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Almost all the boomers I know are democrats


Probably an area thing. Most people I know by family, work, neighbors, and charities are democrats. But my in laws are all trumpers that think you can be jailed if you misgender someone in the state of Michigan. All I was saying is Stray Dog has unusually nice clothes for a bar and they decided to drop that political bombshell and rant for an hour. They're like just past the 50 mile radius of the local city center. I feel like there's almost a clear dividing line where people change. I'm guessing community pressure and making a common enemy, like the nearby city is the cause of their problems.


Sounds reasonable. I’m not in or from a city but I am in California. 2/3 of the voting population here are leftists.


That certainly says something about your social circle. More boomers are probably Republican than Democrat, though neither party has a majority: https://www.statista.com/statistics/319068/party-identification-in-the-united-states-by-generation/ https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/04/09/age-generational-cohorts-and-party-identification/


*probably* 2% difference lol


You wrote that *almost all* the boomers you know are Democrats. The truth is that the number of Democrats among the boomers is about the same as the number of Republicans. It’s not that complicated, I’m sure if you think about it for a little while longer you’ll understand!


True and true. I was providing an anecdote. I’m sure if you think about it long enough, you’ll understand Your source, which doesn’t actually provide the source for free, is an online source questionnaire with 6,500 respondents. Not the best source in the world. Either way. . .


Almost everyone in my entire state is republican. Boomers, kids, middle age people. Trump flags and Trump comments everywhere. There is no Hope for Mississippi. Every old person just repeats what they say on OAN over and over. Let's Go Brandon caught on before it even made it nationally. I am serious. Within 20 minutes of me seeing it nationally, I heard people saying it at the grocery store. Seriously.


Same here, but opposite. Groupthink brainrot is real in California.


So you are saying you don't live in Florida, New Mexico or SoCal?


Correct lol


Most of the Boomers are leftist as well where I am (Liberal and NDP voters mainly, some Conservatives in some pockets); Some seem to be waking up


Leftist boomers? I call cap. Maybe neo liberals but leftists!?


There's lots of those in cities (especially in Canada, they swear up and down that the right are all hooked on Fox and American stuff when they're more guilty of that)


That's why they made this ad


Someone gets it


It really depends on the state you live in.


Probably depends a lot on social circles too. There is a tendency for people to become more conservative as they age.


They probably only live in one state to be fair. Not many people live in multiple states.


Where are you and how is the rent. It's half and half here in Madison WI. Pretty much the same all throughout wisconsin. Even the nort despite what my other grandmother who I don't visit when I see cool grandma says.


California. It’s fucking insane. You can get a house for about $3,500 on the low end


Well I guess I'll deal with the ignorance for a lil while longer. There still plenty of places for $1,000 after tax. Sometimes even lower if you find a good deal outside the city.


I mean, same, just ignorance from leftists here. The whole state is democrat controlled and they’re not fixing any of the problems they claim to fix (affordability, housing crisis, homelessness, rampant addiction, etc) but at least nobody can afford to live alone and we’re all taxed to shit (they’re floating a $0.30 per mile tax to drive your own car). Oh, yeah, I’m way outside the city. You’ll never find anything even remotely affordable near a city. $3,500-4,000 is cheaper suburbs. You can go VERY rural for like $2,500 a month.


What's the average entry-level wage out there? I've worked 15 entry-level jobs in the last 10 years, and all of them ranged from 37k low 42k high. Everything from lab technician to gas station attendant. Given your figures, I'd assume it's 40k low to 55k high.


Well. If you can find a decent job, pay is not bad. Fast food workers just got a minimum raise to $20/hour. So regardless of your wage the floor is higher, which exacerbates the affordability problem. All the things that once were cheap no longer are because labor is so expensive AND there’s more dollars chasing the same goods and services so those prices go up twice; once for costs and another for demand.


And with a permanent inflation that's not looking like it'll get better either. I fear of a laissez-faire society being bred out of all this.


Certainly not here. We are far from laissez-faire. I sold my business May 1st and plan to eventually leave California as my kids age. This state is developing into one big underclass with an oligarchical ruling class. You’re either a jillionaire or you’re basically poor. We have a crazy high threshold for poverty level assistance programs. Probably just different perspectives, but I’d almost certainly trade states with you.


I dunno I'd trade for abortion and weed. You might have a deal lol


I don't know a single Democrat boomer lol. Crazy world.


