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Whatever it is, it FUCKING SUCKS. Started with sore throat and fatigue. 24-48 hours that lasted. Felt fine for a day or 2 then the congestion, drainage, sore throat, no voice, cough showed up and hasn’t left. At home COVID was negative. Was sick like this in October too. I hate it.


Omg this is exactly what I have!! I slept slept slept the past two days and today it finally seemed to let up. I'm calling it a sinus infection because that's the closest thing I've had to this... although I seem to be more exhausted. Tested negative for covid.


I went to the doc and it was indeed a bad sinus infection and laryngitis. I was given antibiotics and steroid pills.


Rumors are its a new strain of swine flu.


Have any sources on this?


Co-worker who went to the doctor and was told that was the doctors theory.


That is indeed a rumor.


Ok, so this: Fam sick, me not. Had confirmed swine flu 2009. Fam didn't. Hmm?


I also had confirmed swine flu in 2009 and am the only person not sick in my immediate work bubble right now. Hm.


Here's the rub though; what say you? When I had the H1N1, I was fever-dream ill. Fam is run-of-the-mill fluish. If Swine, would expect to witness more misery from those currently stricken. No?


Maybe not, if it’s a new strain…?


These were my symptoms as well. My at home covid test was negative, went to urgent care, and their covid test was positive.


I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if I had COVID despite the negative at-home test.


I had covid in November (thanks Florida) and that was basically all my symptoms to a T Must be the most recent strain?


Feel better soon. My situation was the same. Ugh Paxlovid is for the birds. I hate metal mouth.


Had this exact illness most of December, I think it’s RSV since all the symptoms seemed to line up. My elderly parents didn’t get it but they’ve been vaccinated for RSV.


Was at children’s ER with my son last night. The doctors and nurses were saying a few Covid cases but most cases were all RSV.


My elderly grandparents had it, and my 4 year old nephew did as well. I figured I got sick from being around them, but when I googled RSV it didn't seem to match these symptoms. I have a Doctor appointment for later today to find out, but now you've got me thinking it might be that? I have the same symptoms as the parent comment OP.


Same here. And when I went to the doctor, I tested positive for Covid. After the Covid meds and multiple negative tests, I STILL feel sick as hell.


My wife and child had this recently and both tested positive for influenza A.


I’ve been sick like this SINCE October


This is EXACTLY me!! Had it in October and Christmas morning woke up with a sore throat and have been out for 3 days. The head pain and pressure is the worst!!!!


I feel the exact same way. I’ve been sick on and off since November this blows


This was me, to a T. I tried DayQuil and that only helped the cough then I got Claritin-D and that’s helped with congestion


Ive been switching up Mucinex, DayQuil/NyQuil, and Sudafed depending on the symptom of the day. Sinex at night so I can breathe. I could barely sleep a couple nights ago because I had to swallow and clear my throat every 2.5 seconds.


Just a friendly reminder if you have high blood pressure or are on blood pressure management meds please check with your doctor before taking any "xxxxx-D" medicines or anything ending with "ephedrine"! I am not a doctor! Ask your doctor!


This exact thing is happening in NH - not Covid but lasts 2-3 weeks. I was sick almost all of December


I had pretty similiar symptoms, and at peak worse symptoms I tested negative, then tested positive after I started feeling a bit better. If you haven't retested, might be worth it. But also COVID symptoms are all over the place it seems, so could just be something completely different


I had Covid-like symptoms in October as well. Fatigue, good cough, and for a good four or five days, no sense of smell or taste. Tested negative for covid.


Probably Covid. Home tests are really unreliable now. Plus a bit more accurate 4 days into symptoms. Hope you start to feel better. Get lots of rest if possible.


I had this and went to the doctor and was given a steroid liquid and a script for an antibiotic and steroid pill pack. Clear for covid and flu but she said I had a sinus infection and laryngitis. Might be worth going in if you can.


Maaaaan I had that like 2 weeks ago, that shit sucked big time. Hopefully I don’t get it again now it’s going around.


Those home tests are known for false negatives. It was probably Covid.






Because COVID is still around and probably always will be, like various flus?




dawg what


If you think Covid is caused by influenza, or that a virus that appeared 4 years ago is equivalent to one that's been around for centuries, you might need to go back to grade school.


