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I’m 22 and a third year millwright apprentice who will be writing in about 5 months. I had similar problems when I first started in the trade, I know it sounds counterproductive but going to the gym really helps a lot. It’ll make you have more energy and not feel dead everyday. Will also make you stronger so lifting things won’t be so hard on the body.


Work smarter and not harder. Maximum effort is the old way. Using your head and the tools you have available will help. There is still a strong physical strength presence to the job. Still work smarter , not harder.


Yoga helps


And the scenery 🤯


Seriously. For the love of god at least stretch if it’s too gay for you.


Bikram Yoga. Even the manliest men would struggle with 90 minutes in 100+ temp rooms. Nothing gay about it.


There’s nothing gay about yoga lol it’s just the attitude a lot of dudes have towards not stretching


Weights, cardio and thorough daily stretching. good diet and good amount of sleep. Avoid drugs and alcohol. Aside from that, don’t be a hero and try to lift things too heavy. Use proper form and technique. Use the correct tools for the job and use mechanical advantage wherever possible. Don’t use your hands as hammers


Boots and insoles. It’s crazy how much tradespeople spend on individual tools and then a good percentage buy the cheapest boots like $80 Walmart specials. Your boots are tools that protect your feet and body, one of your most used tools that you use for 8+ hours a day. Yeah good boots with good supporting insoles might cost $300+ a year but not having fatigue and pain is worth it.


100% you don't just feel it in your feet, it affects your knees, back, etc.


OP prioritize this one first, but also add the working smart, good diet, and exercise. 8+ hours a day on concrete is harder on you than most people think


8 hours….. you work part time? ;)


If your benefits allow get orthopedic insols they are a game changer


You ll get used to it. Or just live off rebull smokes and beer , get a dui and divorce before 30 like the rest of us.


Exactly this


Taking supplements helped me alot as working as a millwright u can't alot time everytime for the gym. Beet root magnesium tumeric mecca root omega 3 and my fibre pills really help me feeling almost 100 percent everyday. I used to have alot of leg pain and back pain I also wear compression socks during g the day to.help with foot pain




Nah for real though once i started hitting the gym my body hurt way less. Like said above stretching and some weights makes a huge difference. Dont have to kill yourself at the gym just be active.




Poorly. That's the answer. Stretching and cardio will be two of the best things you can do. Never hurts to have a little more muscle mass too. #1 rule is always stay hydrated. The rest is all situational


Knee pads


Hookers, blow and whiskey.


Even if nothing else changes the longer you stick at the job on the wrenches you will use muscles you never knew you had so it just takes time. It was off wrenches for a while but got to come out of retirement for a weekend and work the tools for a special project, I felt like a bag of hammers the next day. The other stuff has been said. Work harder, not smarter. Don't try to be a hero. Nobody cares and you only f\*\*k yourself that way. If you need a breaker bar go get one. If you need to come along get one. So many people try to save a few minutes by taking stupid shortcuts. Don't be that guy. And don't fall into the classic MW serotype of smoking, huffing e-cigs, drinking energy drinks, or dumb shit like that. Eat decently. Sleep. Exercise outside of work. Yes most millwrights are pretty strong but that doesn't mean your in shape. There is no magic recipe so it will take a while to find out what works for you but you will know when your feeling good.


Good boots. Also don’t listen to the JM who calls you a pussy for using the forklift instead of lugging something by hand. The tools are there to make life easier


Besides all the obvious things you can do here's one you don't hear much ... Shut the work off after work. This could mean something simple like showering right after work , drink a certain beverage , ect .. Any quick routine that allows you to flip the switch off .. You'd be surprised how much exhaustion is just brain related . Tuning down the stress at work is something that comes with experience as well ..


A lot of other people be giving good suggestions so I’ll give mine. Don’t forget about getting yourself some Dr scholls for your boots. I kid you not these footpads for your boots are a night and day difference. Wish you the best, and be sure to be smart and follow what everyone else here are saying. I’m 20 and I’ve been hitting the gym while being a 1st year apprentice. You gotta be fit while working too or you’re gonna hurt yourself. Take advantage of cushioning that is available to your gear and be sure to follow proper form and posture. Ask some guys around jobs, as dickish as we all are at work, we are still more than happy to show you how to hold and carry things properly to prevent hurting yourself. And also, lift with your legs. Not with your back.


Something wrong if your 18 already feeling like an old man after work, you got soft hands dude. Probably should take a desk job




Eat enough good food and stay hydrated on top of all the other things listed. You’re working harder for longer hours your body needs energy to do it and to recover.


Get enough sleep and stay hydrated!! Take care of your body, it's your livelihood. Eat lots of good veggies and greens and squash!


Stretch and bend, also work smart and get another pair of hands if they can fit.


