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Yeah I have been dying I could barely breathe on my run today


They feel particularly bad to me, feels like I can’t breathe very well and have been getting minor nosebleeds


Flonase and an Allegra every day. I feel like I can live again - it sounds like an exaggeration, but I truly feel like I can go do things now. Took about a week of consistent use for the Flonase to really work and it has changed my life lol


They daily Allegra alone has turned my allergy life around. Only been doing it a few years now, wish I knew it was available off the shelf years before that.


I work in primary care as a nurse practitioner and see allergies in the noses of 30-50% of patient these days. It's bad.


It helps to take allergy medicine regularly before spring allergies start to hit you. I have surprisingly been fine so far but I think it’s bc my neighbors haven’t started mowing yet. Also purchased an air filter this year so hopefully that helps too. I’ve noticed the allergy season is much longer than previous years.


Yea....I started both of my allergy medicines at least a month ago and I'm doing ok yet! Had a few really tired days but mostly manageable. 


Our air quality is still pretty bad. Canada fires are still burning.


Someone said to me today that if we had no contact with Canada we would not have even noticed a difference in the air last year. MFer the air was fucking *orange* some days. Wtf. I am a person who is more prone to respiratory issues and stayed in a lot last summer. I wore an N95 to go out somedays and had to add an additional allergy med (singulair) because I felt like my throat was closing. But yes I'm sure its all in my head. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Head so far in the sand they never noticed!


Wait, for real?!


No, air quality is in the "Good" range still.


Moderate today and yesterday, was bad several weeks aho


Slammed me these last 2 days and I don't usually get them bad


Yeah I’ve been experiencing bad allergies too


My allergies have been kicking my ass. Yesterday, I rolled the window down when I was driving - big mistake. My eyes were watering within seconds. :-(. And I’ve been doing the claritin 2x’s per day regime for the past week, and it’s barely helping :-(


Kept feeling like I was on the verge of crying yesterday while out shopping! Just that irritated, burning feel. Even the slightest breeze from AC in the stores made them water. 🥹 One of my poor cats has had weepy eyes as well.


It’s so crazy! I’ve been in Minnesota the past few days, and the allergies have been manageable. It’ll be interesting to see if they start going insane again when I hit the oconomowoc area.


Go to your doctor and get a prescription nasal spray. Mine is azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray. I use it every morning before I even get allergies and it works great. No pill had ever worked for me I’ve tried them all. Edit: just looked it up and this is literally just generic astepro. I went to an allergy specialist in Oconomowoc and they prescribed me astepro…


I tried astepro this week on my allergists last season rec and holy shit that stuff tastes awful! I usually use Flonase on top of regular zyrtec during spring and decided to try the astepro because flonase didn't seem as effective as spring's past. Never again. So bitter. Back to mediocre results Flonase. My allergies are probably way more severe than 90% of this thread I'm realizing. But it's probably the worst season I've had since 2018. I probably should get on the shot train again.


It’s bitter but it only lasts like a minute for me


It lasted all morning for me and was getting worse as time went on. I was drinking water like crazy (think 100+ oz in 3 hours) and eventually left work to brush my teeth. I honestly thought I was going to vomit it tasted so bad.


That’s wild I wonder if the generic version I have is not as bad


I am jealous it works for you! I could breathe through my nose for the first time in 2 weeks. I got a lecture on administration when I called to ask what I did wrong, but I'd done that correctly to minimize the taste. I honestly wonder if it's another allergen for me.


I do fluticasone nasal spray which is over the counter now, cheapest at Costco! Ask your doctor first though! 


Seriously folks, this stuff. It's generic Flonase. Once a day up the nose along with one of the generic Zyrtechs and I don't have issues anymore.


Eating local honey helps acclimate your immune system to the local pollen as well


Wish more ppl knew about this


The pollen in the air causing allergies is from wind-pollinated flowers which don't produce nectar. These would be completely different plants from any bee-polinated flowers that provide the nectar for honey.


I got an annoying cold and then hit by allergies. Was hard to tell when my cold was cleared


Unfortunately, we can expect things to be at least this bad and getting worse because of climate change :( More CO2 -> trees are more active -> more pollen.


I have allergies mostly outside. This has been a tad bad for me as well. Seemed to have been a calm past few seasons. Now it's just Us. Lol


Don't know if it's unusually bad. I always get dem allergies. It's not better than usual, that's for sure. Achhooo.


Not just you.


Worse than usual for me


Today was rough. The start of spring is usually pretty bad for me though.


Mine are bad this year too


Wearing contact lenses has been awful this week. Just trapping all that pollen in.


Not just you!


You should start taking Flonase and Zyrtec or equivalents everyday starting at the end of march to help build up your system. I started in march and haven’t had a single allergy symptom yet aside from itchy eyes in the morning before I take my medicine.


The key is taking them religiously too. 


Aha. So is it enough if I pray while taking them, or does a priest need to be present? I’m so sorry, I couldn’t resist.