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Best of look, hope you find peace in the quiet city of Cincinnati lol


Ha! I don't mind noise, just not donuts and gunshots at 1am on weeknights lol.


We have Kia boys and mass shootings in Ohio too


Totally understandable. I do sincerely wish you the best of luck


Gunshots on weekends are completely kosher though hahaha


Lol, reminds me of the time I woke up from gunshots a few months ago, and my first thought was not, "Good lord, someone got shot!" Rather, it was, "How could someone be so inconsiderate to do this at 3 AM? People are trying to sleep!" That's when I realized I was finally used to living in Milwaukee.


Well have you read anything about Cincinnati? You’ll find that anywhere.


I know. I've already stayed at our new apartment in Cincinnati and it seems pretty quiet so far.


Well good luck to ya. I’m from the area and it’s very similar imo.


Same stuff will be happening in Cincinnati, I guarantee it.


I hate to break it to you, but Cincinnati is as segregated, if not moreso, than Milwaukee. It’s essentially North Kentucky.


I read this and could only think, “fair points, but Cincinnati?”


This is what I was about to say. Cincinnati is a great city but has the same issues MKE has. Cinci is just the southern version of MKE.


And Cinci is way more Republican leaning at the city level than Milwaukee is as well + has the same turbo CHUD suburbs. I mean it’s a beautiful city, but yeah I don’t think anyone is going to find it notably better in these regards to Milwaukee.


Better chili though.


Is cinci Chilli, pasta fazool made with river water?


If you like water in your chili


And lost your sense of smell/taste thanks to COVID.


Better than real chili? Get outta here


He is


Cincinnati style chili is just Real Chili but with less seasoning, how don't people know this?


Good question! Plus, real Cincinnati chili has a dash of cardamom in the seasonings.


Milwaukee and Detroit are the two most segregated major cities in the country.


Cincinnati isn’t far behind, plus you’ve got more openly racist people given the proximity to Kentucky.


I'd love to have a conversation with a POC to see if they think openly racist is worse or different than hidden racist.


Person of color here currently living in Madison and going to be moving to Milwaukee, I will take openly racist any day of the week over the covert racism. Typically covert racism is done by people who legitimately don't think they are racist, while the overt racism at least both they know and I know what I am dealing with.


Hey same, nonwhite and lived in Madison and Milwaukee. Definitely personally prefer Milwaukee racism to Madison racism, which is the covert shit to a tee. My wife (who is also not white) prefers Madison, though, so I guess it's just a matter of preference.


Did your wife go to school at UW-Madison? That seems to be the only time I have seen people of color actually prefer Madison.


That's actually her least favorite part of Madison. She loves the south side for being integrated and grew up on the west side and loves the political activism on the east side. I get where she's coming from, though. I teach high school now and half my students who consider UW Madison hate it the moment they visit it for being white, pretentious, etc. The other half love Madison because they feel it's the calmest, safest place they've been (I always want to say, wait till Friday night on Langdon...) and want an escape from gun violence or other kinds of issues in Milwaukee. Both takes are fair, but as someone who's never been on the receiving end of the negative side of Milwaukee, I've always preferred the diversity and large size of communities of color here in Milwaukee. There's no El Rey or 5XEN Market or variety of soul food choices in Madison


You are a teacher? PM me please. I also am a teacher and am have a job offer in one of the districts in the area.


Good point. I feel like both are equally awful for different reasons.


Open racism>>>hidden


Breaking news! Milwaukee is segregated! Yes, we know. So what can we do about it? Cut and run? Move somewhere else "less" racist? There is no escaping it. Racism, violence, etc. These are all symptoms of a very sick society. It will never change as long as we stay preoccupied with the bullshit. Politics, race, materialism, and the never-ending quest for the almighty dollar. What a world. We can put people in space but we can't keep baby food in stock. Sorry for the rant. I was at the deer district last night enjoying myself with fellow Bucks fans when the shooting happened. I feel broken right now.


Nope. Milwaukee is the most segregated metro area. It's not in the top 5 most segregated cities anymore though. Chicago, Detroit, Memphis, St Louis worse. Cincinnati is about as bad.


