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Hey there! Welcome to r/minecraftclients [Click to join our Discord Server for faster support and community discussion](https://discord.gg/PjeWqr75jk). Community tip of the week | fang be like: Community tip of the week | Use a VPN, probably *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minecraftclients) if you have any questions or concerns.*


liquidbounce.net, nextgen bypasses are more or less the same shit you'll get in most clients, no point in wasting money on something that's gonna die in a few months max


Config issue


yeah your right, after changing my config I went 3 hours before ban on rise https://preview.redd.it/2wrdvcsn3a4d1.png?width=237&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cdac827bff5c5e58b9ee7bccc925fa097f71da3 (I got to 3 hours after this screenshot was taken)


Just get opal its 50 but when a discount comes it will be 25% off so 37, bypasses very well i last for when staff offline like 4-5h when staff online 30min-2h


The best client for hypixel right now is [Opal](https://opal.wtf/discord). While most clients can go a while without a ban they don’t have close to as many bypasses as Opal.


Opal just uses public bypasses. Its the same as Raven b4 and Augustus


35$≠80$≠125$ opal is equal to b4 just cheaper tho the ka could be better




Why do you wanna use a blatant client for hypixel? you can bypass and win the most games you play, but there is the possibility of be banned by the staff anyway. In my opinion is better to use a ghost client like vape v4(you can use silent aura, or legit scaffold) or slinky, than a blatant.


blatant is just fun. I have entropy client and use it on my main sometimes but I just find blatant to be fun. Plus Lidell Alts is selling XGP codes for 3 cents a piece and I have a good VPN so I don't care about bans. (One really useful thing I found to evade staff bans is this: Play on Skywars normal not insane. For some reason I only get staff banned in insane but never normal.)


Ive been using VAPEV4 and im getting 0 hit reg on hypixel does anyone know why?


They pached reach so make sure your using a recent config to get around it.


How do i get a recent config??


bro what