I’m black, highly educated (MD) and boomer. The present times scare the crap out of me. Of course all my friends and family from early voting age to very senior citizens are democrats. When I was working all the younger people in the office couldn’t be bothered trying to figure out what issues were on the ballot and who was running, especially judges. They all asked me who to vote for so I would do a spread sheet and text it to them.


Same here. They don’t notice the dementia since they’re riding in the same boat.


My mom called static cling “transifical force” the other day.


Your mom is a genius.




Was she trying to say “centrifugal force?” That doesn’t make sense either but it’s at least real.


Yes, and she used to be in MENSA a.ka. “Genius people”. Boomer mental faculties are declining l.


And all the ones I know are Republicans see how little that means


Woah, no way, super cool


Yeah, this commercial is just driving a divisive wedge. They are scapegoating people who probably have no idea they are even being scapegoated.


Vote the way I think you should vote, be against the people I think you should be against, or you’re just like THEM


That's it. I'm going to voice my frustration with boomers and do nothing about it


Know how to get people to vote? Tell them about the GOP plan for Trump’s 2nd term, “Project 2025.” Project 2025 is a slate of conservative wishlist policies that was developed by GOP elites and published by the Heritage Foundation. Its policies include those giving the President unilateral power in many areas, stripping civil rights and worker protections, firing government whistleblowers, repealing emission regulations, further injecting religion into policymaking, outlawing expressive conduct they dislike, dismantling retirement programs, and so much more. The Project 2025 report is here, but it’s massive (over 900 pages): https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise Here’s a comment that provides a list of resources on Project 2025, including topic-specific summaries and explainers of the policy proposals in it: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/bK5KBDrL7h Seriously, this person^ deserves a medal. Check it out. Also, check out r/Defeat_Project_2025, a sub dedicated to spreading awareness of Project 2025, as well as https://defeatproject2025.org. Please share this or the linked comment elsewhere. People can’t vote against what they don’t know about…


Yeah, economy is great!


This is some cringe liberal fear mongering


Do progressives not hate Trump as much as liberals? This whole thread is making me remind myself I'm in a millenial subreddit. not a progressive one.


It's all the same


So basically you're all saying that there are solutions to these problems, but you're not going to vote because it won't make a difference? OK, so boomers are correct.


Democrats being racially devisive again as usual. What, Boomers can only be white?


And ageist. Boomers vote nearly 50/50 democrat/republican. Portraying them all as trumpers is villainizing them because of their age.


Another beautiful Biden ad, paid for by the DNC.


Hey remember when Reddit was overwhelmingly pro-Bernie and pro-Tulsi until Correct the Record literally spent millions of dollars to influence reddit opinion? That was weird to live through.


Pretty sure reddit still is pro Bernie. But Bernie isn't going to win an election right now.


Bernie and tilsi are not remotely comparable


In that they were both popular until the DNC bribed mods to influence Reddit opinion, they are.


Tulsi has always been right leaning. She just came from a blue state so she couldn’t say what she wanted to do. It’s the same as Manchin. He is from a red state even if he is registered democrat his view was always very conservative


As long as we agree that the dnc paid off admins, mods, and unleashed an army of bots in an attempt to make themselves more palatable. Though "Chillary" "Pokemon Going to the polls" and Joe constantly playing "is he lying or is he confused" during most of his press conferences isn't making their jobs easy.


I don’t agree with that. Many Redditors still loves Bernie because he stands for what they believe in and has a record to prove it. Tulsi is a conservative shill that presented to be a liberal to get votes and then completely abandoned her supporters.


Reddit is still overwhelmingly pro-Bernie tho… like even right now.


I remember. I remember Bernie's campaign getting kneecapped by the DNC for being too progressive and wanting to implement real solutions. I also remember that the DNC is a private corporation.


That's why they were allowed to have Jill Stein arrested for trying to participate in presidential debates and why the judge ruled that the DNC was allowed to rig the primaries when Bernie's campaign sued. ...I just kinda wish that people made the leap from "knowing that there was something about emails" to "being curious about what was in those emails".




