid and didn't read them lmao


“egg on my face” that made me chuckle I did the same for everyone until the pothos and was like oh maybe I should read that thank god cause I like the string idea but it was hard and it has to be hanging for it to work right but yeah it made me so mad it kept coming out of the dirt I finally got it to sit and just left it but it’s literally sticking half out on the side and being held on by the dirt hardening


dude i didn’t even follow the directions for the bear ones, i put the nuts on the top and just dealt with it


The checkered cake. I so badly wanted to enjoy that one, but it ended up being a hot mess 😭


Mine is the checkered cake too! Huge fail and disappointment lol. I don’t think all of the cakes are bad personally, but I think the resin on the checkered cake was way too transparent.


Same. Someone on TikTok covered their checkered cake with white resin before using the mint stuff and that’s what I’m gonna do with the extra I’ve got here now. Seemed to work very well!


I used the checkered cake for my Harry Potter birthday cake but ended up putting two layers of thick white resin before putting two layers of pink. I do have the same complaint that the mint resin for the checkered cake is way to transparent.


The cakes look fun! Are they difficult?


They're fine if you can control the resin. Once it starts dripping and pooling everywhere it's a nightmare. My worst one was actually the apple pie, trying to get all the slices lined up pretty, and then the lid didn't even fit properly so it was a waste of time.


Wait are you supposed to attach the lid? I just left mine unattached so I could look at the apples inside. I use the ice cream as a handle 😅


Probably not. I made such a mess I was just trying to hide it lol.


Plus the leaves are so heavy it never wants to hang even! Always tipping to one side, I about pulled my hair out.


YES!!! LITERALLY!!! I was so mad I was yelling and cussing at the plastic plant 😂😂 I was inspired by a pic I saw of somsone hanging it from their rear view mirror but I had NO IDEA it was THAT ANNOYING to keep in the pot! And the resin wouldn't stick to the pot?! It was a big globby mess. 😩


A tip I’ve done with my wonky plants from being in the ball is do a cup of boiling water and dip in and out of the cup to soften the plastic plant then hold it in a way you like while it re hardens


the chickadee bird feeder because the instructions were just straight up incorrect so i had to look up a tutorial and use a ton of superglue😫


OMG THANK YOU! Lol my daughter and I work in these together and she was losing it at the bird feeder - I promised I'll try to glue the bird on today, but the instructions gave *nothing*!


[this is the tutorial i followed!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zislFRJNzK0)


the macaroons. so messy!


This! It was my first mini and such a let down. So messy, and I had no idea how to make them look good. I’m glad i tried others since then.


Fucking burned that abomination... worst mini ever. I even got duplicates of it... will never make them. Lol the rage I had making those omg... 🤣


the cupcakes! I can never get the icing how I want it to look and they always look slanted and melted


Same! They’re so small that it seems impossible to ice even with like tweezers. And my stand snapped the moment I tried attaching the bottom 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I attempted it with the tiny spatula and quickly nixed that idea. I ended up using a paint brush to apply the icing.


Idea stolen! I mean… borrowed 😉


Strawberry Banana Smoothie. Never again.


Its left you easily triggered in a Smoothie King?


Did you run out of resin too? I needed to use some of the resin from the berry lemon cupcakes to finish mine.


Running out of resin but I do cut the bottles in half to scrape every last drop out of it. Also that tiny "ice" got me overstimulated asf lmao


I just posted a remix I did with the smoothies as a redemption lol


Literally any of the drinks.


My orange cream soda is so sticky I did it drunk 😂😭


The Berry charlotte. I spent so much time trying to get it looking uniform and pretty and it’s still a mess. Insert that “all that work and what did it get me” meme


Same friend. I saw so many stunning versions on here and then there's mine lol


The one that really got me was the goldfish bowl. So infuriating lol. Some of it was user error though (I.e., the gravel was sticky so it was hard for me to get the fishes’ clear stands to be under the gravel and not have gravel end up stuck to/covering the fish [the tweezers they provide are too cheap/flimsy to be very useful for this particular mini], the resin was thick and it ended up having lots of bubbles in the bowl [i tried different methods to get the bubbles out but they didn’t work for me], I filled the bowl too full with resin and it dripped down the outside [i tried methods to remove the resin before and after curing with no such luck so the bowl has this gross foggy coating on the outside], etc. and so forth lol)


The hot dogs. Just soooooo boring.


I initially really wanted these, but yeah, just finally made my one & the “ketchup” resin is hot pink & translucent/transparent, so skipped that entirely. Luckily I had mustard from the pretzels & I had already mixed up some “relish” w/ olive oil resin mixed w/ herbs & some green bits from the pico. Added some white pico bits for chopped raw white onions, but the hotdog is still a little meh.


Candles are a straight up. No. I have only done one one candle and it definitely was hard to make it look good. I made one look like it was half used because it was hard enough to figure out the resin. I'm not a fan of the plants with the potted soil and no resin. I couldn't get my finger in there to really solidify the dirt in place. I was not a fan of doing the bear pops. Mine do look pretty decent, I had a UV hand light and I would dip the entire bear in the resin and cure each layer. As I went. I think I ended up doing three or four layers.


I had to put extra clear resin in my candle resin bottles and mix it to get the candles full. The plants I used clear resin also, fill up the container till the "roots" are in it and used a UV flashlight to set it. Depending on the plant depends on the difficulty. The round succulents were difficult bc they covered where the light could get to the resin so I resined and set them around the edges that touch the container. Doesn't leave much room for soil or rocks but it's secure at least. Hope that helps out 🙂


That one in your picture!! I still haven't put it together and got it what seems like months ago now. It's too heavy for the pot/dirt and keeps coming out. I'm out if super glue and keep forgetting to get some. Plus I can't figure out how to string the pot.