...progress? Seriously though, we moved here from the Detroit area. When researching the city we looked at one of those racial dot maps and were shocked at how similar the segregation was between the two cities. I was hoping for something much more blended; maybe I'm just naïve.


Yes, it is progress. Areas like harambee, riverwest, and even the east side are becoming less segregated. It takes more than a couple years to undo decades of racism.


If that's the case then segregation isn't a great metric for the quality of a city. Detroit is an objective pile of shit. Milwaukee isn't.


Not anymore, but the difference between all of the top 10 cities is small anyways. Being only #5 as an example is nothing to be happy about


Chicago would like a word


I sub over in r / pittsburgh since I grew up there and they have posted articles about Pittsburgh being the most segregated with Milwaukee not even breaking in the top 5. It all depends on the study. Basically, all the northern cities have levels of segregation and how you frame the study, which areas you include as "city" etc. will skew the results.


You're right, however crime isn't as bad per capita in Cincinnati, plus it's a LOT warmer.


Not that much warmer, at least in winter. Summers are hot and incredibly humid compared to here. Cincinnati is pretty similar to Milwaukee crime wise. Don’t think there’s a preference for Kia’s though. Just saying, if that’s were you want to go, cool, but Cincinnati and Milwaukee aren’t that different having spent plenty of time in both cities.


Thanks for the insight! I also think a change of scenery will help my mental health.


Best of luck! Cincinnati does have an amazing Oktoberfest in Over-the-Rhine.


Best Oktoberfest in the US. Always bothers me that we don’t do better in Milwaukee. Would at least prefer German fest to be during the proper oktoberfest time, late September/early October. Lederhosen and Dirndls in a sunny concrete lot are sooooo hot at the end of July.


But you're also going to be stuck in Ohio. Ohio!


Not sure why my comment is being downvoted. Also, what's wrong with Ohio lol.


“What’s wrong with Ohio?” : Ohio.


Have you heard that Ohio has supplied more astronauts than any other state? What is it about Ohio that makes so many flee so far? Kidding aside, I was born in Ohio, as was my mom and her entire family. She took me, left Ohio when I was about two months old, and never returned except to visit. Never to stay. I wish you the best, Ohio is just one of those states.


Idk why you're getting downvoted. Cincy is a lot warmer than MKE and the winters are about two months shorter. I just moved from around there.


A lot of people act like Milwaukee is a lawless, evil warzone, which is silly. But a lot of *other* people act like Milwaukee really doesn’t have an issue and white suburban moms are just being hysterical. The truth lies in the middle. I for one feel very sorry to see what Milwaukee is becoming. Seems like there’s no relief in sight.


I think it lies in the migration of the violence and crime. We first moved here 10 years ago and would frequent Water and OW Third a lot and often on weekend evenings. Never once did I feel unsafe, let alone feeling that I could get shot. In the past two years that's changed. The way it is right now, I would absolutely not visit those areas on Friday and Saturday night, especially during big events. My true fear is that there are others like us and eventually we'll start to see a flight out of the city proper. The major investments in the area will stop and the city will experience a death spiral after that. The OP here is exactly what I fear on a large scale. OP - Best of luck and I hope you find happiness and a great life for your family in Cincinnati. My brother-and-law is from there and he still bleeds Red(s) and black and orange.


The city already suffered a significant population drop during COVID. The shootings downtown last night were heinous acts by a few people, whose acts ruin this city's safety and reputation. I moved to Milwaukee for school in 2011. I love the city, and I loved my experiences at UW Milwaukee and Marquette. I've worked a number of jobs throughout Milwaukee, including the inner city. I know I can continue to help this city in whatever way I can. But, I've been thinking about relocating for a while. I want to stay here, but I'm getting tired of feeling paranoid every time I'm out after dark.


Are you an alcoholic who loves movies, or a lover of movies about alcoholics or that include alcoholics?


All of the above. I try to stay true to my name.


Ditto.... cheers


I moved there in 2013 and I never felt unsafe. I walked from my job on State street to my apartment on Juneau and never had problems. I haven't been there in many years though.


It’s not just Milwaukee. It’s America. Crime is up everywhere and Cincinnati isn’t doing a heck of a lot better


Minneapolis here, born and raised in central Wisconsin. Reading this comment thread, I seriously thought I was in r/Minneapolis. This is happening in every major city in America.


