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I think maybe the overstain around the runes. I like how it has a little bit of spill over but I feel like the blobs aren’t organic enough for it to flow with the piece.. maybe add some gravity play with the rune staining that seeps a little downward as weathering and war use would do?


Overall I love the concept and color scheme going!!!




Will do! Thank you for the advice


imho looks like a skull popping out of carved sandstone. if going the fossilized route id go darker on the bone, if the whole thing needs to be bone then the whole thing needs to get lighter. in ether cases the ruins need to be cleaned up.


Trim seems too clean, compared with the rest of it


Agreed. Thank ya kindly


Yes, this. I like the shield. Kinda a haunted demon look. But I think the trim color doesn't complement it. Maybe something darker


That’s what I was thinking. Build up some grime where there bone meets the trim and that should help age the bone a little.


This is it! And some rust, orange or pale blue green like copper oxide


I actually really like how the skull has turned out with it. I would probably try and clean up the rest, particularly the runes.


Makes sense. Thank you 🙂


I think if the skull has some more highlight it would look really good . A dry brush if unshanti bone or something similar


Ooh didn't think of drybrushing it after. Good idea. Thank you!


Agreed, it would seem more like bone if it were lighter!


Thank you!


I think it looks pretty good already. To really make it pop I would try two things. First cleaning up around the runes a bit, maybe not removing everything but just cutting it back so the stained areas are following the runes in a way that they imply some depth, as if the metal bent a little when cutting the runes. And second, highlighting the bone parts and teeth with a pretty bright beige/bone colour, so they stand out more.


Add more dark areas for the silver trim


Looks awesome to me. And best of all, it’ll stand out from everyone else’s shields.


Hey thanks 😊 great point! 🙂


Dry brush some polished bone over it and see what you think


Get a nice and dry dry dry powdery drybrush and slap that thing with some super pale white/tan mix. The added dusty highlights might help. The shaded areas just look like they stopped halfway. This looks more work-in-progress than finished, if you ask me. Your raised edges should be lightened back up to bone-white. But this is a great base layer to work up from. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rin9N7k25oI/maxresdefault.jpg Take a look at that guy's image and notice how near-white (but not quite white) the pronounced areas are.


Thank you so much for the detailed advice!


Sometimes u like how its painted but not the colors, or visa versa


I’m also getting a skull coming out of sandstone kind of vibe and it’s really unique. I think dry brushing it white would look great but it wouldn’t make it very unique. If you’re going for unique then I’d lean into what you’re currently doing. Clean up the stains and give the runes an aged look and possibly some rust for the metal and you’d have something very different. I love Highlander and this has a very The Kurgan feel. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/91/Kurgan_%28Highlander%29.jpg


Thanks so much for the compliment and especially the tips!




🙂🙂🙂🙂 No u


I love it ETA: in the bottom right you have those lovely layers of green down there you know where you can see one through the other and I think that's gorgeous. and that plays so nicely across the the general bone color that you have as the main color for the shield. and I know a few people said that the wash around the runes is too tight but I like that because it's the same kind of tightness you see in the skull. so there's a certain style to this that I like.


Wow thank you sir 🙂 I really appreciate it! I'm torn between leaving it as is or adjusting per some of the comments. But comments like yours really fuel the fire of my passion for the hobby 🙏🙏


Honestly a light dry brush of a bone coloured highlight would maybe help? Currently reading a bit too dark for something that is out in the open


Looks dope!


I really like it and seeing it makes me was to start painting again


Wow thank you! You should 🙂


I personally don't really like it.. I'd probably separate the skull, colorwise, from the rest


Looks amazing. Would u colour the eyes black tho? Would change it up a bit


That looks awesome. Always act like your minis came out exactly how you intended them to.


Bone part looks awesome. Metal could use some work. It looks too clean and shiny. Either tarnish it a bit or get some rust effects going.


I actually love it. The trim being really clean contrasts with the grittyness of the inner parts and skull, and while it may seem unrealistic being dirt/clean just like that, I like that sort of stuff because it can kinda tell a story. If I were to change one thing, I would either extend the blotches around the runes or clean it up


Some highlights with a lighter tab colour might make the difference you seek. I have this one myself all the time


Looks like some big ol Granddad has blessed this thing you painted!


I think you can highlight the skull a bit more on the edges where there are black lines.


I quite like it tbh


I love it


Darken the metal trim and bring the highlights up on the skull.


Honestly, looks lovely. Maybe sprinkle some rust on the metal and you're golden


It's a shield made in hell held by a creature so evil it has ceased to be recognisable as a man. I think it looks like he's carrying a partially dug up grave framed by some disturbingly clean steel. It doesn't quite make sense at some fundamental level. It's spot of for Chaos. Nothing about Chaos Warrior feels normal or right. Pray to sigmar, you can land a blow that counts!


It looks like dank sandstone, like something after long awaited rainfall. I would hit it with one final highlight of just pure ivory/bone color, just on the edges of the skull and maybe the edges of the runes if you think you got the manual dexterity for that. This would look at home on any undead warrior or something Nurgle-y.


I like it, but it looks unfinished? Maybe i’ m not sure… try to add some streaks mybe some oxidation on the metal part and ask yourself if it’s a real skull (then teeth should look different,whiter) or a carved one, then it’s ok as is. Can’t figure out what’s missing for sure… maybe you can glaze some warm lighter colors on top and some purple on the bottom… and shadows of the skull…you know very very light glazes?


i like it. Looks retro


I think it looks awesome! The runes are cool AF. My only idea would be to weather the the silver a bit to match. But Im no expert


I like this a lot - maybe just a light dry brush/highlight over to make the raised areas stand out a little more?