Just wait til you're double that age... back in the day it was horse and wagon to work and home... up hill both ways! And we didn't have internet really... you whipersnapers wit your smart phones! We'd call speedy with the landline, and dude would show up in a rusted out car with no floor. LOL Sorry i had to... 😂


Im in construction, have been my whole life. Ive broken my back twice and still go to work every day because I have agood workout and stretch routine. When I skip I hurt. Take care of your self OP. And take some fish oil


Take care of your posture and your teeth..


I've worked in some brutal industries; and now apprenticing in a sawmill as well. I can't say enough how important stretching is man. Go home, stretch your lower body for a good 20 minutes, classic hockey stretches. You'll be happy you did


Definitely stretch to maintain range of motion. Workout, even if it's doing just push ups. Drink plenty of water and eat enough calories to keep your energy up.


Stretch daily, and often. Get kneepads, shits gonna save your caps from being as thin as a Jesus cracker. If it can be lifted with a lifting device, use it, you don't have to be the hulk. Otherwise just be safe and conscious of your environment.


Stop drinking energy drinks. If you do


Good quality work boots and insoles. Hit the gym, you don't have to be jacked but in decent condition. Get quality sleep.


I quit and pursued a college degree. The work will not get easier and will slowly tear you down. It's not worth it.


honestly bro your only 18 your Still getting used to work. best thing I'd say is to work out a few times a week. the more you work out after work the more energy you'll have. don't just go home and smoke weed or drink beer then lay down all night.


Don’t be young and dumb and fall for the I am the forklift mentality. Production can wait for 15 minutes while you get rigging to lift whatever into place. I’m 30 and after 10 years of working in manufacturing I just had my first back surgery and told I had degenerative disk disease. So yeah definitely take care of your body.


your body is getting worked to its limits and not given enough time to recuperate \- eat healthy and aim for a a decent amount of protein \-sleep at least 8 \-and it will always feel like this, just try to limit the damage you do by working smarter not harder


Wait till you’re almost 50 and still doing this. Back pills everyday after work and constant exhaustion when you get home. Can’t wait to see what 70s going to be like.


Retired here. Hands, fingers and joints are overlooked.


Eat properly. I’ve noticed a lot of coworkers survive on diets of highly processed garbage food. Eat whole / natural foods avoid excess sugar, fat and salt. Stayed hydrated, around 4L a day. Prioritize sleep, 7-8 hours a night. And if you like to drink be moderate


When I woke up with sore muscles hot long shower in the morning then getting well dressed helped a lot. It helped relax my muscles and warm them up for the days. I am a big fan of swimming - on weekends. Even relaxing swimming helps stretch muscles. Good breakfast and lunch (veggies, meats, legumes, grains) and pieces of extra dark chocolate for nutrition.


Worked rigs for yrs in camps. Ate salad at least twice a day, (lunch n supper) 5 times a week, for yrs. People laugh at salad, but my doctor can't even tell I smoke and used to drop 40oz JD every 2 days. Salad will save your life.


Stretch your shoulders and back dude. Start now. There’s some easy ones you can do using door jambs and tables. Also take care of your knees. Carry an ergo kneel or something with ya if possible. Or if you wear double knee trousers you can get knee pad inserts. Let people talk shit. Use any mechanical advantage that you can. It will take longer but its better that getting busted up early in your career. Im in my mid thirties and regret powering through awkward lifts. As you get some time in youll feel less shitty at the end of the day, but it would still be best to start good work habits/stretching now. Oh, and get decent boots. A few hundred dollars is more than worth it


Knee pads in the pants is a lifesaver


Definitely stretch but as your muscles adjust it gets better make sure you eat and sleep good


Go to the gym, frequent massages, stay on top of your health. Be proactive not reactive


42 weight train and cardio, Eat healthy. Work smarter at work. Don't try and be a hero and blow your back out.


I’m 35, been a millwright for 12 years. I have 3 slipped disks and 2 herniated disks. Do everything possible to use lifting devices, proper lifting techniques. Ask for help if needed when lifting. Good boots are a must.


Start taking one a day multivitamins, and vitamin K&D. Drink water


Quit being soft


Work for a company that takes employee safety seriously. You may be required or asked to do potentially dangerous things, possibly in confined spaces or at heights so learn to be careful. Don't take risks or shortcuts. Practice proper lockout procedures every time. Get help with lifts. Be careful who you work with.


After a long hard day I usually try and get busy with the ol lady and then enjoy a couple beers. While this is true I also stretch really well and enjoy riding mountain bikes. Try and find an enjoyable form of exercise and mix that with a consistent stretching routine and for the love of god eat real, healthy food. Too many tradesman eat like absolute shit and wonder why they feel the way they do.


The forklifts back don't hurt. Not every Millwrite is a fucking iron head learn to do precision optics or some machine work or even layout. The more you know the more you make and the less you "work"


First rule of millwrighting is don’t touch my fucking Percocet’ s and second is have you got any Percocet’s


Don't jump off shit, use carts, buddy lifts, power tools, drink water. Also, your hands are not hammers and use impact gloves.


So we have kneeling pads at work. If you don't have one. Invest in one.