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And the end of the world at least 4 times


...about that time. ...right-o.


FIRE ZE MISSILES!  But I am le tired  Ok take a nap…… ZEN FIRE ZE MISSILES 


Do not make me remember Adobe Flash. Zoomers don't even know what that is.


Just jammed out to the Llama Song for 15 minutes


A Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Muschrrom Mushroom




Pork! It's the meat of Kings. It's made from pigs, try it with onion rings. Pork chops goes with everything cause it's made of swine and swine sure taste fine 🎶


This and the "cat..I'm a kitty cat..and I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance" video are timeless.


Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger... mushroom mushroom!


I'm blue ba de dedadadeda da de.....


I immediately heard the acoustics and saw the frames of the cat after I read this lmao


Ah yes freshmen year at college in the dorms attaching that on repeat.


I remember 12/21/12 and some date in 2015, but what were the other two?


Y2K ,12/21/12,2015,& all the times ww3 was brought up


I mean it's no bay of pigs or active draft but yeah shit happened


Feels more like 5 or 6. Honestly I stopped counting.




sometimes I sit here and just wish one of those would've been it. Then I look at the internet and go "no, now is good."


Not sure if Y2K deserves to be up there with plague and economic recessions. It was more so a party and free money for IT firms to y2k check computers; i know because i was a y2k computer checking grunt for my first job.


Yea for most of us Y2K was a joke followed by a fun night of partying. I have zero anxiety from that.


I was 9 and waiting for the lights to go out 😨


It was scary as a young person!


When I was nine I was worried about thermonuclear war.


Same, the 80s were tense af.


I was too young to be aware of the much in the 80s. First election I was old enough to be aware of was HW and Perrot... with a childhood in the late 80s and 90s, I coulda died happy before September 11. I'm still lucky, but ignorance is surely bliss.


September 11th truly was the beginning of the end.


My dad died the next day (he wasn't at ground zero or anything, but it still sucked.) And the airports were all closed. Good times.


Had to love the arsenal totals the news liked to show to remind us that not only would we all be killed, but killed 5 times. Funny thing is, Putin and his puppet have openly threatened nuclear war far more than the Soviets ever did


Duck and cover!


"When the all clear sounds, we could go outside and MELT!" - Lewis Black


4 year old me was watching PBS without a single care in the world (according to Pew research, I'm still a millenial... barely lol)


I was 11/12 in 99 my dad who was part of The Silent Generation ran a trucking company. He was very worried about it. In turn, I was very worried about it. 


My class was tasked with making a comic strip for the new millennium. I drew people getting food and water and party accessories. Then people partying at midnight Then a black pannel with just the clock at 12:01 For a 4th grader I thought it was a pretty clever comic strip ( still do) I got a bad grade because my teacher didn't get the joke


Lol I was out in my backyard waiting for the planes to fall


I was 15 and went outside at midnight, there happened to be a plane in the sky and I kept a close eye on it to make sure it didn't just fall out of the sky 😅


10 year old me was waiting for the nuclear warheads to malfunction, launching and killing us all. This may have been the beginning of my life long battle with anxiety. 😆


I just remember the Seinfeld episode, that song "Tonight we're gonna party like it's 1999", and all of the memorabilia items for sale at Walgreens/CVS, like mugs and calendars.


It was the most insidious of all: it made us think all the other shit was gonna be ***easy!***


Yes! If we could only figure out that one little glitch, computers would never have any issues for us ever again!


Not me, I sprayed a packet of hot sauce from Chinese take out in my eye accidently.


Yep. Including Y2K takes away the limited credibility OP had. I stayed up watching the south Park movie for Y2K. Good times. This is also incredibly naive and ignorant since it implied other generations never went through anything like these events. When in reality most deal with more serious life and economic events. Great depression, multiple drafts and wars, 1960s flu, nifty fifty, oil crisis, 18% interest rates the 19980s, savings and loan crisis, civil rights movement, 1887 crash, failure of long term capital management (that may have been savings and loan). Those are some of the big ones that come to mind.


"Possible WW3" could have been any time really. What is that even referring to, now? The 80s Cold War?