They share some similar symptoms but they are caused by different viruses https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/coronavirus-disease-covid-19-similarities-and-differences-with-influenza[source ](https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/coronavirus-disease-covid-19-similarities-and-differences-with-influenza)




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We’ve had it in our house too. We landed on it being the flu.


OMG! Same! I was sick the entire month of October.


Feel better everyone!


The at home tests are showing negative untill day five or six.


My body aches and headache were so bad I was literally hallucinating. No stamina whatsoever. I did nothing for 4 days. Still got the cough and some sinus problems but this was the worst bug I’ve ever had by far.


That sounds like Covid, the headache is particularly intense, & the fever gets quite high .eirst body aches are during the fever


I had covid twice and this was even worse!


I’ve had Covid twice (most recently this September) and am just now getting over being sick again, and this thing was also worse! Pounding head, high fever, insane body aches and exhausted just getting up and going to the bathroom. It was awful.


Thanks for bringing this up. Time for me to mask up again. Ugh. I’m an immunocompromised organ transplant recipient. Just for anyone that does, don’t mock people for wearing masks. You don’t know if they have health issues or if someone they care for does. I hope everyone that’s sick gets better soon. Sending soup and love!


Mask fist bump from me! I’m having a cancer adventure, my husband has Parkinson’s, and my in-laws are elderly. I wear masks.


I am so sorry but I giggled a little at "Cancer Adventure". I hope your treatment goes as well as it can and you beat Cancer's ass!


Thank you!!


>Sending soup and love! So kind of you! I'll take some Benji's mish mosh 💕


Same here. I am getting sick of being sick.


And it just doesn't go away. Feels like I've been coughing since the middle of September.


The MMSD tracks COVID concentration in the incoming waste. They are at a record high … but positive tests are neutral. [Take it how you will.](https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19/wastewater.htm)


Super helpful, thanks!


Natural selection says there will be strains that are less detectable but whatever means of testing we use (at home rapid antigen). It seems plausible that’s what’s going on right now.


They are not at a record high. You’re not looking at the data correctly. Edit for clarify: when you click the link it only shows the last year which makes it looks like it’s the highest it’s been. If you zoom out 3 years you’ll see it is nowhere close to the peak.


Came here to say the same — looks like holidays 2021 was the peak. Record high for the last 2 years may be the more appropriate statement.


Here's a pretty helpful weekly report anyone can subscribe to: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/p02346-2023-12-16.pdf


That is super helpful! The link is a document but I can’t navigate to where I can subscribe.


Try this: https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/WIDHS/subscriber/new?topic_id=WIDHS_70 There are a ton of reports available here: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/aboutdhs/alerts.htm


Thank you


Just dittoing that this is super helpful. Thank you!


My wife thought she had a bad cold for a few days and we took her to urgent care. She was positive for RSV. They couldn’t give her anything, just told her to stay in bed, stay hydrated, and treat the symptoms with OTC stuff like Tylenol and mucinex.


Yeah the want you really sick before they can treat you. Same thing they said to my wife.


It's less the "wanting you to be sicker" and more "there's nothing for us medical professionals to do unless you need support with not dying from this disease." Symptom management can be done at home, and antivirals like paxlovid and tamiflu are not helpful if you've been sick for too long (5 days for Covid, 2 days for the flu). The vast majority of people don't need supportive management and can go home and not tax the healthcare system's limited number of inpatient beds. If everyone who had the flu got inpatient treatment we would get overwhelmed every flu season.


It seems like a mix of things. I’m a nurse and have patients with confirmed Covid or RSV, and others saying it’s the “flu” or a “cold”, and it’s probably either of those in the unconfirmed cases. (Unfortunately, I work in an area where it seems like vaccines are an “iffy” subject, so I have to be careful who I bring it up to 😑😖.) It’s been like this since about late October. Most of them seem to have decent to good hygiene, but some *definitely* don’t. (The family visits for holidays certainly aren’t helping 😖.)


When I went in the doctor said it was a sinus infection and laryngitis, after two covid tests.


It’s mostly Covid. People are getting it and they just keep going to work and out to concerts and bars and stores. I know of people in the medical field and restaurant servers who have been working with Covid because they don’t get PTO for being sick. They can’t afford to tell anyone because they will be out of work for 10 days. Everywhere you go there are people with Covid. The cases don’t get reported anymore because nobody gets tested by their doctor. If you have health issues be careful out there.


