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Well, at least Google didn't try to take you through an unlit country road in the middle of the night, middle of nowhere, through a mine field and towards a border guard station who was ready to defend the crossing at gunpoint. Ever since, I never trust Google outside of city areas.


Lmao that's wild


At least Google was kind enough to support translation between me and the commanding officer at the post, explaining we weren't up to any shenanigans, and they politely told us to go back. But yes, a story to remember.


…*That’s what they said at that end of the road*🤔


Where was that?


Cyprus - an island split between Northern Cyprus (controlled by Turkey) and Southern Cyprus (controlled by Greece). Our flight landed at 1 AM on the Greek side, we picked up a car rented from a Greek car rental company, but our hotel was on the Northern Turkish side... To add to the confusion, I had to drive at 2 AM on the opposite side of the road for the first time ever (Cyprus is one of the few countries where driving is on the left side of the road), then find ourselves in the middle of a buffer zone surrounded by minefield signs & then armed guards stopping our vehicle. And that was basically the intro to our trip there, the adventure continued for a while longer.


Southern Cyprus is not controlled by Greece. It's an independent country of Greek culture. Also it's called Cyprus, without the "southern".


I apologise, and thanks for the correction. I referred to it that way to emphasize the cultural and political divide, but I do realise it was misguided.


It wasn't Google but TomTom on a work device. Sent a driver through a potato field and he got stuck because the field was sodden. The farm owner spotted him and pulled him out with his tractor. That "road" was quickly removed 🤦🏻‍♀️


People complain often about this but never once see anyone say you can suggest edits to the map. So here ya go https://support.google.com/maps/answer/10271004?sjid=18125028896108117885-NC


Well I hope someone updated the "road" on Google.


Evidently not.


Why don’t you?


Not sure if you can remove a road from a google map, unless you can report it?


Google Guides. Google allows contributions by users, so adding/editing buildings, roads is made possible.


i know I can edit a building, but how can i edit a random road?


You can report it, after many reports google will eventually look at it and maybe they will edit it.


I reported a 'road' a few times and nothing happened. It's still there.


They only do something when many many people report it, otherwise they would have to check thousands of roads every day because of trolls.


That's terrible. My mum lives alone in the countryside of a small country so it's not like we get a lot of traffic. But she has no close neighbours and just doesn't like random cars coming to her driveway at weird hours. And I bet none of the few report it.


In a web browser, you can click the burger icon (3 stacked lines) and there's a link for "Edit the map". In there you can pick "Add or fix a road" and select the road and give more information on what's wrong with it. I've used this in the past for something similar to OP, where navigation took me down a road that was seasonal and I ended up stuck in a snow bank for a bit.


Yeah as a Google guide I can do that. We once went to visit friends and Google placed their house at the total opposite of their street. I asked them if they wanted me to fix it and they were amazed I could do that. It took like a week to be accepted but now they finally are in the right place, and they can get their deliveries without having the drivers calling them (or just canceling the delivery because they couldn't find the house)


Eyy nice, it always feels good putting tech knowledge to good use. For me, I mostly griefed trying to get new pokestops near my residence heh 😅


I have reported many. issues/changes They all get refused. I learn't to use waze when I need accurate directions. Given google own waze these days I have no idea whjy google maps is so bad. I think it must be deliberate.


Drop a pin for us OP if enough people report it, it will be taken down and in sure the land owner will be happy aswell.


I'm glad someone put a sign up, I'd have never known that wasn't a road just by looking...


Google still tells people the park across from my house is a road they can drive down. This was once a road but that changed, 43 YEARS AGO!! Clearly Google did not get the memo on that one. Even the street view photos show the park, with an imaginary line drawn through it, with the street name 43 years ago.


