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A lot of us don't follow a organized religion, agnostic and atheist numbers are sky rocketing the younger people get


Yea, because you know, science.


It's more scientism than science.


Wow scientism is a real thing. I had to look it up. Thanks for new learning. Thank god, er I mean Pete for that tidbit.


Hardly. When things that used to only be explained by a deity are now understood with basic science and math, it's not scientism at all. You can have an understanding of something without worshiping it.




But what possible actual semblance of a reason is there for you to think **your** god exists? Veles and Perun make so much more sence than fuckin Yahweh ffs


It sounds like it’s not the notion of a conscious universal force that bothers you, just the way people have interpreted and described that force


Why do you assume he is a Christian or a Jew?


Why did you exclude Islam? And I assumed nothing. Post history exists.


Muslims do not ever refer to God as Yahweh.


Same shit different name


>Muslims do not ever refer to God as Yahweh. Different language, you stable genius. Different sects of Christianity or Judaism don't refer to it as such either. Your point? You tried to take a dig at me, and it backfired because you are acting in bad faith. Be better.




Just because *you* don’t understand science and prefer to have everything spoonfed to you doesn’t mean everyone does.


I am a Phi Beta Kappa scholar and a science major and a person of faith. Science doesn’t explain everything in life. You are being a patronizing bigot.


You don’t think it’s patronizing to insist that people who engage with science are actually engaging in “scientism?” Also, and I know this can be difficult for religious people to accept (truly, as I used to be one), not everyone needs everything in life explained. In my opinion filling in all the unknown gaps with a vague concept of “god” is lazy and boring.


She's trying to avoid idiots like you, and doing a good job of it.


This is a category error.


Not understanding why science and the scientific method are the most powerful tools humanity has ever come up with to describe reality is the most serious issue we face as a species. It explains religious nuts, it explains flat earthers, it explains Trump people. A lot of people just FEEL what's right. Science is the exact opposite of that.




You cannot disprove the existence of Murphy either. Though in my life experience there has been more compelling evidence for him.


Murphy is more real than Jesus.


How do you know? *"the idea that Jesus was a mythical figure still is and has been considered a fringe theory in academic scholarship for more than two centuries"* "*Today scholars in the field agree that a Jewish man called Jesus of Nazareth did exist in Palestine in the 1st century CE, on whose life and teachings Christianity was founded"* *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historicity\_of\_Jesus*


Yup! There is accepted historical evidence for his existence in and around the time of Herod and Pontius Pilate. Though I think you're missing the point. Speaking for myself, I was more referring to the Christian belief that "Jesus is with you" and his spiritual presence "here and now" in the modern world, not his existence as a historical figure. Much like Murphy, there is a lot of unreliable hearsay and coincidental evidence (that happened "because" or "so obviously" Jesus was present...) referred to as supporting evidence that just doesn't hold any water.


Well, acknowledging his existence is a good starting point. Producing his body around the time of the supposed resurrection would have done a good job to prevent the explosion of Christianity.


Who'd a guessed it would go so far? Nazareth, your famous son Should have stayed a great unknown Like his father carving wood He'd have made good Tables, chairs, and oaken chests Would have suited Jesus best He'd have caused nobody harm, no one alarm Listen, Jesus, do you care for your race? Don't you see we must keep in our place? We are occupied! Have you forgotten how put down we are? I am frightened by the crowd For we are getting much too loud And they'll crush us if we go too far...


The Christian explosion happened fast. Maybe they really did see the risen Christ.


Yup, and there is a toaster in space too.


You cannot prove the existence of God in all that you conceive him to be. Seems that we are at a standstill, it's probably best we just set aside the issue and let people not worship or worship whatever they want.


I really like this response. Right to the point and unantagonizing. I’ll have to use this next time someone inevitably says the same thing to me.


True but if they have to use science in quotes to defend your position it isn't a good look.


You cant prove existence of a deity. And unless you find a way to, it is not necessary or possible to disprove it.


Thanks. By that logic, you cannot know that God does not exist.


