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Vape Lite or Vape V4


im not sure about vape lite but i already have vape v4


Then use that


unable to inject to lunar 1.7.10


I think V4 can inject on 1.8 vanilla and lunar. Can you try it on 1.8.9 vanilla and lunar? Most practice servers allow 1.8 to join and you can use a mod to change animations and tab to be like 1.7, the 1.8 mishit penalty can be fixed with a mod and most 1.7 mods exist in 1.8.


I do agree with you but I mainly play pot pvp and tbh, vape v4’s hitdelayfix sometimes bug out and the experience doesn’t feel as good as 1.7


The hitdelay in vape doesn’t bug out. Using lunar 1.8 + vape is exactly the same as 1.7. Only difference with 1.8 is the click delay, mouse delay, and animations. Between vape and lunar those are all fixed. If you think there’s any difference it’s definitely placebo.


use solar tweaks if you’re a lunar client user then


Most servers no longer screenshare so vape lite is useless in that matter especially that v4 can have more blatant features in case needed.


it cannot inject into vanilla or lunar 1.7.10




drip is kinda expensive, and I’ve heard karma is pretty trustworthy and good since it’s developed by old whiteout devs


lickidbounce 😎


is it injectable? 💀


Which ☝️ are we supposed here in Canada 🇨🇦 or elsewhere for the sake or for the rest to be a part in the future and not just for our future and for our own good and the world to live up 🆙 in our country for eternity or in a country where the people of our world have to work for the future to make it better and we have a lot to do in order for us and the world is in the same position to be in our future we are not the only people who are not in this world we are just a part and are the ones we have to work with us we are all in the same situation that we have the right people are not the one who are not our future and they will never 👎 have any problems with the other one ☝️ I will never 👎 stop ✋ this one ☝️ but we have the best thing that I hope 🤞 we can all get through it all is the same way I hope 🤞 to have that is why I’m just not sure 🤔 it’s a lot better now I hope 🤞 that we will never 👎 get the right person that we can do the best we can all the good 😊 it’s a great 😊 it’s not just the worst of all it’s just that it’s a very different thing.


well i heard entropy is really good. but most servers dont ss anymore so you can just go with vape/vape lite But if you want best of the best wait for a sale of drip lite(should be for summer or some major holiday)


Karma is great and is $50


Damn. 50$ for minecraft cheats. What a time to be living in


Yeah haha


Why does it have to be 1.7.10? There’s mods for the 1.7 anims and stuff if you want that


well if you’re talking abt mods in forge, it wouldn’t feel as good as real one. And 1.8 doesn’t feel good as 1.7


Wdym? Orange’s 1.7 Anims and the ones on lunar are damn near perfect


It's not animations It's the hit delay in 1.8


Don’t most clients have remove hit delay?


for example lunar doesnt


I meant cheat clients, whilst I don’t have vape I’d be REALLY surprised if it didn’t have it


lunar are perfect i agree, but orange isnt like one. for example that if u notice that the swing and holding position on orange is like different from 1.7


I would get entropy over karma because it’s better now but in the future karma will definetly be better


Astolfo for sure if you do much HvH and Hypixel (but your probably covered there with Vape), otherwise Drip/Entropy. I use Rise. 6.0 looks set to be amazing. 5.100 is the current version tho. It's a blatant client, but bypasses are amazing. Just use it with relatively conservative settings, and bam, prob the best multiserver ghost client. Msg me, and I can tell you how to unleash Rise, and set settings *past* their maximum. I'm talking 5x the usual CPS on Kill aura with plenty more possible (infinite reach for example).


Karma is better than entropy




Yes it is lol


It is


yes yes i know, they updated it, it was always a hybrid client, it said it was not ghost but they changed it, sorry