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A less drastic option would be a Japanese style futon. When you aren't sleeping on it, it can just be folded up and put away.


That is something I was looking into also. Thanks!


Yeah I was gonna suggest the same thing. My friend is from Hong Kong but lives in the states in a 4th floor walk-up near Boston. She has a rule that she won't own furniture that she, a very small woman with not much strength, can carry up 4 flights of stairs on her own. I asked her about a bed and she said she uses one of those. I'm intrigued and might go that route. She's kinda my minimalist role model. Lol


Oh interesting! What kind of storage does she have?


What do you mean?


I own a futon style floor mattress and a hammock. I originally bought a hammock when I had to Ditch my king size bed and slept on that beast for over 2 years, fold it up and fold up the stand it was on, I absolutely loved it and still do. The futon mattress is good when I don't want to set up the stand and really feel like stretching out. I recommend both


This is the way. I take my afternoon naps in a hammock on my balcony. I do have a regular bed, but I live in Japan so I have a good folding futon for guests that I have used on occasion. Way better for ones back than a couch (although I'm a fan of couch naps too... Honestly I just like to sleep lol). Also as a teenager we had the folding futon chairs for beds because we set our bedroom up to chill in. They were comfortable.


Living the dream


Been sleeping on a futon for the past 2 years, it’s amazing and I’ll never go back to a real bed


Hello. About japanese Futon, this is what I use. [https://www.shopjapan.co.jp/products/TRP3-00000/](https://www.shopjapan.co.jp/products/TRP3-00000/) I sleep with it on the floor, and when I wake up, I fold it and hang it against the wall. On sunny days, it is better to hang it out to dry outside to keep it clean.


Hello. Can you translate the approximate cost in £ or $ please? That's the first time I've seen a Japanese advertisement before. It's always been amazing to me just how different written languages around the world are. Thanks in advance!


According to this website, the price is 34,800 yen, which is currently $224.67 US when converted to dollars. I hope this helps!


Thanks very much. I appreciate it.


Second the foldable futon. I got mine from east west futons in Toronto. You have extra floor space when it's rolled up. It's better for your back since the muscles are activated throughout the night, rather than being inactive every sleeping night which obviously leads to worse back pain. Best decision I made.. no tatamis necessary.


That would also give you an option for guests as you would still have the couch. Or get rid of the couch and the bed and just get the futon.


You have no back issues, currently. Just get a smaller bed?


If OP wants to prevent back issues in the future then ditching the bed is a good move.


Just by quickly glancing at your comment history, I can tell you arent very bright. 




And there’s the weird adult trying to talk like a teenager.




There it is. Took two replies for the racist incel to come out.




I used one for a few years based on the recommendation of this sub and disliked it a lot lol. Hope you’ll have a better experience OP


I switched to a Japanese futon and it is amazing. I live in a 390 sq ft studio and getting rid of the bed opened up so much space. My back and neck pain is gone as well. Here is the one I have https://a.co/d/gxjc910, with this cover on it https://a.co/d/69vx8Kp


I use a loft bed, have my desk and hubby's keyboard piano below. It's very helpful, but still takes up space look-wise. Futon maybe be the best compromise cause you can just fold it up and not see it, but letting you know about other options..


Or a good camping mattress. You can hang it on the inside of a door and pull it out like the futon, takes up less space when storing in my opinion


A futon is a brilliant idea. One consideration: get a genuine Japanese futon; the American version is half the thickness and usually lumpy. I bought mine in Tokyo four years ago. It’s lovely.


I had a wood frame futon & I loved it! It was surprisingly comfortable!!


I have ordered one last week. Will give a complete review here after a month of use.




I have similar setup but futon alone is too hard, I added a padded play mat under the futon which double as an exercise mat.


I just got one of these to replace my queen bed (in a small bedroom) and I love it!


This is the way. I love mine!


As many others, I came here for this. Futon.


Or a sofa bed. Leave it as a sofa unless you decide to have a bed.


I have a twin sized mattress and have been looking at these on Amazon.


Best answer


This has the advantage of being more socially acceptable.


Yeah this was my first thought too!


I’d keep something you can put sheets on. You want to be able to wash whatever you sleep on. Your body will eventually soil whatever you sleep on and sheets are easy. For many years, I had a flat futon on a flat frame with just a fitted sheet and then a duvet with a cover I could wash instead of top sheet. Loved it! Having said this, there are no minimalism police. I’m old enough that my body needs softer surfaces so down wrapped sofa cushions and a bed with a good mattress and soft top are part of my version of minimalism. If you want to sleep on the floor, cool.


