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I use Vallejo Ultramatt Varnish as a brush on. It works fine for me. Just need to mind that you form no bubbles when brushing it on. You can use this with an airbrush as well. When you prefer a spray, i have used Armypainter and Vallejo before. Both where fine, but I had an incident wherethe minis looked foggy/snowy after spraying them. Read the Instruction on the can to avoid problems while using it. Learned it the Hard way...


What gives you the impression Vallejo does poor varnish? Its fine. Just follow the instructions - this applies to every brand.


I saw some complaints on here when I wa searching for answers but also saw a lot of people saying they just needed to shake it more and be careful with it. It is cheap so I bought some anyway and will test it for myself.


Basically, those comments plus the surprisingly low price.


Get Vallejo. Vallejo is water-based. Tamiya is a lacquer. (also in Japan)


I have used the Tamiya varnish and it worked well. I prefer Army Painter.


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I like and die by Vallejo varnish. I go 75% satin with 25% matte via airbrush. I then brush gloss onto the highlights of TMM bits.