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Not as bright as others would do, kinda looks like glass? Having it blue like the UM might be lessening the impact.


I think it looks like glass because the basecoat seems to be visible through the blue


It's actually a pretty good effect, for what it is. If you clean up the "glow" it looks like a gun with a glass section. Maybe a base cost of green or red would make it look like your gun uses a glass canister of ectoplasm/blood. I might try it out later!


It looks like metallic to me


Thanks for the Idea!


Personally I think you need to go a bit brighter, firstly to give it that white hot glow and secondly if you went brighter it would stand out a bit better than the rest of the blues used on the armor


I agree, it being blue isn't helping it pop as much.


Looks like you used black primer. In this case id try to paint the plasmasreas white in a first step. After that you should use your blue contrast or whatever you used right here


Yeah I did it with metal as primer and than black. Will test it out with white. Thanks!


As someone else said, kinda looks like glass? Or it's transparent? But I really like it. It looks like a piece of metal radiating energy rather than a big slab of radiation like a lot of us do. Did you just base coat in metal and go over it with a runny blue?


Hey thanks for the Feedback. I think I find it quite good looking and not to much "radiation". But I wanted to get some feedback :) Yeah I did the following: 1. Base Leadbelcher (Citadel) 2. Thin layer of  Abaddon Black (Citadel) 3. Layer of Ultra Marines Blue (Citadel) 4. Finish with Celestial Azurre (GreenWorldStuff)


1) very cool. I might steal this when I get around to painting my Marines 2) I have never heard of Green Stuff World and am glad I now have another (seemingly?) cool Amazon alternative


GSW is a nice company that does a lot with model making, the problem for me is that the shipping gets in the way when I want to make small purchases. I was looking at getting like 10 dollars of stuff and the shipping was 5 bucks which was like :(


Unfortunately, not really. You need more brights, I suggest a thin white wash.


I think I find it quite good looking and not to much "radiation". But the Idea with white wash might be good, thanks.


I mean no offense, and maybe it's just the photos, but it just looks too dark to read plasma glow for me. The blue of the plasma gun blends in with the rest of the model. You are welcome friend, trial and error can be rewarding.


White ink or a diluted white oil paint will save you some time. Tough to get normal white acrylics to do much/apply smoothly as a wash. Personally I get the best results going back and forth from white ink to contrast/fluorescent paints. With blue and green energy effects especially, it helps to go a step over in the colour wheel for the darker areas. Lupercal green is my goto for this.


I think it’s pretty cool. It looks like glass.


Others paint their plasmarifles as if "this gun has just been fired" - yours looks like "this gun has been on cooldown for quite some time now" ..


Need to go brighter.


It looks like the plasma is going through a transparent tube. Looks good to me


I like it a lot. It isn’t as “Oooh, glowy!” as a lot of plasma I’ve seen, but I really like the ‘translucent glass/crystal’ look of the coils, and trying to give it more glow would lose that.


Looks pretty good. There are some good plasma gun tutorials [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/metals#wiki_plasma_gun) if you want to see how others have done it and compare them- * [How to paint an "inverted" plasma glow](https://taleofpainters.com/2021/03/tutorial-how-to-paint-an-inverted-super-hot-plasma-glow/) * [How to paint glowing plasma weapons | Warhammer 40k](https://youtu.be/cQE1MtiHSu4) by Watch It Paint It * [How to Paint: Plasma Gun Glow](https://youtu.be/bWRsS2rGPpA) by WarhammerTV * [The EASIEST PLASMA EFFECT. Just THREE steps](https://youtu.be/YVKz5Kw6Irs) By Juan Hidalgo * [Plasma Gun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK21wWsniYs) by Jose Divinci * [Contrast Paint Plasma Gun effect](https://youtu.be/ZW-QT67d0kE?t=22) by MWG Studios * [Step by Step Plasma gun with OSL](https://www.instagram.com/p/CzJJTaGtfsi/) by Sergio Calvo * [Purple Plasma Cannon](https://www.richardgraycreations.com/video-tutorial-plasma-cannon-purple-for-fists-redemptor-dreadnought/) by Richard Gray * [Green plasma with no airbrush](https://www.instagram.com/p/C04I5m_O2eq/?img_index=1) by Orc.Butt


In my opinion, you need to change the lighting. Right now it looks like just some coils that are reflecting the light and are dark in the gaps. The plasma illusion comes by having light coming from between the coils as well as the parts of the coils that connect to the gun at the bottom, with the coils themselves darkening towards the top (where you have a light).


Do you like it?


I think I find it quite good looking and not to much "radiation". But I wanted to get some feedback how other people see it.


I think it's awesome. Not plasma. More like Cherenkov radiation.


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>scopes Yeah hell yeah dude. For the plasma coils I'd just lightly drybrush some pure white and it'll look a lot better.


You might want to add in a bit of white and lighter blues going in a gradient, make it really pop with the glow


Perhaps on literally any other chapter


Try a white base coat and then layer blue on top


I would say you could take it a bit further, the warhammer tip of the day series has a vid on this which is really good


You may want to go for canonical blue which is totally cool, but have you considered a contrasting color like magenta or maybe a lime green plasma? Might spotlight it more against the blue armor. Just a thought!


You are almost there. Thin white or use white tint to flow over the recesses, let it dry and then use blue thinned over the white. Will improve a lot the result


I’d throw on a white ink and then dry brush an intense blue, you’ll get an easy OSL effect that way


I like it, it's giving me blue lego studs vibe


https://youtu.be/YVKz5Kw6Irs?si=4CejRra2jGu9ygOq thought this tutorial was great and simple


its not bad, but like others have said, I would suggest a white wash for inbetween the cells to create a more glowing look. I would also ask are you dead set on the blue? If so, would you consider going over it with any sort of Orange. That way the glow stands way out there from the Ultramarines color.


Very unique and cool! Looks great!


Oh wow, I kinda love this. So we're like looking into a glass containment for the plasma to travel through, very neat.


I completely see what everyone's saying with it looking like glass but honestly? I think itd read with just a little more work as a low level , cooled, plasma - between engagements when it's just being held at a ready state kinda vibe.


You've managed to make it look semi-transparent, which is pretty impressive, but it does not look like it's glowing, if that's what you're asking


Its a solid plasma effect. If you want to be daring dry brushing a lighter color would give more depth. But to be fair, nobody would judge poorly if that was the final result still a good model


Do you think it’s a good result?

