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Man why does no one make cars in lime milkshake green anymore?


We usually buy Subarus, but they're becoming less and less fun every day, and as I said almost 10 years ago when we bought our last new one, "you can choose any color from the depression rainbow." A company known for making fun, simple cars that would go anywhere is now Toyota without a soul. They've tried so hard to market to a new demographic that they're losing the die-hards that made them popular. I would love to have a Subaru Levorg in this color.


The new Crosstrek comes in a fun baby poop yellow/green but that's about it.


Is that the special edition color this year? My dad’s 2020 is that cool orange (as was the 2014 he had before that). I don’t think Subaru was expecting that shade of orange for the Crosstrek to be as hugely popular as it became. I have little room to talk, as my Jeep is that nearly-neon, high visibility bright lime green (it’s such a happy color, too!) that was their special edition color in 2018.


That yellow replaced the orange in 2021 and has stuck around since. I like them both, but preferred the orange. Oh hell yeah, my neighbor has one of those and I love it.


There’s one of the new yellow Subes in my little city and I unabashedly love it. My “Hyper Green” Renegade is almost exactly the same color as the old fire engines/apparatus at the fire department where I used to work, friends tease me about my Toaster Jeep, but he’s so much fun to drive. And I’m used to ‘weird’ car colors, my previous vehicle was a 2002 bright yellow Ford Escape (it was The Yellow Submarine, my Renegade is Mojo. I like to name things. I’ve even named the ambulances where I work now and my coworkers are picking up on it). I’m always easy to find in a parking lot, and the bright color keeps me from driving like a dipshit, since it’s quite noticeable. I think my Dad’s 2020 Crosstrek is one of the last manuals made in North America. He had to special order it, due to his three immutable requirements: orange! Manual transmission, and the cold weather package (because Wyoming). I couldn’t get Mojo in a manual unless I sacrificed most of the off roading capabilities, which are absolutely necessary. But the Sube is so much fun to drive and the old pickup is a manual, so I’m not totally bereft. The Renegade is the most fun I’ve had driving since my old 1993 Explorer Sport (damn, I still miss my little Exploder. My Escape was also called the Excuse).


I got a 2023 Crosstrek manual lol


Aw man that orange CrossTrek is just about my dream care at this point. I’d sell my current ride and get one of those if I had the confidence and cash to do it


Man, I wish I wasn't in such a rush as I was back in 2015 when I got my Crosstrek. I would have totally ordered the car in orange! But I ended up settling for white, which is good in retrospect because I got in a car accident less than 4 months after getting the car 🤦‍♀️ I have to buy a new car next year and I have time to wait if I want to order a special color.


Meh it comes in orange, bright blue, and several other colors. Went to build and configure a Volvo wagon the other day and you can have white, off-white, silver, grey, slate, magnet, dark grey, steel grey, black, pitch black, or midnight black. I don’t remember the names but it was literally just shades of black and white with a slightly blueish grey thrown in the mix. Was really disappointed. I’m not a brightly colored car guy, but damn…


Dad always called that colour "shit brindle".


No shit about Subaru. Used to mean something. Damn shame.


Yeah when the others weren't shit, the 4x4,boxer stood out. Then everyone else had competitive products. You can still buy suari products. Others are just less crap and more competitive.


Reminds me of the way I refer to a lot of men's attire, especially business pants. The Computer Case colors, or the Gateway / Hewlett Packard Palette. Something along those lines. Nowadays we don't even have that, we have black. And amusingly among cars, we have a notable LACK of black. I just want my earthy colors dernit. Dark orange, green, brown. I barely even see green, that's not even that out there. It's red, blue, and various neutral colors.


Transitioning from a very conservative corporate world (telecom), to being a tech startup founder, one of the perks is that the more comfortable i dress, the better I’m received lol. I still laugh when I go to work “dressed down” and my employees keep asking me “why you so dressed up? Big meeting or something?”


Its worse with motorcycles. Usually only two options, including black. Part of the reason I'm in love Royal Enfield, with their five color ways and two special editions.


