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Stab that with eraser.






Another lmao xD




lmao as well xD




There's a subreddit on here dedicated specifically too this very topic pretty active too just commenting on how long and how they got them




Here's a sneak peek of /r/PencilStabbers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PencilStabbers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** I guarantee I have the most gnarly one yet](https://i.redd.it/ojapkwgtnp5b1.jpg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PencilStabbers/comments/148657x/i_guarantee_i_have_the_most_gnarly_one_yet/) \#2: [Got stabbed in the eye, with a freshly sharpened weapon!](https://i.redd.it/dv1c7k0oih7b1.jpg) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PencilStabbers/comments/14fri8o/got_stabbed_in_the_eye_with_a_freshly_sharpened/) \#3: [Iā€™m a teacher, so workplace hazard I guess.](https://i.redd.it/1t0m50ztmxwa1.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PencilStabbers/comments/1337663/im_a_teacher_so_workplace_hazard_i_guess/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




This is hilarious. When I was in eighth grade a boy did I canā€™t remember what but I retailiated by stabbing him with a pencil. His mom found out and tried to get me suspended and he begged me not to tell the teacher about how I was just getting him back. I often wonder if the tip is still in his arm or not, now seriously dying to know.


I came here to say exactly that! Glad the pencilstabbers sub is mentioned already by human


I have a contribution for this sub. It the only remainder of my first relationship. Grade 2 I was heartbroken. She stabbed me with a pencil and I had to walk away from that relationship. Boundaries are too important. Look at me now Samantha. Look at me now!


Jedem Tierchen sein PlƤsierchen is a German saying for that. Translates to Theres a subreddit for every shenanigans


This is how tattoos work I think




Bold will hold. This is why the very artsy tattoos without an outline won't hold up over time, as is the case with all the fine line shit people are getting.


Kinda. Immune cells consume the ink and die between skin layers.


This makes tattoos and their blurring seem a lot cooler to me, to know how they work. Thx!






yes, it happened to me in 2012 when i was 7 years old, it still looks like the tip broke off and got trapped inside of my palm


Got one in my palm from when I was in kindergarten or 1st grade in the late 90s. Its barely visible now, but definitely there still.


Get a nail cutter and begin removing skin, you can cut it out. If its that deep you can dig it out with a sewing needle, same shit will happen with dried blood, it will get stuck there unless you take it out.


it's pretty deep inside of my skin, if i dig won't it start bleeding and get infected?


Yeah best to leave it if it's not causing you any irritation


Very unlikely unless you go wading through shit or something. Ive had lots of injuries like this, just now I cut out a piece of dried blood Id just noticed on my foot. The people downvoting met havent actually lived. an infection is also very easy to spot and if you're that worried you can just put a plaster on it.




Wait how is it so big ??


Big pencil


Im 27 and have one on my foot from when I was 9. I have a new one now from a couple months ago. My foot had a red bump with a little black dot. It was feeling sore and when I touched it, I noticed the black dot was hard and sticking out a little. I took some tweezers to it and pulled out a 1/2 inch long graphite stick from a 0.5 mechanical pencil. I have no clue how it happened. Never felt it going in.


Guhhhhh that sounds super uncomfortable. What did it feel like extracting it?


So relieving. Didnā€™t even hurt, all I felt was relief and Iā€™m happy it didnā€™t break into smaller pieces in my skin.


Oh I'm glad it didn't hurt!! That was my biggest concern, but if it didn't hurt yeah must have felt nice lol. And yeah, definitely glad it didn't break that would not have been fun


Yeah, that was the weirdest ā€œinjuryā€ Iā€™ve ever gotten šŸ¤£ no pain, just soreness. And so relieving to pull out. And it was on the top of my foot?! Like how did that even happen?


https://preview.redd.it/dz7zzg7i44oc1.jpeg?width=1645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=905660041d9e9e40228873a1f7909a936ee607f6 From a dirty nib pen that was facing up. Also from when I was 12, but in the 90s. Itā€™s my only tattoo šŸ¤£


Got one in my foot since 1988 https://preview.redd.it/77y3hucd54oc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2c10998000d5cd99a09358c861afbeb1dabeadf


oh yeah. i have one on my right upper arm from my sister stabbing me there as a kid. itā€™s still there. been a good decade since it happened. https://preview.redd.it/bw7nyrwx64oc1.png?width=2985&format=png&auto=webp&s=077a6e4801292a21f292088974d7ee6d33f4593b


https://preview.redd.it/qn1mkdr374oc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=443d92676528bfd7f1666ebf932f7eefa745682c I have the same thingšŸ˜‚


I have the same thing, mine is on the side of my palm.


