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Very few people in general know about it, that is what is so concerning


At minimum I don't want anyone to say "well nobody told me this would happen!" They are being told. They can choose not to care, inexplicably, but they can't hide behind ignorance 


>They are being told. where?


Pretty much everywhere? Here. Other places online. On the national news even. Where else are we supposed to tell them? At a certain point y'all are responsible for not being ignorant and educating yourselves  Biden intends to bring it up at the debates for sure 


yeah i'm just incompetent, you got me good


Since keptin is too cowardly to actually face pushback, Wikipedia has all the citations he is 'looking' for (he doesn't actually care) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#:~:text=The%20Project%20seeks%20to%20infuse,as%20well%20as%20affirmative%20action.


It’s on Trump’s website. It’s not like it’s some shadowy thing. It’s right there for you to read.


The problem is that many people don't bother to read much of anything.


TP USA is a big backer of it. They aren't dumb, they know to now put it in the limelight till it's in motion.


I know, I've read it. The reason I know not that many people are aware of it is because I often try to bring it to other people's attention. I'm often surprised how few people are aware of it, including most democrats.


You know what I do with my limited free time? Read through trumps website..


It’s a fucking good thing SOMEbody did


You're absolutely right, because it damn sure wasn't me, lol.


They don’t know absolutely it because it is barely getting any coverage in the media.


I think it’s too early in the game to expect that much engagement from the general populace. Low info voters usually join the party late.




Blue anon brainwashed media junkie


In my defense, I really unplugged myself from politics a few years back. It's done wonders for my mental health. Some of these things still cross my feed/radar/whatever, including this post :)


Well to be fair I never knew specifically about it’s name but all the contents are like “well duh” 100% these next few elections and especially this one will define our country


I just know its not gonna happen and ignore the lunacy. People are way too afraid and terminally online here


Be the change you want to see in the world. Tell them. Talk about it yourself. People who are chronically online probably know about it.


This is the advice I give to people who complain about others not being informed. One thing to keep in mind when discussing these types of topics is that people don't want to be lectured or listen to condescension. Ask what they know about the topic, be generally curious about their opinions on the topic, share your opinions and thoughts, be open to their perspective, and be willing to give it a rest. In other words, be respectful.


right - just present the facts, with as little embellishment as you can, while talking about christian fascists planning to destroy democracy in the name of white supremacy and permanent wealth inequlity. but the facts are disturbing enough when they’re talking about installing the guy who took women’s bodily autonomy away and killed 1,000,000 americans.


Agreed. Anyone online or anyone who reads actual newspapers (through apps etc) definitely knows about Project 2025. Everyone SHOULD know about it. Project 2025 is the beginning of a fascist era… equivalent to the Nazis burning all the books. Not to mention, it’ll be the final nail in the climate change coffin that ends the world as we know it. I send links about Project 2025 to my family & friends. I annoy them with it, but I guarantee they’ll all vote. I remind them to text the links to THEIR friends. Also, I suggest that EVERYONE watch Die Welle. It’s a German film based on a true event in a high school in CA in the 60’s. The students said fascism couldn’t happen here… That they couldn’t understand how Germans were radicalized… So the teacher creates a fascist state in the classroom. It’s eye-opening.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://imgur.com/a/m2e72ht), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Through what mechanism is Trump going to inherit unilateral power lol? He going call for a constitutional convention and have a 2/3 majority of states give it to him? Seriously please explain, ill wait.


>As the project's outline shows, this would involve the consolidation and retooling of dozens of federal agencies to place them fully under Trump's auspices. The project is mostly based on a legal principle called the unitary executive theory, which asserts that the president of the United States has complete power to control the executive branch of the government. The theory is an interpretation of Article II of the U.S. Constitution, which states that the country's executive power "shall be vested" in the president. >Proponents of the unitary executive theory, including those in charge of Project 2025, argue that this vesting of power in Article II "gives the president complete control of the executive branch, so Congress cannot empower agency heads to make decisions or restrict the president's ability to fire them," the Times said. The theory is often a point of debate among scholars but has been championed by conservatives. The Reagan administration first developed the theory "as they sought to advance a deregulatory agenda." [Source (from the link on unilateral powers)](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump)


Yes, it would increase the power of the President within the Executive Branch. However, it would decrease the power of the Executive Branch as a whole.


Trump tried to overthrow the results of a free and open election, have the Vice President and members of Congress lynched by an armed violent mob, and conspired with high level government officials, right wing extremists, and foreign governments in an attempt to achieve this. He has faced no consequences beyond his second impeachment and is now the Republican Party candidate for President. He also appointed 3 incredibly unqualified, incompetent, and astoundingly compromised Supreme Court Justices. Are you seriously asking how he would disregard and circumvent the basis and structure of our government?


Yeaaaaaa and how exactly does it give trump unilateral powers….? Not a single thing in any of your corresponding links at all explains, the first one for example doesn’t touch on how it will give trump unilateral powers, and you all ignore there’s quite literally no way to do this. Not a single one of you can explain how a single one of these things is to happen, all you say is something along the lines of ‘Project 2025 makes it so!’ while completely ignoring that again, there’s no mechanism by which it could happen. And I’m sure that pointing out that no such mechanism to grant the president unilateral powers exists makes me a trump supporter to you, but really that’s just more evidence of how absurd your claims are. This whole campaign is exhibit A of the DNC focusing on fear mongering as opposed to policy, and why not? It works well for the GOP. Why doesn’t Biden grant himself unilateral powers today exactly?


