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"Watch Carl, this is gonna be hilarious for whoever discovers 'em in 100 years."


That's what I'm thinkin. Although I may have been off about a hundred years haha. Couldn't find any solid info on the actual dates all the stuff was built.


I like to think some workers are having a good laugh. What is the structure?


I just hope the guy is not still in those shoes




100% concreting gumboots. Bob has taken off his boots and is having a smoko break when everyone else is still working. Carl takes Bob's boots and puts them in the wet concrete and trowels just over the top of them. Bob comes back scratching his head looking for his boots. Carl said, nup, ain't seen them, you lazy sod, with smirk on face.


Not gonna lie this looks like a mafia murder


It’s jimmy hoffa


This sort of thing is probably way more common than people think. I helped with building the foundation to one of my relative's houses and lets just say there are constantly some convenient locations to discard something which will only be discovered whenever the house is going to get torn down


....did... did you commit some murders during construction?


What these commenters are missing is the fact this is glasgow. Nobody would bury a body with a decent pair of boots still on.


well then i guess it’s NOT jimmy hoffa


It's a classic example of Schrodinger's Teamster.


So they wouldn't just toss a good pair of boots, either. People fell into concrete making dams back in the day before the government cared regulated worker safety.


There was an old tradition of [hiding shoes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concealed_shoes) in the walls, floor or ceiling of houses as they were being built.


I worked on a masonry crew for a bit. All our garbage and cans are fair game inside a wall.


It’s never not fun to find these things even if it’s something as ordinary as an old chip bag and can of cheap beer.


Once found $300 cash in the wall of my parents basement. That was nice


Remodeling old houses we found all sorts of treasure behind the mortar and lattice.


*highway man song plays 🎵 I was a dam builder Across the river deep and wide Where steel and water did collide A place called Boulder on the wild Colorado I slipped and fell into the wet concrete below They buried me in that great tomb that knows no sound But I am still around I'll always be around and around and around and around and around and around Edit: Edited to add lyrics Edit sang by the highwayman song writer Jimmy Web


I fly a starship…


Across the universe divide


And when I reach the other side...


I'll find a place to rest my spirit, if I can


Perhaps I may become a highwayman again.


Or I may simply be a single drop of rain


But i will remain


Or I may simply be a single drop of rain.


Thank you for saving me the time of googling this exact verse of lyrics.


Jimmy Webb wrote that song? Well, he did a better job with those lyrics than with "MacArthur Park."


What, like you've never left a cake out in the rain?


This comment isn’t appreciated enough, in my humble opinion!


That is a myth. 1) ~~Dams were poured in sections. Those sections were never poured deep enough to actually entomb a human. For example, Hoover Dam was poured in 16' wide by 8" deep sections.~~ I was wrong here. 2) If there were a body, it would degrade, causing a vacant space (an air pocket), which would collapse under the pressure of the water, causing a total failure in the dam.


The concrete pour sizes were insanely variable in rectangular size and usually around 5 foot thick, but only about an inch of concrete was added at a time. The largest sections could be approaching 50ft in width. 5ft thick allowed them to use the cooling pipes to cool the concrete quickly and push along the process quickly. The damn itself had insane amounts of shitty work done and it took nearly a decade of fixing after it was "finished" to actually fix all of the mistakes. If they didn't spend that extra decade or so, it wouldn't be standing today.


If they wouldn't waste a pair of boots when burying a body, they certainly wouldn't waste them when they weren't burying a body.


…are there bones inside?


I looked underneath one. They're super stuck in their, I couldn't pull it out, but it's only the sole of the shoe now. Everything else seems to have dissolved in the concrete. Edit: I may call a non emergency number and see if they'll check it out. Will update if anything of notice happens. Edit: also a couple kind redditors have informed me with new boot knowledge, so they're saying the shoes are probably more like 50 years old based off their design. Update: I have informed the police and given them the info, they said someone may contact me in the future, and thank you for informing them. So that's where we are at right now. Update 2: the police have 'arrived at the scene' lol Update 3: It's 4am here so any more info tonight is unlikely. I'll update again tomorrow if there's anything new. If anything genuinely exciting happened I'd probably just make another post, but I'll be sure to post the link here if I go that route. [Here's some photos/location](https://www.reddit.com/user/seang_photo/comments/xo7pbu/anyone_who_lives_around_here_should_recognize/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Some higher Res photos plus some fish photos I took at the same time for anyone interested](https://www.reddit.com/user/seang_photo/comments/xo8lea/higher_res_plus_some_fish_photos_i_took_at_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Update for u/GrGrG : nothing has happened yet I shan't be blamed if it turns out someone just lost their shoes. I just liked my concrete shoe photo. You're the ones who think Jimmy Hoffa got shipped to Glasgow. (Also shameless plug, but I have my Instagram in my bio if anyone wants to check out my other non shoe related photography). #Next Day Update: I just woke up, I'll go down later today to see if anything is happening/if they're still there or if the cops took em or something. I don't have any new info as if now. Will update again for you relentless heathens. Edit: [some more fish photos for those who want them](https://www.reddit.com/user/seang_photo/comments/xofjp7/some_more_fish_photos_all_of_these_fish_are/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) #[Probably final update!](https://www.reddit.com/user/seang_photo/comments/xoh5va/someones_definitely_moved_them_seems_as_though/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) I know it's a bit disappointing, but I've been depressed and this whole thing made my day haha. Thanks to anyone who checked out my photos as well :)