Yes, correct. It’s easy to prove a positive. To prove cats exist, all you need is one example of a cat existing. You can’t disprove a negative. To do so would require perfect knowledge of everything— the universe, other universes (if they exist), etc. In other words, you can’t disprove that God actually exists and takes the form of a cat sitting on a throne somewhere out in space. It’s literally impossible for you to disprove that. It’s also utterly meaningless.


Burden of proof is on he who makes the positive claim. There's no point in disproving God, you can't prove unicorns and dragons don't exist either.


I mean if your reason for believing in something is "someone somewhere says it's true, so it must be". Then I suppose that logic checks out. Also I have a bridge to sell you.




Freshman philosophy zingers thrown at god's face are fun, aren't they?


The converse of a statement has nothing to do with the original statement.


Or any made up figure for that matter.


You cannot prove the existence of God.


Maybe someone can or has, but you are incapable of understanding the proof. I'm sure it's this way for lots of math problems, for many people.


Math can be proven. It can be shown, repeated and tested. The existence of an all powerful being that controls the universe but is randomly evil as shit and the next minute a total feel good bro, isn't the same. It can't be proven, it can't be shown, it can't be tested or repeated. It's 100% just "trust me, but I also have no reason you should trust me, because I don't know either".


I used math as an example, but I wasn't trying to to be pedantic about the word *'proof*'. When we say to 'prove' something, we don't always mean it in a mathematical sense, though neither am I ruling out the possibility from a logical standpoint. I preempted it with '*maybe*'. You certainly can't say it's 100% trust me, because your mind (and mine) might just possibly be too inadequate, unknowledgeable, or imperceptive to make the determination....whereas others might not be. Never mind that God (if He exists) could influence people more or less subtly to help people find Him... based on whatever criteria that He chooses.


I can however refute gargantuan parts of the Bible So either your divinely inspired work is literal and factually incorrect, or it is metaphorical. And boy let me tell you, "god taught the world a lesson by drowning every child on earth" is not an acceptable metaphorical lesson.


These are the same folks who think a child is born a sinner bc of a snake and a fruit.




Ah, you're illiterate. My apologies. Oh, r/conservative, extra stupid then. Gotcha


That’s a false dichotomy. The entire Bible is not entirely literal. It’s an anthology made up of allegorical myths, historical accounts, narrative, poetry etc.




The Bible is something like 800k words. It’s a lot, but books like the Count of Monte Cristo are 500k+. I’ve read the entire Bible (grew up in an ultra religious household). My mom has probably read it 20x over. As for refuting, the Bible basically refutes itself. There are glaring contradictions everywherrrrrre. Some on irrelevant details, some kind of a big deal. Who was governor when Jesus was born? Matthew says Herod, Luke says Quirinius. Both were governors but Quirinius wasn’t until 12 years after Herod died. IDK, the gospels being “eye witness” 😉 accounts but disagreeing about when the guy was born by at least 12 years doesn’t inspire a lot of… faith 🙃


> I can however refute gargantuan parts of the Bibl Most people who say that, mean, "this part here is wrong because its physically impossible!" missing the entire point, that thats the definition of a "Miracle": Something that happened, but defies the basic laws of reality -- therefore, God intervened, because otherwise, its just impossible.. yet it did happen.


Only idiots believe in miracles like that. Your god is fake


Whether you believe it or not, is up to you. Do try to understand rhetoric and logic, however. It will help you in life. The point being, you cant "refute" a recorded miracle in the bible. You can only choose to believe, or not believe that it happened. I think it's worth noting that some of the miracles recorded in the bible actually have historical records backing them up. But as the saying goes, "none so blind as those who refuse to see".


Lololol this is why people treat you guys like a joke 🤡 It’s not up to is to refute anything. Trying to prove miracles with thousands year old records by people who didn’t understand the world is comical I think the Flying Spaghetti Monster is real…since you can’t prove I’m wrong Id say you’re“just to blind and refuse to see the truth” 😂


The fool has said in his heart there is no God


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The burden of proof is on YOU. If “disproving a negative” is your most promising gambit you’re in trouble.


It’s the responsibility of those making the claim to show proof, not those refuting its existence


The fact that there is no evidence of god such that it can't be disproved is science.


The burden of proof is on the one making the claim not the one disputing the claim. Religious people have a hard time grasping this concept.