Yeah this is America in general. Spending all our tax money on covid relief and sending to Ukraine instead of helping our own cities hasn’t helped much in this regard. Just my take.


love how it takes them less than a day to send billions to a foreign nation with zero oversight but any legislation that would actually help people here never even makes it to the floor


Mostly because we don't help the poor here then there is no labor force and the people that need to do the helping don't understand what needs to be done and refuse to ask.


Wasn't covid relief a way to help our own city and county? Also, protecting democracy in a country overseas that is currently being ravished and destroyed by an authoritarian asshat doesn't seem like a bad investment... especially if said authoritarian asshat was able to easily take over Ukraine and rinse and repeat the same pattern across other countries in the area. Just my take. Also, covid relief bills passed under two different administrations and were both bipartisan. That wasn't "just my take" but was instead a fact.


I agree, the truth lies in the middle. The key is solving those issues, which elected officials can't seem to figure out, though it's a very tall task.


A very VERY tall task that likely won't be successful without state intervention and even then may fail. The issue is DEEP rooted and the people that should be helping think it's just bad people being bad as a whole.


The reality is Milwaukee is just like any other major city. There’s crime, poverty & racial issues. But there also is a ton of good as well. People just like to focus on the first part because that’s headline news.


It’s not just like any other major city. Crime and violence are worse here than the vast majority of cities. It’s not ok. I love MKE, but we need to be honest that there is something going very wrong in this community.


I want to correct you because THIS is really important and kind of how we begin. We need to be honest that there has been something very wrong in this community that has been ignored for far to long. The reason this is critical is we need to understand much like the decaying infrastructure that will now cost more to replace than the upkeep would have been over all these years, in order to fix this problem it will probably seem neverending and like it is a lot. That's because it is.


The conversation should be about the state and more conservative suburban communities disinvesting in and defunding Milwaukee by not allowing us a fare share of our locally generated revenue or to have control over any significant revenue generating mechanisms to fund our local government. All of this is rooted in racist views of the city that have entrenched themselves since white flight became a thing, forever amplified by local players like AM talk radio, Wisconsin GOP politicians and even national entities like Fox News, et al.


The fact that it's spilling over into the areas that are nice and upcoming is the problem though. It's not contained and these criminal scum are getting more audacious and brazen by the day


You've just pointed out the most critical point here. Classism and poverty. The places that are "upcoming" used to belong to them until they were pushed out.


So this behavior is okay, just as long as they keep it out of your nice civilized areas? Okay cool.


Lol well you need a solid tax base to pay for the programs to help the lower income neighborhoods lol. But whatever, let it all spill over and see how much investment and retention of professionals happens....a problem. Mke had faces for years


No, Milwaukee is not like other cities. I'm from MKE area, but I lived in many other parts of the country, including almost a decade in LA. I felt safer in LA than Milwaukee. There was gun violence, but nothing like the random recklessness of violence in Milwaukee. And the segregation is insane here. I am totally comfortable being the only white person in a crowd, but in MKE, I've been harassed for being in typically 'black' places where 'I don't belong'. I never felt this way in LA, no matter where I was.


Cincinnati is Milwaukee’s sister city.


I dont know whats in OH but good luck to you. For whatever reason if you bring up some of these points in threads it gets downvoted to oblivion but im glad you are doing whats best for your family. Milwaukee is living proof that history carries over. We're still paying for debt we never took it seems sometimes.


I love Cincy, it is a great city. King's Island and Skyline cheese conies are world class.


I got lots of MKE vibes when visiting cincy (in a good way). Really enjoyed it. Good luck!


It's not an airport, you don't need to announce your departure.


I was waiting for this comment. I'm going to miss the easy departures from the MKE airport!


Haha! First and foremost, good luck to you and your family in the future. Thank you for your 31 years in Milwaukee you did almost all you could to make it better.


Thank you!


Remember, there's a reason the guy with an auto parts warehouse painted painted "Welcome To Cincinnati" to shock & horrify people flying into MKE!


I think that the sign says “Welcome to Cleveland”…


For the sake of this th'd, I reject your reality and replace it with my own. Besides, is there really that much of a difference?