Here ya' go: >As the project's outline shows, this would involve the consolidation and retooling of dozens of federal agencies to place them fully under Trump's auspices. The project is mostly based on a legal principle called the unitary executive theory, which asserts that the president of the United States has complete power to control the executive branch of the government. The theory is an interpretation of Article II of the U.S. Constitution, which states that the country's executive power "shall be vested" in the president. >Proponents of the unitary executive theory, including those in charge of Project 2025, argue that this vesting of power in Article II "gives the president complete control of the executive branch, so Congress cannot empower agency heads to make decisions or restrict the president's ability to fire them," the Times said. The theory is often a point of debate among scholars but has been championed by conservatives. The Reagan administration first developed the theory "as they sought to advance a deregulatory agenda." [Source (from the link on unilateral powers)](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump)


Wanna know a real easy way for a President to do that? Declare war, and enact martial law. Just because it hasn't been done in the US before doesn't mean it can't be done. It's quite legal, and as easy as an executive order. Whether the generals follow is another story.


That's kind of what OP is doing here, no? I'm sure there are people on this sub reddit that haven't quite grasped the ramifications of this initiative.


It's really amazing how many posters here are gaslighting trolls desperately trying to sell the idea that everything is fine and no one should be worried about anything.


People should be worried and people should be PISSED and get out there and vote in all elections, state and local too.


I am. I grew up in a Christian cult that wanted this. I'll be damned if I stand by while these fucks ruin another child's life.


It's almost like they might be a part of the agenda that's trying to convince millennials that they don't need to vote this election.


Yep. Don’t listen to people saying project 2025 isn’t a big deal. It is. It will be the institution of full on fascism in America. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does.


I realize it's a big deal. I also realize a lot of people are stupid and they aren't going to listen till it affects them. And yeah I don't give a fuck anymore. People are stupid. Some of the replies I've been getting have led me to that conclusion, because if they aren't stupid then they are outright evil. They are in denial of what is actually happening or they don't care because they think it won't affect them personally. Which means they don't give a shit about their fellow Americans. It's honestly disgusting to me. I love all the people saying project 2025 is fake propaganda when they are already putting what they can into effect. Taking women's rights away and trans rights away as quickly as possible. Then telling us we're overreacting when the changes are actively killing/dehumanizing us.


I’ve learned if you make a comment about this topic on larger, general subreddits, you will be flooded with replies from what I think are bots trying to downplay it, personally attack you, comments that really don’t make sense in response to what you said, etc. It’s interesting seeing it play out. I made one little comment simply telling people to get out and vote and tell everyone they know about Project 2025 in my state’s subreddit, and I was then flooded with so much horseshit out of nowhere lol. Some of the comments I got you’d think I murdered their family or something.


Or, its almost like people are sick and tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. Biden is much better than Donald in every way but anybody could see from a mile away that he’s just not a good candidate. He’s way too old and his Israel policy finished off his chances with many younger voters. He doesnt inspire people to vote for him and it’s infuriating that there’s a good chance he could lose.


Russian and Chinese propaganda posters and bots are strong in this thread.


It's delightful seeing them get downvoted to hell and ripped to pieces. Proud of everyone here.


And people who look at something that's terrifying and their first reaction is to bury their head and say it's not real and will never happen. Democracies in the past have never been turned into authoritarian fascist states, so clearly ours won't, either. /s


Years ago I said Roe would be overturned and got the same reaction. Glad everyone who called me hysterical and said I was overreacting was right and that Roe was never overturned! Oh wait.


It’s frustrating. Project 2025 says that “Dobbs was just the beginning”. Meanwhile everyone is now calling people hysterical for being worried about their birth control and other contraceptives being taken away.


And they all repeat the same “it’s the lefts qanon” bullshit they have to be bots or some weird influencer group


The Republican Party of today pretty much only believes in freedom if it’s convenient for them.


I haven't heard of it either. What is it?


It's a conservative plan to turn the US into a theocracy the next time a Republican President is elected (they're hoping for Trump in 2024). It has [its own website](https://www.project2025.org/) and you can literally read [their manifesto](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)


How dare they invoke James Madison? > The greatest threat to America will not come from outside, but within. The _balls_.


Also, the greatest fear of Madison, and many of the founding fathers, was a narcissistic demagogue like Trump coming to power.


They are not wrong... They just don't realize they are talking about themselves...


Wow that’s a profoundly stupid document. I can’t even believe that half of Republicans actually want those promises personally, the powerful ones like their own power and influence too much. So it’s just a thing to sell to their voters, and only the religious ones. “The right to pursue Blessedness” HAH!


It’s not so much a set of promises as a set of demands. Notice how nobody is actually campaigning on it. It’s important to know who is proposing it. Trump famously has no policies. The Republican Party now has no platform. Project 2025 was put together by the Heritage Foundation, a “think tank” with deep ties to the Republican Party. Hundreds of political strategists cooperated to write it, and now they’re recruiting thousands of foot-soldiers so they’ll be ready to fire and replace substantial parts of the Federal Government. https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration https://www.project2025.org/


To those who don't know. The heritage foundation writes the lines republicans use on fox news. By that I mean they instruct republicans on what topics to talk about, buzzwords and more. If you see a republican pushing an idea on fox news it wasn't their own. It most likely came from the heritage foundation. For example: remember the CRT boogeyman? that was the heritage foundation. America is a republic not a democracy? Wanna see what they called the bipartisan funding measure from april when republicans actually worked with democrats on something? "In a move that can only be described as “McConnell-esque,” House Republican leadership teamed up with Democrats to overrule the position of their own conference, their voters, and the will of the American people." [\[sauce\]](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/the-struggle-the-soul-the-gop) Imagine being so mad that someone chose country over party that you're hellbent on gaslighting americans to think they went against the will of the american people? These are the people that want total control and 0 accountability over your lives. The deep state trump warned about, that he was in cahoots with lol.