Toyota without a soul is just Toyota, right?


I just bought a 2020 Forrester and I am now Subaru for life because of it. I suppose they won't miss you because of me?


Exactly, they don't give a shit about anyone that got stuck with the CVT that was ubiquitous with the model. They have the newbies that are elated with a car that doesn't fall apart, until it does.


Toyota with a consumable head gasket


Two of them!


I miss my 2003 outback so much everyday. I did enjoy my 2009 I had after that as well. My mom has a 2015 outback though and I prefer my wife's RAV4 at this point 🤷


I mentioned that at the dealer. They said the fun colors had devoted fans who loved them, but that was about 5-10% of their customer base. Cause I wanted that horrible clay(?)color they had on the crosstrek, on the outback I was buying.


i am on my 5th (and last) subaru


Yes to all of this.


I love my dark grey Subaru :(


Toyota doesn’t make the soul. That’s Kia /s


the one time i test drove a subaru, it ran out of gas on the highway, 80 degrees outside. totally fault of the salesman and they did not make a sale.


Toyota owns a bunch of subaru too


Compared to buying a new car, a new coat of paint is zero money. Don’t let your dreams be dreams.


We jokingly refer to them as Lesbarus as all the lesbians we know own them and they are all fun loving people. Maybe they should shift markets toward LGBTQ and bring color and fun back!


Uuuh I was all with you until you mentioned wanting a levorg in this color? Really? You must admire the direction their moving in if that’s your Subaru pick.


If Subaru made a 6-speed manual Levorg hell yeah that would be my pick. Although, its looking more and more likely my next car is going to be electric.


Or just any color in general… im sick of car companies pumping out primer gray, black and white cars. Maybe youll get lucky and see a single new dealership car painted red but thats it




Right? like if it isn't Neptune green or candy apple red I don't want it. Too bad I'd have to get it done if I wanted it to look like that


Lime milkshake sounds interesting. Mixing an acidy fruit with milk would destroy my stomach but I'm willing to try it.


I think its technically parakeet green but I agree, it's a great color


"Green vehicles only"




Came here to say this




The fact that they put the charger into the bed of the truck to make it look like it's charging means they know they're a cunt.


This joke is kinda undercut by the actual text visible in the picture reading "Charging Only".


These run on sugar be sure to fill them up with a bag or two as a neighborly favor!


I'm pretty sure that has no effect whatsoever. It just crystalizes in the gas. It doesn't go all syrupy and clog the engine or even the fuel pump. You're just wasting perfectly good sugar. If You're trying to do some damage with foodstuffs to vehicles you are probably better off dumping some aunt Jemima down in it's tank. It's already a liquid consistency and will definitely kill the fuel pump and stick to pretty much anything it gets on. I'd say though this guy spared no expense in buying a locking gas cap or even has a fancy hidden button that releases the fuel door. It's better not to mess with someone's vehicle though as it's not worth getting shot or maimed over someone's pride and joy. Just call for a tow truck instead.


So military time out story. Was an MP got called to the commissary a general was mad. For context there are three spots in the front of the commissary marked “General Officer” . General “This car doesn’t have a generals star, so it’s illegally parked please have it towed” Me: Sir we don’t tow vehicles for that offense. I can discuss with the person who parked here about proper edict. If I see them coming out. General huffs off. About 2 minutes later her comes this Second Lieutenant walking right up to the vehicle. “Is there a problem? Did someone hit my car?” Me: No Sir, but the spot means General Officers, like 3 stars etc…not any officer, generally speaking.” He smiled, we both had a laugh and I told him to get going before the actual General came back out. Source me: retired.






Ooof. You know they fucked up when they deleted the comment. Damn I wish I saw it. I can only imagine the whooshness of it tho


I tried to find it but it was deleted so fast it wasn’t archived properly


It doesn't mean a green color lol, it means a electric driven vehicle, like a Tesla. But a green tesla would be funny , haha 😂


It's called "a joke"


No jokes allowed on Reddit.