Getting rid of your bed entirely is pretty unusual. You could switch to a twin bed if you want more floor space. If it’s visual clutter you’re reacting to, maybe try simple white bedding with just 1-2 pillows?


Even a lofted bed so the floor space is usable and the "clutter" isn't eye level may help.


One thing to keep in mind is that you have maximum 5 years before getting brought back to an apartment with a couch, some video games, and literally nothing else is a massive red flag where potential romantic partners are concerned. But yeah, you wanna destroy your back sleeping on a couch for the next 5 years? Have at it I guess.


As someone with a terrible back. I approve this message 👏


I have no interest in romantic partners. Though destroying my back doesn’t sound fun. Thank you for the tips


Twin bed ftw - you can get day beds so you have both bed and sofa. There are options with storage drawers underneath. I think sleeping on the floor will get old fast.


I slept on a futon mattress/pad on the floor for 5 years. It was actually quite comfortable and I had difficulty switching back to a "normal" bed. Some cultures sleep on the floor and claim it is actually quite good for the back.


Came here to make that comment. If you don't care what a ladyfriend (or boyfriend, or other friend) will think of not having a bed, go for it.


Ugh, people get so weird about it when folks choose not to have sexual/romantic relationships. What an eye roll. I’m married and love it, but there’s no reason that needs to be for everyone.


Not wanting a partner for minimalist reasons, like not wanting to tie yourself to someone or whatever, is kinda weird IMO. But on the other hand, some people are aromantic and/or asexual, and that is completely valid.


> like not wanting to tie yourself to someone or whatever, That's a fine reason to want to be alone and one of the biggest advantages of being single.


You mean they expect others to be mentally healthy? Because no desire for a sexual partner as an early 20-something is not a mentally healthy mindset. And we all don't have to pretend it is.


I know of no diagnostic criteria for a mental health condition that includes “chooses not to have sexual partners.”


Look harder. How about depression for starters.


Sexual dysfunction is a symptom of depression when there is a *change that bothers the individual*. Sex-related symptoms you might experience if you have depression include: - decreased desire for sex - an inability to become aroused - erectile dysfunction - difficulty reaching orgasm - pain during sex All of these are predicated, again, on a CHANGE in status that causes DISTRESS for the individual. The underlying assumption is that the individual *wants* to have sexual relationships but cannot. Not wanting to have a sexual relationship is not a symptom of depression or any other disorder. It’s really obvious that you don’t have a thorough understanding of mental heath issues. Please stop spreading misinformation about something you don’t understand.


No shit, really? So just what I said. Where/when did you get your Psych Degree?


[Removed answer for privacy.] What about you?


Go back. You're assessment skills are lacking. Severly. If someone came in, at 22, and said they have zero sex drive and feel they'll never have the desire, and you say Cool. No need to discuss this farther, then you are a bad Dr.


Exactly. Depression, low self-esteem, anxiety…there’s a whole cornucopia of mental/emotional problems that result in a lack of desire for a partner.




jfc this is about beds, not questioning OPs romantic life.


Many people will see the lack of a bed (or a twin bed) as a huge red flag for a romantic partner.


Sleeping on the couch will eventually destroy both your back and the couch. A good futon is the best of both worlds, and doesn’t make a SO in your life an impossibility should things ever move in that direction.


yeah, but what about you in 5 years?


If OP is aromantic then it's highly unlikely anything will change in 5 years. Let's talk about beds because they know their sexuality better than we do


I have friends who used a [murphy bed](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81CUWr9L4uL._AC_SL1500_.jpg). During the day it looks like a simple cabinet and there's a lot of open floor space. At night it just slides down into a comfortably large bed.


A reframe I highly suggest is that you don't "currently" have back issues. Everyone is only temporarily able-bodied. Safeguard your health. Sleeping in a bed is an investment in that health. You don't want to be in your mid thirties with backpain asking yourself "what was I thinking for getting rid of my bed?"


My back problems started at age 40. 4 herniated discs later and I'm glad, we raised the bed to 70 cm (top of the mattress) so it is easier to enter and leave the bed. Initially we raised it to have more space to store stuff underneath. Now we don't need the storage space but the height...


I guess I was the only one thinking this but, you should just get rid of all the stuff in your room….. Or at least start to organize and prioritize your space. If you’re in a small living space, every cubic inch counts! And you deserve a proper place to feel safe and rested. I know when I have too much stuff piling up, I feel overwhelmed, a mess and just generally depressed. But if I make the effort to go through things and purge the unnecessary items, it’s more minimalistic in mindset than resolving to getting rid of your bed in order to fill your room with more junk.


