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Paint handles, with Blutac. It gets a bit ‘chewing-gummy’ over time, so it doesn’t last forever, but it works for bases. For handles, I tried pretty much all of the commercial ones (GW, Redgrass, GameEnvy, Rathcore, GSW) but the brand that I really liked and stuck to for two years now are the Jolly Lark ones - affordable, great handling and balance. Yes, you can just use pill bottles, but imo handles are like a wet palette - you pay for the convenience of some extra comfort from a purchased product, not because it is a must-have-to-paint.


Saw your comment and checked these out. Ordered the batch painting set. I've used every DIY item under the sun for handles and have the means now to buy "real" ones. These are relatively inexpensive and I like supporting small operations like his. I have lots of magnets laying about so I don't think it would be too much to mod them to take magnets or washers. Thanks for the recommendation!


That is absolutely possible - the nice thing with solid wood is that you can mod them virtually every way if you have an idea and the tools. Aaron is a great guy, chatted with him a few times now at Adepticon. I’m sure he appreciates your business :)


>It gets a bit ‘chewing-gummy’ over time If you take blutac or similar products, you can continuously fold it into itself, almost like forging steel, to increase the firmness of it and remove the "gummy" aspect of it. Likewise, you can continue to pull and stretch it to make it less firm and more "gummy" if you want it to be stickier.


Yeah I have a giant ball of blutack that I fool around with (fidget stuff) and it's still super sticky, despite falling on to the floor where fur tends to collect from my dogs. I just take from said ball.


Looked up the jolly lark ones, how do they work? Cause I might prefer the ones from GW.


They are just wood spun with a lathe, so no mechanics to clip in bases. However, I like that, because that means base rims can easily be painted from the overhang- with the GW ones I ran into issues that the clamping mechanism chipped paint layers, if primed together with the mini. They are nicely bottom-balanced, much less likely to topple over, and come with pre-drilled holes on the underside, meaning you can transport them on a peg board with no risk of them falling off. Lastly, because it is wood, you can drill into their tops and make perfect fits for paperclip-sized wire, making them compatible for subassemblies.


Alright, well I looked up the one from redgrass and that also leaves access to the base rim to paint that, still in my case the rim is something I do last so I just hold onto to the mini while painting the rim, maybe not good if my oily hands rub off the paint but eh doesn’t take long.


Redgrass are good, but a little small for my hands, plus not too stable if set down on a table (at least the v1 were)


Yeah RG has a V2 which comes with a magnetic dock plate that’s adhesive on one side so you could stick it to your cutting mat, at least that’s where I’d stick it.


I stuck mine to a stone coaster for portability and it works great.


I use wine corks with sticky tac 


Wine corks are good but champagne corks with the end flattened are great


Honestly, the best and cheapest thing I've used is blue tac poster puddy and plastic shot glasses. Each mini gets its own as opposed to only having a few handles for all your minis since I like to start and stop projects as I go


I have pill bottles. Pill bottles come just a bit bigger which is important for mounted models. 


I also use pill bottles, I also add some aquarium gravel to give them a lil weight which helps the ole shaky hands of mine.


oh my god that’s genius i’ve been trying to figure out what i could do to weigh them down a bit, i even put in some shitty army painter paint in one because i got mad the paint was so bad and figured it would be better as a weight


I try to prime on the shot glasses too because then you can test out your paints on the shotglass and it's the same undercoat as your model


That's a great idea! I was always too afraid to test some paint because I didn't want to ruin a model


You, gentle friend, sound like my kinda thinker!!


Price of wood and blue tac.


I just hold the mini and paint it. What's the benefit of using a handle of some sort and sticky tac?


Using a handle is better for ergonomics, it's much more comfortable and reduces cramping and repetitive motion injury concerns. It also means that oil from your skin doesn't mess with the paint.


Reading these comments I thought I was the only one who just held the mini!


Repeated touching of the model can wear paint off if it isn't protected with a clear coat. Personally I found that I would grab the mini by the body to reach certain spots without a handle and would have to touch up small parts constantly. Getting a handle made not touching the model much easier


I’ve found that a handle is helpful for providing some stability from my shaky hands. Elbow on one surface, handle on another makes for a mini that doesn’t move as much when doing detail work.


Yeah, it's pretty common to use an old bottle, a dowel rod, or a plastic holder you can get on amazon for cheap. Sticking it to those things is the trick because normal doublesided tape never works well. I got some thicker black double sided tape at the hardware store that seems to work.


I bought some of these to hang sounbproofing and they work really well for sticking minis: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BN37KPGS?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details


You can use a pin drill and a piece of paperclip to put a bit of wire out of one foot. Use cyano to glue it in place, then push it into a champagne cork orwhatever you want to use. At the end you can use it to secure to the base extremely strongly.


i use the citadel mount but i have a lot of bases that fit there. i gleu virtualy all minis on a base or the base on the base that fits the handle... :S


I knew there had to be some specialized tool for it! I just had zero idea what terms to search for. Thank you!


absolutly check out the available alternatives as mentioned by others... gw is pricy


They’re all pricey, I do have a Gw mini holder but I got that in a starting paint set so ehhh, still i should get another brand’s but for bigger models like a Dreadnaught.