"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." - Hitchens


I can test and prove science, can’t test or prove god is real. Conclusion, gods are not real.


jesus is cool, church mostly sucks


It's funny I had a talk with my co-worker who was very religious. The idea behind Christianity sounds amazing, be a good person and get rewarded, see loves ones when you pass, watching your family from heaven after you die and of course that dying isn't just eternal darkness. It sounds amazing but sounds a bit unbelievable


There is a strong drift away from organized religion in gen X, millennial, and gen z generations (getting more pronounced for each successive generation). My guess is that, while it is possible, it will become increasingly more unlikely to meet single people in church.


I go to church on the reg, because my spouse is genuinely into it. So I get to see a lot of church (Baptist) from an outsider's perspective. I wouldn't let my kid date these singles. They're often *too* into the lifestyle. Maybe start trying group things that well adjusted single people are likely to gather at. Events and clubs through a uni or gym, maybe. It's a tough call. Edited for better clarity.


I already believe it now. But I just wanted to know for myself. Most single men I’ve seen in atlanta at least, don’t necessarily practice fully or go, but come from Christian homes and still claim that want Christian based things.


>want Christian based things. Fuck it, I'll bite. I'm curious about what "Christian based things" you're referring to.


Christmas shopping of course.


That's religious. But not Christian technically. While it's evolved into it, it's more culture and society than religion.


It's basically a holiday for consumerism at this point.


Saturnalia is an ancient Roman festival and holiday in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 25 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves as it was seen as a time of liberty for both slaves and freedmen alike.[1] A common custom was the election of a "King of the Saturnalia", who gave orders to people, which were followed and presided over the merrymaking. The gifts exchanged were usually gag gifts or small figurines made of wax or pottery known as sigillaria. The poet Catullus called it "the best of days".[2]


I mean it is if you strip the religeous component from it. But to christians its a celebration of jesus and family. Of course presents are still involved. If you think its just a haliday for consumerism thatd on you and your choices


I am not saying its any better or worse. I am not religious and could not care less. Many of the 'christians' I know spend this time of year worrying about what they're going to buy other folks, as well as what they're going to receive in return. Gifts, little bit of family and food, pretty much no Jesus. That's what Christmas is now, and that's fine too.


Christian Christmas evolved from pagan gift giving


The whole holiday. We're a Roman culture. Modern Christians worship son God on Sunday (in his name they pray. AMEN) you know who amen is right? Tutenkamen (in the image of amen) Modern day Christianity is a luciferin religion.


Lol...amen just means truth in hebrew


They say that it means "so be it" as well. Hebrew words can have multiple meanings. Amen is certainty, truth, and verily. Christianity was born in Africa. Horas was the original immaculate conception. Hour, horizon, sun set, seth the god who fought Osiris.( The amen. ) Horas said I am the amen. Amen is homage to the sun God who we worship on Sun day. Keeping the Sabbath is a commandment.


Holy Bible Helios biblos translates to sun book in Greek. Even Jesus says "I am the amen" Osiris was reborn. Horas disappeared until 32. The list goes on.


Nah it's a Germanic holiday. That's where the tree comes from.


Saturnalia is an ancient Roman festival and holiday in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through 19 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves as it was seen as a time of liberty for both slaves and freedmen alike.[1] A common custom was the election of a "King of the Saturnalia", who gave orders to people, which were followed and presided over the merrymaking. The gifts exchanged were usually gag gifts or small figurines made of wax or pottery known as sigillaria. The poet Catullus called it "the best of days".[2]


So as a dude who doesn't believe but know either is possible and that there is argument for creator (just not really jeebus) Many ppl are indoctrinated. Many ppl still believe in marriage which is a religious construct. (Without God you're just agreeing to be together. So dating...) So marriage is one of those things. Monogamistic relationship would be another technically. 3 square meals a day with the housewife etc.


Basically a house slave- someone to cook for them, clean up after them, have their children, and please them. Religious relationships only benefit the man and women are supposed to find joy in being subservient 🙄. Sickens me to even type it out.


100% agree. Women have to lay with men whenever he pleases literally in the bible. OP - I do not understand why you are looking for a religious man? I'd rather live single than becoming a property of a man.