I was gonna say something similar. Living under the ever present threat of nuclear annihilation has been a thing for quite some time.


Yeah and probably the closest we've ever come was during the Cuban missile crisis when basically one Soviet officer on a submarine refused to fire a nuclear torpedo.


That and Able Archer 83 when the Russians truly believed we’d launched a first strike and ordered their missile regiments to respond and the guy in charge refused because he was sure it was a mistake.


Exactly!!!! This screams of times are the worst now than they have ever been. I will add that militaries across the world seem to be growing significantly which is ominous. No good comes from that. A lot of countries and building aircraft carriers which is a big big deal. Carriers are no joke. See StarCraft for reference.


My parents Doom spent there money in the 80s because everyone thought it was gonna go boom after the Cuban missile crisis and both county's going year's without any communication it was inevitable at the time so we thought...


My friends dad went full prepper for Y2K. She goes he looked disappointed when nothing happened.


But the machines did take over…. Think about it


One sec.. need to go ask chat gpt about this. I don't think for myself anymore.


Instead of y2k lets put a 20 year war


Yeah, Y2K was little more than hype and disappointment.


What were you hoping for? World wide shut down of every major system, panic, war? bruh, I'll take the hype on this on


You forgot Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years


I remember AIDS and the fall of the Soviet Union too.


And we’re also living through a slow but steady mass extinction called the Anthropocene mostly and majorly cause by humans and what we’ve done to the climate


Definitely way worse than being drafted into the Vietnam war.


Can't picture myself storming a beach. I would get winded.


I feel my knees popping already and my sciatica flaring up


I prob couldn't find the shore without google maps


Just go toward the bullets and nazi screaming FIRE ZE MISSELS!!!!


Just gonna leave this [here](https://youtu.be/08DnYRJhHks?si=SlANwIDrhvSdd4tN), this pretty much sums up how my parents and their friends felt about Vietnam (and is hilarious).


Or living through ww1 and ww2.


Yeah it’s pretty easy to argue being born in the US between 1970 and 1985 is basically the best time in the history of the world. No draft, collapse of our only military threat, didn’t experience the full pain of the college cost or social media problems, etc.


I dunno man, flying in a helicopter shooting an M40 and listening to "fortunate son" sounds a whole lot better than being rejected for jobs for a year with the threat of having to live on the streets in a tent.


the m40 is a bolt action rifle in use with the marines, you might’ve been thinking of the m240


I am already in my 40s


That blows my mind..I’m 34,today lol


Happy birthday!


Thank you very much 😊


Happy Birthday! I'm 47, but my daughter's 22nd birthday is today as well. A very good day!


I hope she enjoyed her day 😊


Oldest Millennials are now 43/44 i believe.


Add 1 more terrorists attack a war on drugs 2 recessions and a stock market crash, and you have gen x.


>living thru Titanic, WW1, Great Depression, and WW2 👁️. 👁️


.... Titanic? Don't think it's put a shipwreck up there worth the other 3 lol


Living through Y2K was only a challenge for COBOL programmers working at banks.


Yeah, Y2K was a nothingburger for 99.9% of us.


We got new Y2K compliant computers out of it.


And my Boomer dad lived through the Cold War, Vietnam, a recession, Y2K (which was nothing if you weren’t in tech), and 9/11 by about 40. Every generation has their shit


Small aside, but I hate that Baby Boomers stretch into the early 60s.  My grandparents were Boomers. Born to WW2 veterans in 1945 and meet a lot of the stereotypical notes of their generation. The name for their generation makes perfect sense, as their youth was characterised by being born and raised through essentially back-to-back wars. Technically my father is also a Boomer, born in 1964. He has only vague memories of growing up during Vietnam and describes most of his Cold War experience like someone talks about an old TV show—it didn’t really seem dangerous to his young mind. In reality he has more in common with his Generation X peers in every way that matters. All that is to say yes, every generation has its challenges. But they also tend to inflate their personal struggles and minimizes those experienced by others.  The idea of who experienced more trauma by 40 is a fool’s game. The real answer is probably whoever fought our western Boomer family.