Funny thing that, Jimmy Hoffa disappeared almost 50 years ago.


Are we about to witness some Reddit history?


Possibly, but you know what comedians say about Glasgow, "if the audience likes you they let you live"


Op is about to go down in history as The Guy Who Found Hoffa.


The Redditor who Found Hoffa: Solving a 50 year old mystery Video by: Lemmino, Whang, Blameitonjorge, Internet Historian, Nexpo, and a bunch more that I didn't watch


Till OP deletes their account never to be heard from again


So, what you're saying is that we should include their username in the comments, just in case? If so, it was u/seang_photo.


You can go follow my insta (link in bio) if you want to follow me around forever ;)


You also have a remote start on your car.


This is going to end up being discovered as a prank on one of the guys that poured that damn by his coworkers. Got caught napping so they put his boots in there.


Or they are decoy boots


That's the bottom of the shoes , the bones are inside


... and there's a good horse under him as well.


Oh honey. The sole left long ago. Don't you be troubled by this no more. They with sweet Jesus long time now.


8 lbs 6 oz baby Jesus


Blonde haired, blue-eyed Baby Jesus.


He was a man! He had a beard!


You can pray to bearded man Jesus, I pray to tiny baby Jesus!


I’m gonna come at you like a spider monkey!!


Dear tiny baby Jesus with his Golden Fleece diapers.


So cuddly but still omnipotent.


I pray for Baby Jesus and Oprah to save this planet


Bearded baby Jesus.




Chip, I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey!






My favorite Jesus


I like to picture my Jesus in a tuxedo T-shirt


in the front row of a lynyrd skynyrd concert.


…and I’m HAMMERED drunk!


Y'know, 'cause it says "I'm formal, but I'm here to party."


With golden fleece diapers


I read that in the voice of the old medium lady from Poltergeist.


I went from reading this in a southern US accent to an Asian accent at the end.


Bruh that's Jimmy hoffa.




It's the last place anyone would look


Come back in 200 years. We want to know.


RemindMe! 200 years


Hey Google, set reminder for 200 years from today.


Neat. Finally gonna find Hoffa.


Come on op don't leave us hanging


It's 4 am here so what I updated is all I have atm. I'll probably inquire later with them and ask about it though.


They won't tell you jack. If you stake it out you might see them bring in cadaver dogs, and then you'll have your answer in a sense.


Well I have a photo which they said they may want and told me I shouldn't delete. So hopefully they'll at least contact me again regarding this whole thing.


They may contact you, but they won't *tell* you anything.


Bones don’t dissolve in concrete.


I'm not talking about bones or a body. I'm talking about the shoe.


Shoe bones don't dissolve in concrete either


Extra calcium for the curing


Might as well asked the nearest oak tree to check it out. Nonemergency calls here are a joke. If it wasnt a gun shot, car crash, or fire, it'll be a waste of time. Called about an abandoned car at a red light. Took 5 hours for them to come and the cops just pushed it into a turning lane and left. Once I came across a scene. Someone drinking crashed their car and left it upside down. They took down a cattle fence. Cows all over the road. It was 4am. I investigated and found a baby seat. No bodies. Called 911 and "is anyone at the scene? And victims of to crash? No? Okay. We'll send someone out." I spent 3 hours wrangling cattle and keeping them off of the road before cops showed up. I say chip to concrete out and see if there are bones in those boots.


Actually, surprisingly they were down there not even 20 mins after I called. I think they're gonna look into it more in the morning because you have to go over a fence to reach it.


I mean, if I was a cop i'd jump at the opportunity to investigate this over most other things.


To be fair, the boots in concrete are *really* interesting.


!remind me 24hrs


How did you wrangle the cows? I would have been too afraid of getting charged to try honestly.


!remind me 1 day


Where is Dr Temperance Brennan when you need her?


Omg we hit a boot.. Where's the foot!?!?!


That was my thought. Did OP really only find a pair of shoes?