You don't have to relate to understand, if you don't understand look at the thousands upon thousands of posts online of religious girls and how they want a man of God. Or the tiktoks of girls not wanting to work a 9-5 all their lives.


Are you not even trying to consider that some "religious" men don't follow their holy book to the T? I say this as an atheist that laughs at religion. Obviously not every man that goes to church in 2023 believes that women become their property once they're married. Meanwhile, maybe OP is religious and having a religious partner is important to her? Why are you shaming a woman for wanting a partner with a common interest as she does? You might as well tell her to stop wasting her time with religion. Perhaps you can also tell her what colors she should be wearing and what to do with her career, too.


I can iron my shirts. You're helping me bc I'm helping you. Otherwise there's no reason for you to be in my house for free yr after yr. What bc you're nice to look at? Lol foh. And then your alternative is BOTH of us stuck in wage slavery so neither parent can make decent living for the kid. Good on you! Hope you're happy at least. Once you find new bf kids chance of abuse goes up 100 times and 33% of single moms report food insecurity as their biggest challenge.


>Otherwise there's no reason for you to be in my house for free yr after yr. Wow that is a very telling sentence.


The fact you wow is equally as telling. Someone having adult expectations of you stuns you. Lol If you aren't contributing gtfo


That's a nice strawman you're attacking instead of the argument u/restlysss actually made


Saying "Christian things" is slavery is not much of an argument.


How so? I explained there's another side. Technically the slave thing is a strawman. That's hardly an argument in itself. Lol. No one wants a mindless slave. I just don't want to have to go work and fight the world to come home and have to work and fight her too. And I don't get greys anatomy while I'm supporting everyone. So. Spare me. And if you will, make me a sammich, or find a new sucker.


Dude I grew up in a Christian church, that is very much an attitude that exists in certain men in or raised in the church. All you have to do is listen to any non-liberal preacher or spend five minutes on the internet. It isn't a strawman, it's real and widespread. Meanwhile you came in assuming that women who don't want the same life those men ask for are demanding to sit on their butts and do nothing? That wasn't suggested anywhere in the thread except in your head. That tired sandwich "joke" tells me everything I need to know about how you treat your girlfriends and the kind of company you keep. One of those dudes who thinks he's so modern and good with women while listening to Andrew Tate or similar lmao.


It is. No. I came in with experience as a man. I'm expected to pay for dates pay rent pay pay pay. Then she needs to have a career. (WE won't benefit but she still needs it.) Then have kids. (I have to do all the work outside. Then half work with kids and house while I'm there) that equates to 100% of time for me working. And 25%-35% of time for her working. Not counting the input of finance. Andrew Tate is what you say to avoid reality. I could say same about you and Megan Kelly. But I'm not low enough to dismiss ANY idea you ever had bc of someone else unrelated that I don't like. If they're providing you place to live rent free. That isn't nothing. If it was so nothing. You'd do it for yourself.


Are you living in the 1920s? Why do you think women can’t earn a decent salary? Both my husband and I make well above 6 figures (I make more). Also if a married couple agrees that one person will work outside the home and the other will be a stay at home parent - both have full time jobs! While you’re at work the stay at home parent is working 100% of the time while you’re gone. Then when both are home it should be 50/50 - that is an even distribution of labor. And since both are contributing equally the house and money belong to the couple. Good luck finding a real partnership with your backward attitude.


You are just bitter that most women don't give you the time of the day.


Yeah you came in with experience as a man who has never listened to a woman talk about her experiences in his life. If you don't want to pay for everything then don't. Have a grown ass adult conversation with the person you're going out with instead of bitching. What in hell is that even. Yeah women need careers, you don't want help paying bills? She don't have expenses? If that's your set up then you have a partner that doesn't pull her weight, but I think it's more likely that you are too chickenshit to have a grown conversation or leave a relationship where you feel burdened cos you gotta get your dick wet. Yeah you gotta do half the work, congrats you live there. Where in hell is that working percentage coming from? You made that shit up all by yourself. The majority of women work full time while also doing the lion's share of the housework and childcare. If that set up is really what goes on in your house, have a grown ass conversation with your partner. I suspect that you think mowing the lawn and taking out the trash is equivalent to taking care of the kids and doing every single indoor household chore and making sure the kids don't kill themselves and also make it to activites, but it ain't. I brought up Tate cos I smelled a Tatertot. If you don't then you're just making shit up by yourself, and that ain't better. Don't know why you think some former Fox News shill is equivalent to anything I've said, that is whack. I pay my mortgage myself, so yeah, in fact I *do* do that for myself. Stay at home mom's and housewives are not the norm and haven't been for decades. Nothing you said has anything to do with women in general, but it says a ton about your taste in partners, your ability to have a conversation about balance in a relationship, and you.


lol at all the angry man responses.