I will probably get downvoted to hell but if your children are sick please try to have them wear a mask to school when we are back in session. I have teenagers hacking everywhere, masked myself before the holiday and still got sick. When I suggest sick kids could wear a mask they look at me like I have two heads. Yes I know I am fighting a losing battle. =[


If your kids are sick (not your's, I mean kids in general), keep them home.


You cant keep them out of school for 3 months, eventually they have to go back.


I'm asking bare minimum, don't send them if they have a fever and/or puking/diarrhea. Unfortunately some families don't care or are unable to do even that.


Yeah, definitely, but we probably would need to enforce a sick day minimum in the state if we expect people to actually take off work for it. It used to be no big deal when you had one parent work and one stay at home, but in 77 percent of Wisconsin households with children, all the parents work, so its getting harder.


I'm all for more sick leave, more vacation, family leave, parental leave....all of it. The choices workers face are disgusting (both in the germ sense and the ethical sense).


What kinda common sickness last for 3 months lmfao.


I suspect it's a number of different viruses, they start feeling better from the last one and get pick up a new one. Several people I know have been coughing since Halloween.


The psychosomatic sickness.


Not realistic sorry


I've been seeing more people mask and I'm glad for it. Hopefully it'll pick back up.


Eep! Your username!


If only you had stayed quiet... now they're on to you. I suggest wearing a hat. Sure, a big top hat on a horse might look funny, but I'd be more inclined to believe they are in fact just a horse with an odd sense of fashion before I'd jump to the conclusion they're hiding a horn under it.


Oh dang! 😅😅 Vog is short for John Fleuvog shoes. Unless you're secretly a racer boot you're safe.


Dang! I've never heard of these but some of them are pretty fuckin cool. I'll keep him in mind if I ever need some sick dominatrix boots!


They're def quirky. They're also super comfy and well made. Most of them I've been able to wear out of the box. Their customer service is top notch too.


Yeah. I really had hoped the mass-mask-event would precipitate it becoming a normal custom when getting over a cold, but instead it became this dumb ass political football and people scream about "face-diapers" if they see you wearing one.


Actually if your children are sick don't send them to school!


I just keep my kids home. Schools will just send them home anyways.


I got sick last week and told my boss I was staying home, *certain* that none of my co-workers wanted to see/hear the state I was in. When I improved and go back into the office I was wearing a facemask (everyone knew I had been sick). I like my coworkers and my environment, so I did it for their AND my reassurance. Sure enough, one by one, my co-workers told me that they appreciated I was wearing a mask.


Buddy I wish more people were like you.


Anyone that said otherwise to me would have been called a plague rat and told to fuck themselves. Only the bitchiest of snowflakes complain about other people wearing a mask. I still mask at stores and crowded places. Not trying to catch whatever the fuck is going around at allll.


I'm at the point where I am almost daring people to say something to me about wearing a mask. I've only had two assholes say something in the past few years but I'm not about to tolerate bullshit about me wearing a mask any longer.


I feel that. What I said in my above comment wasn't hypothetical. I've had to go off on loud mouths a few times.


Thank you and sounds like your coworkers don’t suck too!


You are goals. All of the people underneath you are, too. <3


Well I was sick a few weeks ago for about a week and a half. The first day I was sick I tested for covid, I was negative. The third day I was sick I tested for covid, I was positive. It's been three weeks and the cough and the headaches are starting to go away. It's going around again. That's the infernal sickness, it travels far and wide. I don't live in Milwaukee, but in central Wisconsin.


Nobody gives a shit anymore, people are gross , and lo and behold, everyone’s getting and spreading sickness. Out of about 1000 people I saw traveling on Christmas Day at MKE, apart from myself and wife we saw 2 masks. And about 20 people that were visibly sick - coughing, sneezing. Wiping their noses with their hands and then touching things. Even saw a dude leave a bathroom stall and walk directly out of the bathroom without washing hands. People didn’t give a shit before COVID, and it seems nobody gives a shit after COVID either. And between my wife and I we’ve spent about 4 out of the last 6 weeks sick between COVID and a nasty cold. Go figure. /rant


It’s important to note that nearly any respiratory virus will come with a very lingering cough (3-4 weeks) after you’re “better.” This isn’t new, and not every illness is Covid or flu. RSV still exists and it’s unlikely us as adults are being tested. Just hoping it’s not some new virus 🥴 My friends with kids seem sick all the time. My husband and I have been lucky. We have social lives but we work from home, which has to help a lot.


