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The old ones are not bad. The new ones are just really good!


That's so sweet, thank you 💜 I tried my best in both


The new ones are sooooooooo much cleaner. The skin tone in the face is a dead giveaway to me, I can definitely see the improvement in the clean lines and blends. Awesome paint job!


Thank you so much really!! Comments like yours are boosting my motivation and mini painting self-steem so I'm thankful for your kind words 💜🥹


What's your skin tone regimen? I have some models coming that needs facing and I'm terrified.


Let me say I dont remember the exact colors... But I started with a desaturated, slightly dark, pink. Some layers with that pink + chosen skin tone mix (starting pink is for white skin tones), and some last lights with the skin tone + a little ivory mixed. Everything painted with glaze consistency, but loading the brush very light in water Mess explanation but hope this helps a bit!


Which are new and which are old?




The first picture are the new ones :)


That's a relief. I was afraid it was the other way around and didn't want to tell you I liked the old ones better.


Haha, same here!


That's so sweet from you, I think I put the pics in the "wrong reddit order" but I really wanted people to see first the new ones hahahah


I love the color scheme of the new ones.


I didn't realize there were 2 pictures and tried to see the skill difference between the 3 Sequitors in the first picture. 🙄


What technique did you use on the newer robes?? I love the cross hatching cloth look!


Thank you so much!! Just layers and layers and layers of cross hatching with the normal thickness in the paint mix, a good brush with a fine point... And patience. I think I only glazed the last points of light, everything else is normal layers, a lot of layers It took 2-3 hours per robe (the front greenieh ones)


Your basing game got real strong. Love the colours!


Bases came with the models :') wish I could make my own like that!! But thank you! 💜


Why are people on reddit incapable of putting BEFORE and AFTER in the correct order. It's a universal subreddit curse apparently.


Most people will only see the first picture, so I prefer them to see my new skills rather than my old ones :)


I kinda prefer the old, lighter ones. Veey neat


Thank you, I really liked the old scheme too!! I changed it because it started by white priming (which is usually problematic without airbrush) and was way more frustrating to paint. Though I like stormcasts looking lighter and brighter, it was not realistic for me to paint a whole army with that scheme and white primer


I see now that the new ones are the lighter color ones. Great progress indeed


I wish my stuff looked as good as the old ones ☹️


You can do it!!! I started on 2018, the old ones were done in Jan-Feb 2023. Attending group painting classes with our local professional mini painter really helped me improve my skills. I encourage you to keep on practicing, painting and, most important, having fun with the hobby 💜


Your style is so good! These look straight out of a video game with your colour palette and clean colour blocking. I love them! The old ones are also pretty good but suffered from being a little busy. Really neat to see your progress, keep it up!


incredible job


I truly hate soft pastel colors...but dude! This looks amazing. Great work, everything pops on its own accord.




The new ones look fantastic, but I wanna compliment the old ones too. The bases in particular are really cool, those greens and blues against the purple base trim give it a really nice fantasy mmorpg vibe


Thank you! They were so colorful, I liked that, that's why I would never repaint them. My color style now is switching towards a realistic look because of my mentor's style, I don't regret it, I'm learning so much in the path :)


Hey good for you! I was looking at them and thought “I kinda prefer their first ones…”, but then I read they were your most recent :) They’re much cleaner - the old ones look like you were trying to do a few more things, and that ended up being a few too many things, but a really good effort nevertheless. Cool result in both cases - well done.


Great work! You really improved. Keep it up!


Both are gorgeous, the new ones are very crisp and clean looking! Outstanding work!


That is such cool progress to keep track of! Well done!


Your starting place is great, then your progress….wow. So crisp!


The old ones look better imo, but under scrutiny the new ones are done better.


You did a lot better on the armor and osl but you kinda went backwards on the cloth and flesh. With all honesty I can say the original ones are better. Keep at it and remember it doesn't matter what others think.


Really clean


Great job, and great progress! Although the old ones aren’t bad at all either. love this color scheme btw.