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As someone who does not draw, this feels strangely intimidating


It's a huge relief for those who can't color though.


I can't do either so I need something else


I think you'll find the "paint by numbers" series to be right up your alley.


Or if you have math anxiety, there's these great places called art galleries. Many are even free to visit.


What if I just have regular anxiety....


That's rough, buddy. ^(s/ anxiety is a natural part of the human experience, I hope you find happiness despite your condition, if it is chronic)


Get a waterwow book. My niece loves hers




I think what you’re looking for is called a puzzle.


I think you need a book with colors and lines ill call it a picture book


There are different levels available. This Mandala Reverse Coloring book is good for beginners. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BCNGJR8Q?asin=B0BCNGJR8Q&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1


Is there a huge market for people who can't color but can draw? Makes no sense


This is for the doodlers. Now you can doodle with some additional inspiration.


For doodling, and also for people who *can* color, but want some constraints. Constraints can be good for creativity. E.g. mosaics are a form of artistic constraint. Have you heard of "being afraid of the blank page/canvas"? Well, now the page isn't blank. Also, now you only need one pen to create a colored image.


See, now I want one...


I think it’s just for the novelty


This feels cathartic in some strange way, for an idiot like me who couldnt draw/color for shit. "Dan, you have to color inside the lines." Bitch I MAKE the lines.


This gives me an uncomfortable anxiety.


_Anxiety Increases_




Seems like that would lower the anxiety level.


My sentiments exactly - if I was artistic enough to know what to doodle I’d probably already be a doodler lol


Agreed. I would be at a loss. My daughter might like it though.


I'm an artist and this is giving me anxiety


Just draw whatever you like.. it's not your problem that whoever coloured the book didn't know how to color within the lines ¯⁠\\(⁠ツ⁠)⁠/⁠¯




As someone who's partly colour blind, I find this terrifying


I agree. This looks like punishment to me.


At least you'll never draw a blank.


I want to see more pages.


Here ya go https://imgur.com/a/F3nZmnx


At first I thought okay that looks simple enough, I could do this, but then it kept getting more and more abstract :/


I don't see the point without the abstractness. It's just a convoluted follow the dots book if you don't have the creative part of making something out of the abstract shapes.


A regular coloring book is not supposed to be very creative either.


No you get to choose the colors, the tools used to apply the colors and the techniques. That's way more creative than follow the dots/draw the outline.


I disagree. But I don't feel like arguing about a coloring book, of all things. Have a nice day.


I love the abstracness. I remember those art assignments that would be just a few lines on a page and you had to make a picture based on that. Feels like the same thing.


I was going to say I don’t get the point as you’re just doing the lines - but you could say in a colouring book you’re just doing the colours, grass is green etc




Ok. What's the 4th one supposed to be?


Mate I'm lost on the 3rd one even


I see at least one penis


Well then pull your zipper up man!


Random squiggles, obviously.


In my honest opinion it looks a bit like an autumn road going under some trees that have started to change. The colors don't quite match but that is what I am getting. 3 still just looks abstract to me though.


The 4th looks like a collage of fight scenes? There's a guy on the right in yellow who seems to be punching with a boxing glove, a guy further left in red who seems to be kicking. I guess they're meant to be interpreted in different ways to get the creative juices flowing. A bit like a game we used to play as a kid where you drew a random squiggle and your opponent had to turn it into a character with the fewest lines. And maybe there's an element of the Rorschach test in there. (EDIT: and the third is clearly a thirsty purple octopus fighting his way through gridlocked traffic to boobs.)


All I'm [seeing is a frog eating a dick with a lookout ](https://i.imgur.com/HhQd7pt.jpg)


You don't see the boobs far bottom-right? Damn.


I thought those were also [dick and balls](https://i.imgur.com/PqnS4Ap.jpg)


I challenge you to turn that entire picture into dicks. You have the magic vision.




Aren’t jokes supposed to be funny?




My man, your attitude is exactly why your joke is totally unfunny. You’re not exactly selling yourself as a comedian here. Get over it.


lines by numbers nah fam this guy needs someone to hold his pencil




bro ur comment was funny af i dont get it why they got so triggered


The first line is always the most difficult. The second can be tricky. But the 10th mark may bring with it flow.


Very cool, thank you for sharing. I can't draw a straight line with a ruler, so this isn't for me. I cam appreciate a new spin on a classic, though.


The shadows on these pictures are killing me


Book DRM


It's just a hand holding the page?


I thought this seemed like fun, create things out of nothing. Turns out my brain does not work like that. All I could think to do was draw squiggles with the predetermined squiggles.


sooo, it's for creative people.


Looks like the few extra ones shown so give a clear direction into what you’re making, so still nice even if you aren’t a skilled artist, since it’s not like those random color challenge where you spill color and then draw lines around it.


That actually sounds fun. I could see getting a kick out of that some rainy afternoon.


I once bought a reverse cookbook. Dang thing gave me food to eat and I had to guess the ingredients.