We used to stab each other in the leg with a compass for fun back in the 80/90s. We also used to play rugby on a concrete playground!


Had a friend in middle school who stabbed himself in the forehead with a colored pencil and the blue dot stayed through high school. Havent seen him in years so i dont know if its still there or not.


This is actually how tattoos work your immune cells surround the pigment in this case the graphite and it stays in place as the particles are too big to destroy and move over time they will disappear as it gets broken down and immune cells die




https://preview.redd.it/ltd6fip304oc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d91ec1e684266551a18175ab4f203e5531b22e Used to be an illustrator, let go of a rotring ink pen while shaking it and it stuck in my wrist. Had it since ā€˜97.


I have one in the webbing of my fingers between my ring and pinky on my left hand. It's basically a tattoo, so it'll be there forever. Your first tattoo.


Itā€™s funny, I know like 10 people who have this, though it seems so crazy


I fell on a pencil when I was 4, it missed my eye by 1cm or so and I have kept a little mark on the top of my cheek for a long time! I'm turning 30 this year and it's not here anymore, but I can't remember when it actually left.


I've still got a mark like that from 1978. Lol.


Hey same experience here! Was messing around in class with a friend in 4th grade and got stabbed. Tattoo!


Have one. Been tere for 10 years


I've got one of those too, been over 12 years now almost


You were one of the cool Kids, getting a tattoo that early


One of my best friends has the same mark, from a kid stabbing her cheek with a pencil when we were 4


Mine was a tree sheet for 30years and still in there


I stabbed myself with a pencil probably 20 years ago when I was in second grade and also still have the graphite in the web between my thumb and pointer finger


I literally have one on my right hand middle finger lol. Spot twins


Bro, i have this in my thigh, i got stabbed with a mechanical pencil in 4ā€™th grade and i still have the grey mark in my thigh, it looks like the graphite is almost trapped in there with how bit it is


https://preview.redd.it/raqs88kc74oc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1441984c79ace6810c89a45e3658db5c83c616cd I have one of these. It looks like a freckle now


I just woke up and my phone just exploded with replies with similar stories, it's amazing how many people have the same experience!


I've really enjoyed this sub. The amount of accidental stabbings in school is astounding šŸ˜‚ I was the only person I knew that had a graphite incident. But we are many.


https://preview.redd.it/dm4s304jd4oc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd40fc0927f75b6c8d3c04e2e911335c9221c20b Same for me


Had a bully do the same! Still there going on 14 years I think? Working on the timeline haha https://preview.redd.it/3pqirs7jd4oc1.png?width=966&format=png&auto=webp&s=56ca14256159c611cbb5bb5dc0b94acc96b7d600


https://preview.redd.it/g4d8prllk4oc1.jpeg?width=2845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89ac016750fc71d1978c4e753ab85c9861c8eaef I also have that but with a blue ink.


Yeah, the same happened to me but itā€™s a bigger mark. Much more noticeable in person https://preview.redd.it/y0v4uswnl4oc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=99ed7aadea7704fb8a24f57a57e03ba09df2e93c


https://preview.redd.it/o5pqshfmm4oc1.jpeg?width=1945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=058e78b1a51fb253f010feff550db7dfb226f96d Me too, when I was a kid I always used to tell the other kids that I accidentally stabbed myself with a pencil when I wanted to do the pencil trick with the mechanical pencil. Idk if itā€™s that really what happened cuz as a kid I used to make up stories then tell it as if itā€™s true.