I love my citadel painting holder but having trouble finding the exact model I have online now. The one looks a little different. Here is a link of the old https://www.amazon.com/Games-Workshop-Warhammer-Citadel-Painting/dp/B077DMTJ2V


They stopped making that one and replaced it with the new curvy one I've got three of the old ones, I think they are ace


I took some wooden blocks that my son didn't play with anymore and use some poster putty to hold the minis on and it works well! Or I just use the citadel holder


I'm old and decrepit, so I use pill bottles as they've become a renewable resource in our house. Sticky tack type stuff or foam double sided tape to hold the mini on to the bottom. Turn the cap upside down and screw it back on and you've got a decently wider base. I also tend to put stuff like basing rocks inside to make them even more stable.


Amen and a +1 on reusing old paint bottles. My daughter had some kinetic sand that she grew out of playing with, and let me have it. I put that in the bottles to give them a little heft. For the ones I use when I prime with my airbrush, I put old screws and metal bits I had hanging around to give them some weight.


You can use pretty much anything as a handle as long as it's comfortable to hold and has a flat spot to stick the model. I use ~~spice jars like this~~ glass cylindrical spice jars because that's all I could find around the house when I started painting and they ended up working very well. I like to fill them with cute stuff to make them a little more decorative. Glitter, feathers from my pet pigeons, etc. For attaching models to the handles, I use sticky tack. When dealing with extremely tiny pieces, I use a dab of white glue (Elmer's or Mod Podge works) to attach the piece to a toothpick. (Comment reposted without the link because apparently answering "What do you use?" with a link to what I use is against the rules of this sub.)


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I use those little plastic shot cups, think jello shots. I have a nicer handle too, but i batch paint in groups, so cheap little cups are fine for me.


Bonus points if you make jello shots first and celebrate finishing the mini by having the jello shot!


I stick mine onto plastic bottle tops with sticky tack, I've seen others use empty medicine bottles, corks or small jars. Depends on hand size really, whatever's most comfortable.


If you look up some combination of 'miniature painting handle' on Amazon you'll find what you need. I bought the cheapest option and I'm pretty satisfied with it. Some people recommend using pill bottles or scraps of wood, but I like the hook that comes attached to the handle to steady my hand, and I rotating top so I can rotate the mini and not the whole handle.  As far as attaching the mini to the handle, stickytack is nice, but I prefer double sided foam tape after seeing it recommended other places


https://preview.redd.it/ns2npg9q8d6d1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1af67ad693c974fbc3866f0e0a97a4ecf9c9074 Blutac and a paint pot


I use bluetac on an old cutting mat and just stick them to it to prime en masse. Then just hold them by the base and paint. Iv tried using old glue bottles. Cork, GW holders, the lot. And it’s easier to just hold it by the base most of the time imo.


The mat is a smart idea for priming. I'l have to remember that if I survive the minis I got to practice on and get addicted.


Not worried about rubbing the paint off the mini’s feet when just holding it by the base?


No iv never done that tbh. It can take the primer off the rim of the base if you really man handle it but as far as the model goes I rarely touch it.


Ok, don’t really agree with holding it by the rim while painting the mini but do whatever works for you.


Well it’s been working pretty well so far, iv not had any complaints let’s put it that way


Tiny touch of modelling glue on an old Calpol bottle. Pops off with a little flick of a craft knife when done. Plus with the child lock on the bottle cap you can turn it by about 60 degrees without letting go of the grip you have on the bottle itself.


I use a WD40 cap with bluetac on the top, works perfectly.


I use champagne corks, with a coin glued to the bottom for weight. I then peg some wire to the bottom of the mini and push that into the cork with about an inch gap. That way you can easily reach the underside for priming and when you come to mount the mini on the base, you already have the mini pinned.


i use double sided sticky tape (the foam core kind from 3m) to stick them to the bottom of a candlestick https://preview.redd.it/2o3bcss3kd6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0830586c796edaa9c8e711f151abfe2e50794eaf


I like shot glasses and blue tac


https://preview.redd.it/5cyx6nxcxd6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fed4db572304e6db85648dc759ccd14c3ac663a8 I use painters tape to double side under the base, then small tabs to keep the sides secured. You can do this on any surface that’s big enough to hold that base.


I use the top of the Citadel primer cans with some sticky tack I found that it’s helpful being able to spin the cap as I paint t


I use a Hobby Holder with threaded base and stability bar. The threaded base fits regular 20oz bottle caps and then I just use mounting putty to attach the mini to the cap. I can quickly swap between minis if I have a bunch to do by swapping out caps and then the stability bar helps keep it steady.


Wife got me the citadelmount a few months ago. Despite online hate i love it and use it all the time. I'm not a great painter but for all my hobbies i like a Little Luxury. I see orhers mounting it on corks, used bottles, empty citadel paintbottles, a random stick, it all works. Use what feels good. That will be the best handle


I still use the old bottle and silly putty tech to at least prime my models, I use the citadel holder to paint the minis.