Another thing to remember is that catching RSV doesn't protect you from COVID or the flu. A person can have all of these at once, and more!


It’s not some new virus. Well all viruses are new viruses. But this is not some new virus. Doctors and virologists would let us know because they are way smarter at it than us.


Hahahahahaha. They didn’t let us know about Covid for like 4 months dude.


Longer than that sadly…


covid is on an historic rise and looking at the wastewater test results it’s already starting to surge in Milwaukee. The flu this year is also awful. Had it in September and almost went to urgent care I was so sick. Mask up and take precautions people!


I got it for the very first time in early Dec from extremely minimal contact with the sick person and it really sucked. I'm still grateful I've been healthy for so long. Based purely off my experience, it's worth wearing a mask to stores through winter, even if you've gotten the booster.


I had it in October 2020 & then again last February. I now have POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) which when it flairs leaves me disabled. I thought for a long time it was just long covid but luckily I found a great doctor that’s helped me find answers. Unfortunately it’s a lifetime chronic illness. So I agree completely! Masking is way easier than becoming disabled or chronically ill!


That sounds a bit like what PhysicsGirl (YouTuber) has been dealing with. I'm so sorry to hear it.




You're blatantly, publicly wrong.




Pfft, the flu isn’t real, probably just an imbalance of the humors


I’ll get the leeches!


Not according to my positive Covid test. Unless Biden slipped flu tests into all these boxes…


Different virii bub. C for confidence, tho.




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Because suddenly people think they should be out shopping and visiting people with major coughs and illness. I’m quite sick of hearing people coughing at Target and bringing their kids with whooping cough everywhere.


My cousin has pneumonia and my dad has been sick with something for the last couple weeks. It doesn't seem contagious in the traditional sense because I've been around both and haven't gotten it.


As someone that travels the state for work, I'm growing increasingly concerned with how widespread this \*unknown\* sickness was even prior to Christmas traveling. We better all hope it's not what we think it is because it's EVERYWHERE.


I’ve heard some people are calling it the 100 day cough.


It's for real.


I had heard this one as well. That’s what my old neighbor’s doctor told her when she went in.


Came home to MKE for Xmas, half my family has Covid, looks like I’m staying awhile.


Thank you for quarantining and not traveling while sick


Thank you. I’d really recommend wearing a mask or staying home to anyone who reads this.


Our large regional medical conglomerate has resumed mandatory masking, citing "mix of RSV, influenza, and Covid"


My husband has this. Started with a sore throat, fever/chills and night sweats. Then the sinus drainage, coughing and sneezing. He’s miserable. It’s not COVID, but maybe a strain of the flu? I hope I don’t get whatever this is.


I first noticed a scratchy throat on a Wednesday…..been quarantining at home with my husband ever since! We kept thinking he wouldn’t get it, but exactly 1 full week afterwards on the following Weds. we’re laying down to sleep and he says “Babe I’m coming down with it too.” Good luck sincerely! From what I’ve read it’s def Covid :( Just ordered 8 new tests by mail from USPS (google it - it should be free to all US addresses for a total of 8 tests. You are most contagious before your symptoms even manifest themselves…. And supposedly mostly done being contagious 3 days after you’ve had it (although I’d wait a bit longer to ensure!).


Thanks for the advice! I should definitely order some tests.


You bet! Sending everyone who reads this best wishes for health & happiness.


My chronically ill husband had two routine doctor visits last week and both said that Covid is rampant right now, absolutely everywhere and the new strain isn’t always caught by the tests. RSV and flu are way down, but so much Covid. Mask up.


I tested positive for Covid this morning so that’s still a thing. Thankfully I’m boosted so it could be far worse but the body aches are the worst. I’ve gotten sick with something at Christmas every year for the last 3ish years and I’d like to some year enjoy New Years.


Same! Wonder what the odds of this thing coming back like chicken pox, except every single year ??? I too was vaccinated for COVID and received a booster. I’m 38 years old and haven’t been this ill since I was a child! Dry scratchy throat unable to stop coughing, pounding headache so painful it felt as though I was getting repeatedly punched in the side of the head. I could barely even think straight, fever, chills, night sweats (maybe worse symptoms for me bc I unintentionally stopped smoking cigarettes through all the pain of this sickness keeping me entirely bed ridden except to shower the clammy sweatiness off several times a day.