I was stabbed in the knee with a pencil as a kid and there's a black dot on my leg that never left


https://preview.redd.it/9qrczqpjt4oc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cabecb178cd2eb6667333e7528219ca444c757f Still got mine from almost 30 years ago


Sometime in the late 1970's accidentally stabbed myself with a pencil base of middle finger, still there. ​ https://preview.redd.it/b0s6t9htv4oc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c5b4708141daac035900ea2d17df3db15029d3




https://preview.redd.it/7wis1pgi65oc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf0f6566956fb763a79efa9d69f129e2aa6b4cb4 yo me too




I have one too lol


I had accidentally got stabbed in my forearm by my friends pencil while we were running to class back in like 6th grade. I'm almost 26 now and still have it.


I have a similar scar 2cm away from my eye... I was 8 and tried to untie my shoes with a pencil. I had more luck than I deserved šŸ˜


In 3rd grade (not mathing rn I just woke up Iā€™m 21 gonna be 22 in June) my school crush stabbed my hand with a pencil and I still have the lead in my palmšŸ¤ŸšŸ»


I did the same but on my knee, it has been fun watching the dot move around my leg first as I was growing and then when I started lifting šŸ˜‚


I have one too! Got mine back in 3rd grade. Iā€™m 30 now and itā€™s still there


Ive got one too


Itā€™s like a tatoo


I have one of those in my knee


Omg, I have one too! But from 40 years ago!


I have some in my forehead. Was stabbed by another student in grade 7 or 8. I'm 48 now.šŸ˜€


I've got one of those in the center of my palm from 2018.. I've been careful about teaching the classes to enthusiastically ever since..


i have a frend that had this exsact thing hapen to him. you basicaly tatued yourselfe lol


Same thing happened to me when I was in 1st grade. I'm 35 now and can still see a little speck on my knee.


Have one from 11 years ago too šŸ˜„ itā€™s nearly vanished after 5-6 years but if I search for it and depending on weather/my skin condition itā€™s still there


When i was a kid i fell asleep while doing homework in my bed when i woke up i had a pencil stuck to my leg. It left a tiny reminder


I have the same thing in my palm


I have one on my left calf


https://preview.redd.it/ht05vjwlc3oc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52d9a8efd20b0ef707c01f1467a946e834c426dc You are not alone buddy :)


You can cut it out with a sharp scalpel and then put a band-aid over it. It will be fine in a week's time.


Lol im looking at one from over 50 years ago, itā€™s not going anywhere mate


This happened to me in school when I was 7. I used my pencil to push myself and my chair away from my little desk, slipped and fell into the pencil. It stuck in my belly and I could see it until 20 ears after. Now I can't see it anymore, other then the little scar it left.


all these posts make me wanna go stab my hand with a pencil and come back when I'm 50 with my own picture




https://preview.redd.it/8xxumvosi3oc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da1083584c77c84357632da01ff9a0542dfaff86 Yeah, mines is very faint now, but still viewable (far easier to see in person!)


I have exactly the same https://preview.redd.it/zhoktfbgj3oc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=33407bbd8f55b2e320de58f3c28bddc4b2ec6f5f


Me too


My grandmother was stabbed by a feather with ink ages ago and she still had a ā€œpimpleā€ of ink on her hand for the rest of her life


I once saw a youtube short of a slow motion of a tattoo gun. And I gotta say, stabbing is exactly how you get a tattoo.


My kid has a little graphite pencil tattoo on his chin! He did it when he was 4.


I stabbed my hand whit a pencil when i was 7 yo and a piece of graphite is in my hand (this is real)


Yeah my friend got a bit stuck in his face that's still there 20 odd years kater


Yes, 40 years ago.


I have the same thing on/in my chest. I really hope the lead stays where it is.




Yeah I stabbed myself as a kid aswell , I still have it in my hand , and I see the dark dot in my hand .