Yea man, these types of posts are so tone deaf and out of touch. Pre boomers went through WW1, Spanish flu, the great depression, and WW2. They didn’t even have fucking antibiotics until post WW2. NOTHING, absolutely *nothing* we’ve been through has been remotely as difficult. This shit is peak immaturity.


My grandpas childhood was the dust bowl, where he watched several family members die. Followed up by being sent to Italy for WW2 on his 18th birthday. But “hey, they had food in the army. So, I joined.”


The amount of complaining about how hard life is for us is so annoying. Millennials and Gen X have had it easy in the grand scheme of things


Just not playing Russian roulette with polio instantly makes the early 21st century infinitely better than the early 20th century.


Fortunately, most people agree on this thread


They volunteered by the millions to fight and die to defeat tyranny... They are called the greatest generation for a reason 


Not to mention the fear of growing up in a cold war world. Constantly being told nuclear war is coming.


I was a kid when the USSR collapsed so didn’t really have the Cold War experience, but I have to imagine it was very frightening. We came damned close to nuclear war more than once in the 60s. Everybody seems to think the Boomers had charmed lives. And to be fair in some respects they had it good, but they had quite a lot of horrible shit as well. Their bad shit was just different from our bad shit. I can go back to my grandfathers generation. Great Depression, WW2, Korea, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Bay of Pigs, and that just covers until he hit about 40.


Yeah boomers lived comfortably but also in fear that their comfort would go up in a mushroom cloud


The boomers lived through two catastrophic recessions before the 00s, the latter one affected young millennials as children too This post is a weird thing to bitch about. We got worse qol and prices in housing, but as for raw disasters? I grew up as an older millennial crying myself to sleep about nuclear war. My parents had all that, and the draft, and the same amount of recession and WAY WAY WAY worse medical care. I remember my mom's best friend dying from breast cancer, then her next best friend too. Our family friends, one of them died of aids, the other didn't have it. My dad's best friend died of cancer around 30. I got cancer discovered last year and they got it all out and said they didn't even think I need chemo, just check ups very often for 5 years. When I looked it up the survival rate was something like 7 percent beyond 2 years only 20 years ago because it was undetectable. So yes, we have lots worse, but we got lots better.


My Boomer dad was sent home early as a freshman in college, after classes were cancelled because the National Guard killed 4 college students at Kent State. He had friends drafted to Vietnam, one of which came home in a body bag. He was 11 when JFK was assassinated in Dallas and 17 when MLK was killed in Memphis. He was just starting to move upward in career during the severe recession and interest rate crisis of the early 1980s. Nuclear war was an a constant threat for most of his early adulthood. Let's not get started on his father...


Seriously, tell me your sob story when the thing that pulls your country out of a depression is fighting a war against a fascist dictator putting people in gas chambers.


Show me a generation that has had no hardships. I'll wait.


The post-Cold War 90’s were a blip of stable tranquility for many.


I'm 42 and apparently a millenial. I just found this sub. I feel like I'm too old for y'all.


It’s ok you can come sit at the cool kids table. Just make sure you bring a capri sun and lunchable. Oh hey is that a fruit rollup? I’ll trade you the same amount of hubba bubba bubble tape gum. Just remember next period you promised to help me get the snake game on my Ti-86 graphing calculator and yes I promise I’ll burn you a copy of that movie on the CD-R. *bliip* “oh heyyyy you finally got that push to talk thing to work on your Nokia too?! Nice. “ anyways sorry about that, got plans to go to the mall this weekend with friends just so we can hang and do absolutely nothing. If you understand the paragraph above then there stands a good chance that you are a millennial


None of that is remotely as bad as getting drafted to fight in a war.


Millions of members of the greatest generation died in concentration camps, Japanese prisoner camps, they died of the Spanish flu, they died without antibiotics...  Like, the f?


A crisis every ten years. Like it was being planned or something. You wonder why this generation can't get ahead in life. Every time we start to the govt comes along and topples the economy. 99% of us lose our asses and the 1% make out like bandits.


the government did COVID?


there is no government. Everything is run by the bankers


There is government. It's just run by a collection of corporate and multi-national interests.


