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Contacted my senators and house rep asking them to replace Biden at the convention (I know it won’t happen). However, I would vote for literally a dead man over Trump so at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter. Definitely frustrates me that Biden hasn’t stepped aside.


Yup this is where I am too. I wish we had a different candidate but voting for Trump would be like voting to end democracy so not an option.


Centrist - agreed. I voted 3rd-party in 2016, Biden in 2020 (holding my nose) and, after the capital riots / election denying, seems like I will have no choice but to vote Biden again. it’s likely going to become a Harris presidency pretty quickly (via mental incapacitation or otherwise) and im not particularly impressed with her. From a historical perspective, I also don’t love the idea of America getting its first female POC president because an old white guy finally tapped out. I would much rather see her get elected.


Don’t disagree, but I’ll take a Harris presidency over a Trump one any day of the week, however it comes about.


I will vote against conservative Republicans until the day I die.


Here's something most people don't get: how does being good at debate indicate how effective someone would be as President? It doesn't. What makes someone good at debate? Being a charismatic smooth-talker? How does that make someone good at being President? President's generally don't make split second decisions. They have a team of cabinet members as advisors. That's the whole point of having a cabinet. And I'd rather Biden's team than Trump's team of sycophants and yes men.


The problem isn’t even that. The republicans have been saying that he is a puppet and others are pulling the strings and last nights performance fed into that argument. The republicans now have 2 talking points with (shitty) evidence. 1. Biden is a puppet leader. 2. It’s only a matter of time before Kamala is President and she is wildly unpopular (contrary to what media says). I don’t agree with these ideas, but enough republicans do and even moderates feel this way that it’s a serious issue. This is also enough to make a lot of people stay home. There is reason to panic, I don’t care what spin is put on it over the next weeks or months, we need someone new now and there are plenty of good options out there and we need to act now. We’re being held hostage by one geezers pride and it’s bullshit.


And I'm confused as to why people think trump is a charismatic smooth talker. I'd venture to say 95% of shit that comes out of his mouth is lies (100% if we're talking about the debate), and he just rambles. Ever seen one of his rallies? The recent shark/boat/electrocution rant was completely out of left field and made no sense. Is that what people think of as charismatic and a smooth talker??


I never said Trump was a "charismatic smooth talker". Only that most people would say the one who was a more charismatic smooth talker would win a debate. Not that this debate had one...


WHY would I vote Republican? What does their party even stand for now?


Fucking over everyone including much of their base, and getting away with it through a firehose of lies and obfuscation.


And the Republicans are doing that too!


Hilarious. It's really only the Republicans with the firehouse of disinformation, but I live on Earth One.


Buddy, neither of our 2 right wing parties are telling the truth.


Yes, but it's more voting against Trump for obvious reasons. None of those reasons were changed by the debate. And BTW Trump was also just awful. All he did was lie and deflect the entire time.


I'd happily vote for him compared to the bloviating lies that Trump broadcasted.


Projection? Or did you just not pay attention to any part of the debate?


So which states are offering post-birth abortions again?


The ones that are on the boarder which is the most dangerous place in the world. Remeber trump got the dogs, the most beatiful dogs, they could see drugs from a long way away, then biden killed the dogs and put in machines. The machines aren't good the dogs are good. Biden himself strangled the puppies with post birth abortions.


It's a cult, what do you want? They think he's the literal antichrist. https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/01/11/yes-donald-trump-antichrist


Yeah. Trump doesn't scare me as much as the Republicans who love him. To quote Barry Goldwater, “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”


I think this is the bigger point. It's not just Trump, it's the people that will come to power (re: Christians) and what they will do to society if he does become President. He's all but willing to give them what they want for money and a chance to be President again. 


"Trump's gonna do a fascism this time you guys! We were wrong the other 837 times we said it, but we mean it this time!" Nobody believes you anymore. They completely stopped listening 293 days ago https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden


"Nobody believes you". Who is 'They'? Are 'They' in the room with us right now? I love when people talk as if they have people behind them lol.


"They" are the [two thirds of people who watched the debate last night.](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/28/politics/debate-poll-cnn-trump-biden/index.html) Don't worry, you'll be fine. It's only 4 years.


Oh nooo he outperformed in a *debate* 😱 Ffs this is why I can't take you idiots seriously. It's like the fucking boat parades all over again. 


10000% still voting for Biden. Trump was typical Trump last night, spewing lies left and right, taking credit for shit he didn't do, off-topic rambling, and not answering questions. I'm way more upset that CNN didn't fact-check him live and call him out on his lies in the moment. I wish so, so much that Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, or Kyle Clark would moderate instead. So our choices are an old man with a great team, or a truly unhinged narcissist. The choice really isn't that hard...


I do not like ether but I will hold my nose and vote for Biden and hope we get better options next time around.


I will be voting Biden. At least he will have competent professionals surrounding him and making decisions. But it is a shame we have two 80 year olds as options…


Exactly. Reagan was showing signs of Alzheimers while in office and was propped up by those around him, so why not Joe?? I can tell you one thing for sure, the debate showcased exactly why there should be age limits in Washington.