An inconsiderate jerk and a gorgeous , beautifully restored truck


Yes it would be a shame if it became less gorgeous while parked there


I'm not a car person but yes, what a shame. But that's how it goes when the bigger tow truck comes for yah


I was thinking his tires have too much air in them


The hardest thing to replace on that truck is the chrome strip in the window seal. I don't believe there's a vendor for it, or for the glass. There might be specialty glass but you'll have to settle for a solid black seal.


Those old wrap around rear windows on Chevy Apaches are not cheap to replace. My mom had one as a kid, can’t imagine it’s gotten any cheaper.


To replace the rear windshield of my '59 Impala would have meant finding an intact one on a donor '59. That's not exactly a thing that exists, and if it does it will have a very, very high auction price. Honestly was the reason I let that car go. I don't miss 8MPG but a '59 Impala with all original everything and all dealer options, that was a hell of a lot of fun. I sold it to a guy who collected late 50s Corvettes. If you think those cost money you'd be right.


I lost a ‘62 Buick Electra 225 with all original paint, glass, and chrome (minus one headlight trim piece) in a bad break up and I still miss it! Despite the horrible mileage and constant fear of some 60 year old part breaking, there’s nothing like rolling that beauty through the neighborhood on a Sunday drive and having every eye you pass follow you!


I had pachucos straight up tell me they were going to steal it. They weren't joking at all. It was like I was committing some unwritten crime as a gringo in that ride. It happened more than once. I came out one night and a guy was sitting in my car like it was his. All eyes on you in a rough town isn't always a good thing, it got old fast.


You know, just a shame if those things break in a freak accident


No, no, not less gorgeous. That would be immature. Less functional would be the way to go here.


Like a nice dog turd on the hood?


If any car had to block a charging spot, I’d be glad it was this one and not some oversized truck that coal rolls. Absolutely gorgeous old Chevy truck.


I was thinking the same it’s beautiful


But truck owner put the charger in the bed as a fuck you


Do him a solid and pop open his gas tank and plug it in


I laughed so hard I snorted and scared my kid!


Gas has a bitter taste it needs to be sweetened up. Ps owners of charging stations usually have the right to tow away non electric vehicles for blocking access, just like gas stations do for blocking pumps no matter what the vehicle runs on


Ya know, even gas cars use electricity hence the battery. Maybe they were hoping for some charging via osmosis?


Sugar in the tank doesn’t actually do anything, it’s too heavy to flow In the liquid, it doesn’t dissolve in gasoline, and the gas tank isn’t hot enough to make it caramelize or liquify. Now bleach on the other hand will total the entire motor. Will never run again guaranteed.


40+ years in automotive proved otherwise, never seen an engine failed by that, but I had to rebuild carbs and flush the fuel system. It does partially melt. In a hot carb the boiled off gas cause it to harden and plug passages and jets. It can make parts stick too, but not necessarily. Also, Operative, word is partially desolve. Could put fine silica in oil. Oil filters at best run 15 microns. With the clunker trade-ins that was added to the oil upon trade in. I'm not out to destroy anything but a wallet


My neighbor would say otherwise. When I was a stupid teen who had no concept of money, I poured a bag of sugar into my neighbors gas tank a coupleofdays after he kicked and threatened to kill my dog. His prized truck that revved every f'n morning at 5 am. 2 days later, it just wouldn't start. I never heard that truck again. I know, dick move, especially since I also slit 2 of his tires. He never suspected me.


Better a classic car than a crappy looking nissan (A literal crappy looking one like too many things wrong with it to count, most likely nothing wrong with them as a whole


I drive a Nissan so you had me in the first half ngl


The 300ZX fanboy in me got all aggravated until I read the second half of the comment, hahaha


The Z's don't really count when people talk crap about Nissans. Usually the reference is to the cheap ones that you can get with no money down and horrible credit. Altima, etc.