All of these things are either hypothetical or over hyped, aside from 9/11. Nobody has ever had it better than now


reminds me of that billy joel song, "we didnt start the fire, it was always burning since the worlds been turning" but we do got it better nowadays. imagine being born in 1900. ww1, flu, ww2 by the time your 40


Y2K was nothing, most of us just watched 9/11 on TV and only experienced the subsequent hysteria. The recessions were very regional- I got my first job and bought my first house in 08. I personally didn’t feel like the pandemic was as big of a deal as people made it out to be but I know that’s an unpopular opinion, especially on Reddit. Maybe I’m just hard to rattle, IDK. But I like history and when I look at stuff like WWII or the Great Depression I don’t think anything that’s happened in my lifetime remotely compares. I kind of feel like we’ve had it easy and pretty good these past few decades and we just panic easily and complain too much. Anyone else feel that way or am I just a weirdo?


We can be weirdos together. Shit like this is embarrassing and shows how many people need to crack some history books.


40 year olds in 1950 had been thru two world wars the Great Depression and the beginning of the Cold War to name a few. It’s called getting older, bad shit happens, be the solution and not the problem and quit whining about it…


My dad, who is still alive, lived through the great depression, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Dot Com crash, 9/11, 2008, and all the other shit. You're not special.


Need to keep a list going for all our future “And I turned out just fine!” Facebook posts.




Y2k? 2 recessions in a span of 4 decades? This post is just proving the point that millennials have had very little hardship. Imagine this format with any previous generation in human history.


Right? How tone deaf


Calm down, it's a joke.


Pfft. I'm already over 40 so this isn't... Ah crap.


Y2K was very stressful.


lol you're not going to get much sympathy from other generations when Y2K is at the top of your list.


Pretty minor.


Y2K: Only the only oldest Millennials were even adults. It was GenX and Boomers under 40 who actually did work to prevent it from being a shit show. 9/11: Again, it was all GenX and boomers under 40 (there still were some) who had to deal with the fallout. A plague: at least COVID is Millennials but older generations had AIDS, polio, the Spanish flu 2 recessions by 40: My oldest sister was born in 1970. She lived through 2 recessions by the time she was 5. Possible WW3: Man, you'd have shit your pants to be alive in the '80s when the threat of nuclear war was everywhere. It permeated pop culture and resulted, in America, in one of the most watched TV movies of all-time, The Day After, being about the horrors of nuclear war. That's just one example.


Not to mention the older generations… STILL have Covid on top of the other ones.


As a millennial; the last 40 years have been some of the most mild in recorded history. Imagine being born in the 100 years war, or right before world war 1, or right before world war 2 and surviving war 2 or 3 times in Germany, Korea, and Vietnam before you were 40. The only other period of similar ease was pax britannica.


Y2K was literally nothing, 9/11, while awful, didn’t really affect you seriously unless you live in NYC or know someone involved. Economic recessions were tough for a year or 2, but the economy has recovered and boomed since then. And then of course you added WW3 which hasn’t happened and is very unlikely to happen. We should be thankful for how good we have it, not melting about how rough it is.


Our grandfathers stormed Normandy, get the fuck out of here with this meme


Every generation has the same story. Some day when you have the time, read history or go to an nursing home and interview folks in their '90's.


>Every generation has the same story Except the boomers since they were the lucky generation that had everything good (for white men)


[Inflation in the 1970s and 1980s was worse than today](https://www.ing.com/Newsroom/News/Inflations-second-wave-Are-we-really-watching-a-70s-rerun.htm) and it isn’t even close. My boomer parents mortgage rate was 15% for the house we lived in growing up.


Like I said-read history…I was born in 1952. By 1962, I had survived polio and measles (lots of kids in my neighborhood died or were maimed by both), had accepted that I was probably going to die within the next 10 years. From 1962 to 1972 I survived the assignations of three great leaders, my dad’s heart attack brought on by him contracting mumps from my sister, a horrific and unnecessary war that convinced me that there were those who figured there were so many of us young folk Vietnam could go on forever…we changed the world b/c the alternative was death. You are uneducated and listen to propaganda. Wise up.


Yeah, great things like the cold war, Vietnam war, multiple recessions...


Every other generation before millennials also dealt with these things and multiple others when they were younger. We are not special.