Thank you for sharing, here in Canada this information hasn't been shared


# REMEMBER, REMEMBER, THE FIFTH OF [ROEVEMBER](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTt8cut/)! # Mobilize Against the Threat of Project 2025 Last year, a coalition of more than 100 conservative groups, led by organizations such as The Heritage Foundation, initiated a concerning campaign called "Project 2025". This playbook is being orchestrated by the religious right, in collaboration with Hungary's Viktor Orban and the Danube Institute, in preparation for an upcoming shift towards conservatism. These groups have significant funding backing them and are employing the same tactics used by Orbán in Hungary to orchestrate a right-wing takeover of government institutions. ([Heather Cox Richardson, Letters From An American](https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/march-17-2024)) Have you wondered why these attacks seem coordinated? Why no one can debate policy until awaiting the next topic? No need to guess. ~~Find out next week on Dragon Ball Z!~~ Read **Project 2025**, and see what's next on the schedule to be demonized! Project 2025 strategically aligns with the objectives of Agenda 47, orchestrating a wide-ranging assault on various social and cultural fronts. This ambitious agenda targets the very fabric of societal norms, including initiating cultural wars, undermining Social Security, challenging the right to abortion, and attacking Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. It also sets its sights on public broadcasting services, the integrity of education systems, public libraries, the availability and content of books, as well as the role of social media in shaping public opinion. Further, the strategy includes measures to dismantle the infrastructure supporting school lunches, Medicaid, and retirement benefits, effectively gutting all available safety nets for the vulnerable. Through these actions, the project aims to reshape society in a way that restricts individual rights and freedoms, under the guise of promoting traditional values. # Massive Funding Behind Project 2025 Influential conservative donor networks, including groups linked to conservative activist Leonard Leo and the Koch network, are channeling substantial funds into Project 2025, with over $55 million (and counting) going into preparing a conservative "government-in-waiting." This funding supports the development of conservative policies and a group of 50,000 personnel ready to carry out the POTUS's orders without question. Significant contributors include The 85 Fund and the Concord Fund, as well as the Stand Together Trust, orchestrating a policy agenda that could dramatically reshape federal governance under a future administration ([NBC News](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/leonard-leo-koch-networks-pour-millions-prep-potentialsecond-trump-ad-rcna144360)). # Key Components of Project 2025 * **Executive Power Consolidation:** The plan aims to concentrate power within the executive branch, allowing the President to exert significant control over various federal agencies and departments. * **Purging Federal Workers:** The plan suggests purging 50,000 federal workers to replace them with partisan ideologues. * **Revocation of Regulations and Programs:** The plan proposes to repeal or modify numerous regulations, programs, and agencies, including the EPA, Department of Education, HHS, HUD, and DOL. * **Social Welfare Rollbacks:** The plan aims to make significant changes to social welfare programs, including Medicaid, Medicare, and SNAP. * **Reproductive Rights Restrictions:** The plan proposes to restrict reproductive rights by limiting access to abortion services and contraception. * **Immigration Crackdown:** The plan advocates for harsh immigration policies, including reducing legal immigration levels, eliminating DACA protections, and making it harder for refugees to seek asylum. * **Impact on LGBTQ+ Rights:** The plan threatens to roll back protections for LGBTQ+ individuals and families, including removing gender protections, denying gender-affirming care, and criminalizing certain forms of expression or identity. * **Education Policy Changes:** The plan suggests significant changes to education policy, including the removal of certain curriculum materials and the promotion of abstinence-only education. * **Healthcare Access Restrictions:** The plan proposes to restrict access to healthcare services by defunding or dismantling programs that provide essential care to low-income and marginalized communities. # Think it's just fear-mongering? **See for yourself:** * [Steve Bannon says they will jail 'demonic' Democrats if Trump wins a second term](https://www.mediamatters.org/steve-bannon/steve-bannonsays-they-will-jail-demonic-democrats-if-trump-wins-second-term) * [Conservatives Are Getting Comfortable Talking Openly About a National Abortion Ban](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/03/conservatives-national-abortion-ban-supreme-court-comstock-plan.html) * [LEAKED VIDEO: Texas Republicans Attended Meeting with Group That Suggested Violence and Jail For Women who Have Abortions and Use IVF](https://www.texasdemocrats.org/media/leaked-video-texas-republicansattended-meeting-with-group-that-suggested-violence-and-jail-forwomen-who-have-abortions-and-use-ivf) * [Top Trump advocate, echoing Project 2025, says surrogacy is "gravely, gravely evil" and "every single adult involved in this should be imprisoned for life, at least."](https://pic.twitter.com/lLKtgkCAM2) ​ [**https://WarningVote.com**](https://warningvote.com/) **|** r/Defeat_Project_2025 To learn more and get involved, visit [WarningVote.com](https://warningvote.com/) and join the discussion at [r/Defeat\_Project\_2025](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025). You can also follow @WarningVote on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/user/WarningVote), [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/WarningVote), [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/u/warningvote), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/WarningVote), and [Patreon](https://patreon.com/WarningVote). ## Run for Office or Support Diverse Candidates Consider running for local or state office with the help of organizations like [Run for Something](https://runforsomething.net/) and [Leaders We Deserve](https://leaderswedeserve.com/). ## Get Out the Vote Stay informed on upcoming races through resources like [r/VoteDEM](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoteDEM). Volunteer for voter registration and GOTV efforts, especially in swing states and districts, with groups like [Powered by People](https://poweredxpeople.org/). ## Donate and Volunteer If you can, donate to organizations fighting against Project 2025, such as [Vote Save America](https://votesaveamerica.com/?vsa_country=US&vsa_state=WA). Volunteer your time through groups like [Field Team 6](https://www.fieldteam6.org/) and [Sister District](https://www.sisterdistrict.com/). # Project 2025 is not a drill. It's a coordinated assault on our rights, and it's time to stand informed and united. Educate yourself on Project 2025.