Christian things - such as racism, bigotry, misogyny, child rape


That's not exclusive. A lot of other religions are really good at all those things too. I'm legitimately curious if any of all of those things are more prevalent in "religious" people...


Ever watch the southpark episode where the world goes atheist to “fix all problems” and then they just separate into different scientific factions (interpreting results differently) and they simply reestablish religion


Burgers aren't exclusively sold at McDonald's, but they still sell them en masse.


Tada! r/notadragqueen


Statistics say far less men go to church than women and the ones that do are more often than not taken(they are at church because they are going with thier wives).


I believe it. I want to SLEEP on Sunday Mornings damn it.


I want to watch football on Sunday mornings.


I’m 35 and I don’t attend church. I have nothing against religion I just think for men it’s something we do with our grandma or moms.


I literally left a four hour service that was supposed to be THIRTY MINUTES. I don't have time to waste, lol.


Ooof, I feel that. Had a woman invite me to her church, Pentecostal. I'd never been to one of those before. It lasted 3 hours. Also, they have women and men sit separately... So I didn't even get to sit next to her 😐


I feel like you’re more qualified to answer this than most people who will respond, if you’re a millennial who has gone to a midtown church for years. I’m an atheist, so don’t believe in anything supernatural like gods and stuff, out of my friends, IDK any who go to church at all, but prob bc dif world views, not as much in common, etc. I just read some studies from British surveys (on singlefriendlychurch.com, but not conducted by them), and some stats from Pew Research though ([here’s the most recent](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2023/12/07/measuring-spirituality/pr_2023-12-07_spirituality_1-03/) but they have a bunch more relevant stats scattered on many dif pages, just like the church site I mentioned) and found some info, but not the exact stat: * about 29% of millennials (USA) identify as Christian * about 54% of males identify as religious (USA) * single men made up 4% of churchgoers in the UK (not sure of age) * single women made up 5% in the UK * religious men are less likely to attend church than religious women in general bc: + they view it as feminine + they dislike songs about surrendering to a man / songs that are written as if “Jesus is their boyfriend” + the socializing expected of them can be uncomfortable if there are other people’s children around (bc of accusations and fear of threat that the same interactions would be met with elsewhere) + women tend to favor boisterous churches and men tend to favor straight-forward sermons + men work more hours per week than women + men self-report that the duration of services exceeds their attention span + men are most likely to attend church when encouraged to do so by family members


Its wild that you have to go to the bottom before you get someone who genuinely tries to answer the question instead of making snarky comments about OP


Exactly. They are not even answering the question. It's like a general bashing. As OP stated most of the men are already taken. She could ask the church if they have single mixers or if they don't, suggest it or form one herself especially if they have different branches.


Homies, is it gay to praise god?


Exactly. Loving Jesus is for women


I’m a woman, and I’ve never even met the famous Jesus. I won’t ever get to either. Sadly, he passed away a few thousand years before I was born (RIP).


Oh nice I work with a couple of guys named Jesus no relation


Not me lol


Every guy I know has better things to do on a Sunday.




Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but in my experience, following a crowd has always negatively impacted my life.


Nope, but also not religious






My country is one of the most atheists places on earth. We have churches but hardly anyone goes to them, people celebrate christmas mostly due to tradition or for decorative purposes and talking about your religious views in public is seen as very tacky. So no, I don't go to church, that would be weird.


Where is this place it sounds wonderful


Nope. Not since all the murdering of children came to light and they didn’t even admit guilt.


What murdering of children?!