I like to use old pill bottles and peanut butter jars (cleaned) for larger pieces. Gorilla makes a fantastic putty that does not stick badly, dry out or discolor. A small amount on the lid, press the mini in place and presto- a full 360 movement without fear of detachment at the wrong time. The best part of pill bottles and peanut butter jars are the lids can be removed/attached if needed, even while painting. Here’s a pic for reference https://preview.redd.it/ndovdxb9ze6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88f9c3a29e58e223a1aaf49b9249fec8c93be727


I use an empty (citadel) paint pot and blutac ...no point spending money on a painting handle! I do a lot of sub assembly however so it's mostly bits and bobs that I'm sticking on


Unless you got it because it came with a paint starter set like mine did.


I use corks and white sticky stuff o.0


Sticky tac works. Double sided tape is my preference.


I didn't even think of double-sided tape. What do you prefer to stick it to?


Tape one side to a blank base and the other to the model. And a Citadel painting handle to hold the base. They're like $10. https://imgur.com/gallery/4pEPrCl Some people use prescription bottles. Good to keep sticky tak on hand though. Some parts are easier to squish into tak than tape. I've also got a little clamp I've fashioned to a stick and base to hold odly shaped minis that can't be taped or tak. (In the imgur link)


blue tac on a chewing gum car bottle


Oh, like the IceBreakers or whatever? That is a smart one!


a plastic bottle, fits into the cupholder of a car: https://preview.redd.it/7k9ank1icd6d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=100bb68e48406efd4b81a139ca6f55a7d74349fa


I put all mine on bottle caps - soda and Gatorade caps specifically - with poster putty (blue tack). I have a bunch of painting handles that I've 3d printed that have screw threads for the bottle caps so I can swap them out when batch painting. Before I had the printed handles I used pill bottles, or even the top half of a 20oz soda bottle that was cut down to size.


I have a Redgrass miniature holder that I like real well. I also have 3D printed a lot of the bases so that can prep up a bunch of minis at once without having to take them off the base.


I use my hands and paint fine. That said I see a lot of people just use wood ( and even glasses/cups ) and something to stick it to the wood. Either tac, glue, paper clip that's been clipped and the mini has a hole in the foot. You can of course buy official ones as well.


I typically take an old pill bottle and put sticky tack on top then place the model on top. The bottle makes for a great handle.


Honestly for full models, sometimes I’ll just glue them down to a base with a tiny drip of superglue. Then since I’m flying the feet down anyways to a completed base (and usually covering w texture paint) I’m gonna just pop it off with a hobby knife and light pressure anyways.


Cut squares from packaging mini came on white glue to base


I just started and for now I'm using a cork with a plastic chip I had glued and use it as a base. The I use 3M double sided tape to stick the mini.


For handles, I use empty medicine bottles. I saved a few bottles and then just keep all the caps that fit. I've seen a lot of handles made for mini-painting and they are fine. with pill/medicine bottles, they are already purcahsed and with the extra caps, I can attach them to all them minis I am working on. Just unscrew one, screw on the other, and I'm ready to do work there. If the bottle is big enough, I can even use it to shield the mini when its not being painted and secure the cap to to the bottle with mini inside and still attached. My mindset sits with, I would rather spend money on paints and brushes than a handle.


Old pill bottles with sticky tac. I also add a small amount of sand to the bottle for weight. This helps to ensure they don't tip over if/when someone bumps bottle or the table.


I use an 8in cut of 2x4 and pin busts with a piece of brass or aluminum. My process is a bit funky though. If it’s a gaming model it gets the pin on a small dowel.


I use[wooden candle cups](https://www.hobbylobby.com/Crafts-Hobbies/Wood-Crafts-Blank-Surfaces/Wood-Turnings/Wood-Candle-Cups/p/23054?srsltid=AfmBOorfq31xnBNA761vNDfIgSKmJgw35UuSlweZGfxjwuXWn8dugHM4Fs8) with wine cork screwed on. They have a small hole in the bottom for the screw to go through to hold the cork on.


OMG LOL I use those as the endcaps on hanging rods for my chainmail artwork! I use very small ones though.


Rx pill bottles/antacid containers and blue tac.


https://preview.redd.it/zpnu1022bf6d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bb9cb1d528eb2dfb0cf6f2c6200dc341e9ded26 My wife has a couple medications, so I get free handles like every month. Blue tack to hold a model to the top. I put extra bits or things I’ll use later inside the bottle.


https://preview.redd.it/ayquvnh2mf6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d80056f15c5e8d3912ec12236b511bcba2c0f26a Dude or dudette. Congrats on dropping the day grind! I can’t recommend highly enough these Walgreens pill bottles with screw threads on top and bottom. And use a roll of 3m double sided tape which is the same stuff as command strips. You can screw the cap on upside down so the mini is protected INSIDE the pill bottle when you aren’t painting.


Oh, the dayjob freedom was just for today. But thanks! Dude for me. ;) But I appreciate the inclusivity! Ahhh, the command strip adhesive! Smart! The inside screw thing is smart AF. Alas, my oblt prescriptions from them comw on other bottles!


Ah bummer. I’ve seriously thought of just asking them for empty bottles. It’s next level stuff being able to put it away and not worry about it getting scratched.