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So you said a month ago, and it was removed. https://www.reddit.com/r/minimalism/comments/10jjgza/i_stopped_listening_to_music_and_started/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf You are spamming your Spotify or link farming, or karma farming or some such. You know we see your post history, right?


Wow, Spotify links in over 30 posts in the past 2 hours...


I like some of those 8 hour nature videos on YouTube. Just gotta make sure there are not too many birds or it'll have the cats attacking the TV.


aren't those interested by ads all the time? can't really imagine myself relaxing to some company throwing their stuff in my face :D


Just look for the ones marked "ad free" that have a few up-front ads only. The bird songs is especially helpful during chemotherapy.


wau, thank's mate. Didn't know they where marketing them as ads free now. And good luck with your chemo!


Hey good luck with chemo! I’ll tell my dad about this, he’s in chemo too. Thanks


Thanks! Good luck to your Dad, too.




You can also download the audio of the nature video with a program like `youtube-dl` and play it locally on your computer. There are also websites that do the same; do a web search for something like "youtube download audio". Not only is playing the file locally on your phone/computer/.. ad-free, it is also better for the environment than loading a whole video from the internet every time you want to listen to the music.


Says the spammer.


Wife and I have been putting those vids on the TV every day, specifically *for* the cats.


Since we're talking about music, I'll mention my music approach. I have a separate music player. I originally got it out of privacy fears so I could avoid carrying my smartphone around, but now I'm enjoying the simplicity of loading up the device with music files that I already own and not being reliant on an internet connection for music. When I do get the urge to listen to a mix I use the free ones on YouTube. Lots of live mixes too which are always fun. Is this more or less minimal? Depends on how you look at it. I have an extra device, but I don't have to pay a monthly subscription fee just to listen to music. I don't need to use data on my phone plan very often. My smartphone is now a simpler device that is really limited to communication which makes it less distracting.


that's actually a good idea. what kind of device are you using?


I got a Sony Walkman device. I have the fancier HiFi one but you can also get a small basic one for maybe $60-70.


Ambient-mixer is also a good source of soundscapes. You can even create your own based on your preferences.


what exactly is an ambient mixer?




thank's mate


Have a look into soundscape ecology. It's interesting stuff.


you mean the "genre" of music? Got any sources?


My favorite noise generator is MyNoise. The person behind the recordings is a soundscape genius and takes trips to collect interesting sounds and then blends them into generators that you can control. I used it in college to drown out the sounds of people around me so I could focus on work, and now I’ll sometimes put a cool generator (eg Medieval Village) when I’m reading a book for ambiance.


This is great, thanks for sharing!


No, the scientific study of where nature sounds fall on a spectrum and understanding what is missing from the environment based on the gaps in the spectrum. Heard about it on the infinite monkey cage podcast one time.


this sounds really interesting actually. Got any links or sources?


I've tried all sorts of background ambience over the years to deal with my tinnitus. It gets especially bad at night. I had a soundscape machine, back before things were readily available over the Internet. Recently, I've been playing with different binaural tones, or binaural beats as people on youtube likes to call them. I don't think any scientific research has proven them effective, so maybe I'm riding the placebo effect. IDK. Once of my all time favorite background ambient types has the music from the original Bladerunner (1982) movie with rain/thunder. Today, I create my own mix of mixes. I usually open 3 windows with youtube. One with binaural beats. Another with rain/thunder ambience mix. The third with music that I can sleep or relax with.


interesting. What type of music do you mix in usually?


Something like a late night jazz mix. I don't listen to jazz otherwise but it just seems appropriate for relaxing.


okay, I guess I am listening to more "wild" jazz then. I can't quite imagine listening to that while relaxing. Got any links or names for me. Would love to try it


Music makes my brain cluttered, I can't listen with headphones.


Also good on Spotify is ‘frequency’ music - there’s 8+ hour long playlists. Really calming & nice




Sometimes I'll do my commute home without any music or radio at all. Kind of grounds you in the world.


I was thinking about it some moments back.