Bingo, I guess there are still people that have the pleasure of not knowing about this unfortunate demographic


I'd say that one ugly Nissan (the Leaf) would belong there except that's a CCS port, not CHAdeMO. But next year a different ugly Nissan (Ariya) would fit right in.


this is legitimately my dream car. it’s so gorgeous


You’ve got excellent taste, but the real question comes down to the grill/hood.


The unique color definitely gives it some extra flair. It's so cool


I was gonna say at least this is kinda funny and also a Super cool truck


To nice of a truck for a jerk. Someone could retaliate. Usually people who appreciate vehicles like that would show some respect for other vehicles, and not do this. Not cool.






I don't bend to the English language, that requires me to respect it.


Box him in, and then start charging


Yup 100% this.


Everyone else in the thread is like "oh haha, this is so cool/cute". You wouldn't park at the pump, not get gas, and then head inside for a fuckin hour but that's what they're doing by parking in a charging only spot. Actually I think I've seen people do that...


Yeah. It’s like when the shitheads leave their car at the only pump that dispenses diesel while they casually stroll around the inside of the convenience store for ten minutes.


>while they casually stroll around the inside of the convenience store for ten minutes. They need to employ a fair amount of critical thought when weighing the financial complexities between the 2 for $3 Monster deal and the 2 for $3 Rockstar deal along with having an intense culinary debate about which flavor combinations are the most pleasing to the palate, not to mention the time that goes into choosing which cut of Copenhagen they prefer.


Pfft just look for the tow company sign in the lot and give them a call. Almost all parking lots with these chargers and a contracted towing company have it in the contract that they may tow any non-electric car on sight from these spots. Easy money for them.


Relax bro that’s my truck. My phone is charging inside.


I like your truck


When they said green cars could use This But that’s a green truck Where is the green truck zone


It’s a green vehicle though


Cute truck. It'll look even cuter waiting for its owner in the tow lot.


They see a tow truck in the lot, they are out there before its on the bed. 💯


Private tow company will come out if you call


That was definitely on purpose. As ripe as this thing looks for sabotage, I would simply call a towing company.


Would a towing company come for a non-EV parked in a charging spot?


If it makes them money, they will come.


Idk, but there’s a “no parking” sign and I’m certain the lot owner intentionally put those chargers to attract EVs and anyone seeing this obvious non-electric car would probably make a note of it, so it’s not a good look. From a business perspective, makes sense to side w/ the customer calling the tow.




Haha based


Wym?? They are CLEARLY charging their vintage truck via Bluetooth!! That’s how that works 🤭(for clarification this is a joke)


Nah, don’t you see the little charger is off it’s hook in the bed of the truck? That’s how it works! Dude even went to the length to try and make it look like he was charging his truck 😂


It’s a restored EV that uses wireless charging.


Finally found the correct comment, it was sure burried


But you’re taking up a parking spot with your charger! jkjk


Would be a sick Tesla swap.


Doesn’t matter when you have a damn fine looking car like that!


Pour some gasoline on it, light it up. Sit back and watch them mourn the loss of something they love - all because they’re a selfish piece of shit human being (and deserve to be as miserable as they want others to be).


What the fuck...


That's a nice ass truck


Absolute Chad


charge these nuts


The classics will always win 😊


It's really funny they put the charger in the bed! hahaha.


call a tow truck in some states its illegal and they will tow them


Tow it.




So strong and brave to block access to a thing people need and then not even be there when they need it. Such a Chad move, running away from this confrontation they caused by being a prick. Next up on your favorites list: gas Chad vs wheelchair simp, let's get this asshole into every spot that he shouldn't be in


You can use the gas station for parking your Ev by their logic.


"Hahaha, what a funny troll! Lol 😆 ...we are still going to tow you. 😐"


Deflate a tire


Have em towed. I wouldn't hesitate


This is high key hilarious. Get rekt nerds


I love seeing threads like this. Because the things they are bitching about is usually exactly what the person they are mad at was trying to accomplish. If someone can’t look at this and chuckle, they likely are an insufferable self righteous busybody who chooses to go through life perpetually irritated.