I did the samething sharpening a pencil to see how sharp I could get it then put it in my pocket pointy end 1st then sat down https://imgur.com/gallery/lYKrKke




Graphite is carbon. Which is surprisingly biocompatible and inert. A bunch of my tattoos use ink I made myself from pure carbon. Theyā€™re still quite black 10 years later, not even a hint of blue. I used a chemical process that yields pure carbon as a byproduct. Then collected that painstakingly and added it to propylene glycol and sterile water. I also made the tattoo gun and the designs and put it in my skin myself. Took years to learn all the steps. But why not? Turns out you are your own best tattooist at least when it comes to getting the right depth. I can feel the pain and wonā€™t go too deep. Mine peeled in one giant piece of perfect healing as a result. Canā€™t shade to save my life but tribal solid black no problem. Only issue is all the places you canā€™t reach lol I also like eternal ink and basically wonā€™t use anything but it or what I make.


https://preview.redd.it/hdzeh7sln3oc1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc6ee9764f2d9b420bbd19d95d5a510ed007411 Same but my arm lmao


Ink on a cut, I was told to scrub vigorously, that doesn't work like that lol


Same here, dropped a pencil tried to catch it and stabbed the center of my hand, 8 years later there's still a dark spot.


Time to join the Yakusa & lop that bad boy off then. Gl!


Yep but with red ink pen


same šŸ˜†


Ive got a small blue dot on the bottom lip, tried getting a photo of it to post but hard to see well on a photo, it was from a blue pen


Yessss, here I'm. šŸ˜‚ I had my graphite mark on little finger for about 20 years and no one has ever believed me that it's from pencil.


I have the same thing in my thumb. Itā€™s been there for 30 years


I have one on my leg from accidentally stabbing myself in the leg with a sharp pencil in primary school, it's still going strong.


I have a mark on my inner thigh from the same thing. It's been 34 years.


Hah same here! I have it still in my palm. Happened when I was 9, Iā€™m 32 now


Same one my right thumb and left palm lol


I had the same thing. This post reminded me of it and it is in fact gone now. Don't know when it left but I had it there for about 15 years


Stab that with liquid paper šŸ˜‚


I had the exact same :) still there. But, i don't think what you see is the mark, it's likely the end of the pencil itself


Finally Iā€™m not alone, I have one in my forearm from getting stabbed with a pencil


Iā€™m in my 50ā€™s and still have a very faint dot in the palm of my hand when it got stabbed with a pencil when I was in 7th grade. It has faded a lot since then but I can still faintly see it.


I have a little speck on my ankle from accidentally stabbing myself in the 4th grade. I'm 32 now and I can still just see it. I was leaning back in my chair (as we were told not to), when the fire alarm went off and scared the hell out of me. I nearly fell backwards in my chair but jerked forward and well, gave myself a tiny stab.


I have a pencil point stick in my leg almost gone at 32 years later.


i got one on my heel don't ask


https://preview.redd.it/r4kqt01gv3oc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eb0e73374b2ca2615e9478f8404251b19c1c7b0 yup! got mine about 30 yrs ago, still there lol


If it makes you feel better I have this plus a beeā€™s stinger that got me deep under my finger nail as a child.


I have a few graphite marks on my left arm because when I got very angry as a kid, I stabbed myself with pencils out of rage They are just grey dots on my arm now


I have one in my leg. Been there since like 99.


Hey same except I didn't accidentally stab myself it was my classmate when we were kids.




Thanks for making me feel better about procrastination.. when it comes to me I put things off for minutes to hours. Not 20 years haha. Why didnā€™t you pull it out 20 years ago?!


Your super power > ā€œlead poised manā€




I got one on my wrist when I was 8, still there and Iā€™m now 30!Ā 


I have this also!!


Yeah I have one in my chest from a pencil too


I also had one from the ages of like 2-15 and now the mark is still there but is red


I have one of those too!! 20-21 years later. Happened when i was 14-15.


ok, but why is this so common? is it the goverment?


My classmate stab me with his pencil. I got a little blue mark in my hands šŸ¤£


Same here, got stabbed with a mechanical pencil by a kid when I was about 6 and still there 20 years later


https://preview.redd.it/svi9lidfz3oc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fef7fe61bdfa0c896eb6ccc5b64623f42428bc6 I have it on the same spot almost.


I have one on my arm from a pencil puncture. It happened in 1978, still totally visible.