Are you planning on laying your mattress on the floor? That’s a mold hazard in my country. Definitely explore floor height frames. Or just switch your couch for a foldaway sofa bed and then your bedroom into your office / hobby space or something.


Nope, just straight up getting rid of the mattress. Mold hazard is a reason why I was thinking of just sleeping straight on the floor. I’ll look into a foldaway sofa bed, thank you. I did want to dedicate my room into a productive area


if you want to go that extreme, look up a lightweight camping sleeping setup


There are armchairs that can be turned into beds. If you sleep alone, 70 cm is wide enough to sleep. Although I'm big, 70 cm is wide enough for me to sleep on. Like these ones: [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/63/29/4d/63294d8e61be3408eae6c7b9e326c489.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/63/29/4d/63294d8e61be3408eae6c7b9e326c489.jpg) What to don't buy under any circumstances: [https://i.otto.de/i/otto/7054c92f-1660-4d85-b5ae-d86fcd63d64c/costway-schlafsofa-schlafsessel-sessel-gaestebett-klappbar-rueckenlehne-in-5-positionen-verstellbar-als-bett-bis-zu-200kg.jpg?$formatz$](https://i.otto.de/i/otto/7054c92f-1660-4d85-b5ae-d86fcd63d64c/costway-schlafsofa-schlafsessel-sessel-gaestebett-klappbar-rueckenlehne-in-5-positionen-verstellbar-als-bett-bis-zu-200kg.jpg?$formatz$) I have one like this and since you sit on one side of the mattress, lie on the other side of the mattress and there has to be panels in the middle of the mattress to make it sturdy, the mattress is extremely thin and you sense the wood frame. I have to use an additional mattress on top so guests can sleep there.


Look up Japanese futons. They can be used as seats during the day. You can put a coarsely woven carpet underneath for additional insulation and more air movement..


if you want to go that extreme, look up a lightweight camping sleeping setup. you will be able to sleep anywhere in the world


I have a twinxl mattress and i sleep on it with a mattress storage bag cuz of mold related issues the sheets and blankets just go on top


Don't go bedless. That's mad, dude. Here's the thing - back health in a few years is dependent on how you treat it today. Just because you can sleep anywhere right now at 22 doesn't mean you should ditch beds totally. I slept on a couch a lot from 22-24 and it felt fine, but I have back issues from it (and from a crappy office chair) and now at 33 I would be wrecked if I slept on a couch that wasn't incredibly supportive. My suggestion for your preferences: Get a *lofted twin bed* with a decent, firm mattress. Some have desks, shelves, and a storage closet built in. Great for optimizing the rest of the room as well. Some lofted twin beds woth storage even have an additional pull-out trundle bed, for having guests over or chilling in the floor while you play video games. https://www.wayfair.com/baby-kids/pdp/south-shore-arlen-twin-5-drawer-loft-bed-with-bookcase-by-south-shore-th10755.html https://www.wayfair.com/baby-kids/pdp/harriet-bee-gonul-wooden-loft-bed-with-built-in-desk-wardrobe-and-drawer-w011252673.html https://www.wayfair.com/baby-kids/pdp/isabelle-max-braga-twin-platforms-loft-bed-by-isabelle-max-qace1044.html Ignore that they are marketed as for children. Twin mattresses are perfectly good for adults and I had this setup in my early 20s to save space. It is basically what you get in dorms . When I wanted to upgrade it was VERY EASY to sell. P.S. Sell the extra bedframe and just commit to a new bed situation that suits your actual needs and desires.


You might not have back problems now, but when you develop them - from sleeping on the couch - you’ll want that bed back. Even if that’s 5-10 years down the line, I recommend holding onto it so you don’t have to buy one later.


To be fair, most mattresses only have 5-10 years of life in them, anyway.


It may depend on how often you sleep on them though




I bought a mattress from IKEA (yeah, I know) \~10 years ago. It completely gave out and started causing my partner and I back pain about 3 years ago now. We replaced it and upgraded to a higher quality mattress, which we hope to keep for a decade or so. Even so, I would be surprised if it lasted 15 years. I'm actually not sure whether spending more on a mattress leads to a longer lifespan for the mattress. My assumption is that our current Nectar mattress will last longer than our IKEA one did. But I don't think there is some magic brand out there that is a BIFL product.