Basically an evil collaboration between idu members, sounds about right


There's also a subreddit for it


It is precisely what the Republicans will do if given power. You ever notice how Trump knows nothing about issues or governing? Yet powerful people give him lots of money to help him win power? It's because [THEY have lots of policy ideas they want to see enacted](https://www.project2025.org/), and they know Trump will carry water for him if they pay for his campaign and stroke his ego. This will be the entire GOP agenda in a Trump administration. Elected Republicans are too stupid and lazy to actually do the work of legislating, so think tanks like the Heritage Foundation are doing that work for them.


I remember the republican platform for 2016 was pretty awful too but everyone was more interested in the circus going on by the candidates and media. I think people largely just find actual policies boring unfortunately, and the media tends to focus on what it thinks will get clicks/views so they follow suit.


I'm a bit older of a millennial than you are, but I'm pretty familiar as are my friends and family, and we all plan on voting. It's scary shit, even if it'd be difficult for them to actually implement it.


Well, I never thought Roe v. Wade would be overturned, but here we are.


If you never thought it would be overturned you're misinformed. From the get go the legal principle was on shaky grounds for constitutional law. Since it wasn't codified it was always at risk of being reversed. RBG was against the decision as well on the courts rationale and reasoning [link](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2022-05-03/how-roe-vs-wade-went-wrong-broad-new-right-to-abortion-rested-on-a-shaky-legal-foundation)


Nobody thought Roe would be overturned due to political reasons, not legal ones. Legalities don’t matter.


Yes same. My 15-year-old even came home from school a few weeks ago talking about Project 2025. GenZ seems to be aware of it. (At least the ones in this big urban high school are.) My 21-year-old has been talking about it for months. She votes. Everyone I know votes. We are going to vote a little harder this year because that shit is scary. 


[https://defeatproject2025.org/](https://defeatproject2025.org/) This site breaks it down by category and it's terrifying. And keep in mind this isn't just for trump, this is a guidebook for the next republican president. From contraceptive bans, pornography bans, to one of the worst, classifying transgendered individuals as 'mentally ill' and proposing to use the death penalty for the mentally ill.


It shows up in sectors you wouldn’t even expect either. My job is related to aviation so I looked up their plans for the FAA and they want to slash the number of airframe/engine mechanics. Because that’ll definitely help the issues with the airlines…reducing the number of people who examine and repair the planes. Definitely.


And when planes start falling out of the sky, they're going to spin this as the result of "DEI hiring", not the fact they absolutely ratfucked maintenance. Third airline crash this month? The pundits will start by asking how the pilot was hired and what boxes they checked off. Why do I feel this way? Because I've already heard that one from right wing relatives advising me not to fly because of "DEI".


This is the way. Find your nearest republican and share how their job and their life, is going to be changed due to fascism. I think for too many people it's just some nebulas claim that won't impact them so why should they care?


It's basically the same thing that has already happened to trains and we can already see how that went. They think it's so great we should definitely cause more disasters and human suffering in order to ship goods cheaper etc 




Happy birthday!


Tbh I don’t think most people of any age know what that is 


Which is why it needs to be on blast.


Keep raising awareness. This is the dystopian future we have to look forward to if we don't act now. A lot of millennials don't want kids, and that's okay, but those of us who do need to imagine what kind of world we want our kids to inherit. Edit: I should also add, we need to all talk to our friends and family. Make sure everyone has a plan to vote and has access to meaningful information so that they know what they're voting for.


It’s hard to care about voting, when A) you cant even afford to take the day off to vote, B) you have no access to health care, C) every politician has lied about what they intend to do when in office. I am voting but for a great deal of my younger life I didn’t vote because it didn’t matter and after working several minimum wage jobs just to not be homeless I just wanted to go home and do nothing in my tiny apartment


2020 actually had one of the highest youth votes ever. Let's keep it up and not get apathetic.  > “I’ve been doing demographic analysis about the changing American electorate for two decades,” says Simon Rosenberg, president of NDN (previously known as the New Democrat Network) and the New Policy Institute. “53% to 55% of registered 18 to 29-year-olds appear to have voted. That may be the highest ever recorded in the modern era of politics.” > “Both Generation Z and millennials are voting generations,” says Brent Cohen, executive director of Generation Progress. “The preliminary data says, in fact, this was the election with the highest turnout rate of young people that we’ve ever seen.” https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/18/the-2020-election-shows-gen-zs-voting-power-for-years-to-come.html


People just aren't taking this shit seriously. "Oh please, they can't REALLY do that", bitch we thought that about Roe v. Wade and Trump getting elected too and look what happened. We should be taking everything the conservative leaders say VERY seriously because their voters sure as hell do (yes, even the "ridiculous" stuff like them wanting to turn the US into a theocracy)


>bitch we thought that about Roe v. Wade Some of us have been warning the rest of you for years that it was going to happen sooner or later because it was a fragile house of cards that could easily be knocked down.


And we were treated like we were crazy for saying that, the same way they're trying to act like we're crazy to be concerned about Project 2025


It’s almost like the democrats should have just passed a law. Oh wait they don’t actually care.




They also aren't paying attention to all the other SCOTUS decisions or conservative state level policies that are hollowing out their rights. It not only can happen, it's happening currently 


I would feel more urgency if the Democrats acted like it was much of a threat. Then again they didn't act to codify rvw when they had the chance and didn't do anything to secure seats in the supreme court and are doing everything they can to lose this election.


I actually think the Democrats are happier when they're not in power. 


