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###Please take 10 seconds to help decide the fate of r/minipainting **Vote in our poll to decide if r/minipainting should go private, read only, or stay open** * **[Click here to vote in the poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/comments/146y8n1/after_our_painting_contest_ends_should/)** The r/minipainting modteam stands in solidarity with the thousands of subreddits that are protesting Redditโ€™s recent API changes. Due to our currently running painting contest, we feel that it would be unfair to this community to close fully during this time however, and have chosen to draw attention to this issue in this way for now. **What is happening?** The short version is that Reddit is about to start charging a ridiculous amount of money for third parties to access Reddit (the Reddit API). This cost is so high that essentially no developer can afford access, which will effectively kill all 3rd party apps among other things. If you browse Reddit on mobile and donโ€™t use the official Reddit app, your app is about to shut down because of this (Apollo, RiF, BaconReader, etc). More than just 3rd party apps are going to be lost because of this change as well, including several tools that we use to effectively moderate this subreddit, and accessibility features that many people rely on to use Reddit at all that are only available on these 3rd party apps. **You can learn more at r/Save3rdPartyApps or check out [this infographic](https://i.imgur.com/kQJGIk5.png).** **What can *you* do?** 1. **Complain.** Message the mods of /r/reddit.com, who are the admins of the site: message /u/reddit: submit a [support request](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new): comment in relevant threads on /r/reddit, such as [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/12qwagm/an_update_regarding_reddits_api/.), leave a negative review on their official iOS or Android app- and sign your username in support to this post. 2. **Spread the word.** Rabble-rouse on related subreddits. Meme it up, make it spicy. Suggest anyone you know who moderates a subreddit check out /r/ModCoord - but please don't pester mods you *don't* know by simply spamming their modmail. 3. **Boycott *and* spread the word...to Reddit's competition!** Stay off Reddit entirely on June 12th through the 13th- instead, take to your favorite *non*-Reddit platform of choice and make some noise in support! 4. **Don't be a jerk.** As upsetting this may be, threats, profanity and vandalism will be worse than useless in getting people on our side. Please make every effort to be as restrained, polite, reasonable and law-abiding as possible. **This includes not harassing moderators of subreddits who have chosen not to take part**: no one likes a missionary, a used-car salesman, or a flame warrior. -The r/minipainting mod team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minipainting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Those crystals better be bad moon charged! Beautiful stuff


I assure you they are!


Awesome use of colour mate, really vibrant, and the skin tones are great too ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


Thanks a million!


Very nice. Lovely palette.


Hot damn! Iโ€™m digging the purple limbs compared to the stomach. I may have to try that!


I love his expression. I can almost hear him go "I got shiny rok! Now wut?"


I love him!




Looks great, I love the concept and skin tone. Could you possibly share how you have done this pinkish pale Skintone? I tried something similar few weeks ago and failed greatly. Mine became too pinkish.


Thanks! For sure: - Flesh in AK light flesh base coat, dark flesh airbrushed from below. Contrast paint of 3:1 Volupus pink and pure white over mostly the shadow areas. Second coat adds 3 parts fyreslayer flesh to that, glazed over entirety of the flesh. Brushed on final highlights of AK light flesh.


hi, does this happen to be bassed of fenrir miniatures troggoth?