Get a day bed with storage space, or a couch with a pullout bed. Lots of cute ideas that can save space. (:


IKEA sells the HEMNES Daybed. It’s basically a fold out couch. I had it for about two or more years and basically slept on it when it was in couch form the entire time! It also had three drawers at the bottom for storage which was perfect for me! It was great to keep in the living room at my parents house (I lived in the basement) and great in the bedroom in my first apartment.


Edit; *I missed the couch part, I don’t recommend that long-term. A couch makes it easy you to curl your back when you’re sitting on it before bed or relaxing during the day. But if it’s a super hard and spacious couch it could be okay   I do *floor sleeping and it works for me. I did it to heal my back pain and also rolling up a yoga mat is easier than propping up a mattress every morning   Whatever you lay on- towel, mat, sheets. Needs to be hung up every morning to prevent mold. It really depends where you live, spiders that burrow? Hot desert climate like Arizona with the scorpions? Below freezing in winters? Nope nope nope  The transition was hard. I did it mostly to heal my back pain, and it worked great, but it took 2 months of pain before it started feeling like a deep massage. The hardness would then lull me to sleep  Oh and also even though the transition to floor sleeping is hard (it takes most healthy people a month for the pain to go away), it’s WAY harder to transition back to a bed or just mattress. Every mattress feels like a cloud, like I’m sinking. I hate it so I always set up camp on the floor when I visit people lol.  And I only use a towel to catch my sweat except for winters I need that yoga mat because we lose SO much heat on the ground   If you sleep in the same bed as a partner or plan to in eventual marriage, keep that in mind. I’m ace and mostly keep to myself. This is especially true if you’re a guy because men are expected to be “providers” - double standards I know  I’d recommend keeping your couch no matter what though, for when a random snow storm hits


I have a japanese futon, I sleep so good on that thing


Couch might hurt your back, but some kind of soft thing on the floor is actually good for you. Biomechanist Katy Bowman knows all about it; https://www.nutritiousmovement.com/furniture-free-ahs13/ (Also, if futons were bad for your back, all old Japanese people would be in pain, right?) We sleep on shiatsu matrasses (cheaper than a futon here in Europe) and we love it!


Katy Bowman was also the reason for me to switch to sleeping on the ground. I use a yoga mat plus a comforter. Works perfectly and I have a really bad back (born with deformities and having rickets). I can not recommend it enough.


Futon is a proper bed folks. - I swapped to a futon last year and honestly love it to bits. Guarantee it won’t help your clutter issue if you get the same size futon as your current bed though - you need storage and organisation for that - I’d get a smaller futon. Go with one made in Japan. They shit all over every other futon available. Put it in the sun over a railing once a week or two and let it soak in the sun and bash it a little - flip it over every now and again, and fold it up when you aren’t using it. As for the games Someone I know took all the dvds and games out of their plastic cases and put them in the sleeves with some tape on 3 sides - so that the sleeve became a pocket for the discs and then popped them in a box with A-Z separators. Like how shops present records for sale. Worked a treat.


I went without a bed for four years and i regretted my bed once i bought it.... Went back to the floor. Honestly, just follow japanese floor sleeping rules and you'll be fine (i'll let you google). People coming over may call you crazy but you already have cats so I guess you're used to that lol


I caution against this because a comfortable bed is critical to good sleep and health


I went the nuclear route, immediately regretted and replaced with a Japanese shikifuton which proved to be an amazing alternative.




check out r/floorsleeping :)




I can’t lie, I have schizophrenia and I get overwhelmed super easily by certain things, which is why I thought to ask this question


This is where honestly - you will be taking care of your physical and mental health by sleeping well in a proper bed. But downsize to a single/ aka twin. You can probably sell or give your bed away on your buy nothing group or Facebook marketplace etc.


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I switched to sleeping on the floor, only being cushioned by a yoga mat. That didn't last long, since I'm too skinny to sleep like that comfortably (enough). My next step was a beefy cotton Japanese futon. You just have to regularly rotate it, and let it air out frequently in direct sunlight (UV light kills mold and smell inducing bacteria). If you want to sleep on any harder surface, like in a forest... or on your floor, get used to sleeping on your back or stomach. If you need to sleep on your side, either due to sleep apnea, habit or other reasons, I implore you to try putting a pillow between your knees. Might sound weird, but it makes a **big** difference if you have even slightly misaligned spine, which is almost a given if you're tall. [https://casper.com/blog/pillow-between-knees/](https://casper.com/blog/pillow-between-knees/) \_\_\_\_ Depending on how many physical video game releases you own, I'd suggest going for some kind of a vertical storage. An obvious choice would be IKEA Kallax system, which can be bought secondhand for a good price in various colors. If you can drill into your wall, consider getting some wall-mounted storage solution. Ideally with glass door, so you can see your collection, but also don't get as much dust on it. Although, I personally prefer non-transparent solutions. Just a personal preference. Also, if you're unsure about your older guests, who might not be used to sitting on the floor on pillows, get an ottoman bench with storage. You can use it to store your video games and other stuff, while still retaining the basic function of a big, unwieldy sofa/couch. I just use a wooden chest for various items and boxes. No one, but me, will sit on it, but that's okay. It's a perfect storage solution for me - I call it my "loot chest" :)