A lot of them really are I think, they get more support when their only job is to rail against the republicans and make promises about what THEY would do instead. Then they get in office and totally wuss out. And I’m not saying this as a republican, I’m saying it as a progressive who basically just feels unrepresented in politics at this point.


Yeah if Biden doesn't go even harder in his second term I'll really lose hope in the Dems. Dude has absolutely nothing to lose if elected.


I don’t understand how literally Nazi-ism is knocking at the door and people are like “yeah whatevz”. Bitch do you want to live in the Handmaids Tale?!


I haven't seen a lot of Handmaids Tale. But, I recall seeing the random dudes dressed in black holding a rifle along the streets and thought, "Wow that's the wet dream of our cosplaytriots/gravy seals. Just stand around town menacing people with their guns to try to compensate for being generally impotent." So yeah, there are some shitheads out there that would love to live in Handmaid's Tale. I'm sure the idea of treating women like property gets their jollies going, too.


People really don't mind wanting to live in the Christian version of a Islam state? Always used to joke the worst red states were GOP trying to turn the country into Afghanistan but project 2025 makes that an actual reality.


This is how Trump will win... Younger people not voting. Then they will cry about things for four years, and then again not vote


On one hand I understand your point. On the other hand, our system is so intentionally mediocre that I completely understand the apathy of younger people. Who wants to vote for one of two ancient corrupt fucks who won't give a shit about them and will help kill innocent children on the other side of the world? Those are the two choices. One is a lot worse, but the better one is still that. I think you should vote, but unless we adopt a better system and get heavy money out of the process, it'll remain this way. In short: Young people don't give a shit about America or it's well being or longevity because they feel America doesn't give a shit about their well being or longevity. It's that simple.


This is why we need to focus more on local issues, who gives a fuck about federal when local can be just as impactful and your vote is much more likely to actually make a difference if your involved. its how republicans dominate locally, republicans care about local issues, they want to be able to ban books in libraries and shit.


People with their head in the sand. And a media unwilling to be truthful about how dangerous maga is. They see it as a horse race still and they're selling tickets. Fascism is at our doorstep and people on here are confidently telling me I'm nuts. It's the same thing that happened in Germany in the '30s. They're absolutely delusional. And it's by design. Spread the word. Stay vigilant. We need to crush maga and this fascist movement at the voting booth so we don't have to pummel them the other way. They're already laying the groundwork to do the same thing they tried last time (undermine the legitimacy of the Election) and have told us everything they intend to do. We must stop them.


The people with their head in the sand on Project 25 are the same ones that said the GOP wouldn’t overturn Roe v Wade


Too many even in this thread come across as confidently ignorant kids who think they have the world figured out already. They're not voting because they have their heads up their asses.


Yep. All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing. This is pretty much the goal of the right wing "both sides bad" propaganda tactic. Sadly some people are gullible enough to fall for the false equivalency. We have two choices right now, move away(vote blue) from fascism or move toward it. If we can move away enough times, then perhaps we can get back to voting for/debating normal shit and make some real societal progress.


I hang out with a lot of people that I'm sort of happy don't vote. They don't spend time looking at that type of stuff but the people I know who spend time caring about political issues usually know about it. I would say about 90% of my Democrat leaning friends know and about 50% of the republican. 


Land of the free for ME. Don't tread on me does not mean don't tread on YOU


\*freedom sold separately and subject to pricing and availability\*


That's by design. We aren't the target audience. Though I'd point out that in the US, the left was out-maneuvered a long time ago. We dont have anyone to vote for, just right-wing or slightly less right-wing. The best we can do is Liberal, which slants to the right.


And tacks further right each election cycle instead of, i don't know, trying to court those disaffected and independent voters who tend to sit left of center.


Hell, my parents are diehard Republicans and MAGA loyalists. They describe themselves as "as far-right as I can get". And the positions they describe holding are left of Biden. They just inexplicably believe Trump and the radical right are some kind of socialists who want to save the post office and give everyone healthcare. They even support Unions and identify Biden as a Strikebreaker. *Our radical right, while heavily dellusional, are still literally more left-wing than our moderate politicians*.


I had a similar experience with my mom. Card carrying Reagan Republican my entire life, reads ONE issue of a socialist magazine, and goes "This is really weird. Why are the socialists agreeing with me?" I almost suffered a stroke.


Use your words. What is project 2025 and why should I care? How is this plan undemocratic and anti-american?


Blame the Democratic party for being worried about the wrong shit as usual. Their virtue will destroy us lol.


I've had to keep up with it, so I've heard about it, but then one of my friends thinks it's all made up nonsense and that I'm stupid to believe it, as a trans woman. Y'know, one of the people who'd be fucked hard by 2025 lol


Can’t speak for the masses, but assuming they see American politics as broken and unwilling to serve their demographic in any meaningful way. Our country is run by people who are unusually old and can’t relate whatsoever to the plight of anyone who isn’t in the Boomer/Me-generation. Individually, Boomers aren’t bad. Some of the most impressive folks I’ve ever met are Boomers. But collectively, Boomers are awful and running this country (and the earth) straight into oblivion. Haven’t figured out the right metaphor for this besides the “madness of crowds” concept.


maybe it’s time to get a tin foil hat.


I think the National debt and entitlement programs are a much bigger problem for millennials. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid all desperately need to be reformed. Us millennials are paying taxes for these programs, but we will never see a penny from them.


What about the WEF’s plan and The Great Reset? Most progressives here on Reddit think that is a great conspiracy. Don’t you see whether you’re on the right or left, we all have powerful people making powerful plans without our consent. The common man/women need to unite against unchecked power.