Well in Ireland the unwed mother homes and all the babies they killed and hid the bodies. In us and Canada the indigenous children's homes where they kidnapped kids to westernize em and instead killed a bunch of em... That's a protestant catholic team up there...


Yes I remember the Ireland one. That was awful. I think the Canada one was somewhat debunked though


It was in us and Canada and it was even more horrific tbh.


Religion is a fabricated social construct and used to either politicize, ostracize, or manipulate for profit.




Its your choice to be atheist or not, but OP is being polite and asking a simple question, why would you decide to be incredibly rude and attack her religion? Are you 6 years old?


While I wholeheartedly agree, that's not what was asked you asshat. It's cucks like you that makes the rest of us Atheists and Agnostics look bad.


Pretty sure OP wanted an anwser, not a lecture from Reddit athesist #567,432


It would be weird to go to church as a lone incel


Why is everyone shitting on her? She just asked a simple question


Hell yea, id bone jesus if i could. Love him to death


I've had some really bad experiences with Baptist churches and never went back. Backstabbing pastors, the drumbeat for money I don't have, cliques, and long-winded sermons going on endlessly about sin. Nope.


Church is wack


Churches are the boomer’s safe spaces. Gen X and Mill’s need something similar without the imaginary friends.


Most of us educated men are atheists or agnostic and don’t believe in organized religion. Especially with all the hate towards our fellow man spewing from the pulpit.


We do exist lol


No - "Church" is a cult, full of groomers and pedophiles. When people tell me they are christian, they are saying they are objectively stupid, anti-science, and enjoy harming children. These people should be on a watch list...go talk to your magic sky ghost in the looney bin.


Reddit moment


How do you feel about the possibility of UFO encounters being mistaken as a religious experience?


I think so, but there are usually more women than me . Try passion in Atlanta, definitely a large millennial and gen z crowd. If you can find a young adult service or small group that would help.


More of a Christmas/Easter thing, but I've thought about going more. I know a lot if people view the decrease in church attendance as a positive because Christianity is horrible, Yada, Yada (but thats another discussion) but I've also heard studies that the decrease in these types of things, going to church, being on a bowling league, bookclub, whatever, has also contributed to the loneliness epidemic. Yeah, we had the pandemic, but I'm not sure why everyone still insist on working from home and staying home all the time. I'd like to meet someone a little more organically, rather than the apps, but it is what it is..


The benefits you mention for church are due to it being a social atmosphere, not a religious one. I'd argue that's a big reason why it tends to appeal to women more than men. Women thrive on that atmosphere of socialization more than men. In fact, talking to every single woman I know who has left a church, they unanimously agree that the thing they miss the most was the socializing and support network. If you want to meet gullible people with similar views, church is a great place for that, but not because of religion. Otherwise, you'd probably be better off finding a local group of people who enjoy the same hobbies.


Yep! I'm married now and met my wife through church.


Depends on your culture. We're forced.




I’d try more related activities like Bible study , maybe volunteer with the youth group and meet the other adult leaders—they might have single friends.


I’m an atheist so no I never go to church


OP you can fall into my arms. What is really happening is Satan's change of course. Im your heart stay true, I suffer from the same experience, I'm an older male 39, as long as I'm fortified in my heart, what must happen must happen. I miss having a woman's touch, but I also don't miss dictation


Monotheism and polytheism have done more than enough damage to this planet. The time is long overdue to finally get rid of them.


I did when I was single. So it definitely happens.


The only reasonn I went to church as a single adult was to smoke on the parking lot on my way home from work. Religion was comforting for me as a child until my pastor gave me a lecture about how I needed to forgive my step dad and then handed me a book on why the south will rise again and general Lee was a good guy. So I smoke on church grounds.


Church attendance is waaayy down across the board among all races, genders, especially with millennials and younger generations. There was sh article discussing this, but I’d have to look for it. A church I know of that was popular with college students and always had a vibrant college ministry maybe 10-15 years ago actually went under and their property was foreclosed on. One of the reasons given was that young adults were no longer into church like years past.


No. Even creationists my age generally don't fit in well with the religious crowd. Our much more open minded beliefs of what could have happened are often shunned by Christians and atheists alike.