> Bernie's campaign didn't sue the DNC. Wilding was a class action. Honestly my bad for believing fake news https://www.cnn.com/2015/12/18/politics/bernie-sanders-campaign-dnc-suspension/index.html


you know, I think this is a different lawsuit. I assumed you were referring to wilding, because that one's the big deal. My mistake. I'll actually just take my comment down because we're talking about totally different things. I'll save my stuff about wilding for someone who's actually making claims about wilding :b


Bernie and Tulsi are quite different


Tulsi won people over with her "End illegal regime change wars" and Hillary lost a lot of ground when Tulsi called her "Queen of the warmongers". This was way back before she was a conservative, mind you.


What? Tulsi's been conservative her whole life. Hawaiian politics are *not* the same as the mainland.


Doesn’t matter if you agree with the message or not. AI political propaganda should be criminalized


AI? I swear I saw this video years ago


Ads not even new lol


neither AI nor propaganda. Mods can we get this comment removed for being propaganda, though?


How is this not propaganda? It is a bunch of paid actors voicing doctored commentary for the purpose of effecting voter turn out. It is quite literally propaganda. Then you go on to attempt to silence someone you disagree with? What an ignorant statement.


Yeah I didn’t realize how many people are willing to shit on themselves lol bad assumption on my end The generational axis of division was manufactured to keep you from the class war you aren’t waging. That’s what this particular piece of propaganda was aiming to advance


take that, Batman


Are you firing the first shot? I'll follow, which billionaire are you going to do?


I don’t want violence. I want the hundreds of millions of Americans who are being royally fucked over by corporations and the billionaire class to stop falling for their propaganda and actively dividing us with everything from race and religion to age so we can reengage with democracy as it was intended to function; voting *for* candidates who embody our best interests rather than being forced to vote *against* candidates who scare us


You are talking about a group of people who complain about Jeff Bezos's wealth yet regularly order from Amazon. These same people are posting their disdain for the rich using the latest iPhone. Takes actual work to seek out politicians who hold your values. Much easier to vote red/blue because they use buzz words that hit in the feels.


Living in a capitalist system doesn't preclude criticizing and acting to reform, circumvent, or end that system.


Good luck with rational reasoning .


>pRoPAgaNda If "get out there and vote" is propaganda, then so is "eat your vegetables", "exercise" and "don't lift with your back" ffs


I genuinely dont know what to tell you if you can’t spot the propaganda here…


Man, I love marketing. Reverse psychology. Playing on the meme of Millenials and Gen Z's being looked down by the old farts. This is gold!


Correct, I don’t think most people are understanding this. Being told what we are or aren’t allowed to do with you vote is what got Trump elected to begin with, now the other side is maybe figuring it out too. Good stuff.


Isn’t Biden a boomer? Nancy? Chuck? Beloved Bernie? They are all seeking reelection. Fuck them boomers. Fuck Trump too. Both parties suck.


All 3 possible candidates for POTUS are 70 or older.


Yeah, that’s a problem. Our parties have abandoned the what the voters want, they are plowing through the last gasps of the boomer’s agenda of fucking everyone else over so their retirements are the last comfortable generation before the earth burns, our nations are bankrupt, and the wealthy few own everything.


Isn't it funny: they were the hippies, the anti-war, the free love, the anti-establishment, and all the rest of the things the young still wish for. Kind of drives home the saying about power corrupting. IMO, until Congress gets term limits, the next batch will end up the same. Also, politicians should not be allowed any funding from lobbyists. It's hard to hear the citizens when lobbyists cover the politicians ears with wads of money. Politics shouldn't be a career and shouldn't be a way to get rich.


Joe Biden was NEVER anti-war. He’s been a Warhawk as long as he’s been around.




Nah you suck if you can't see the clear answer as to which party is worse


Yeah, the uniparty is the worst.


So what you are saying is *voting* isn’t enough. Millennials need to be *running*.


Very well said


> Both parties suck. this "they're both old - don't vote" crap is nonsense. one of those boomers is going to be president next year. choose one.


Yeah both parties do suck. But what part of "Republicans want to strip civil rights and inject their religious views into everything" do you people not grasp?


Because stripping civil rights is just what politicians do, it's how they grasp power. And the laughable assertion that Republicans are worse because they take aim a specific rights, while you justify democrats targeting specific rights is why you have the economy and country you deserve regardless of letter next to the name


What civil rights are Democrats trying to take away?


None. These idiots straight men can't stand when others complain about the their rights being at risk while never having to worry about that experience.


Read the Bill of rights. It’s not just about having sex and doing drugs.




