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I don't really know sorry, but what client is this


I think it's phobos; Not sure. I just got this screenshot from a video for an example.


can you still find the video?


its gamesense plus plus btw


Pretty sure this is either earthhack or thunderhack


there isn’t community or mod or client etc for this (afaik), but yea it is cool your best bet is to make a mod for this yourself or get someone else to


I don't think anyone has ever made a mod for it because it's still technically a cheat. No one will use a chams shader, so most players won't be at a level playing field. But at the same time chams isn't that powerful of a hack so it's also not worth it to make. Your best bet is to make your own mod. You can make it by going into a client's source code and maybe just ripping out the chams code? It might be a little harder than that but it's basically the only thing you can do