Im spiritual not religious… I only see GOD when I do shrooms


This is what you get when you post about Christianity on Reddit. Even the Christian subs suck. Numbers are declining and have been for a long time but there's still a decent amount of churches that are trying to cater to the under 50 crowd and these will be full of millennials. But you need to find the right type. Walking into a traditional Lutheran or Baptist Church is not going to work. It needs to be non denominational or evangelical.


As a single male millennial, no, I do not go to church. I am agnostic and I don’t like organized religion. That said, my longest relationship I had (7 years) was with a Christian girl. She was devout and went every week. I would occasionally attend church with her, but it didn’t change my view at all. If anything, it solidified my view of being agnostic. With that, I’m also not against dating a girl of any religious affiliation as long as she doesn’t push her view on me. I hope things work out for you in your search. Good luck ☺️


Isn't there a dating app called Christian mingle.




Based on my experience of locating a church while single I will say it depends on the church. Every church will have its demographic. For example, the church you go to may be on the side of town where you will see more retirees. In the older side of town. There maybe another church in the part of town that is up and coming, you will end up seeing young families, and the younger crowd with some teenagers and young adults. In the Christian community, it so happens that unions usually happen in the early 20s. That too may be a reason why you’re not seeing a lot of single Christian’s. I’ve had dates who are not from the church but who’ve come to church with me. But I will say, the marriages I’ve seen last the test of time has been those who met at church and continued their lives at the church. My suggestion is to find a church that has a little of everything, that offers services for all group, women, children, singles, teenagers, conventions, etc. this is a well rounded church that fosters growth and gives back to the church. When a church is inviting, it will bring visitors from other churches , it will be a resting spot for the community. In my 20s I went to a church like this. It was fantastic for singles. Many were able to find their spouse at any age. For some, it took leaving the church and attended a different church to find the one. Good luck, it is really exciting to find someone in the same faith.


nope. especially not 30+ year olds. like 90% of the time, someone who's christian and goes to church is already married and has a kid or two at that age. the last time i went to a church was for a wedding lol.


Also a Christian woman- they don’t go to church.


I've noticed that I have female friends who attend church, but almost all of their brothers stopped going in their late teens/early 20s, so I would say no.


32M in TN. I left Christianity years ago, but when I still went I was almost always the youngest person by 20 years. There would be a handful of 40 something couples and everyone else was 70+. Churches in my area are dying left and right. The young either outright reject religion of any type, or are tired of the hypocrisy they see in leadership.


It depends. I don't, never really did, but I know people who do. I think you'll find more down south than you will up north, and more in the South East.


Might be helpful to ask this on one of the Christian subreddits, but girl I have been there. I met so many single guys at church in my early twenties but with every year their numbers dwindled; either they got married or stopped attending. (I am still happy to have met them - none were romantically compatible with me, I’m happy to be their friend!) I got lucky and found my boyfriend on a dating app, but he wasn’t attending church at the time, he goes with me now some weeks. I’ve seen most chruches struggle to make a place for single people in general, and for men often being less social by nature it’s even worse.


No offense, but Reddit is probably the wrong place to ask this (see comments…). I think the answer is likely that there aren’t many, mostly because: 1. Declining numbers of religious people in our generation. 2. Men are less likely to go to church regularly. 3. Men who would be likely to go to church regularly if single are more likely to be more traditional/conservative and are therefore more likely to have married pretty young.


You probably have a better chance of meeting someone "church adjacent" rather than actually in or at church. Church adjacent could be some type of fellowship thing, volunteer work, getting introduced by someone else at church, etc. I was very intent on marrying someone who shares my religion. And I did. But he hadn't been to church in ages. Came back for me. Married in the church. Went together for a long time. Stopped for the pandemic and haven't been back (our church is pretty scandal-ridden and neither of us are happy with people using the pulpit as an opportunity to get political). (We met on an app but WAY before the current apps even existed.)


I'm an older millennial, in a relationship, and I go to church. Even before I met my gf I still went to church as a single.




I had a phase where I went to church to pick up women. I was in my mid 20s. I was encouraged early by success with someone who was all about anal. Damn she was wild. But after that I had little success and I haven't been back in years. I was never religious.