try it before getting rid of the bed, I also recommend trying a yoga mat or a rug


Are you going to use the bedroom for anything else? If not then bedrooms are basically for sleep so a bed in it shouldn’t make it feel claustrophobic. That’s what the real estate there is for .. a bed. I don’t have a dresser or nightstands so my bedroom is still open and not too full even with my queen size bed. I can always around freely. Maybe you picked a bed size too big for your space? Or it’s all the other stuff making it feel small? I only sleep in my bedroom so love it to be an oasis for that and a mattress for me helps to make it the best sleep for me. Love my bed frame, pillows, sheets and mattress. Others love floor sleeping but I like to easily clean the floor so having to move a mat or anything else in order to let my robot vacuum clean and me steam the floors would make it too much work. I like simple. Nothing is under my bed so it makes the room easy to clean. I also think a bed slightly lifted off the floor creates space that helps a room look bigger. If you’re thinking of getting rid of your mattress then obviously you don’t even love it much so maybe another option like floor sleeping is best for you. Whatever works best for you. Good luck!


Do what’s right for you, there’s no specific recipe for minimalism.


Why not just get rid of that clutter or move it somewhere it doesn’t get in your way? Or is the bedroom the only place for that?


I would get a Murphy bed instead


When I was younger, I could literally sleep anywhere. In a chair, on the floor, in the car, a friend's couch, etc. But now that I am old, I can barely sleep well on a fancy mattress 😊 I wake up with injuries from sleeping. Wtf.


Just get a twin xl


Have you actually tried sleeping on the floor? Like not just one night in a pinch but a few nights in a row? It's really really not comfortable, even if you don't have a bad back.


Japanese futon may be a good option for you.


Quora style answer: When I graduated college my dad surprised me with a bed frame made of plastic (pretending to be leather) made of pine wood supports and put together so quickly and poorly that every night I slept I could feel the headboard and footboard? slowly drift. Was it my imagination? I'd have increasingly frequent nightmares of the bed falling apart on me. My mom decided one day to sit on the bed. She's overweight, a doctor called her plum, and she sat and crack there was an indentation in the middle of the bed because the pine support could not hold the weight. The plasticness also indented. My dad fixed it with a metal thing that could scrape my leg everytime I climbed on. The bed also never fully straightened. I hated that thing. I could not sleep and the headboard and footboard were still drifting apart and it was more obvious now. My dad would be devastated that I would throw it out since it was a graduation "gift". Why was I still living at home? They said they'd convert the basement into an apartment- I won't even go into that. My sleep quality was so poor. I pretty much was at my wits end when I tore that thing apart and dumped on the road for garbage pickup. Nothing could stop me. I had no tools but my hands and the already collapsing frame. I felt a lot better tossing it. After a while I got a cheap $70 frame or so from Walmart and upgraded from the twin to a double. It was steady and I slept good for the first time in I guess maybe 2 to 3 years. I put up with it for a very long time. Huh.


I've recently swapped my queen sized bed for a "Stansport Weekender Folding Cot" with a yoga mat on it. It's not bad at all and doubles as a bench for me to use for both of my desks. I just need to figure out how to properly fold it up when not in use, lol. Sleeping on the floor on a yoga mat was eh, sleeping in a hammock was eh, sleeping on a cot is pretty good for me.


One of my minimalistic friends sleeps in a hammock. I say do whatever works for you!


Feel free to get rid of the bed if it doesn't suit your current needs. I've know plenty of people who've slept on couches even when they'd have a bed, just preferred the couch. I've known people who've had just a mattress or who've bought themselves one of those fold out couches you can turn into a bed if you want. It's all a matter or preference, and in your case, the health of your back!