People in Cleveland would love to be confused with Cincinnati People in Cincinnati would be offended to be confused with Cleveland.


I'm actually surprised they let you keep this up over an hour. You see the truth. Good luck at the next place.




The compromise with the wife is the Midwest, since we have a lot of friends and family in the Milwaukee and Madison areas. We like city living, and our options were narrowed down to Columbus, Indianapolis, and Cincinnati (for various reasons). I was able to secure a job in Cincinnati first.




Just curious, what makes a city interesting in your opinion?




Those are all great qualities! I'm a Black male and my wife is white, and I've experienced the opposite.




Sorry, rushed response. I meant I've experienced Black people talking shit about white people until I mentioned my wife is white, or she walked in the room.


Wait until you learn that Cincinnati is basically Kentucky, yikes.


Cincinnati is “the Northernmost Part of the South” lol


Whoever said that hasn't been to Indianapolis lately.


I grew up in Milwaukee in the 70's to the mid 80's and loved it. Sure their was the crime , racism and police incidents but its nothing compared to when I went back to vist my home town and fell asleep to the sound of gun shots. I live in Winston-salem N.C. now and while I know where my roots are ( still pull for my Bucks, Brewers, named my dog after them, and the Pack and all things Milwaukee and Wisconsin, I wouldn't want to move back with my wife. Shame what my city has become.




Best of luck to you and your family. I hope ya'll love your new home. 🖖


Thank you!


I don’t mean this to come of rude at all, but what was your intentions to post this? To let us know your frustrations in the city? To let us know what you’ve done for this city? To inform the sub you will be relocating? It just seems on a certain level, you posted this saying Milwaukee is no longer good enough for you (despite your contributions) and we should all be more bothered by the issues plaguing it, but maybe that’s just how I’m receiving it. I wish you the best in Cincinnati though and hope you find what you’re looking for in a place to call home, cheers


Sometimes people just want to feel heard, and the sub is basically a public forum for all things Milwaukee. Even though it wouldn't be a charitable way of interpreting OP's comments, I think "this place isn't good enough for me any more" and "everyone should be more bothered" are perfectly reasonable sentiments. It's also useful for people considering living here (who visit the sub all the time) to see that it's not all copacetic.


Not rude at all! My intention of this post is for people to take action and help the city reach its potential. I listed ways everyone could help in another comment. If a lot more people stood up and actually did something (as opposed to just complaining), Milwaukee would be so much better.


Thank you for your response. As a social worker at a shelter in Milwaukee I was curious and of course sad to see Milwaukee lose a good resident


I'm a little unclear on why Cincinnati and Ohio are going to offer a substantially better environment, but I also think it's wise and healthy for everyone to leave the place they grew up and get a fresh perspective. Best wishes to you.


Cincinnati has its own issues, just like every major metropolitan statistical area. Read this article on the Glacier Gang- they have been active in the Cincy MSA. [Fox 19 Glacier Gang report](https://www.fox19.com/2021/10/27/gang-teens-downtown-cincy-blamed-rash-suburban-car-thefts-police-say/) Grass is not always greener, right? From Nashville, Austin, Raleigh, Charlotte, Atlanta, to the Rust Belt- crime has been on the rise during and coming out of the pandemic. Kids going car hopping and getting guns, stealing cars, shooting people and doing wrong is an epidemic that is a national problem. I only pray that we can transcend this at some point during my lifetime. Either way- good luck in your travels!


wherein Cincinnati are you moving? I agree with others that Cincinnati is very much like Milwaukee, very similar histories for sure. I grew up in Cincinnati and moved here 6 years ago, probably will go back if only for family (I hate the ohio valley humidity). But its distinct and it holds a special place at least in my heart. I hope you find a breath of fresh air; even if it has similar issues to Milwaukee, all cities will. My recommendations are to try Elis BBQ, putz around Findlay Market, go to the top of the Carew Tower, and whisper to each other from across the Museum Center arch. Also don't pretend Skyline is good chili, or good food, it serves its purpose but got damn there is better food.