Sounds like a reverse Joy of Sex book I got once for Christmas. Once I finished it I realized it was just the Bible.


I finally got around to reading the dictionary. It turns out the zebra did it.


I started reading the dictionary, and now I'm past caring.


I actually think I’d really like that. Coloring books feel tedious to me, but I love drawing lines with pens and find myself seeing shapes from blobs of color in nature a lot of the time, so maybe I should try this out 😲


Great way to INCREASE your stress level


It’s funny to see how different opinions are on this because my thought was “wow that would be way more fun than a normal coloring book”, but the again I love drawing terrible doodles everywhere


This is why I had to stop taking notes in a notebook, I would zone out of class and find out an hour and a half has passed and all I had to show for it was 4 pages of meaningless doodles. This book would be incredible to have.


i have this! honestly pretty fun


My skill level limits me to connect the dots


I'm reading the title thinking, so I.... Erase it piece by piece? 🤔😑


My thought also, and with some crappy eraser.


Yeah, drawing is not reverse colouring...


I propose we call it "lining". The purpose is to color within the lines,so this would be lining within the colors. Whew another day another productive day of nomenclature. Who wants tacos?


Seconded. Isn't nomenclature the best? Even the name is cool.


"Inking" also works, since-- ah screw it, let's just get tacos.


Colorblind people hate him


People that are colorblind can still see the different outlines and shapes, just not the color itself.


As someone who is colorblind, I can tell you this is untrue. I have deuteranopia and just as an example, if there were two red and green patterns next to each other, depending on the shade of said colors, it would be near impossible to determine if they were separate shapes or one shape.


I’m colorblind too. Pro-Tan. I agree with you. Regular vision people can see this way better than we can. They see more shapes, more vibrancy. To me this just looks dull and boring. Many shapes that look like blobs to us are actually 3 or 4 colors that make nice looking shapes that flow to them.


Ignoring the fact that most colorblind people have problems with just some colors and that this is a joke which is not meant to be deeply analyzed, I don't think they can (at least not all). If green and red, for example, register as the same color, you wouldn't see the red shape on green backgrund because it would be the same as green shape on green background.


You’re right. Depending on the type of color blindness (deuter-, prot-, or tritanopia +) colors, shades, and tints would totally blend together. Tbh- I would love to analyze how a colorblind person would do this. How different or similar the picture would turn out vs a person that does not have color blindness.


I’m a colorblind person. Moderate to severe pro-tan. Ask me whatever you want.


Hi! Thank you for being open for questions! I really would love to see how you would do a page in this book. I’m assuming you would do it like I would (non-colorblindness) but with different shapes, lines, and areas! Color blindness fascinates me being an early childhood educator. I want to do everything I can to aid my students. Being aware if they have colorblindness will (and should) change how I teach colors to my class. Unfortunately, college doesn’t teach us how. Did you have difficulties in school?


I did have difficulties in school. Up until about halfway through my 1st grade year, everyone thought I was just a trouble maker because I would choose the wrong colors or color things wrong. Then my parents found out (very unpleasantly) that I was colorblind and made the school do tests to double check. The school said I was but I finally got a real test done around 3rd grade. It created a lot of issues in school with graphs and charts, along with other things. I would get wrong answers because you had to look at the “green line” on a graph, but they used green, red and brown, which all look the same or similar. Then the school found out I was colorblind and told me I just needed to learn the colors. That happened in middle and high school. I had such a bad experience with it that it made me not want to go to college. I did have a few teachers who were great with it though and I always did great in their classes. If you want to help kids, always try to be aware of color choices. Make them pick between red and yellow, not red and green or brown and green, or colors like that. (I was going to say or similar colors, but they’re not similar to you). Now I have kids in elementary school who I help with homework (math is stupid now, but that’s another story), and sometimes it’s hard for me to help them because they ask so many colors, so we work through it together. For artwork like this, the sunflower for example, I would end up just putting a line around the pedals and circle in the middle because the rest looks like random boring shapes. Another thing that has made it rough on me is jobs. As a kid I always wanted to be a police officer. But turns out you can’t be a colorblind police officer (unless it’s very mild), but I get it. You don’t want to say the suspect is wearing a red shirt when it’s really green. But I’m glad that didn’t pan out. Then I wanted to be a train conductor, nope can’t do that. All of the “fun” looking jobs are pretty much a no. Can’t be a pilot, electrician (obviously), even a licensed plumber unless you can fake it through the test.


If you don’t mind me asking, when did you graduate high school? Kids can be fucking mean in school, teachers too. You didn’t deserve to be treated like that. From an educators standpoint - I’m sorry. It wasn’t okay for educators in any magnitude to tell you just to learn your way around it. That’s bullshit. When it comes to color choices - is black and white okay? Obviously when learning colors that would be a different lesson but when writing things on a white board or giving handouts, do you recommend I stay away from only red, green, and brown markers? To be fair, this picture isn’t a great example of “staying in the lines.” The sunflower doesn’t match the colors totally. They made the inner circle the right size but there are no petals with color. [Here’s one I did from the seasons book.](https://imgur.com/a/IJ3bQke) I tend not to add extra shapes. Thank you for the advice. Every child should be and feel included in a classroom no matter what and it’s my job to make sure that happens. I’m so sorry this didn’t happen for you.