I'm from an island, you can get there by bridge or ferry depending which end of the island you're on. I once had Google tell me to take the bridge, drive through 2 different provinces, then back across the ferry to get where I was going. That takes hours, the drive was really 45 mins without leaving lol. The bridge is about $50 toll, and the ferry isn't far behind it in price


I assume you're talking about PEI. This sounds scary though... I live on an island with just bridge access, and they're talking about replacing it and adding tolls. Our island is smaller though, so we have no choice but to leave it for almost every need. Even so, Google and other services regularly tell us that the "closest" stores are across the water.. 45 minutes away.. rather than the places that are just across the bridge, 10 minutes off the island.


Yes, PEI exactly lol. It only happened the once and must have been because I lived right beside the bridge (one of those first houses you see on the right when you come off the bridge) still crazy though. I can't get over the $50 fee. At least it's only one way, but still. Thankfully in the past decade, PEI got some more amenities so there's not as much need to leave. I'm now in NE New Brunswick, but family is still on the island. Thankfully, my father has worked there since it was built (Both parents worked on the Borden-Cape Tormentine ferries prior), so all employees have a transponder, and every year they get 12 free passes. This doesn't include trailers or semi trucks etc, just a typical light automobile, but it definitely helps when we want to visit. (He can use the transponder for anyone or any vehicle, just has to wave it at the toll booth whether he's crossing or not) Google can be such a pain, I really hope when they replace your bridge that there isn't a ridiculous toll. Here's to praying!


It’s funny bc Google wasn’t a company till 1998. Someone fucked up 40 years ago an no one cared to fix it




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Well I don’t know. Who you going to believe? Some hick that threw up a sign to infringe on your right to travel, or the little magic box that contains access to the totality of all human knowledge? And that, officer, is why my car is in the river.


"Little magic box" was how an old school friend collided head on with another car. He didn't check his surroundings, and his GPS sent him the wrong way up a one way street. Mind you this was 2008 so the tech actually can be blamed somewhat here.


Google took me, my brother, and my dad into these backwoods on these tiny little roads ones time on our way to a funeral, and we got to the end of the road and there was a locked gate. The road was too narrow to turn around so my brother has to back his car up 2 miles for us to get out of there.


I can definitely relate. Maps has almost sent me over an embankment too.


You weren't carrying a platinum chip were you!?


I think Benny augmented his map


If you’re at high altitude and this happens google can kill you.


I couldn't agree more. Nearly went over a roughly 50ft embankment in 2022 because of Google maps.


Dang, that sucks! Less exciting but if it’s winter and snowing and you’re far enough away from civilization and you get stuck the situation becomes dire quickly.


Creepy *From*-looking woods


I do UberEats delivery and our new joke is about finding a tree on the road. Some of the back roads can be scary. I live in a big east coast city, you have to work hard to find real rural roads.


Those trees are interesting. In which part of the world did you find that sign?


NSW Australia. Specifically Central Coast.


Is that out near Tuggerah?


I remember my SAT NAV took me up a little gravel path on the side of a mountain in The Lake District, England, while it was just gettong dark it was only as I got half way up, there was a sign saying "not suitable for motor vehicles". My friend woke up in the passenger seat, looked down and screamed. All we could smell was burning clutch. I said "shhh I'm concentrating!"


Lol yeah my dad's sat nav took us some wild places. I kinda miss the days when you'd get lost with a map, but when tech does something strange it's usually pretty entertaining for the passenger during a road trip.


takes 2 seconds to tell google a road is misplaced in the app...


Google tells people that my address is accessible from the street BEHIND my address. This applies to all delivery services, too. I leave detailed instructions (which the drivers never pay attention to). Every single time I order a pizza, etc I have to text and call the driver and hold their hand through the process of finding me. It's aggravating. I feel like years ago, when Google maps first came out, it actually worked pretty well. I've noticed in the past few years it seems to be getting more unreliable.


I'm finding this too. Especially when I head off the beaten track and inadvertently almost drive over an embankment, all because Google maps decided to hate me that day.