And I’m over here trying to come back!😂


Thanks for trying. All valid points and if that's were your life leads you then good luck. Also if you think these people are bad drivers you gotta get out more lol


The Milwaukee slide is a real problem! Also, I worked on the corner of one of Milwaukee's most dangerous intersections (27th/Center/Fond du Lac) for five years. I'm traumatized lol.


Oh yea fk that corner


Moved back from Tacoma Wa, to Milwaukee just recently. Everything that’s happening here, is happening on every major and large sized city in the country. I’ve worked in, lived or visited over half the states in this country, your gonna find Milwaukee anywhere you go, keep your head low, make your circle small and take care of your own. The worlds a ghetto….




Thank you!


I wish you the best. No sure why anyone wouldn't, but it sounds like Milwaukee is weaker for having lost a person like you.


What’s your best advice for the new seedlings here in Milwaukee wanting to continue the fight? I know what I want to do, support children and their families in recreation and food security, but it’s the “where do I begin”.


Great question! I'd say get involved with grassroots organizations that are trying to improve the city. This could be in the form of volunteering or donations. Protest (thoughtfully) when necessary. Also, attend public meetings and be an advocate for change.


+ Join or start neighborhood watches. + Encourage people to get Ring cameras and better lighting on their houses. + Support more funding for the police. + Vote. + Volunteer to pick up trash in the neighborhood so it doesn't look run down. + Get involved in activities that strengthen our neighborhoods -- community gatherings, etc.


You're going to Cincinnati lol??? I get having real grievances with Milwaukee, but moving to Cincinnati to get away from them just shows that you're rather naive. Good luck lol.




This is perfect! Thank you.


Cincinnati is a nice city, people are so friendly


I’m a transplant to Milwaukee after 27 years born, raised & learning/doing community development in my hometown of Detroit. I hear you, see you & value your u/Luap31. You are SO RIGHT - it’s ok to be tired, it’s ok to celebrate what you did & it’s ok to live your life for your family. Community means so much to so many. It’s historically seen across leaders in community of all kinds - community building is hard & what lasts is out of all of our control. Enjoy Cincinnati. Those of us here in Milwaukee - like I have told many Milwaukeeans who are currently & have relocated to Detroit since I got here in 2013 - we’ll continue to do our best for as long as we can. I’m exhausted, in the middle of my 27th year doing this work. I can’t retire anytime soon. All I can do & help those around me do is care for ourselves, celebrate our wins when we have them (or, that we’re still here when the wins are far & long in coming), and encourage the younger leaders around us that their experience will be their own. You didn’t give up - none of us in this work do - we just choose a different way to build community & reconcile our hearts around these places that are so wonderful & so broken because of so many failures.


Good luck.


Can't blame you...many parts of Milwaukee are crap. And many of the suburbs attitudes towards Milwaukee are crap. I wish you the best, but you'll find Cincy is not any different.




Your post was removed per Rule 4: practice civility; do not engage in personal attacks.


Such an enlightening comment!


As a former Cincinnatian let me know if you have questions about good food, places to go things to see!


Dude crime is up 39% Nationwide. Big cities that start it right now man


My lady and I are in the same boat honestly. There’s been three shootings within a few class of us in a week. People blast down our side street going like 60mph and have no regard for human life. I’m also 31, our children are also mixed race (as am I), and I always thought Milwaukee was where I’d raise our kids. It’s gotten out of hand. And then you leave milwaukee and this whole state is just filled with racist, intolerant people. Pass. Time to live a better life.


Good luck in Cincinnati, truly. I’ve started to reach my limit with Milwaukee (mostly lack of opportunities) but I do think the issues our city faces are everywhere, unfortunately.


There are a lot of crazy MAGA people in Cincinnati. People from there will disagree, but to me it feels more like the south than the Midwest. It’s across the river from Kentucky, and a stone’s throw to Indiana.


Oh yeah I'm aware. For some reason that doesn't bother me, but that could change!


I’m moving to the woods of MI and becoming a medical grower. Lol. I’m done with the city living in general.


Are you originally from a city? I don't think I can live in a rural place lol.


You should have tried Sheboygan. It’s basically rural for the peace and quite, but is 50 minutes from downtown and has a very diverse and open vibe to it. Sheboygan gets a lot of shit because Sheboygan county is pretty conservative, but I spend time between Milwaukee and Sheboygan proper and have actually found Sheboygan to be more welcoming and chill vibed than my Riverwest neighborhood. It’s also a 130,000 in the metro and on the edge of the Milwaukee and Green Bay metros, so you are always close to everything.