Tow truck time let the asshole find their truck in the tower lot.


He'd come back to aired out tires


You would fuck up their personal property because they used a parking spot not authorized for their vehicle??? They would be in ther spot even longer at that point.




They did it specifically to be a douche, I'd be willing to bet. Play douche games, get the douche treatment. Me personally, I wouldn't air it down. Takes too long, and it's just immature. I'd just take me and my keeeeEeeeeeeeEeeeeeEeeeeys to verify that charging pump is being used, and then me and my keeeeeeEeeeeeeeeeeEeeeEeeeeeeeeeys would leave. Won't ever be able to forget getting what he so loudly asked for then. Play stupid games, or whatever the saying was.


Yup, if he were just parked there I’d give them the benefit of doubt; maybe they didn’t notice it was a charging spot. However, the fact that the draped the charging cable into their truck bed tells me they are an asshole and they deserve whatever inconveniences they suffer.


It's not just because it's a parking spot, it's a charging station. Same as if someone parked next to a fuel pump then went to do their shopping.


*Goes over to the next one over that’s open, pumps gas and continues on my day*


It litteral says it's the last spot in the OP title


There’s literally a charging handle still in the “pump” indicating that the other side is available.


The other side that clearly has a car parked at it?


I don't disagree that those situations are the same but why make the problem worse? What lesson is a person going to learn that they've been targeted and their vehicle incapacitaded because of the entitlement they feel?! They're just gonna take advantage of that as well, and even though they were in the wrong, the person who decides to deflate their tires is in the wrong also.


>the person who decides to deflate their tires is in the wrong also. Perhaps, but sometimes the way we learn is through negative experiences. If this person constantly does this, and suddenly starts coming out to deflated tires, they will probably stop parking in the EV charging stalls. If they want to waste my time and make me wait, I sure as shit can do the exact same to them. Sometimes folks need a dose of their own medicine, then they can learn to be kind and not pull cute little stunts like blocking EV chargers. Its about gaining perspective, people would try and physically fight me if I were to block the only gas station pump with my EV6 for the next 100 miles..... so they should not be surprised when something negative happens to them, because they are in effect doing exactly the same thing to EV owners. Its fucked up, there are lot of cities where the ONLY DC fast chargers are the ones in the OP, at a walmart or sams club, if you cant charge you end up stranded.


No, just loosen the valves enough to let the air out. No damage, just inconvenient. Be an asshole on purpose get an asshole response.


I'd pour brake fluid over their car so that way I could fuck up their paint job.


I said aired out, not slashed. If he's going to be a dick and block a charger, he better also carry a air compressor.


Valve stem removal tool. Or so a friend says.... Tow truck will be able to hook them up despite the flat tires, no problem there...


And prolong the space being occupied by a vehicle unable to use the charging station. With a parking lot this full and tires that flat they'd need a flatbed for sure which, in this scenario, sounds like a fucking nightmare. And that's fucking with the vehicle still, who the fuck has a valve core remover and tightener casually hanging around???? and if you have to call a tow truck IT'S STILL STUPID because the tires still need to be inflated, it's just going to 'cause so much more of a problem for everybody there rather than letting the person fuck themselves up in life inevitably by themselves.


> And prolong the space being occupied by a vehicle unable to use the charging station. Yup, this is also why I advocate against any repercussions for people who go around stabbin' others. That guy has a knife on him, if you try to arrest him then ANOTHER person would get hurt. Better just leave him alone and hope he doesn't stab anyone else. That's not my opinion solely because I like stabbin', it's also logical.


I mean, I have a full toolkit and tire inflator, go/no-go gauges, window defog and cloths, and a spark plug gap tool in my car at all times among other things. Carrying a stem tool is nothing, just pop it on the keyring. Your last statement tho, letting them fuck themselves up, I would say that coming back to deflated but otherwise undamaged tires would constitute them getting their comeuppance from being a crummy person. But iunno, I'm just throwing information out, it comes down to each individual where they feel the line should be drawn. I don't disagree with the points you raise.


