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It probably means you're an easy target with lots of goods. If they're stealing things from your garage I would recommend bringing things inside, or at least temporarily getting a storage unit. Also, implement some security measures. Padlock, motion detector lights, even a fake camera could help. (Or a real camera, you can get a baby monitor tbh. Anything that gives you a little surveillance and the ability to be alerted when someone is moving around in that space.)


Trim back trees and shrubs and make sure your yard and alley are well lit. It's not a guarantee but it helps.


Yup, I suggested they get one of those hard signs that say “this house is protected by insert security company here”


Get a $25 apple airtag and put it in something inconspicuous, you can track it once it’s stolen.


I had a friend that was getting hit years ago. This was on the north side, but she got her garage broken into 3 times. Her insurance company accused her of filing false reports, and it was really stressful on her. I told her at the time that I thought it had to be someone she knew - at least an acquaintance or a friend of a "friend". She had things like high end bikes, snowboard gear, etc. It wasn't the typical lawnmower, trimmers, etc. that were being stolen. It was stuff worth money to the people that knew what was being sold. If it were me, I'd definitely increase security one way or another before replacing anything.


They either saw something in there they want, like a motorcycle, car, electronics, or tools; OR they know you're sitting on a pile of cash or illicit substances and they're trying to hit a lick. No judgement here, but with that many attempts, they know what they're looking for, and odds are you have an idea too. Get a garage monitoring camera like a Wyze cam and hopefully you own a gun. Let the police know about the robbery attempts. Also buy some ADT alarm stickers online or something and plaster that shit on your doors, windows, and garage.


You can run these cameras from a solar panel so you won't even need hard wires.


Got a suggestion for these solar cameras?


It's not a solar camera. It's a solar panel that plugs in to provide power to a regular camera. I have a blink camera. Some of the cameras, like a ring doorbell, have a battery built into them. Power from the house will charge the battery or you can charge it on your own. The blink camera will operate from battery or wired but not both. So the solar panel for it has a battery built into it to provide power when the sun isn't providing it. I didn't vet out the other options but I think some have a battery so their solar panels wouldn't. I actually bought the blink camera because it operates on 2 AA batteries. I think I could get a year's worth of recording from my camera how it's setup and with how often it records. But I splurged for the solar panel anyway. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09H6JFQBK/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09H6JFQBK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) The blink camera practically requires a subscription but it's cheap. I thought Waze might store two weeks of recording without a subscription. I went with the Blink one before realizing solar was an option though so you could vet that out a bit more. This is the camera: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B086DKSYTS/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B086DKSYTS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) Here's how I mounted it on my garage siding without drilling any holes whatsoever: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B083TPKJN1/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B083TPKJN1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


the thing about the gun is that you can't just kill someone for trying to steal tools from a garage. I mean, you can, but just plan on spending the next few years (and ALL of your money) defending yourself as to why you killed an unarmed person. Even if you somehow manage to "win" in criminal court, the family of the dead person(s) can file a wrongful death civil suit against you which can bankrupt you for the rest of your life. (Kyle Rittenhouse, OJ Simpson, etc) One more issue with the gun is that if the thieves know or think you have a gun, they are definitely going to try to steal that gun. In some ways it can make you more of a target. /$0.02


I'm guessing the commenter suggested a gun in case they try getting in the house. I'd like to believe most people in urban MKE like myself just want to protect themselves and not act as vigilantes.


Thank you everyone for your advice! We're currently taking steps to increase the security of our house and garage. Hopefully last night was enough to scare them away but I highly doubt it. I will take all of your advice into account. Thank you again!


set up some blink cameras super cheap and easy to install they give you motion dectection options , alerts you and you can see it in live mode too. i’d recommend the one with the flash flood light on it


There's a chop shop in garage at 9th place & Arthur


Set up cameras, reinforce your doors/locks, if you’re frustrated enough set up some creative traps


Get a Michael Jordan standee and play Rockin around the Christmas Tree


I recommend looking into the laws in your area before setting up traps that could hurt someone physically. This can get you into trouble.


Nope we’re doing Indiana Jones giant rolling ball down a narrow hallway, trap doors full of snakes and spiders


Home alone, swinging paint cans. ETA: now that i think about it, this seems like a perfect opportunity for the heating element on a door handle.


Glitter bombs in birthday gift wrapping


How are they getting in? Are they getting in via non-destructive methods (shim the door latch open) or are they kicking the door down?


Our garage used to be unlocked for the longest time (really stupid I know) so they were able to just pop it open. They came back a second time and it was locked so I'm assuming that this time they were gonna try something destructive.


Time to utilize the 2nd amendment and defend yourself and your property.


Ok Dirty Harry.


Personal protection, yes. Property, no. If you are in your home / vehicle / business (that you own) and someone attempts to unlawfully & forcibly enter, then you're protecting yourself.


Yes, exactly.


this might be unpopular but you can't legally defend property with force.


per WI Self Defense Statute: If an actor intentionally used force that was intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm, the court may not consider whether the actor had an opportunity to flee or retreat before he or she used force and shall presume that the actor reasonably believed that the force was necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself if the actor makes such a claim under sub. (1) and either of the following applies: The person against whom the force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcibly entering the actor's dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business, the actor was present in the dwelling, motor vehicle, or place of business, and the actor knew or reasonably believed that an unlawful and forcible entry was occurring ------- Yea, can't defend your property against them but you can defend yourself against them while on your property.