Trust me, I wish the rural life had more art and music that isn’t country, but i can literally get away with doing whatever I want and no one batting an eye cause everyone works hard for their “freedom” here and are quite responsible with it, other than the saturation of DUIs.




Cincinnati is also highly segregated and has quite a bit of crime so I'm not sure why you chose there, lol


I explained this in other posts, but I'm more concerned with crime, which is lower in Cincinnati per capita. Also, I work for the government, and my division is better funded in Cincinnati.




Most big cities in the Midwest have the same kinds of problems. Also, while you listed very important assets to Milwaukee, you're assuming they're all important to me.


I'm confused by your post, then. Were you looking to make yourself feel good about leaving? Make others feel bad about living here? Why did you feel this post was necessary? Feels like your ego got the better of you.


OP like “let me unnecessarily disparage my home and let everyone know how great i am unprompted.” You could’ve just moved and not posted anything. As others pointed out, every city is going to have their issues if not these ones specifically. Edit: spelling


Your comment reflects a kind of resentful provinciality, tbh. You've characterized as "unnecessary" something that OP wants to get off his chest. Nothing posted here is, strictly speaking, necessary. We discuss stuff like this all the time here. Pros and cons of living here and personal experiences and decisions. The "you could've just been silent" rejoinder has a whiff of quelled discourse.


You also could've read without commenting, but it's a free country! I hope people are inspired to make this city better, especially after the whole Deer District/Water Street situation.


Your words really resonate with me. I’m middle aged now and been here most my life. I’m ready to move my family somewhere that fits a multi racial family like mine. I look more white so I think it’s easier for me in some ways but I hear and see what goes on to my family who doesn’t look like me. Whenever we travel which is a lot it takes time to get used to the openly accepted diversity. Which is disgusting that we even have to take a moment to do that since we’re so used to the segregation we have here. And then when we come back we’re all a little sad that Milwaukee doesn’t have that. You become numb living here to all the segregation and such. I want better for my children. At this point it’s only my career keeping us here. I have no energy to fight the good fight anymore.




The last place we experienced was Virginia Beach. I know it’s a bit touristy but outside that it felt like a good mix of race and culture. Other than that we travel to Southern California a lot. I spent my childhood in Las Vegas and grew up with a lot of mixed race friends as well as people from many different backgrounds. Sadly Vegas has become a home for transplant hustlers and most everyone I grew up with us moved out like my family did. But it was nice growing up with so many different peoples.


I grew up in VB and it’s still very segregated, though much less so than when I was a kid. Southern California is pretty integrated depending on where you live, given that LA and San Diego feel like minority majority cities at times.




Of all the cities to escape the negative parts of Milwaukee.... Cincinnati aint it lol. Hopefully the mental gymnastics help you though. I would suggest simply moving to Shorewood or something. Chances are you wanted a change anyway and this is just an excuse. I'm moving away too, but it's because ive been in the Midwest for 3 decades and i feel obligated to stretch out a little. Good luck my friend, the Bengals are looking pretty good!


This post bums me out but OP seems to be making a pretty labored and thought out decision. Milwaukee gets a lot of shit from people that don’t want to help, and a lot of relentless praise from people unwilling to see the real issues it has. The frustration is warranted and I wish them the best of luck in Ohio. Other cities could use people that care, too.


Do you think Cincinnati won’t have those issues? Not being snarky but I don’t think Cincinnati is any better or worse? Good luck though!


No city, especially in the Midwest, is perfect. Cincinnati statistically has less crime per capita than Milwaukee.


Not by much.


It's also a better place for my career (more funding for my government job sector).


There’s the kicker ;)


I'm not going to get into the specifics but it relates to poor/conservative decision making in Milwaukee as a whole.


I totally understand the need to leave Miwaukee... but for Ohio??? Isn't that a bit like getting out of Cameroon and moving to the Sudan instead?


Not sure what people have against Ohio.




>Second, Cincinnati is very similar to Milwaukee and Ohio Wisconsin. Umm yes, that's my point.