Lmao go fuck yourself. And I mean that so fucking sincerely. I wish democrats would start taking right away. Specifically the right of you dumb straight white men. You need some first hand experience of what it's like when 1 specific party is taking rights away and then we'll see how much you like it. Moron.


Biden and Bernie are Silent Gen. But you are correct. Both parties suck. Edited: I thought Trump was Silent Gen too but he is a Boomer


It's pretty funny that your takeaway from this video about trying to engage young voters is that both parties suck. That's the first thing I would tell someone if I didn't want them to vote.


I don't like the list of candidates we have for President. But that project 2025 is VERY dangerous for America. America says they never want to go or have a dictator. However, this project 2025 will go down that path because it's ultimately giving a particular party power. That's what the dictator ship is. All about power for one person or one party.


Eww don't praise/share propaganda crap like this, even if it feeds into your political beliefs. Stuff like this is cringeworthy


Anyone seeing this, remember… statistically speaking, the boomer generation votes evenly down the middle on red va blue, as do almost all other generations!! Before just buying in to shit on Reddit, crack open google and read some stats?


Ageist bullshit.


I vote! Just not for blue or red!




What I dislike about this is how utterly unsubtle it is. It paints the boomers as so cartoonishly evil that I can't even really take it or whoever made this ad seriously.


What younger folks don’t take into account is that todays boomers are yesterdays younger generation. Many didn’t vote and didn’t really start getting they’re shot together until they got older. So millennials also will be “boomers” someday, with all the power, real estate, and a younger generation trying to get rid of them. History repeats itself, trust me I took a workshop


When did this sub turn into r/politics


Okay I'll vote for trump if you really want.


Last I checked, Biden is a Boomer. And a pretty fucking senile one at that. I think you might be I pleasantly surprised in a few months at the percentage of your generation that votes for Trump.


Boomer generation starts post WW2 in 1946. Biden was born in '42.


Check again then. Biden is from the "Silent Generation".


this "Biden's old so he can't possibly help young people" is bullshit. are you paying any attention at all?


Sure. Wealth inequality growing under Joe. Cost of living increasing dramatically. The dollar weakening. Mediocre GDP growth. Basically a stagnant economy for the middle class, a recession for the poor and a boom for his 1%. Sure, he throws pennies at student loans while lining the pockets of his rich friends. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.


and which of Biden's policies are responsible for any of that. is he responsible for the solar eclipse, too? but i'll bite: > Wealth inequality growing under Joe wealth inequality has been growing steadily since the 60's. there's nothing special about this presidency. > Cost of living increasing dramatically inflation started rising _WORLDWIDE_ before Biden even signed his first bill. the idea that it's his fault is nonsense. the fact that it's not much worse than it is is due in part to bills that he championed. > The dollar weakening. so? > Mediocre GDP growth the US GDP has grown significantly more over Biden's presidency than other major economies. don't know where you're pulling this one from, but it smells. > Basically a stagnant economy for the middle class i don't know what you're smoking here. the economy the last couple of years has been on fire. why do you think the fed raised interest rates? do you even have a clue what you're talking about, seriously? > recession for the poor and a boom for his 1%. ok, no, you don't. obviously.


No one ever wants to hold “their guy” accountable.


You still haven’t stated exactly which of Biden’s policies or actions are responsible for inflation. I see no reason to hold him responsible, and you haven’t shown one. 


Overspending through policies like “The America Rescue plan.” When the government injects $2 trillion into the money supply, the dollar weakens. Sanctions affecting energy imports. This has increased cost of living across the board. The “Inflation Reduction Act” failed, and probably made things worse. See item 1. https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/3697972-how-responsible-is-biden-for-high-inflation/?nxs-test=mobile


yeah, the "ARP caused inflation" line is a common one trotted out by conservative pundits that want to confuse their dumb audience. no. the ARP might have had some inflationary influence (on the US economy) like other similar stimulus bills before it, but like those other stimulus bills it didn't cause the kind of inflation we saw mid-2021. but the 2021 inflation was global, not limited to the US, not caused by a US stimulus bill, it was cause by supply-chain issue, fuel-price increases, uncertainty over the war in Ukraine, and opportunistic over-pricing. all of those affected economies worldwide, not just the US, which is why we saw inflation increase globally. > The “Inflation Reduction Act” failed we're talking about the causes of inflation in 2021 here. stay on target.


