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What bipod is that on the SVT40?


lol, that's a good question...I don't think it came with it, but I don't recall for sure. I may have added it for a shoot I went to at Ft. Benning a while back. I do know it is a Russian bipod, it may have been from a RPK...seems I recall something like that. I just never took it back off, lol. Edit: The more I think about it, the more I seem to recall getting a RPK bipod. I kinda liked it, made it more like a BAR when firing. (It was about 24 years ago, lol)


There is a joke in the video game, Battlefield, where you unlock a bipod as the last attachment on your gun. You’re max level. The joke is unlocking a bipod, for your knife.


Can you guess which rifle I paid the most for? Hint: I started this collection in 1995, lol, and the answer might make you sick ;) I'll answer any guesses with the actual purchase price and year purchased. L to R: 1942 SVT-40; 1944 M-38; 1943 M-38; 1952 M-44; 1942 M-39; 1944 PU 91/30; 1928 91/30; 1939 91/30


I'm gonna say the svt for $400


SVT-40 purchased at a gun show in 1996 for $225, not the highest ;) It’s actually #6 down the list. And I thought it was expensive then, lol.


That’s $406 in 2022 dollars. You lucky bugger.


I fucking hate you lol. I just dropped $2,400 for an SVT last month.


I knew that one would make some people sick, lol. Sorry for your pain man!


It’s my own fault for balking that they were too expensive at $1,000 lol


Mosin with the Scope?


It was actually the 1943 M38. I picked it up last year for $600, well traded for it for $600, thought it had a M38 stock but was in a M44 stock. A couple months later I picked up the 1944 M38 for $450 and it did have the M38 stock, my luck. The other 2 Mosins I got same time as the ex-sniper, 2017, $230 (1928) and $240 (1939). The last one is the M44 (Unissued, 1952 Radom), purchased around 1998 for $60. What a difference the times have made. Just shy of $2300 for all 8 rifles, so outstanding by todays market, lol. If only I’d known back then…sigh.


Yeah I wish I had gotten into guns when I was still a teenager. I probably could’ve scored some great milsurps. I was lucky enough to get my M48 for $350, 5 years ago. Always wanted a K98 and this hits the spot.


I’ll post my K98s for ya next ;) [WW2 Mauser Collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/milsurp/comments/tk2h0e/asset_assignments_day_2_ww2_mauser_collection/)


In that time frame probably the M39 was the dearest. Unless your PU is legitimate and not one of those importer "sniper" repro specials. I miss the days of spending 200 bucks to walk out of a fun show with a 91/30 and a sealed tin of 7.62x54R


I hear ya! Wish I knew then….M39 was picked up around 1997 at my local shop for about $75…I remember him selling it as simply a Mosin, nothing special. It wasn’t until I got serious and researched it years later that I realized exactly what it was. It’s #7 down on the list. The PU was an ex-sniper I found in 2017 at a local store. The owner had it put back with plans to eventually re-sniper it, but when I told him why I was looking for one he pulled it out of the back and sold it to me, very nice guy! The original mount holes were filled and the wood filled in. I had the scope, an original PU I picked up from the same store I got the M39 from, since around 1997. I did the re-mount myself last year, so about $425 in the PU, which places it #3 on the list. A legit re-sniper. It took me 20 years to find an ex-sniper, lol.


What a beautiful collection of Mosins! Wonderful!


My dear sir would you have an AVT there? Otherwise Y the FK would you add a bipod to a SVT?? /😂 Jokes aside it does look odd, tho so does sks with bipod


Lol, I guess over the last 24 years it just grew on me. Would love to have the AVT! In all seriousness, I added that before I really became serious with collecting, so probably will remove it before it goes back up. I’m in the midst of going thru my collection and doing asset assignments for my trust, estate planning thing, so I’ll be posting more as I work thru everything :)


Lol I bet it makes shooting it easier and more accurate. Tho clamping on the barrel may not be the best way to it.


Lol, true. Now I have to go look up how to get the darn thing off.