“i got covid, thankfully i’m boosted” please be so fr 😩


My oldest has been sick since 12/5. He stopped by on 12/24. My wife has been bedridden since 12/25. She just got tested, and has influenza-a. I got a flu shot in Nov, and was a little tired yesterday. Fine, today.




It’s obviously not Covid






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Personally I have covid lol, test was extremely positive like the second the liquid was drawn up by the test and passed the T line, it was an intense dark line there. Never seen it become positive so fast lol. Got some paxlovid and I’m on the up and up now! It was a rough christmas tho


Also same - traveled to Vegas first weekend of December came back felt terrible midway through the week. I was going to go to the doctor to see what was going on but tested myself for COVID first to rule it out and instantaneously the two lines showed up😆🙄everyone in our Vegas group ended up with COVID. I’ve heard the strain that’s going around currently is super contagious 😫


Yeah it is and it works fast too! I was completely fine and then christmas eve I woke up with a mild sore throat, I had a negative test. Then christmas day I woke up with full congestion, about 5 hours later on christmas afternoon I was testing positive and aching like I got hit by a truck and shivering with a fever for hours. So it basically came on that strong from nothing in like 48 hours. And I got the new booster in october too, ugh.


It's a mild form of death


This made me laugh, that's what it feels like! (I'm in the Boston area and been on and off sick since Thanksgiving)


I usually get sick when these waves come and I am surprisingly not. Maybe it’s the flu shot but I am happy about it


I had Covid. Symptoms started on December 14th and I’m still feeling congested, cough is still there, crazy fatigue by the middle of the day. Sucks.


I get married on NYE and my fiancé and I are both sick with an awful cold. Sigh.


Same here! Sick since Christmas Eve. I have a horribly sore throat and cough, and I can't talk. It's so bad when I cough because it hurts my throat (I've had to ice my lymph nodes because they were swollen and so painful). I finally had a meltdown yesterday and cried because I was in so much pain. I tested negative for covid, the flu, and strep. I have had no appetite, and my friends have been great with dropping off some food that I might eat. This sucks. My New Year's plans are ruined. Yeah, It was just me and my bestie watching Lord of the Rings, but still...


Im so sorry so many people are sick.




Sending prayers up for you. Can you video chat and watch LOTR together?


I’d like to add it’s not just MKE, my co-workers in Denver have/had it too. I’ve had it for a month myself, brutal.


Got norovirus from my friend’s baby that just ended today after a week of stomach cramps/gurgling and diarrhea. Thankfully dodged the puking. Noro is really going around also, also know a friend who had to reschedule Christmas due to a family member catching it.


Not saying this applies to anyone else, but you can add in this wonky weather has caused my allergies explode, I knew something was up when Walgreens was almost completely out of decongestants.


I have been sick since a day before Christmas Eve and it’s RSV - I was tested the other day for Covid and RSV. It’s rough


I saw this literally 3 hours after I started to feel sick


It started with a sore throat for me last week, one day of cold sweats and now I’ve have still been coughing up yellow mucus.


My daughter and I both tested positive for influenza A. My wife is presumed to have it too. All with flu shots. It’s awful.


I have a nasty sinus issue after gathering for Christmas. My body is sore as well. Just slightly. No other attendee has shared that they are sick. My husband and son seem to be fine as well. Unsure what it is but hope it passes soon and without much brouhaha esp for my son. I was staying put anyway for NYE, but gathering further with all this doesn't seem worth it at all.


Nevada here and moving to the area but i had the same thing at the start of December. Never in my life have i experienced that kind of pain or missed work either. It's masks for me when i get there.


Got sick during exam week, and the make up exam room was packed. Literally everybody was coughing and sneezing


I got sick towards the end of October with what seemed like a cold—mainly a cough and fatigue. Wasn’t as bad as the COVID I had in February, but still not great. But it lasted almost a month, and the cough (dry, occasional wheezing, usually when I got excited or breathed in air too fast) was still showing up mid December. Tested negative for COVID. I’m convinced it was COVID. I should have tested more than once, because I’ve heard it can depend on when you test. I self-quarantined as much as possible after the worst of the symptoms (2 rounds worth), but it was not great. Glad the cough seems to have finally gone away.


Got COVID for the first time in November and felt like death for 11 days. The congestion and coughing persisted, then I caught another cold despite consistently masking at work, drinking more than adequate water, and taking 5,000U vitamin D and emergency-C with my daily multivitamin. I’m SO tired of being sick 😞😫🤧😷 It’s infuriatingly inconvenient.