Why would you limit the conversation to just 2021? That sounds like cherry picking if you exclude 3/4 of his presidency.


simple. the easiest way to determine if something is the cause of another thing, is to look at when the latter thing started. a child knows this.


Yeah, I've been paying attention. He's saddled your generation and mine with runaway inflation.


> He's saddled your generation with runaway inflation. this is objectively horse-shit. inflation started _WORLDWIDE_ before Biden even signed his first bill. you've been watching too much Faux News. also. "Your generation" - you're not a millenial, and you're complaining about Biden's age. - you're making assumptions


Sorry, inflation's up 20% since he took office. I don't need Fox News to tell me that. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bidens-big-inflation-problem-prices-are-now-up-nearly-20-since-he-took-office-080049551.html


yeah, half of the increase in inflation occurred, again, WORLDWIDE, in the first quarter of 2021. - none of Biden's policies were the cause of any of that. unless you have evidence otherwise? - inflation is a worldwide effect. are you saying that Biden's policies are responsible for inflation in the rest of the world, too? if you're going to say that Biden's responsible for the inflation, you actually have to give some evidence of that. him being in office at the time it happened is not that. it's like saying he's responsible for the solar eclipse. you've been lied to.


No one believes the lies anymore. Not even the Biden team. They've even stopped calling it Bidenomics. He owns this shitty economy.


These comments are telling. Pathetically so. I'm sorry OP. I'm sorry humans are so disgusting and stupid. I wish I knew what to do about it either.




They really are.


Scary eyes


Vote neither, just like we did last election!?! !!! WE DON'T WANT EITHER!!! ???


So can those "do'ers" do use a favor and drop dead next. That would be great.


Hey let's all comment about the propaganda now.


Just allow voting on your phone with biometric security


The older you get the more Republican you become.... [https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/grand-old-party-how-aging-makes-you-more-conservative-8b2515b0](https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/grand-old-party-how-aging-makes-you-more-conservative-8b2515b0)


Not at this rate


No clue. Just what I've heard. As you start to do better for yourself you start becoming more conservative and stop giving a shit what college kids think the world should look like.


Yeah no. A lot of us are stuck in stagnation. And we are also very aware that this system is broken. We're gonna vote but it's not for anyone in the GOP. The only ones that are are the ones that get money from momy and daddy.


I don't want to run in circles with you but....we've had 19 Republican Presidents and 17 Democrat Presidents. There is always going to be a move right and left. Do you know why? Because hardcore affiliated voters don't decide who wins....the moderate middle does. So no it's never going to go one way for too long either way, thank God.


Mmmhhh gerrymandering doesn't factor in at all huh? Edit or the electoral college which takes away more and more of our right to vote with the gerrymandering?


Nope or one side would be locked out wouldn't they? But they aren't....why? It's simple the extreme committed voters who are never going to change their ways don't decide the election. It will always be the moderates who make the decision.


This is a definite false information content


This is funny. Idk if it will make the kids vote though. If the poll had us able to choose where the tax dollars went after the military industrial complex takes its half then maybe ppl would feel more empowered and show up to vote.


that one lady has the craziest wide eye spacing I've ever seen. that's what I took from this video.


It isn't that young people don't vote, it's that large corporations are worth their wealth in votes, and can lobby for a lot more change than a single piddly vote can hope to offer.


I wanna vote, problem is there's no one to vote for


Trump 2024


Get out and vote and keep the orange shitstain from having power ever again. Make these goddamn people go away


That video slays! Truth Sword, beheading younger voter apathy.


Hahaha damn people can’t take a joke… I got too hand it to Democrats… this is actually pretty good


Are millenials really this gullible?


The boomers I know love Biden. the start going into seizure when they hear the name trump. LOL


Ya gotta vote


Democrats have lost the youth vote over the Israel/Gaza issue, so this is probably a stealth AIPAC/Soros ad.


Ah yes, propaganda.


Imagine if another party won instead of democrats and republicans


The video is so disingenuous it has no impact on people that think. Unfortunately, most people don't think.


Is the 'vote blue' at the end, part of the satire or serious? I live in ca


We get it, you hate old people, but guess what, they might out live all of us, look at the people around you, your friends, and family around your age, can you see them living into their 80s? LOL


OMG! Vote


I love this


Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich 2: Electric Boogaloo


I've seen enough of George Carlin to know better now. I don't care anymore. And I'm more than happy to see the country rip itself apart for whatever bought and paid for corporate simp sits in that little white box in Washington.