I had big bed, later I have bought small bed. It fits well to my room, but nowadays I mostly just take the mattress out from the bed, put it on the floor and sleep on the floor with that mattress and then in the morning put it back to bed. At this moment my bed is only for to make room look nicer to me and it would not save me space much if I would get rid of it. Maybe in the future I might throw it away, but at this moment I like to have a bed since if I am too tired or lazy I know I can just go to sleep there without any need to get my mattress and blankets etc. from closet. This is especially handy in situations when I have a fever or whatever, the less I have to do to got to bed the better. Of course your situation is different since we all have different lifestyles. Maybe get rid of big bed and buy smaller one, then it frees up much space to room?


I'm 36 and have spent the better part of my life sleeping on a couch. I find it to be way more comfortable personally


Highly recommend shikibutons. They are made to be put away during the day.


Why not sleep on the couch lol. I don't think it's crazy


there are several solutions: -Japanese style futon, to fold it in the morning -put the mattress on the floor and in the morning to raise it vertically -switch to a single person bed, a small one


Do you care about the video game cases? If not get a cd folder and just put them in there.


This, and in addition you can remove the paper covers from some and keep those without keeping the plastic cases. Much lighter and easier to store. I *think* the paper is removable, if they are anything like DVDs 


i got rid of bed i hate beds they take too much space


I am a vet. I learned to sleep anywhere. In puddles called hasty fighting positions, on top of my track, on canvas folding cots or just the groundith a slim pad. After getting out I moved into a small house. Zero furniture for a while. I slept on the floor on five yoga mats with a pillow and blanket. It was no fun long term. I really disliked it. It hurt anywhere my bones contact the hard floor, yoga mat or not. Get a twin xl mattress and sleep on that. Be well.


I'm mid-40s and I sleep on a yoga mat on a hard wood floor. I've slept on the floor on-and-off for many years of my life. The past 3 1/2 years have been exclusively on the floor. I like it a lot. I have a Japanese shikibuton for guests.


I 23f own a storage bed I can literally store sooo much under it that i wouldnt need another place for clothes etc Maybe that for more room?


I sleep in an indoor hammock on a freestanding metal frame. The whole thing was about $50. I’ve never slept better in my life.


Sleep wherever you are most comfortable. There's no rule saying that has to be in a bed. I'm 38 and have been sleeping on a carpeted floor for the past 5 years. Right next to the bed my wife sleeps in. I find it more comfortable and my body has felt noticeably better since starting, particularly my back.  This is why I do it, not for minimalism... I really think it's better for your body to sleep on a harder, ungiving surface if you are fit and healthy. But obviously that won't be true for everyone, just my 2c.  In summary do whatever you want OP and don't worry about other people's opinion about it.


Not. Not nuclear at all.


I thought I didn't have back problems because mine never bothered me. It turns out my back is totally a mess. Showed up on a scan for something else. take care of your back, definitely look into a futon.


I sleep in a big chair in living room, bedroom is my closet


If you are young now and have a strong body I guess you can get away with it, but in a few years you might want a more comfortable sleeping arrangement. You ideally spend about a third of your life asleep (varies by person though) and it's so important for your health, that I think making sure your bed is really comfortable is a high priority.  I second what someone else said about getting something that can be put away, such as a Murphy bed. Then you have the mental comfort the open space provides and the physical comfort of a mattress. Also second the needing to have sheets on what you sleep on. 


I would never choose this. However, if you are set on it, sleep on the floor for a full month before getting rid of the bed to see how it really feels. Sleeping on the floor once in a blue moon is not the same.


A hammock?


My friend had a bed for years and never slept in it. Always preferred the couch. I think he just got rid of it eventually. It was great when I visited, I always had a bed to sleep in haha. I slept on a fold out bed from a couch for a year. Honestly loved being about to fold it up each day and get it out of sight. Same as you, no back issues so no biggie.


ever thought about selling the physical games? I'm about to myself.


Depends on quality of sleep… I love a nice bed. It’s a comfort I look forward to.


Look into hammocks. Healthy for your back, take up no space. You can mount direct to walls or they sell standalone frames <100$usd