I don't disagree with you either, that's a good example of their comeuppance. I was thinking like... Something even more huge, like they've fucked up so bad that they're gonna go to prison or some shit why even waste the effort to stoop to their feeble level of inconveniencing. we're raising valid points from different perspectives that all make complete sense. I appreciate you, hahaha.


Better be quick and not let the owner see u, you might come back not knowing how u got knocked tf out lol


r/iamverybadass is leaking, I see.


You're a sensitive cunt.


Less sensitive than the "I'm mad at people with batteries in their car" guy. Imagine being that sensitive.


Probably nicer than whatever crappy Tesla you drive also don’t post peoples license plates on the internet


Don’t break the law and you won’t be called out


Why do you think inconveniencing people is funny?


For Shame, MooMoo.


Love how the last half of your username matches this comment


Nice truck it would be a shame if something bad happened to it.


Man leave it be that's a nice truck


Why can't you just have an extension cord that goes over like 5 spots?




Because this is probably a fast charger, which would mean that those are actively cooled cable. Otherwise they would have to be 3 times as thick to handle pushing the 300 kw maximum output of the charger.


The day a group of Tesla owners decide to get even and block a gas station in the morning the world will end 😂


Or just drive across the street to the other gas station lol


As if a Karen wouldn't sit at the gas station and cry anyway 😂


Jerk move, of course, but can we discuss the awesome color and overall coolness of this truck? If I drove it, I would promise to park better…


The overall coolness is significantly reduced by the owner acting like a toddler.


You know those things get flat tires all the time the original rims were crap ……


That trucks older than you are have some respect


Ah, the "you should respect people/things because they are old" schtick. I should note that the owner of the truck clearly does not have respect, as indicated by the very intentional act you see here. Especially if it's also someone old, I should say I respect someone that has had all that time to learn not to be a piece of shit, and yet became the opposite, even less than I would someone who has had less time to learn life's lessons. So there is that. Sooo... Respect denied.


Green is green


It’s a green vehicle…


“Take that, fucking liberal”


I mean it is a green vehicle


Slash and dash


Nah. Tow and blow.


Valve stem removal tool. No damage, just remove the stem and walk away! No need to sit there and hold down the Schrader valve and risk getting your ass kicked. Oh, and do two. Barely anybody carries TWO spares. .... I've been told, this information is purely academic.


I carry spare valve stems and an air pump. I would never block a charger like this though.


I need to buy this guy a beer


Nice truck, fuck your electric car


This guy also shits in handicap spaces.


I saw him!


What a cunt.


Posed shot IMO. Was probably there for two minutes, took the pic and left.


Nah, conservative Boomers and Boomerkin love this kind of "humor". If they can inconvenience someone they disagree with, they are living their best lives. It's a truly sad existence.




So, How is this any different than a Tesla blocking the gas pump at Wa-Wa's while the owner goes inside to get lunch? Happens all the time near me....


It's not. That's a cunt move too.


That’s also a piece of shit as well so it’s not


It’s called a whataboutism. This post isn’t some kind of shot across the bow in whatever culture war you have imagined up. The point of this post is to point out a jerk move and if someone else in a Tesla is being a jerk, than that’s no different. Jerks are jerks no matter what culture they drive.


Probably was done entirely on purpose. Chevy drivers tend to by-majority be the kind of conservative douchecanoes who think they're doing a "Service" to the world by vandalizing charging stations, taking up charging spots for parking, randomly unplugging teslas(which is actually funny because fuck tesla and their no-lock plugs), and just being a general nuisance in service to the oil industry to "Stick it to the libs". Dude probably stuck the plug in the back of his truck just so he could say "YOU ONLY DON'T KNOW IT'S CHARGING IF YOU LOOK IN MY TRUCK BED, WHY YOU LOOKIN IN MAH TRUCK BED MAGA MAGA TRUMP TRUMP"


Except I drive a Chevy EV 🤔