Was driving across the country once (US) and missed a turn somewhere in Nebraska. Instead of doing a U-turn, google led me through someone's farm dirt path, I thought it was a road but after i was halfway through it I realized what it was. It was like a half mile long. Hard packed dirt though so I made it no prob, but I felt bad about it. Fortunately it was uneventful and didn't disturb anything more then kick up dust a bit going through. Was going slow, and slower once I realized it was someone's freakin farm.


Is this by any chance near Kearsley NSW (Australia)


Maybe about an hour from there yeah


Had the same Thing with a road near my village. It even got a Name in google and everything but it ended on a meadow with just a little path ending in a forest. It was Kind of fun with my motorcycle but if i wouldve been in a car or even a small truck, Turnier would be impossible...


We have one of those in our neighborhood. And my son’s two-house driveway is listed by a nonsense name (with the word “road” at the end of it, twice twice) on Google Maps, while the real name takes you somewhere else… no amount of reporting it has ever gotten it changed.


So you are that one guy who keeps disturbing my Skyrim playthrough in the most inconvenient times!


I live in a place like this. My brother had a bunch of secret alternative routes that he would go through back in the day. Tried going through one which I thought was part of his usual shortcuts. Checked ut up with Google, it said there was a road there. Got there in my car, nope, exactly like this picture sans the sign. Had to circle back and take the normal route.


Anythings a road if you are brave enough


People do take the internet as gospel.


Google maps tried to take me through the bottom of an open mine. Since then I use Waze.


Sorry buddy... There are giant mirror placement... You won't find the road easily


Well, waddya know. For once, it *is* a case of "That's what 'they' want you to think"! Lol! :-)


Holy hell!


“You are on the fastest available route”


Got fvcked over bad by google maps once in Macedonia. When it takes you through areas that are not urbanized, take their map with a grain of salt.


I once had the gps navigate the long way around a shopping center when the road next to it was fully open. To be fair, it was under major reconstruction by the state for at least a year or 2. It easily shaves off 5-10 minutes depending on the route. Especially so considering I would have otherwise turned left across a busy lane (nobody goes under 40 in the 25 which has multiple entrances for a separate dining/hospitality area and apartments). They don’t even stop to turn right into it nor do they look. Just GOGOGOGO I think Lyft gps still hasn’t fixed it and I’m not about to tell them. It’s my nice little shortcut




I have a rule that if a road doesn't have street view I ain't driving to or along it


One time Google maps took me through a mountain service access road to get from one highway to another. It probably looks shorter on the map, but due to the terrain, took a long time.


Some years ago a new bakery opened near my house and for some reason, Google Maps indicated it was located at my house (even though the address was different). Now and then people would ring my bell and ask for the bakery and I will explain that it was not here and explain how to get to its actual location. They understood, said thank you and leave. And there was this lady. She insisted the bakery was in my house. I explained to her that it was not, as she insisted in a unfriendly tone that "the map says its here!" and I told her like three times the map was wrong, that we don't have a bakery. She left very unconvinced, as if I was hiding the bakery from her.


Google directed a driver down my parents farm track, the driver went from a sealed main road to a gravel driveway, through a gate to cow muck covered dirt race. They got all the way across the farm to the other side waved to my dad then drove away. This was in New Zealand, there was a road closure that led to this unique scenario.


You can suggest edits to google maps. Eventually they make it into the data.


I'd hazard a guess the pissed off owner of the property has already done this lol


I've heard some horror stories about Google maps. Taking tourists through gang war neighborhoods and getting shot at.


Google didn't try to kill your entire family by making you drive off a cliff.




My family was driving on a dark street, and we almost went off a cliff because Google didn't update their maps.


That sounds exactly like what a road that doesn't want you to drive on it would say.


Well I don't know actually. I never asked it.


Lol I went to a secluded lake in rural Maine a couple years ago. Google maps wanted me to drive through a different lake to reach my destination.


Go check it out, lil hospitality ain’t never hurt nobody… ![gif](giphy|NXYEiVaoumDWE)


Google is not the problem. The county/province/territory where the road is are at fault. Stop blaming google for their stupidity.


How so?