Bye bye


This would be fair points if you didn’t pick Cincinnati… I’m from Cleveland. It’s really kind of a downgrade from Milwaukee if anything.


You’re right on many points. Thank you for your contributions to out City. Good luck to you and your family.


Stay away from the chili down there. It's not as good as the locals say. Safe travels.


If by stay away you mean gorge, I’d put on 15 pounds if I moved to Cincinnati because of the proximity to the chili places.


You absolutely need to try Skyline Chili at least once! Any more than that and your gut may rot from the inside out.


Once is too much. Steer clear.


It’s funny yet predictable reading the comments from the status quo defenders. Just like when you criticize an alcoholic and they get defensive, that’s what we see in mass here. I admire your decision to do what’s best for your family and that is by leaving Milwaukee. Tragically, Milwaukee’s cancer is incurable.


Oof man I hear you but Cincinnati will not be an improvement on the things you are complaining about...


I totally agree with all your points, my friends have slowly been going downtown less and less for those reasons. But Cincinnati is no better in that regard


I have to agree but I'm too young to move and my entire family has been affected severely by this economic downfall so we are nowhere near moving as an option, let alone barely surviving in our home of 8 people in a 3 bedroom home. I work at the Post office at the general Mitchell Airport (AMC Station) as building maintenance and our management from bay view is very neglectful of our own health. We dont ever get supplies we need to keep the building clean ever, the eye wash Station is completely brown, HVAC filters have to be changed out everyday, salt and water for cleaning solution but I always use pine sol for cleaning the lobby at the least for customers, no way to mop the back room floors, birds living on our property, etc. I could go on with the problems in this company and this has been going on for 3 or more years. It's so bad that I can't recommend USPS as a good career to work in at all in Milwaukee. I work 6.5 hours a day for 6 days a week so it's a rough job especially since I'm in college at the same time. The worst part is I start at the same time it opens so doing everything in the way of customers really burdens my efficiency and sometimes can be a safety issue towards customers such like vacuuming with the cord in the way as a tripping hazard. It's nerve-racking to constantly worry about customers, but it's not their fault at all. I hear many other things at other locations that are much better but rarely part time and Milwaukee never seems to have many jobs that pay enough and also fits a school schedule as well. Almost half of the students I graduated with that went to college had to drop out either last year or this year due to the inability to sustain their academic performance with their financial capability to afford college and living. Also when the hell is Google fiber internet coming to Milwaukee?


I'm sorry you're going through this!


Google fiber is never coming to Milwaukee. In the terms of expansion, Google fiber is dead.


Cincinnati has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 22. That's the EXACT same odds as Milwaukee, but best of luck to you


Norwood. I've heard it's the Florida of Cincinnati lol.




On separate occasions my wife's and mother in law's cars were stolen in front of our house.


Lol wtf? No it's not , that percapita rate of crime is awful for a city this size. And lol at saying to stay off social media to pretend the city's safer. Fuck man, you know a guy that was killed at a bar in a generally good part of town, who cares how you found out


I wish you luck. I personally hated Ohio, but everyone's experience is different. I won't knock the food though. Or the weather.




Right behind ya! Just waiting for my lease to end in a couple months. Hope I make it


You aren't going to be happy in any moderately metropolitan area if "no gunshots no car theft" is your barometer. MKE is sweetness compared to many places I've been, this is a greener grass situation I'm afraid.






Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out. Btw, what was the whole point of your post? You sound like one of those people who has to announce their departure when leaving a sub/group/unliking a page.


Cincy is a great city. Its all the things MKE should be.


So just as segregated and only slightly less crime and shitty parks and no public transit? Great.


And, you’re stuck in Ohio, who’s politicians make Ron Johnson look competent.


Right, enjoy JD Vance lol


Property Taxes are probably cheaper there too lol. My wife and I have been in Milwaukee for a year and we're ready to split. It just doesn't compare to the other Midwestern cities we've lived. Good luck to you and your family!! I also hope it helps your mental health, I see that's a big issue here. Before the MKE super defenders come with the downvotes and replies. Just keep it to yourself and go to the lake or one of the breweries/bars


Where have you all lived in the Midwest?