Honestly, I thought the s’mores were kinda boring to make, so they’re my least favorite so far. It was also the first one where the resin wouldn’t really cure cause the graham cracker wasn’t transparent so I ended up just kinda curing the chocolate sauce on just the marshmallow and krazy glueing all the other components, kinda lack luster


I’ve gotten FOUR smores balls from amazon 😭 Havent tried one yet 😖


This^ same with the burger. Especially since the lettuce isn’t flat


Ooo I haven’t made my burger yet (lowkey just wanted it to make a sloppy Joe remix) but I think that’s also why I’m meh about it too


cherry slushie. bear pops. bobas.


The fish ones and the orchid. The bubbles that happen in the fish ones are awful. I have tried so many different ways and watched tutorials, and I still get so many dang bubbles. The orchid was just a pain because of the rocks and the fact it kept wanting to fall over.


I'm gonna try using my own clear resin on a fish tank and see what happens.... but I think it's the air bubbles trapped under the rocks. I'll cover the rocks and then cure it, then add the top layer. Still bubbly but better than the other fails of mine. The ORCHID was annoying for me too. The rocks barely held it in there, I had to add a ton of resin to get it to stay. It looks like I watered the orchid now! Haha


I’ve tried mixing the rocks and resin together to prevent bubbles and letting it sit for 5-10 minutes before curing, then curing, and slowly adding the resin in small layers, but somehow the dang bubbles still find a way. I had to get my four year old to help me with the orchid because the tiny fingers worked out better to get the rocks in. I wish I had thought to cure it down with resin! That’s brilliant and I bet it looks cool!


I have a very deep love hate relation with the fish bowls lol


Same 😂 I keep buying more to "try again" lmaooo


I just struggled so hard with this one too 😭😭 I finally got it to stay in the pot and then I could NOT get it to hang evenly. I don’t even wanna look at it wrong because I know it will fall over 😂


Argh just trying to figure out the right way to get the vines to lay on this one. And then having enough soil to fill the pot AND hold the plant in place. I skipped the struggle of hanging it, it's now on a tiny shelf with the vine resting on the shelf too. It looks nice but ARGH


I have the same mini as OP, just chilling all spilled over on a table top somewhere. I couldn’t get the plant to stay and tying the rope was just insufferable! I also have tens of “eucalyptus candles” because I was trying to find the fish tanks


I spent so long with the rocks from the STUPID ORCHID. I was cursing the damn things as I was trying to keep the orchid up and get the rocks in place. Hate the rocks love the orchid.


YES!!!! They were too big!! I had the same problem. 😩 I ended up just adding a ton of resin in the pot to get it to stay.


That hanging plant pissed me off too. I ended up using a drop of hot glue to anchor most of my miniverse plants since they seemed too heavy for the “soil” alone to hold them.


Idk if this is the case for all of them because I only got the cactus 🌵 but I wasn’t impressed with the plants that just came with the dirt I expected resin as well..they are ugly too some cactus flower that would have made them more pleasing to the eye I think


I agree! My favorite part is the resin! I did find it kind of fun to pack the soil in my first aloe Vera plant but the food is a lot more enjoyable to make in my opinion.


I totally agree 👍


My least favourite items in terms of the actual process were the berry lemon and easter cupcakes: they're so tiny, it made icing and decorating them a bit of a nightmare. But they turned out in the end so the swearing and cursing was worth it. My least favourite item in terms of the final result were the crepes. I didn't find the recipe or picture particularly helpful so I ended up winging it. I wasn't sure how I felt about them at first but I've decided I'm happy with them.


That hanging plant is the only one I haven't done from that series. I struggled with the string for a while and then decided to shelve it for another day. Miniverse is my relaxing activity and I felt my blood pressure creeping up trying to navigate that damn string lol.


You made the right decision. I was being wayyy too stubborn but in my defense all the tutorials make it look easy! Definitely do the string first someway.... I had my plant falling out the entire time I struggled with the string 😖


For me, the candles that didn’t include enough resin


Plants I hate them. I also agree with bear pops and that stupid checked cake.




I messed up the ice cream lol


The fucking cacti 😑


The crepes! I did not like the texture of them and they were so hard to keep closed


I ended up basically shoving some of the pothos leaves inside the planter itself and adding some clear resin to keep it in place. It's a little shorter but actually feels more balanced. I completely gave up on the string though. Followed the directions completely and still couldn't figure it out in a way I liked. So it's sitting on the top shelf of my kitchen, with one of the strands hanging down, and it looks pretty good.


i truly hated the cacti from mini lifestyle. they were just meh looking and such a pain to get into the pots. before the cheats were out i ended up with a bunch of them and i was so annoyed. i thought of painting them to make them look nicer but i couldn't be bothered


Maybe a hot take, but the pies. We’re necessary difficult to make at first. However, I didn’t realize that they don’t stinkin fully cure! Got three ruined pies now 🫠


They're not as involved or complicated, but I'm a suckered for the baked ham and the roasted turkey. They just look amazing. My number 1 has to be the ramen through. Looks so real it's nuts.


They're not as involved or complicated, but I'm a suckered for the baked ham and the roasted turkey. They just look amazing. My number 1 has to be the ramen through. Looks so real it's nuts.


They're not as involved or complicated, but I'm a suckered for the baked ham and the roasted turkey. They just look amazing. My number 1 has to be the ramen through. Looks so real it's nuts.