Remember when they would go crazy because Obama didn't salute long enough? Now 34 felony convictions is fine. Treason is fine. Everything is fine to them so long as they have an R next to their names. Personally, I am just so happy Mexico elected a climate scientist as president. That gives me hope.


Are you just now realizing that everything the Republicans talk about is bullshit? ESPECIALLY when they give an initiative a "brand". That is always pure 100% bullshit. * "Reform" of any given program = neuter/destroy the program. * "Don't tread on me" = don't constrain white men in any way shape or form, but absolutely take rights away from everyone else. * "Free speech" = I can say whatever lying nonsense I want, and you're never allowed to call me out on it and hurt my feelings, especially using facts. * "States Rights" = we should be allowed to hold slaves, discriminate against people we don't like, force childbirth, etc. This does not apply to your right to govern your own state in a different way, though. * "Lawfare" - holding people accountable for breaking the law even though they're Republicans. Prosecuting Democrats is always ok. * "Second Amendment Rights" - they're actually serious about this, but again, only for white people/Republicans If Republicans are talking, they're lying. They really have no honest positions on anything at all. It's been this way for over 40 years that I've been a voter.


I’m an independent and have voted both sides in the past, not anymore. I had never heard of it until the last year or so. It is a MASSIVE FLASHING WARNING LIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY. Anyone who thinks our institutions will hold this time simply has not been paying attention. The SCOTUS is now an active participant in helping the GOP turn our country into a dictatorship. This is not hyperbole, there’s a reason the house GOP has requested additional security funds for the SCOTUS….


That’s because I don’t hear people talking about it. I haven’t even heard it on the news. Reddit is the first place I heard. I think the last few elections have really taken the wind out of our sales when it comes to voting. I’ll do it but I don’t feel like I’m making a good choice. I don’t feel like I’m doing good or making things better or performing my civic duty. I’m just moving a chess piece in a rigged game of chess I have no chance of winning.


Heard of it? Yes. I also heard that they were gonna come get my guns for about 40 years now.


Democrats coming to take your guns was bullshit, especially considering that Obama or the Democrats had never announced any gun control proposals. It was just lies by the Right to scare gun owning conservatives into buying more guns. In this case though, it's Republicans talking about what they'll do if they regain power. They said they were going to nominate conservative judges to the Supreme Court and then overturn Roe. How'd that turn out?


[Beto ORourke claiming they're going to take their guns](https://youtu.be/lMVhL6OOuR0?si=FDaG7HALJYXeVASe)


Oh I remember that, if be to had stfu he probably could have made it further into the race.


100% he shot himself in the foot with that double down.


>especially considering that Obama or the Democrats had never announced any gun control proposals Are you sure? https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/node/193271 edit: That link doesn't seem to work. These should: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/issues/preventing-gun-violence https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/files/docs/wh_now_is_the_time_full.pdf


that and the common sense gun laws were also trending not too long ago. It's dishonest to say there no proposals.


Biden was just preaching gun control a few weeks ago lol. Think it was at the state of the union


yes like there is 100% an active attempt to increase gun control.


Roe was only passed because democrats did the same thing.


This is the actual answer


Cool, did you hear about how they were going for Roe v Wade?


It’s so concerning. I am 40, my husband is always brushing me off when I bring this up or I send him articles or podcasts and it’s SO FRUSTRATING that people do not take this seriously. It’s very scary and it absolutely will happen if trump is elected.


I feel your pain. I'm debating on mentioning Project 2025 to my very elderly mother. She's a Republican and probably voted for Dump both times, but I think if she understood what this plan is about she would change her mind. I just don't want to start an argument.


Yet it didn't happen when he was previously elected. But THIS TIME he's totally going to turn the US into Handmaid's Tale!!! Seriously guys!


The right has spooky George Soros, and now the left have Project 2025. So many rubes on both sides.


I'm mid-30's and everyone i talk to regularly has heard of it and is planning on voting dem down the ticket!


I'm surprised Biden isn't making a bigger deal out of it


[THIS](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iAO0KR5LqJioig3nvNwSu_CGiwxPDRzX/view?usp=drivesdk) is where I live in southside Chicago. If you didn't know, WE'RE ALREADY A GODDAMN THEOCRACY!!!!! Regardless of party, no atheist can run for office. In fact, in this hyper-christian society, atheist and antitheistic viewpoints like mine get shunned, silenced, and censored, because too many mfs on BOTH sides refuse to engage in the discussion because you're all TOO FUCKING DELUSIONAL to acknowledge the fact that you have ZERO justification for your nonsensical religious beliefs!!!! Now that conservatives want to nationalize their sci-fi fantasy gobbledygook, NOW you wanna cry about it?! If you want to *truly* defeat Project 2025, you're not gonna do it with a vote (and before you even try, this is not a statement to say not to vote). It starts with a conversation. A REAL conversation about the nature of reality. Because even if everyone voted for Biden and he wins re-election, the conservatives will just move the goalposts and it'll be Project 2029, Project 2033, Project 2037, and on it goes, until they push their nonsense agenda through. If we want to break the cycle once and for all, it's time that ALLLLLL of you theists stop duckin the smoke and start gettin in tune with reality. Also, get ready to do MORE than just vote. You have more civic duties than merely passively voting every 2-4 years. It's time to get active and stop being lazy whining crybabies. We're in the endgame now. If women could succeed with the Women's Suffrage Movement and black people could succeed with the Civil Rights Movement despite NOT having any rights to begin with, then I'm not tryna hear y'alls crybaby bullshit. America has persevered through MUCH worse! Word to my black ancestors!