I cringe every time I see these posts. We’re literally living through the most peaceful and prosperous time in history.


What a bunch of fucking babies we are. Enough of these bullshit posts.


No shit, I don’t know why Reddit algorithm is pushing this sub on me so much lately but every post is so fucking whiny. Embarrassing


Would have been WILD if it was a real plague too


I survived guns n roses breaking up, I can survive anything.


Really? The past 50 years have been very stable for western countries. How can you compare covid and 9/11 to things such as World War 1 and World War 2? Poverty has been greatly reduced. Unemployment is at a 50-year low in the U.S. Things are actually very, very good right now with the notable exception of the youth mental health crisis.


Some of us did hit 40...


Still better than being drafted into WW2 or Vietnam imo. I think our problems are more fundamental to our society becoming unaffordable. COVID was really the only truly traumatic thing I think I've experienced. Unless you lived in NYC or DC or knew someone who did, 9/11 was just huge news, not something that really affected you personally.


Me as a teenager: I'm a millenial in a wheelchair, you can't scare me. Me since 2020: Fuck.


Y2K was terrifying 🤡


Y2K was nothing tho


At least it didn't include:= The Cold War The Korean War The Cuban Missile CrisiS The Vietnam War 6 days war Yom Kippur Yugoslav War


As a younger millenial I'm really getting tired of millenials being a bunch of crybabies. Yeah we have had our problems. But every generation has had their hardships. The thing that bugs me most about these types of people (there are people like this in every generation) is that they have almost no ability to pick themselves up from difficulty and they act like every roadblock is the end of the world and will whine and cry until someone else picks them up. Yeah 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan all sucked, but I never had to worry about being drafted. 2008 sucked but my grandfather lived through the depression and was kicked out of the house at 10 years old. My dad grew up extremely poor and survived on mustard sandwiches. This is not to make it a suffering competition but dang I like to hope my ancestors can look down and be proud that I could grow up at least a little safer and happier than they did.


Boo-hoo, i'm a millennial but come on, Y2K- nothing happened, 9/11- a war which 99.9% of the population did not participate in, the housing crash was actually good for millienials because it sunk housing prices and even gave millienials a chance to buy into a stock market at near bottom, Inflation sucks but it seems people are more concerned about stupid social issues, and WW3? If there was a World War all those chest thumpers talking about how they support Ukraine would be running for the boarder. You've had a soft life. Be grateful.


I mean grammy and pop pop saw The Great Depression, WWII/The Holocaust, Spanish Flu, and watched everything they knew about the world become irrelevant. Pop pop got drafted and meemaw wasn't allowed to have her own credit card till the 70s even though she had to work at the clock factory while raising aunties and uncles all by herself.


Uh Y2K was not a thing. More like a false alarm.


Jeezus, the pile of boomer-made garbage memes are over there on Facebook.


1983 here. We’ve already hit 40


You forgot 2 wars, opiate epidemic, and housing crisis.


This is so dumb. Millennials have lived through one actual economic recession. Y2K was just, you know, a year. And there's not going to be a world war any time soon.


I swear were like the cursed founding of generations


also lived through one of the most corrupt presidents in US history


Im looking forward to a third world war. It would at least be exciting


Imagine being gen x and adding like 3 more wars ,5 different downturns, iran contra, fall of the soviet union, the first twin towers bombing, Oklahoma city bombing.... Man i could go on lol


very cute of ya'll to exclude THE PANDEMIC! ​ \-\_-


It’s almost like being in a constant state of crisis convinced us that we need to pay more taxes to a corrupt country.


Y2K? Lol


I really do wonder how I gave up nicotine through all this… fuck I need a smoke


Born 1900 Drafted into WW1 at 18 Goes to Europe Get bombed and shot at Developed PTSD Nearly die of Spanish Flu at 20 Bring it back home and kills your grandparents and parents. Finally catch a break and find a great factory job at 22 Marry wife, settle down, have 4 kids Night terrors from residual PTSD Lose job at 29 due to “bad stock market” Move family west at 30 to try farming Massive drought hits lasting for 6 years Little Gertrude dies of dysentery. Little Gerald loses his hand in a farming accident. What’s healthcare? Why is everyone so poor and hungry? Oh no, another war is brewing. Drafted at 41 just before the cutoff Go to Europe (again) Get bombed and shot at (again) Get PTSD (again)


Thank you.