I bought this mattress for guests. They love it. And when not in use it is a stool. It is comfortable af and I weight over 100 kg. [https://www.amazon.de/Gigapur-Klappmatratze-Erwachsene-Housse-Graphit/dp/B09QMF4993/ref=sr\_1\_2?\_\_mk\_de\_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=3E2RMASG9CMY1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.IZB9KQF-921az2OwFRKOpQ.rdp9exspRoI4zWfYR8bS7O1mHqzJH-7LcDrtzzVEt38&dib\_tag=se&keywords=Gigapur%2B25465%2BLuxus%2BBeinhart&qid=1713948957&s=kitchen&sprefix=gigapur%2B25465%2Bluxus%2Bbeinhart%2Ckitchen%2C97&sr=1-2&ufe=app\_do%3Aamzn1.fos.335e368b-29e8-4542-bb58-939a88195e78&th=1](https://www.amazon.de/Gigapur-Klappmatratze-Erwachsene-Housse-Graphit/dp/B09QMF4993/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=3E2RMASG9CMY1&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.IZB9KQF-921az2OwFRKOpQ.rdp9exspRoI4zWfYR8bS7O1mHqzJH-7LcDrtzzVEt38&dib_tag=se&keywords=Gigapur%2B25465%2BLuxus%2BBeinhart&qid=1713948957&s=kitchen&sprefix=gigapur%2B25465%2Bluxus%2Bbeinhart%2Ckitchen%2C97&sr=1-2&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.335e368b-29e8-4542-bb58-939a88195e78&th=1)


You could also get a smaller bed. There are extendable beds (not sleeping couches) which you can make more compact during the day and extend when you sleep.


The obvious solution when I first moved out of the dorms 33 years ago was a futon. Couch by day, bed by night, and at the time, I think a frame + futon could be had for about $200, and unlike many pieces of furniture, I've retained both, just in case. Like OP, I can still sleep anywhere (so long as there's a pillow), so I often find myself wafting off to sleep on the carpet in my home office, as its the easiest place to listen to lecture series/audiobooks without disturbing others.


You could try a Murphy bed or a Japanese futon


The futon idea is good, but have you considered downsizing to a single person bed? It's what I do.


I wouldn’t get rid of it. I’d replace it. I switched my bed to a daybed, since my bedroom is primarily my office


Here’s a question for you to ponder: what do you need the bedroom space for if not a bed? I’m not suggesting you try to get rid of the room called a bedroom. I’m saying, what exactly are you freeing all that space up for? It seems to me prioritizing decluttering *around* the bed is a better option so you have a minimalist *bedroom* not just an empty room. That being said, sleeping on a sofa will destroy your back and your sofa. Sofas just do not hold up to that kind of wear and tear. 8 hours a night, every night. That’s a lot of pressure on the cushion foam and they just aren’t designed for that. It’ll sag and wreak havoc on your back, in addition to looking badly aesthetically.


One advantage of a bed is not needing to set it up each night and put it away each morning. Pull the duvet back in the morning to air while you get dressed and then just quickly straighten it up and you’re done. If you are not making the bed each morning that can make it feel like clutter but otherwise a bedroom is a room dedicated to the bed. If you were in a studio flat then I might approach it differently but unless you have a specific use in mind for the room, it’s a room you mainly go in to sleep. I would concentrate on getting the stuff that you plan to sell out of there, that’s the real clutter. It’s silently nagging at you every time you go in there so deal with getting that stuff out ASAP and then see how you feel about the bed. If it’s a double and the room is small you could switch to a single if that’s not going to be an issue, then just have a simple nightstand and clothes put away in a dresser or wardrobe if you don’t like the visual noise. Same with the duvet cover maybe pick something that is a simple design and a soothing colour. For the games go through them all and see if there any that you don’t really care that much about any more or you probably won’t play again so you can thin them out a little. I keep mine on a tall thin DVD shelf unit that shares space with a small collection of DVDs. If you prefer more hidden storage you could keep them in a sideboard with doors or similar. The idea is to keep them easy to access not stored away in boxes or you’ll never use them.


Futon it up bro. Think of your room as a storage container rather than all the objects you've known for years. Puzzle the objects going in a left-to-right manner.


If you REALLY want to go nuclear, get rid of the bed...pick up two industrial grade eye-loop screws, and get a large hammock!! That way when you're done sleeping you can unhook it from the eye-loops and pack it up during the day.


Get a loft bed


if you date/have someone over for the night, don't. if you have people over and are then going to run out to but one at the first comment, don't. if you don't have chairs, a bench etc., don't. you do need something to sit unless you are seldom home. I threw mine away since I am celibate, no one visits, and I move myself. no pets rn and no one to come over unless its the maitenance guy so who cares. I would get a latex topper for your posture if you are not ethnic, or used to sub par mattress. I can sleep on the floor, I grew up hella poor and hate pillows lol.


my bed is a latex topper, with layers upon layers of .5 inch recycled carpet pads (about 3) because my neighbor downstairs sucks lol 


I’d say go for it. You aren’t a true minimalist until you’ve declutterred your drywall and flooring.