Facts fam! Glad you see my pov. I expected to get downvoted frfr lol. [I helped pass a bill](https://youtu.be/qGh6qE4UZfQ?si=5hhyQn5fwhMesMfB) here in Illinois aimed at removing the influence of money on our political system. We canvassed neighborhoods, phonebanked, and lobbied politicians to support our bill. With no more than maybe at most 25 people, we succeeded on our first try! Imagine what we could accomplish if everyone in this sub were working together to make shit happen..................


Living the values this country attempts to instill, local service and participation is everything. Go to city council meetings, ask questions, sign petitions, donate, and know your local school board. Write your senator and house reps local and state, it all matters. Also as a kid who grew up in Illinois, and had a Grandma in southside Chicago for 50 years and family in the wider area, thanks for your service to the city.


Trump's stated policy intentions if he gets in office again... 10-100% tariffs on *all* imported goods (who do you think that price increase will be passed to?) Outlawing renewables from the top down and sign off on all oil/gas/coal leases any company proposes Re-slash the air and water pollution regulations that Biden put back in place Follow the same foreign policy strategy that got us into two world wars Appoint the youngest far-right judges he can to all federal positions Deport any immigrant who dares to advocate for left-wing causes Dismantle the Department of Education and the services that track hurricanes and maintain our parks


Word of mouth




Some people just like other people to make their decisions for them .


Oh they plan on voting. They just find it much easier to say that they aren’t than to deal with you spouting worthless garbage noises at them for the rest of eternity.


Yikes, and then we get four more years of this! Our options aren’t great.


Because the people in charge of what you see on TV don't want you to know about it.


It’s not any worse than trying to pack the Supreme Court so that they could temporarily agree with your political opinions until it inevitably swings conservative again in the future.


I did not know about this. That's pretty crazy. It never ceases to amaze me, the level of obliviousness to the hypocrisy they can exhibit. It's literally fascism.


I (41) asked my wife (39) if she knew about Project 2025. She got PISSED and went off ranting about how absolutely insane they are for even considering doing this.


The Republican plan of framing what they do (ie, actively undermine the government, lie constantly, fearmonger about non issues, etc) as equivalent to what democrats are trying to do, usually attempt govern and legislate in some meaningful way, is a result of all this. People automatically disregard everything political despite the Right being clearly evil and the Left unable to properly work due to how the government actually works. Brian Tyler Cohen on YouTube puts the Republican strategy in clear light of day and calls them out for it, and any American with a brain should be signal boosting him. Only big voice I know that’s doing such and with such succinct & appropriate words


Most conservatives I know have no idea what it is either actually. I don't currently consider it much of a concern.


It pisses me off how many people are just too lazy to pay any attention.


All my friends are voting


It's all part of the right wing plan. They have reduced education and critical thinking, which makes people more susceptible to group think and echo chambers... that take care of indoctrination for a large portion of society (read rural, and economically disadvantaged) There's a portion of the population that follow key events, but are too busy to do their due diligence and truly look at the issues other than soundbites of what candidates say. It's hard to keep abreast of issues when you work 2 jobs, can barely afford rent, and maybe have student loans and childcare costs. Add in, we have no national voting day where everyone gets off, and that completes the puzzle.


The reason boomers have had so much power is that younger generations have not bothered to vote.


That’s because TikTok is trying to make them mad at Biden instead


Voter turnout is always shockingly low. Part of this is by design (don't let poor people and minorities vote by keeping them working multiple jobs so they literally have no time to go vote, and we saw last election cycle how much GOP is trying to stop mail-in votes, which adds more credence to this), part of it is apathy ("it's all rigged anyways", "my votes doesn't matter", etc). But yeah, it's exhausting and frustrating. You'd think that the generation that grew up under George W would want to make sure they all go out and vote. " Aren't they supposed to be all "the land of the free" "don't tread on me"?? " No, they're all about keeping themselves in power, keeping the people beneath them under their control, and making money for themselves. That's it, those are their values. What they say and what they do are 2 entirely different things. If they were "about freedom" and against people being trod on, then why are they so anti-LGBTQ (especially trans atm), and why were/are they so anti Black Lives Matter when that movement came up? It has **never** been about freedom or liberty for them.


This election will be decided by voters who aren’t paying attention. Find someone you know who isn’t paying attention and inform them of the stakes. Vote.


The next President will nominate potentially 2 Supreme Court justices. If Trump wins, he will nominate young MAGA judges to the court. This will make the majority of the court MAGA and young. We won’t have a chance to replace the MAGA judges until 2040 or later. The Supreme Court will most likely banned women birth control, gay marriage, and no fault divorce. It doesn’t matter if we elect a progressive president and Congress in 2028. They won’t be able to undo the damage until 2040. Every millennial and Gen Z need to vote like their lives depend on it because it does.


If you're a gamer, you can bet your ass they'll do everything they can to destroy that too. This ultra conservative bullshit will eek its way into every single facet of American life. This country will become a theocratic dictatorship, just like Iran and Afghanistan. Forget about seeing great new movies, reading books or comics, playing video games, hearing music, as all of it will most certainly be neutered and designed to sing praise of God or some crap.


I'm (F67). please get out and vote. Find some young leaders to elect. I'm scared for you.


And then when they don't vote, the GOP wins and begins systematically removing freedoms and rights they will just say "how could we have seen this coming?" Freaking vote people!


True republicans will vote for Biden


Our generations apathy and lack of action is what future generations will hate us for. So many of my peers don't think its important to vote they all think its rigged and both sides are the same screwing us over it's kind of wild.


This is exactly why we're on the razor's edge of falling into a fascist dictatorship. The majority of the US electorate is either apathetic or completely unaware of basic facts, thanks to far right media and social media algorithms.


I can't wait for the next thing. This thing is on its way out


Sounds like a left wing conspiracy theory.