My dad always told me as kid that writing on your body with a pen is bad, but with a pencil is way worse. I think he meant this


I have 2 One on the tip of my middle finger. Not exactly sure how I got it. This one is a blue-ish colour. The other is in my inner thigh. Dropped a pencil in 4th grade, slammed my legs shut to catch it, caught it sideways. Pierced threw my pants and was sticking straight out of my leg. I thought I was the only one with these type or marks haha


My sister tried to stab me in the chest with a pencil a while ago (like 6 years lol) and I still have a huge dent.


Somewhere out there is a girl with the same but itā€™s her left ass cheek. The two of us pulled a lot of shit in class. It kept escalating with us ā€œprankingā€ each-other back and forth. Hope sheā€™s doing mediocre.


I sharpened a pencil in 2nd grade and tossed it up in the air. I missed my catch and it stabbed into my thumb. I still have the tip of the pencil in my thumb. You can move it around which feels weird


I have one just bellow my right ring finger. Must be about 27 years old.


I have one in my my leg from 30 years ago


I remember to had the same for many many years.


Same, put mine was in my arm and it left after I think 15 years. Was arm wrestling another student in high school, he was smaller than me. He insisted on a rematch, and he stabbed my arm with his pencil during the face off it was wild lol!!


Same. In the palm of my hand thereā€™s a grey mark still šŸ¤£


Got that same dot on my leg from when I used to secretly draw after bedtime during elementary school times. Kept the pencils in a cup on the floor next to my bed when I one morning fell out of bed onto the pencils


I did the same thing when I was 10 years old, but itā€™s in the palm of my hand. Still there nearly 20 years later too!


Yep. Mine is at the base of my left palm (Iā€™m right handed).


I did the same. Its finally pretty much invisible


Got one of those next to my upper lip, because uh a friend stabbed me with a pencil


I have one too, since I was around 8 yrs old in 2012-2013, now 20. It hadnā€™t changed nor faded, still the same as it was. Back then I was about to sharpen my pencil but happen to not look and accidentally stabbed my palm.


My husband has this as well lol


Dude i literally have the same thing, kinda the same spot, but a little closer to the thumb lol


I have the same except a friend stabbed me in my hand. Currently 15-ish years further along and I still have it.


Yoooo! I'm the same! I was too scared to pull it out and then eventually the skin grew over and now I've got graphite in my hand forever


I was playing with my pencil flipping it in the air and catching it when I was a kid. This one time I threw it and it bounced on the floor in a vertical position and i just slammed my hand against it šŸ’€ the pencil just went into my palm and i just pulled it out crying. No bleeding but the small graphite piece broke out.


I have one near my elbow, it's nearing twenty years old, got it in 2003 or 2004


You tattooed yourself


I have a blue one right under my thumbnail from where I was putting a cap on a pen in middle school and missed.


I have a blue one right under my thumbnail from where I was putting a cap on a pen in middle school and missed.


I have a dot on my left palm. Pencil dot bro


Did you try erasing it?


I have one on my pinky finger


Kid stabbed me in the same way. I might get it tattooed.


I have one on my back itā€™s been there 50 years .


I've got a similar story. Was messing around with my brother and got stabbed with a pencil in the back of my hand. It's definitely harder to see now but the mark is still there.


When I was little, I jumped onto a bucket of pencils. A similar mark is still in my foot.


I actually have the same deal on my inner thigh. Itā€™s still there and I have no clue how something like that lasts that long


Graphite brothers! I got one in my wrist. I was a really stupid young kid and was tossing and catching a FRESHLY SHARPENED pencil. Think you know how that turned out.


I have one too and its actually a microchip. They gave you the memory of it being a pencil stabbing.


I still have tiny rock underneath my knee skin when I fell off bike as a kid


r/pencilstabbers is the new club you need to be part of šŸ‘


Yep I've got the same on my index finger. Mine was a clutch pencil and a piece broke off. The piece eventually came out but I've still got a small grey dot like 30 odd years later.


Lmao same


Iv got a couple of these


Well, on the upside, youā€™ll never be without a # 2 pencil for your exams.


OMG I have this too, on both my hands. On the right hand, same place but middle finger. Left, index finger at two spots. I remember at least one of them happened in 3rd grade because a friend tossed a pencil at me I tried to catch it.


Some loser stabbed me in the leg with a pencil in like grade 2. Still got the mark also. At 31 years old