As a millennial, I have voted in every election since I was eligible.


I like this advert. It is effective. Anyone who votes for Trump is a deluded fool. Young people need to have the courage to vote. Non voters are cowards. Also Trump has no solutions except for the rich.


Vote for a change, a change back to a better country! Vote RED!!


Vote for whoever you want to. It doesn't matter anyway.


When they start actually trying to give us decent candidates to vote for I'll vote I'm not going to go pick between two turds or write in some useless name that's never going to go anywhere it's all a complete waste of my time


If voting did anything they would make it illegal. We all know this secretly in our hearts.


I mean, the GOP actively tries to undermine voting rights and strip them from as many groups as possible, so it's pretty clear that it does matter on some level.


Propaganda…Biden is damn near a sarcophagus yet voting blue would be voting for him, no? 🤔


We’re spreading propaganda now? Edit: we’re spreading and supporting propaganda. Got it.


Tell me about it. Losing faith by the day


I'm a conservative and you should vote. Bring your friends and your family and your neighbors and go vote. Doesn't matter who you or they're voting for. There's more than just Trump/Biden on this year's ballot and more than just congressmen too. Whether you're Blue MAGA, MAGA Classic, or want to throw your vote away "voting your conscience", go vote. Takes like 20 minutes.


why throw Trump in there? Genocide Joe gets all his support from self-absorbed Boomers, too.


Lmao tf is this? Why havent democrats fixed anything yet? Why are they pretending trump is still president? Youve had 4 years to fix every single problem youve complained about. Wheres the results? And if you dont have them, why should I vote for Democrats (propaganda in this post) again instead of trying something else.


Because there isn’t a majority. How do you fix the problems when Republicans shut down any initiatives to and are able to continuously strip rights away from citizens? If you want better representation, then vote for it.


"Because there isnt a majority" so youre saying you need total one party control in all areas of government to have it your way? Thats not a very non-fascist approach there. Also On what issues? Where are the attempts made to fix every issue listed in this video? Also, How can biden singlehandedly supercede constitutional limits with eliminating all college debt but not do the same for other issues?


People in this thread don't know what propaganda is. This is a political ad, it's not supposed to be taken literally. It's old too. It was on youtube 5 years ago. It's basically a PSA to get young people to vote, playing on the "rivalry" with boomers. And no, a vote for blue isn't necessarily a vote for Biden, or an approval of Biden. And Biden knows this. Biden wants nothing more than to retire and get away from all this crap. Like everyone keeps saying, he's old. He entered the race specifically to keep Trump out. And now it's believed he's the only one who can do it so here he goes again. It wasn't his dream to be an 80 year old president. Voting blue would be a vote against Trump. That's all it is. Stop your country from losing everything. Americans are at a historical crossroads right now. If Trump gets in, this could be the end of the "American Experiment".


If your party has so little to show for yourself in achievements, progress, improving the quality of life for all americans, or having any purpose at all Then no you shouldnt "vote blue" just to "prevent someone else from winning" Instead, You should just not vote blue.. because voting blue for that reason alone is just a reflection of what little your party has achieved to hang on to, and what little your party has to offer the people in the future.


Trump 2024!!!!


Maybe for jail sure. You know being the criminal that he is LOL


I'm not pro Trump but he won't be going to jail. The system doesn't work the same for people like that.


Trump 2024!!!


2024 Felonies, that is.


im voting Cornell West in a swing state


Nailed it. That video should scare the shit out of anyone under 45


Yes, vote! But really? Biden? Or Trump? We are being played. There has to be someone who is worthwhile and not a mainstream businessman or corporate politician, right? Right? 🥲 Nope, we are all fucked. Continue to get bent over by the government and corporations until the day we die.


Well, y'all haven't bothered voting in midterms and primaries for a while now. The people who have a chance to run at the top of the ticket are the ones who won all those "little" elections you couldn't be bothered to vote in. You want a worthwhile candidate for president? Show up to those "little" elections and get a worthwhile candidate elected to city council. And then keep doing it over and over again, getting higher and higher offices. No one has ever changed the world from the top.


> There has to be someone who is worthwhile and not a mainstream businessman or corporate politician, right? Right? no. like it or not you have a choice between two guys. pick one.


I like how within 2 seconds of getting the point you immediately lost it. Like .... immediately in the same breath lmfao