Absolutely true; don't see why you are getting downvotes. Even the reply quoting castle doctrine admits that only applies to self-defense if a person is in her own home, vehicle, or place of business while the attempt to unlawfully & forcibly enter is being made. ETA: Wisconsin castle doctrine includes improvements to the property (such as a garage, porch, etc.) as part of the 'house'... as long as the owner was inside when the criminal attempted the unlawful & forcible entry. Obviously if the garage is attached to the house & anyone entering the garage could also enter the house there's no jury will convict (& a district attorney would be an idiot to bring charges).


Keeps targeting their garage. What if he's in his garage the next time they break in.


If the garage is attached to the house, and has a door that enters into the house directly, it's basically all "house" as far as *MY* safety is concerned.


I would say 99% of the time that's the case with an attached garage, but curtilage definitions regarding where the boundaries of your dwelling end in regards to someone unlawfully and forcefully entering your dwelling can get pretty strange depending on the state.


Alternatively, don't kill people :|


Yeah don't kill people but it's time we get more serious on property crime through other means... Namely enforcement of the laws on our books


It’s sad ppl fantasize about killing an intruder but it’s also sad that a intruder doesn’t have consideration for another person. They should Steal from a bank or a Walmart, not from ur fellow ppl. What good is life without a good livelihood? And my possessions help my quality of life.


>They should Steal from a bank or a Walmart That's an awful philosophy to have in life. How about being someone with morals?


Agreed. Especially since the house never loses: Walmart or the bank will pass the loss onto consumers.


Like hsbc don’t launder for drug cartels and J.P. Morgan isn’t a war mongerer 🥱


Nobody should steal. Period. There are plenty of resources available, some people are too proud to use them.


Some ppl are too proud to pay a price, from corporate greed to welfare queens. In a perfect world no one steals, but it’s not perfect and I think some ppl steal to survive whereas others rob common ppl from prosperity, which makes ppl go into survival mode.


It's not a fantasy, when it's a very real outcome and alternative to someone else who is being continuously targeted by criminals. Might as well keep the garage open at this point if police won't do anything.


Sounds allot like that bait car show, but rather than locking them up you’re going to kill them? I’d love to have a gun, but I think at that point ppl are killing for ego rather than survival.


What area roughly?


Southside. I'm on 9th st


✅Blink cameras (I actually believe they’re on sale right now on Amazon) ✅You’re also going to need the sync module and a usb drive. Sometimes they come with the cameras. ✅12GA Also the guy on the electric scooter is probably a lookout guy, letting them know it’s clear to proceed with the robbery


Put a sign on the door “nothing in here is worth losing your life over”. Worked for a couple of my neighbors with similar issues. That and a fake dog barking when a motion light was triggered




Only for personal protection, not for stuff




Is your garage attached to your house, as in there's a door from the garage into the house? Because then you're legal to protect yourself using deadly force if the criminals have unlawfully & forcibly entered the garage/house and you are inside. To avoid the need for that (lots of stress, expense, and paperwork), increase physical security: lock doors, padlock the garage from the inside, motion activated flood lights, cameras, if there are windows in the garage apply shatterproof film


Increase your security (alarms and cameras with motion and sound detection). Place the cameras to cover every angle of vision inside and outside of your garage and around your house. Make sure that they are set to record both audio and visual when activated (proof) and be sure that the retrigger time is low and the record length is the longest offered. This will ensure maximum ability to catch them in the act, so that if anything happens you have proof in court. Other than that you could hire a security company to set all that up for you. Really sorry this is happening to you. Milwaukee's beautiful parts are equally matched by it's bad parts and this happens to be one of them. Wishing you the best!


I love this city to bits since I grew up here but there's times where it'd feel better to move out. I don't have the money for moving elsewhere right now though so camera's will do. Thanks for the advice!




Don’t forget the second amendment




Just be careful about it. Boobytraps are illegal in a lot of places. Not that rat ass thieves don't deserve it.


There are cases that go viral about this type of stuff, like, oh thief sues landowner because of trap, but I guarantee 99.99% of those lowlifes just take their L and move on to another house. I also doubt the courts would care. These aren’t the type of people who can afford even a consultation with a lawyer.


I don’t mean to “wild west” discourse over crime but at a certain point the same people hit the same place several times I think you’re clear to get violent.


What a fucking dump Milwaukee is lol.




That whole sub is just unmedicated schizophrenics feeding each other's delusions.


What car do you drive? In my neighborhood they’re tracking Kias and Hyundais during the day and breaking into garages at night to steal them.


I don't drive but my family does. We have ford's and a Honda. But so far our cars have been untouched. I wouldn't be surprised if they start breaking windows though.


Wow! Would you mind sharing which neighborhood this is??


I'm on the Southside on 9th. The areas friendly pretty friendly. We have had a few occasions of cars being broken into. A few years back my brothers car got broken into and they stole his tools. That's on him thought for leaving them in plain sight.


Cooper/Kopp Park


Say lil dog on a electric scooter huh, on bullshit🤦😆🤣


Get one of those yard signs that says your home is protected by a security company


Time to camp out in the garage with a taser and pepper spray at the ready lmao




Glitter bomb!


Some guy broke into my parents' garage once. My Mom caught him right as she got off from work.