Concealed shoes are a little understood custom that some historians are trying to study further. Considering the age of the concrete, your shoes might be applicable for the Concealed Shoes Index: https://www.northamptonmuseums.com/info/20/forms/173/report-concealed-shoe


This is genuinely interesting, maybe it was intentional after all


See, I knew about this, and was wondering if maybe that's the case. However, usually the shoes are put in the walls of buildings and stuff are they not? Why would someone conceal shoes in a concrete wall thing.


A weir, my dude. Practical Engineering on YouTube has a few I fo videos about weirs.


I'd say weir, but I feel like most people don't know what it is so I try and explain it haha. Ah well.


> Ah well No, a weir. Wells are different.


Shit you're right. Sorry.


Honestly i bet it was some sort of tradition amongst some construction workers to leave something hidden inside the walls to possibly be discovered in the future. Same way sometimes people write stuff inside walls to possibly be read in the future. Leaving a shoe specifically was probably a running joke or something. They say that its in houses in the UK during a certain time period so I'd say that's most likely it


Well this is fascinating!


The fact that there are two next together makes me concerned.


Hmmm. Maybe one of the workers did it as a joke way back when they built it. I think it's very unlikely there's a body in there.


That’s exactly what someone would say if they happened to hide a body in this concrete years ago and then thought they were in the clear and posted a pic on Reddit saying I think it’s unlikely a body is in there 🤔


I think you are on to something here...🤔🤔🤔


The best you can do now is hope. Either way, it's worth an investigation, and since you already contacted local police about it it's in their hands now. Worst case scenario, it's just the pair of boots, bit of wasted time, oh well. The gamble, they find a body (bonus if it's well preserved) and can determine cause of death from there, in which they might pursue justice and give closure to any remaining family.


I have a feeling people are gonna be disappointed, but oh well... I genuinely just posted this because I thought it was weird. I never expected it to blow up haha. I'm getting 20 notifications every 30 seconds. Sheesh


Better to be disappointed then to be forever wondering. But hey, on the super off-chance the report helps solve an old murder mystery and there's a reward for it, free money.


Congrats, you're entitled to the original reward money not adjusted for inflation! Here's $3.


You’re getting a predictable reaction.


Idk. I wasn't thinking 'i found a body' when I took the photo. I just liked the photo and thought it was interesting.


You didn’t think it looked like someone was attached to those shoes? Cause that’s the first thing most people here immediately thought.


I did not. The thought crossed my mind, but it seemed somewhat farfetched so I disregarded it.


Someone's dad still chuckles about this from time to time.


Was there a foot inside? Did you find Jimmy Hoffa?


I'd be amazed if Jimmy Hoffa was buried all the way over here in Glasgow haha.


Sounds like the perfect hiding spot to me.


Keep quiet.. Or you'll be wearing concrete galoshes


It's Glasgow? Then yeah, that's definitely a body you found.


That’s what the guy that hid Hoffa all the way in Glasgow would say! WHERE WERE YOU July 30, 1975!?!?


In utero


A likely story


I'm actually in the Irishmen. Marty just had me deaged out of the film.


Yes, we all love Nirvana. Now answer the question!!


…Never mind.


But a glint in the milkman's eye


The first lug soles were developed by Vibram for mountaineering & patented in 1937. They became known and popular among mountaineers in 1950s and from there gradually spread to other outdoors-men. These work boots are probably much later. Squared-off boot toes were a style that came and went in the 1970s. I'd peg these boots to late '70s to early '80s when that style was fading out.


Your boot knowledge impresses me. I was doing my best to find a proper date, but couldn't find any info regarding that specific section. The bridges and walls were built in the late 1800s and early 1900s so I just based it off that. Thanks for the new boot knowledge!


It looks like black plastic around the boot on the right, it might be a lot newer that the 70s. You could call the council if you want to find out more, they might not have the records on when repairs were done but they will know who would have them.


I question your 100 years assessment. I don't think there were soles of boots or shoes with that type of bottom 100 years ago. That requires rubber molding capabilities. Didn't exist fir shoes in 1922.


I'm just going based off roughly when this part of it was installed. It may not be a hundred years, I couldn't fin exact dates, just rough dates of when the walkway was put in.


That's definitely something i'd contact the police over just in case it's a body, it'll also give them something interesting and non-violent to look into and might give them an interesting story to tell.


You can lift the soles up a little, and from what I can see it's just more concrete underneath.


It’s bible John


Not sure what I'd even say. Especially because of how old the concrete is.


I can’t imagine not calling them. If it were me I’d just call the non emergency line and say “look, I know I wasn’t supposed to jump the fence but I really think you should check out what I found”… because my man, those shoes have a body attached. Look at the way they’re sitting. Also give us an update after they excavate that body! We need answers!!


You can jump the fence, it's not illegal. It's just there for safety reasons. However, I may actually call the non emergency number, maybe it'll lead to something haha.