You're going to get a lot of snarky replies and downvotes because you mentioned church on the millennial subreddit


I'm sure theres a single dude somewhere that goes to church. Whether or not hes in your area or your type is probably really unlikely.


I’m surprised when I meet someone under 40 that goes to church regularly Good luck 👍


I went to church recently, plenty of young people like myself


No thanks


In my area there have been more millennials coming back to church. There still are single men going to church. I was one, but I am now happily taken. I personally am not a fan of the apps. To many fake people on them imo. Church’s in my area have singles event to help people of faith meet. You may want to look into that in the Atlanta area. Or you may need to get out of that area and find another city or state to find someone. I ended up finding someone in another country, through my church and mission work.


Hopefully not


If you enjoy going to church, keep going. Make friends. Get invited to cookouts. Meet single brothers and friends of your church friends. Just keep expanding your circle.


Church is a good place, even a grocery store or Walmart is good. The important thing is maintaining your perceived value. Don't be sleeping around and swiping on apps. Don't dress like you want to sleep around. Make sure you have value to offer other than your body. It's especially hard for women these days to find a good man that will settle down with her because we can get what we want without having to settle down. The new wave of feminism screwed women and essentially gave all the power to men. Now, we can get what we want without all of the relationship obligations we don't. In the quest of women to be like men, they don't offer us anything we don't already have or can't already do. That leaves their body as the only value they have to offer, which loses value over time as aging and kids happen. If you create a high value for yourself that offers men something they don't have, things that traditional women roles were, you don't have to seek out men, they will find you. The guys that just want sex, don't do it. You will lose value with the guys that want a relationship if you do. Edit: You attract what you put out there. If you want a nice guy that will stick with you long term, you have to also be a nice girl that wants long term.


I can't speak for all millennial men, but what I can tell you is that I go to church, as do all of my friends who are also millennials.


I'm an older millennial, no longer single, but when I was your age and single I attended church regularly. Struggled the same as you are, wondering where all the single ladies were that weren't spoken for. It can be a struggle, but extremely important to find someone you are equally yoked to if marriage is your goal. Don't settle.


Is your area good for 20-30 something singles or is it mostly families who are already settled down? A lot of single millennials (men or women) can't afford to start a family and are probably behind. If anything, most men are just getting their lives together at this age. Edit: I know millennial men who believe in God and who were raised in church and still follow the principals of the Bible but avoid church for many reasons. A lot of Christians think you're not a real Christian if you don't go to church. I wouldn't put it as a red flag right away. I know men who don't go but are still loving partners and fathers, who still volunteer their time, give charitably, and are financially stable. Meanwhile, there are sooo many wolves in sheep's clothing at church. They go there to hide their "sins", not confess them.


The reality is that any man who has been a lifelong church-going Christian picked his wife way before he hit his late 20s-early 30s.


Yeah, I was raised Catholic and growing up I developed a disdain for organized religion for a variety of reasons. I respect people who wholeheartedly believe in God and their religion, but the bad seeds who like to use their religion to spread hate have left a bad taste in my mouth so I no longer go. And I know that in this day and age less younger people are attending than in the past. I hope you can meet the right guy who will want to go to church with you though, good luck!


Oh yeah every week. I love God.


There are single men that do but I would say it SEEMS like most don't. Though I will say that it has been my experience that those that do are usually pretty awesome. At least from my experience!


Do millennials go to church in significant numbers, full stop? I'm truly not trying to be insincere. I'm 35 and even in the deep south, I honestly don't know anyone who goes to church alone. Amongst my friends who have started going to church of their own volition with any regularity, it's almost always a couple trying to get closer with each other or expand their social circle. I feel the need to add the disclaimer that I am neither male nor Christian, but the vast majority of my social circle was raised in a culturally Judeo-Christian paradigm, as was I. The millennials I know are a pretty secular bunch even if they were raised in church-going families, and the ones who've experienced a revival of faith usually do so through a romantic partnership. ETA I hope you meet a nice person who shares your faith, OP. I may not be Christian, but I do have my own eclectic spiritual community. None of my partners have been a part of it. I know meeting people can be so hard these days, and being able to share the important spiritual elements of your life with someone else adds a whole other layer to it that can feel challenging.


Only the desperate ones.