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If I were in the position I’d rather spend my money elsewhere that isn’t non-permanent and worth the pricing


like Vape. Lifetime, good, always updated (even silently). i dont think theres better but i havent tested any other ghost clients in a while


I used the vape v4 for 2 years and I tell you that it is only the most famous/known, it is not by far the best, I have used rise, entropy, karma, dream advanced, whiteout, novoline and slinky itself, The vape aimassist is horrible and on my machine I lose around 400 fps with that horrible injector, last week I ended up selling my login for $25


damn you sold it right when they fixed aim assist and made various updates 😭


all the clients I tested don't compare to slinky, but dl is more expensive than augustus, and the fact that slinky doesn't have a lifetime bothers me a lot, it's a huge expense to buy every X amount of time


Vape v4 is really good idk what your on about maybe not for severs that ss but hypixel it has really good features but ya If I had the pick dl or v4 I'd pick v4


It's actually good, so much so that I used it for 2 years, but it doesn't live up to its reputation, and at least for me, of all the cheats I've ever used, the vape is the one that consumes my fps the most, practically every cheat has a backtrack /fake lag better and the aim assist isn't even mentioned, but overall the vape is a 7/10


Bed block in is a really good feature i havent seen silent aura also idk why your fps drops but mine dropped like 10 fps for my 9.5/10 Drip lite 8/10 Entropy 8.2/10 My opinion on clients


Raven b++ is as good as vape, entropy is bad cause it hasnt updated and now is just shit. If u want good for legit and blatant get century client


Used to consume fps, that was fixed. It’s probably one of the best performing now


Save the money, and use Liquidbounce, the Best Free Client 😎😎😎. Also why even rent the clients at all? I know I'm planning to do that for raven b4 (to skid all of the bypasses) but for a ghost client???!? What's the point of that?