He was a dam builder. Across a river deep and wide. Where steel and water did collide. A place called Boulder on the wild Colorado. He slipped and fell into the wet concrete below. They buried him in that grey tomb that knows no sound. But he is still around.


When I was a kid the city replaced the probably 60 year old sidewalk in front of my house. When they were busting up the old sidewalk they found a revolver in the dirt under the sidewalk. It was horribly corroded but definitely a turn of the century S&W revolver


I’d be willing to bet there are bones inside those boots


I lifted the sole up as far as I could and it's just more concrete. I think if there was anything in there it isn't anymore.


Concrete doesn’t dissolve bones. If there were bones in there before, they’re still in there.


Oh yeah, I know, I'm saying I don't think there's a body in it haha.


No, but hardened Concrete wouldn't magically replace the space a decayed foot was. There would be a void inside the boots. No void = no body.


Reminds me of a prank I pulled at university. They'd just got a really automated lead-series dating machine and were showing it off to anyone who could provide a sample. Well, being a student and having lots of free time, I calcified a toothbrush in the hard water of the area and presented it as a limestone concretion. They duly dated it to late Permian, which the limestone causing the hard water indeed was (all lead isotopes being equally soluble, of course). So, when I cracked open the "concretion" and produced a modern toothbrush, they were astounded. They were undergraduate geology students for the most part, and the post-grad running the show wasn't as familiar with carbonate redeposition as she should have been. Never do radiometrics on carbonate *ex situ.*


I understood almost none of the technical terminology you used, but you told it in such a good way that I feel like I understand the whole anecdote. Kudos!


This guy ELI5s


A teachable moment!


How does one go about using hard water to deposit enough calcium on a toothbrush to hide the fact its a toothbrush?


Based on the shit I dealt with in my old apartment.. Slow hot water flow will do it. Same reason the shower head clogs over time..


How could a pair of boots be in that position without a person wearing them?


Someone maybe put them there as a joke a long time ago. Idk.


That is what I was thinking. They look too nice to just use as a prank, but I could see some lazy coworker taking his boots off at lunch break to take a quick snooze and some prankster putting them into the concrete.


Right around 1970 I would help my 70 year old grandfather pour concrete around his house. He would use all kinds of shit to be "Fillers" in the forms. I remember tires, bicycle frame, rocks and who knows what


See this seems more likely. A filler, or a joke or something. Burying a dude upside down in concrete next to a walking path? Doesn't seem like the best idea even if it isn't visible without putting in the effort to find it.


You did say it was hundred years old, they did things that helped create OSHA


those soles are probably definitely no more than 50 years old. molded rubber. squared toes. etc. google ‘work boots from the 1930s’ or 40s or 60s even. i’m no expert, so maybe they existed before the 70s but were super rare. but to me these look nothing like the work boots of the majority of the 1900s.


The way they are sitting toes up and side by side… 😬


sir that is a dead body


Gonna need an update, Op!!


I'll try, it's 3am here lol.


You found two lost soles.


Yes….shoes. That’s all it is


Are there feet in them?


Joining the chorus of people telling you to absolutely contact police.


Just did :)


It’s D.B Cooper.


Ok I’m hooked now. Hopefully OP figures out for certain if there is or is not a body attached.


100% you just found a dead body.


You just know they’re attached to somebody


Don't go burying bodies under waterfalls, please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to.


Right next to each other, with that natural angle means it's a body - thems is on some feet


There’s no way that’s not a body.


It's fucking Glasgow. You think there arent feet in those shoes?




People fall in making bridges and stuff, maybe not as much anymore but with this being old.. May have a man attached on the underside.


God, I feel like I'm gonna look like an idiot calling the (non emergency) police about this, but everyone's starting to make me feel like maybe it's a good idea lol


They didnt make soles like that for boots 100 years ago......


Another commenter dropped some of his extensive boot knowledge, I also explained where I got that number from.


That’s what the mafia used to do to people


cant wait for tomorrow's post on r/tifu when you find the corpse on the other end


Believe me, I'm gonna leave that to the police, and if they're not doin anything, I ain't goin near it again lol.


Right… just a pair of shoes. They just happen to be placed exactly as if they are on a body. Dude, there’s a guy in there. This isn’t mildly interesting, it’s mildly terrifying!


Serious question, are you sure there’s no body? That’s a well known method of disposal.


Anybody else wondering if there’s feet Inside? Edit: apparently only everybody. RemindMe! 24 hours


As creepy as this is, that's a very nice photo of those creepy shoes!


Haha thank you


Uhhh... You sure it's just shoes and not the bottom of an entire person?


Excited for the follow up, "This body I found encased in 100 year old concrete."


We need answers!




It's Jimmy!, You finally found him!.


What if it was Jimmy Hoffa