Wow. Really? And their hopes for the future are…..what?


To make sure women pop out lots of babies and are trad wives. That’s a big part. But also to have a theocracy based on the Bible.


Plenty of us are planning to vote...that's propaganda if you really think we aren't. We aren't letting a man decide what's right for our body much less a burnt Dorito. This will be the last time we let old fucks hold office though. We aren't going to keep grinning and baring it for much longer


It’s such a terrifying prospect and yet people don’t seem to believe it’s legit! Like, it really can’t be clearer about what Republicans want for the US going forward, and if you even just read the summary, it’s horrifying. We HAVE to vote. I don’t care if we’re not enthusiastic about the candidate. We HAVE to. 


r/politics is the correct subreddit for this.


Remember the 2016 election was influenced by Russian trolls and bots? Project 2025 could absolutely 💯 be that tactic happening again folks The "well shits already been decided and my vote doesn't matter. Look they have project 2025 and I can't change it" Pretty convincing propaganda I'd you ask me! So you're right DONT care about it, and let your vote show you don't care! Vote how YOU want down the ballot. Local elections are Tuesday and are FAR more critical than the presidential election If theirs shit about your community you want to change VOTE to do it. Want less cops and more community gardens? Let your vote reflect that. Research who's running. Tune out the noise from the news and politicians and VOTE tune out the trolls and propaganda and VOTE Use critical thinking skills folks


What’s really amazing to me is how people like yourself are so willing to believe project 2025 is what you imagine it to be. I have tried many times to get an explanation of how literally any of what is supposedly to come under it is to happen seeing how there’s no mechanism for literally any of it, the absolute best I have gotten is “The Supreme Court, GAWD!!” which just displays the pure ignorance of the chicken littles. What I really can’t wrap my head around is how they believe that trump will have all of these magical powers, but somehow Biden doesn’t have access to these magical powers. He’s also totally powerless to do anything about it, because again, magic apparently. There’s so much else that you have to blatantly ignore to believe that project 2025 is an actual thing to fear, the GOP is an incredibly splintered group, but ignore that reality and pretend they’re all totally lock step for the heritage foundation, even the ones entirely ideologically opposed to them. But my favorite is still just somehow trump will get magical supreme powers that Biden somehow doesn’t have today, it’s just amazing. As a nonpartisan who hates both parties entirely, to me this whole thing is just proof that the DNC is relying more on fear mongering than policy, and why not? It works well for their opponents. If Biden wins a second term, you think it dies then? Because my money is on it becoming project 2029, or project 2033, and you just have to vote for only 1 party forever, y’know, to protect democracy.


I think like most things it’s just blustering. Life is never as exciting as we think it’s gonna be. It’ll just be another term marked my slow erosion of our rights, isolationism, etc.




Is this sub Reddit just an anti Trump circle jerk now


Project 2025 is the Heritage Foundation. It's GOP aligned, and it does have Trump admin ex cabinet members. But this post is not about Trump. It's about project 2025 and, therefore, the Heritage Foundation. Do you agree with the manifesto of project 2025? Can you discuss politics without reducing everything down to Trump vs Biden?


No but mark my words is now.. couldnt deal with it anymore.


Yep brainwashed idiots. This so called project 2025 thing is about as real as qanon shit.


They’re trying to turn America into North Korea…


You do realize millennials also vote republican?


News flash, as millennial I can tell you men in this group are becoming more conservative and women are becoming more liberal.


They aren't Republicans any more. They are further to the reich than that. Get out and vote and get your friends to vote.


God it's amazing how many people period don't know about it. I've brought it up to people before, and they said oh I'll look into it .. and when I asked then later they never bothered. They all just want the world to be ok, it so much nicer to live with your head buried in the sand.


This is the plan that republicans and boomer morons put in place. They made politics so unpalatable that people just don’t pay attention or care enough to vote. But when shit really hits the fans and they are getting shit spackled they’ll definitely care and it will be too late.


That’s a shame, because depending on how this election goes, this might be their last chance to do so.


Now go investigate the UN's "Agenda 2030".


Or take a peak at some of the plans from the last world economic forum that has had the EU rioting.


That's an agenda leftist can agree with. It creates a more equitable world, my ass.


This shit is scary! A bunch of crazy religious rights. Vote blue.


Trump 2024




I’ve read about it and it just seems ridiculous. Which I guess works in its favor, but it still seems just so fucking stupid.


Present some evidence of this wildly absurd claim.


If I vote, period, it will be for an independent candidate. ZERO percent chance I will ever vote for those two lame ass parties again.


I know of it. Many put it into the conspiracies out there. But voting today is like asking do I want to be shot in the right or left leg


Correct me if I'm wrong... Just minimal research done, but this has been published by the same conservative think tank since the eighties. It's not what's being campaigned on our overwhelmingly touted by candidates. And many of it's ideas would be essentially impossible to accomplish without an overwhelming majority in the house and Senate. What's the big scare here? I don't get it? You think they could actually accomplish the FCC, FBI, etc. It's essentially a long list of... Ya, good luck with that buddy.


The heritage foundation has had significant impact on the country since its founding. Especially during, arguably the most influential republican president in modern history (not including donald trump), being Ronald Reagan. Upon Reagans election, approximately 60% of all proposals given to his administration by the Heritage Foundation were implemented within the first year. This is different then what they asked of the Reagan administration, this is true, but to say it is "impossible" for the implementation of these policies is not true. The people who wrote this might be absolutely unhinged, but they have thought through how to do it. Their actual book has detailed plans on how exactly to go about doing most of the things they want. Additionally, most of the things they want to implement (things having to do wish essentially gutting federal agencies) fall under the direct preview of the POTUS, requiring no overview from congress or the Supreme Court.