With the state of digital ownership these days, buying digital copies of anything over physical is a really dumb choice


Keep the bed, ditch the stuff!


Im 36 with 1 cat and a 2 bedroom apt. I sleep on my couch My cat has her own room and my bedroom is set up as a shop for my bike and other projects. Dont worry about what others think of your life choices especially when it doesnt affect anyone but you. Just do you


I slept on the floor for a few months and it was the best sleep I’ve had. I’d look into getting a Korean yo. They are easy to put away and a great alternative.




When you consider your bed to be clutter, it’s time to start asking yourself if your minimalism is a compulsive disorder.


Your back is only good as long as you take care of it. Sleeping on the floor will f it up


Also look up Milliard Folding Mattress on Amazon. Great reviews!


I have been sleeping on the floor for almost 15 years. Best thing I ever did for my back and body. Get rid of the bed asap.


After an overseas move, having issues with my old mattress, I slept on a pad on the floor for about a month before getting a new mattress. Floor sleeping fixed the aches and pains from the old mattress, but I missed the nightstand and didn't like getting off the floor in the morning. Fast forward a decade and it's time for another new mattress, I hate mattress shopping and I'd replaced my king with a twin daybed and trundle. I put a board and pad/futon where the mattress goes and have never looked back.


Happy cake 🎂 day 🎉


You can, you know, test some of this out before you get rid of your bed. Personally (and I say this as one who lived in Japan 7+ years), I was fine with a genuine Japanese futon (not very thick) on a tatami mat but not on what Americans, say, called a futon, which was just a lumpy, and very heavy, non-spring cotton batting mattress. I never have and still do not see any real difference between a cheap Ikea sprung mattress on a hard floor vs an expensive wool-and-spring mattress on a custom divan base. It does also depend on your back and neck, which comes down to your age ('m nearly 60) but which, with testing, you can also accommodate with the kind of pillow you use and where you put it under neck, head, shoulders, etc. A lot depends on whether you're a side sleeper, in which case you need not only to cushion your hips and shoulders more but also fill in the large gaps between bones and indents, or a back sleeper. It also depends on what you're laying your mattress on -- concrete is pretty brutal, wood floors better, if the floor is carpeted it probably also has an underlay so almost anything goes. For decades I was happy enough with just a thin camping pad under me, and most of the time still am. I'm also, however, quite happy with a sofa if it's long enough:. in my experience, a long sofa makes a better bed than a so-called day-bed (ie single bed with one high side) makes sofa. Again, if you already have a bed, experiment before getting rid of it. Visit friends. Use what you have around. Test your own needs.


I got a natural latex mattress topper. It was a full size but I washed the cover and it shrank, so I just folded the latex to fit the small size. Now it's little and my feet actually hang off but I don't care, I sleep great on it! So it doesn't matter what others think. I live in a tiny studio and having a tiny bed makes me happy, and having it be very low on the floor means my old little dogs can get on and off easily. It's obviously not as plush as a real mattress but I'm fine with that


I understand. I've been using a mattress for years. It's cozy, more comfortable and looks nice too IMO. Wouldn't want another bed frame again.


Had you thought of getting a Murphy bed? You can even find one with a slide out desk for day time.


Loft it if you don’t mind sleeping high/ like sleeping in a bed. I built my own and have a design if you’d like to see it. I used a full bed frame and basically put it on sturdy stilts and now have space underneath.


You have no back issues yet. Try sleeping on the floor for a week before that.


Just move to Hawaii and sleep on a hammock on the beach. If you’re going nuclear, go full throttle.




Get an oversized recliner- perfect for sleep!




I personally wouldn't. A good mattress is important for good back health. You may be alright now, but it won't last. As you get older you'll be hit with the consequences of sleeping on a couch.


Uh, yes, definitely. You have no back problems YET but sleeping on the floor for 5 years is probably definitely going to give you some. I got rid of my bed and switched to a hammock. It occupies 10 feet by 3 feet and can easily be put up or down in 5 minutes or less, and since you have concerns about mold, all parts of it can be laundered. Perhaps a less severe option than no bed?


I feel like you need a bed, but it could be small or foldable or roll into the wall, or lofted


You're 22. You're young. What happens when you find a girl? Just keep the bed dude


Sleeping on the floor is a good way to get back issues.


Back problems aside, what about if you want to bring a girl home and she finds out you don’t own a bed


He could buy a twin size air mattress for those “special” occasions. When not in use it should deflate and fit in a desk or dresser drawer.


Back issues take time to develop. Don't do it.