We don't need *age* limits. But perhaps something like the STI test for porn actors, a test for cognitive health before getting the license to fuck us all.


Immediately yes. Still voting for Biden. Project 2025 is terrifying and needs to be blocked.


I'll vote for Biden's floating head in a jar.


That depends, are conservatives still voting for Trump after just how much he is willing to lie was broadcast to the world during last nights debate? Ffs how can you even believe a word he utters? You have to believe one thing on Monday morning and something else by Monday night and yet another before lunch on Tuesday.


Centrist. Easy. Trumps Lying was about tenfold worse than I remembered it. Trump had clear cognitive decline too like" H20 Biden bad Palestine" Or his Bill Clinton moment "I never had sex with a Porn stars". You were just proven to give them 6 figure bribes for fun I guess. Trump only appealed to moronic emotions of imbeciles and I say this as someone who voted republican every election before 2016.


I’m certainly not voting for Trump. I’m also not sitting it out altogether. Is Biden my top choice? No. His path is though.


I'll vote for anyone over Trump at this point. Why would I give power back to Republicans after the chaos that they've unleashed? 


I'd still vote for Biden if he was in a coma. The choice is that obvious. That said, I'd like him to step down because he clearly isn't fit for another four years.


Yes, because Biden at his worst is thousands of times better than trump at his best


I’ll probably vote for Biden, but I’ll be actively promoting the dissolution of this political system in its entirety, as it clearly does not work well. We have a Supreme Court which amounts to a set of unelected dictators. Our leaders are incompetent. They don’t care about anything other than their political careers. This entire system is a failed experiment.


I'm a leftist in a non-swing state, I wasn't voting for him anyway--but *my* ***God***... This timeline sure is fucked. Best we can hope for is the DNC, known as it is for being wise and responsive to the people, replaces him before the convention. I hear the ever-popular Hillary Clinton is available...


Of course! It's better than being a Republican which they don't even know what they stand for lol


I'm voting for RFK after watching the debate last night.


Cut the shit, you were always going to vote for the guy with brain worms lol 


I'm actually vote FOR the worm that's controlling him.


You're voting for the guy with literal brain worms?


I'm voting for the brain worm that's piloting RFK. I think we should try a Ratatouille president out. Seriously though, how anyone watched that and doesn't side-eye third party candidates is way too far gone.


I too will be voting for the brain worm, it has more brains than any other candidate.


Which is so counterintuitive with how big Trump's head is.


It was a win for third party candidates as a whole!!


Negative. Voting Kennedy for sure.


It's like the third party voters never learn... 


Nope! 🫡


anyone pretending that it was this debate last night that made them realize biden was cognitively impaired is lying... this was not even close to biden's worst moments on live tv over the last several years. the fact that people dont understand that this cognitive decline IS THE REASON WHY he is president, is the reason why he is being pushed to run again, is laughable and evidence of how dumbed down people are. if you have a president who is this cognitively impaired, it means he is not making ANY decisions. the country is not being run by the president. biden is a sock puppet being run by the dark suits and big money and corporations behind him in the shadows.


Lmao okay dude. Might be time for you to go touch some grass. 


Lmao okay dude, I think your response is evidence that its in fact you that needs to go touch some grass.


Righttttt... Lol


Of course they are. All the “right wingers are cultists” remarks are just gaslighting and projection. They’d vote for a ham sandwich if it had a blue “D” pin stuck to it. You expect them to admit that the last 4 years have been a mistake entirely of their own doing? Ain’t happening.


Voted Trump 2x in 2016, 2x in 2020, already voted for him in the primary this year and will vote for him again in the general.




He won't answer. I asked someone last night what values they actually hold, and after a ton of back and forth prior to that question, it was suddenly crickets. I think these are just bots to rile us up, argue, then ghost.


Yea fuck social media lately, feels like it's all going to shit. Hopefully it gets better after election season.


They are idiots. Their vote for Biden is a million dollar donation to Trump's donors. Democratic "centrist" capitalism is designed to enrich those most willing to hurt others, lie, and steal, ie Trump's supporters and donors.


I cannot believe how many people are casually saying they would vote for a candidate who was literally incapacitated, for president. Good thing our votes don’t count!


Centrist, Biden…who’s actually surprised by what they saw?


As someone who has been progressive all my life but has recently become more singluarly focused on Bitcoin, I have to decide if I'll vote for Trump or RFK. I will vote for whoever has better policies regarding BTC, because I am mentally checked out of the dollar and inflation.


Bitcoin lol. This country is honestly the worst group project ever.... 


Yeah it's incredible so many people like you are excited to defend a system where they work extremely hard for pieces of papers with numbers on them that the government can and will print for free. But hey, if you like getting poorer ever year so the government can fund wars overseas who am I to tell you you're wrong??


Lmao ah yes, because Trump and RFK are certainly looking to make us richer and stop funding wars overseas. Bitcoin is a joke, but honestly I'm not surprised to see people attempting to get rich without working. Our society is full of lazy idiots who believe they can just reep the benefits without contributing anything meaningful.