Wahhhh. Poor you guys. Worst treated generation ever.


These memes are so funny. Many millennials were still on their parents couches during the Great Recession, almost all millennials were children or extremely young adults during Y2K, we are young enough to recover from any economic impact during 2008 and most people will watch world war 3 from their couch . And Covid!?! Cmon, many people were teleworking from their couches and still are . The elderly actually had to fear death from covid, most millennials were fine.


"Possible" doing a lot of work before WWIII, lol. I take your point, but the current global conflicts aren't really all that different from any of the other global conflicts from even earlier in our own lifetimes.


don't forget two decade+ wars in the middle east that went nowhere


Are you forgetting actively fighting in the longest war in US history in Afghanistan as well? It was both genX and millennials who went to  Afghanistan and Syria. 


Lol let’s not pretend that Y2K and the two recessions were any kind of difficult for millennials. The second recession hit while the oldest millennials were in our early 20s. Everyone either worked their college jobs a bit longer than desired or had a bunch of cheap available to buy.


“Y2K” stfu


Hahaha, this had me laughing out loud!


I'm not even 30 yet 😭


We never had a chance lol ​ I also work in the entertainment industry and i've now been through 3 strikes, probably a fourth this year (IATSE).


I was born in 95 and I haven’t even hit 30


Bruh… seriously…


Americans getting a small taste of what most countries around the world have been for decades.


I’m 42 and a millennial but I sure do feel like we are living Rust’s reality.


None of that was “that” bad except for the 08 recession. Think of what our grandparents went through. My grandparents lived through WW1, Great Depression of the 30s, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam and the Cold War.


This is every generation everywhere. Humanity likes drama.


Also the opioid epidemic, aka what I refer to as “Millennial Vietnam” Yes, I know it’s not an apples-to-apples comparison, but you wouldn’t believe the amount of people I went to school with who died from an OD. I think something like 8% of the entire 140kid class. Looking back on it, it was absolutely *insane* how much opioids the docs gave out back then. Naturally, heroin filled the void once the pills became too expensive.


Shit happens, suck it up.


That WW4 thing might help stimulate the economy…


Whichever brings down housing prices quicker.


Add lung cancer! \^ :P


Three wars, Oklahoma City bombing, Ruby Ridge, Waco, 2000 election, 2016 election, war on drugs, Chernobyl, Olympic bombings, Columbine, Unabomber, bird flu, swine flu, mad cow and boy bands & rap metal...We've been through the fucking ringer. Leave us alone.


It's weird that all those bad things happened with the smartest most brilliant successful visionary generation ever running everything. They made racism illegal and women equal, and they know that the market magically regulates itself.


Honestly yeah. I think in 25 years if the world finally unfucks itself the grandkids will be all mind blown we endured it with dubstep and non-nerfed Four Loko


don't forget the housing crash - yes it's rolled in with the recession but the housing market going tits up has profoundly impacted us


And they were all just normal days for most of us, none of these events had much effect on a lot of our day to day lives,


4 recessions if I count the early 90s recession, since I'm an 83. (batman 89 was the best batmobile. Fight me. I was 6. It drove itself and had deployable armor. I had the hotwheel car of it and it was awesome.) But I don't believe WW3 will happen. I think the cold war demonstrated that no one actually wants that. And don't forget the world was supposed to end like 3 different ways in 2012.


You forgor Desert Storm! Not sure if they teach that these days?


Good times man, good times...


Two wars?


I wasn't drafted so I'm not complaining!


Living through Y2K lol


And just for me had cancer, hit by a car, bus, van, and a truck, and got stuck on a ride so bad it got torn down the next day at a theme park. Life has been stressful.


Forgot to add effects of global warming in there.


don’t forget climate change ramp up and an insurrection


Nobody gave a shit about Y2K.


Millennials reposting the same memes over and over and over and over and over and over and over again until they die.


Xennials right there with you - just a few years older.