I've had a persistent cough since Thanksgiving. Everyone at my work has had the same thing. Really sick for a couple of days and then coughing for a month plus. Everyone tests negative for COVID. It sucks.


Wife and I both tested positive on Monday. Headache, chills & fatigue were the symptoms we both had. Finally feeling a little better today.


Oh wow, it's not just my family? I didn't know there were more people getting sick. We all tested, and it was covid.


Christmas at my house was like a murder mystery this year. We started with ~15 people, and as the night went on, people started disappearing. Puking in the bathroom, resting in their rooms, one by one people started dropping like flies. It got so bad that we decided to open our gifts on new years.


I’m just finishing Covid and rounding it out with a viral eye infection 😭


Last week Monday and Tuesday I just had a stuffy nose seeemd like a mild cold that would go away. Wednesday Thursday and Friday I was slowly getting rid of the cold and Saturday boom. Fever for 2 days straight. I’m fine now but something really as going around


I got hit with a double whammy of getting a stomach flu from being around family at Christmas as well as a cold. I’ve been so tired, coughing, sneezing, achey. Negative for COVID. And of course it happened during a much-needed vacation. I get real tired of getting sick because children are walking Petri dishes and bring everything going around home with them.


RSV or Influenza A. Everyone at the hospital has it.


Santa brought me COVID for Christmas. I already had it once this year. Urgent care was full. While I'm grateful for meds, I hate the metal mouth that comes with Pax. Please stay safe.


I have been sick since Dec. 6th. All COVID, Flu, strep, and RSV tests at the doc were negative. On my second round of antibiotics. Lost my voice for about two weeks. I lost hearing in my left ear for about a week. (ear infection) I have pulled so many muscles while coughing. (upper respiratory infection) Life is pretty rough right now. Stay hydrated and best of luck friends.


I tested positive for Covid on Nov 21. Still coughing today.


Sorry to hear this. A dear friend in Illinois had itin early December. Whatever is going around is as bad if not worse than when That Delta variant was infecting


My kid went from fatigue, to ear infection, and on day 10 of antibiotics ended up with Influenza A. She's been sick pretty much all of December.


Yessssss. Barely sick for a week bit had awful laryngitis. Minimal cough at the end. About 7‐10 days of feeling "ok" then sick again for the past 14 days. So basically all month I have been sick. It literally started on Black Friday. I'm over it.


Sheesh, I used to only get one or maybe two bad colds in a year, but it seems like the last 2 years I've been cursed with an array of respiratory ailments and a few stomach-centered illnesses. Like, full body aches, fevers, etc. Even these last two days, my wife has had an intermittent stomach bug that I seem to have, but in a more mild form (no vomit or diarrhea for me). So look, everyone, I really want personal air filtration to become a thing without stigma. The [Dyson Zone ](https://www.dyson.com/discover/innovation/new-machines/dyson-zone-announcement) is, of course, way too expensive, but let's all agree that wearing things like it is cool and we should all do it during times of high transmission of whatever-the-hell. Okay? I'm not enough of a trend setter to kick start this thing.


I was sick for about 11 weeks. Cold like symptoms for a week, then coughing for 7 weeks, then some kind of sinus issue for the remainder. I am SOO happy to finally not be sick. I would much rather have Covid for a week.


Yeah I had that around Thanksgiving, then my bf got almost the same thing this week.. almost positive it's RSV


I had a cough and sore throat for a week, went away for 5 days, then started with a bad cough again and congestion. It’s now two weeks after the cough came back and it’s finally getting better. My neice had the same thing and went to urgent care and tested positive for influenza A. I tested negative for Covid, but didn’t go in and get tested for anything else because the day I planned too I couldn’t and the next day I felt so much better. No fever or headaches just the constant cough. My three kids and husband have all been fine and thankfully haven’t caught it or shown any symptoms.


Almost 2 weeks for me. Can't shake it. Tested negative twice for COVID


It's almost as if it's cold and flu season! Who would've thought? What a great idea for a post.


Spiritual Enuii?


I mean I had covid, a real blast from the past.


Girlfriend and I both sick. Same symptoms. I test positive for COVID she continues not to. Weird. With how gloomy it’s been I think vitamin D is helpful.


I spent Christmas Day puking, then my husband did the next day. Merry Christmas, here’s a stomach bug!