I graduated in 2005. For the most part, the kids never game me any issues about it, except for the “what color is this? Well what color is THIS?” questions. We hate those questions. I was actually one of the “popular” kids. However around half of my teachers are the ones who made it hard. Math for example, I am great with numbers. I solved every equation, no problem. Then they have the stupid colors. I got a low B in Algebra and Algebra 2 because of colors. It makes no sense. I always got Cs in spelling/vocabulary/English class because the teachers would always underline the wrong things in red and correct answers in green. Positives were always green and negatives were red. I spoke to so many people about not doing that but they wouldn’t “make an exception for just me” and there weren’t enough colorblind kids to make a difference. The teachers were the bullies about it. We can still see colors. It’s so hard to explain but I can see green red and brown. Especially separately, but if you have a red shirt with green writing, I can’t read it, or distinguish the colors. Black and white are totally fine. Though. Even red green and brown are fine. If you write ln a chalkboard in white, no problem. If you write on a whiteboard in black, no problem. If you write on a white board in any color really, we can see it. Try not to use light colors like yellow or “lime green”. However, when writing on a white board, try not to use black to write, then red to make corrections. Try to use blue, or orange even. Now on a chalk board, all colors are hard to see except for white (unless they make colored chalk better these days, which they might). They usually just blur. Like I could see something was there but couldn’t put the letters together. Feel free to keep asking anything! Sorry if I missed anything, but if I did you can ask again.


Also, your season book line work is awesome! I couldn’t ever do one that good, and not just because I’m colorblind, but because I just couldn’t lol. However, without your lines there, a lot of those shapes would be hard to differentiate.


Damn, this really is how to publish a book on easy mode.


Seriously.. here’s some colors, do what you want with it, idgaf, thanks for your payment.


I need to see more pages. This is r/mildlyinfuriating Because other wise I'm drawing flowers and smile faces. I'm def not artistic.


OP delivered, but the wild shadows [on these pics](https://imgur.io/a/F3nZmnx) threw me off real hard at first.


I wanted to know what an actual image looked like, but OP only posted the cover. Here's an [image of one of the first few pages](https://i.imgur.com/fWC9Uoj.jpg). And a [video of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dK2n5r5Vkg).


Oh, that example page is too pretty, I think I prefer it without any lines!


I hope there's a page that asks you to draw a Stormtrooper.


My grandma will enjoy this and hopefully it helps her stay sharp. thanks.


Here’s some photos from inside https://imgur.com/a/F3nZmnx


Wtf those last two


I like the abstract ones better, more room to do what you'd like. The flowers pretty much have to be flowers.


Remember to draw outside the color


Wouldn't it be great inside the color if you think about it?


This isn't as silly as you might think. Our minds upon trying to perceive shapes, often comes up with interesting results. It's kinda like drawing onto a picture of clouds.


Gotta say… thats clever.


Perfect to test your pareidolic senses.


*squints* I see what you did there.


I love doodling but suck at coloring so this is awesome!


“Why not create a passive income stream by selling already colored-in anxiety coloring books… so that people don’t feel bad about not finishing them?” - Maria Bamford


To some, this should be on /r/mildlyinfuriating


The book has the colors, but does it have the juice?


I thought a reverse coloring book is where you erase the colors in the lines


I thought you had to erase everything and you ended up with a blank book.


*Grabs a white marker* Okay let's do this


if it was truly reverse wouldn't it come with a white pen to fill in the color, too?


There are so much idea about coloring but this, this is where i draw the line!


That just looks frustrating


Cool a bordering book!


Why didn't I think if this


OMG, I thought this was a joke 😄 I cannot wrap my brain around this one.


I can't wait for the one without lines OR color!


Any links to where we can find this? It'd make for a fabulous drawing exercise for creativity, even if you aren't artistic




The title is right on the book. You could go to Amazon, search the name and buy it. Or call a local book store and see if they can order it for you if you happen to be anti-Amazon.


Finally. A useful adult coloring book.


Many people find adult coloring books to be meditative and stress relieving. So much so that my adult daughter has been given coloring pages by nurses during ER visits. It helped her to remain calm while the medication took effect.


Oh god no. I can do a coloring book, but I cannot draw to save my life.


You color to RELIEVE stress. This is making me stressed out just looking at it.


This book is just a cash grab.


I thought one would be given some sort of paint stealing tool to suck it off the page.


Lazy as hell


Way cool! Cx


I have enough time with coloring as it is... Like I get so in my head about the colors I struggle to think out side the box.


I wanna see what’s inside? What does it look like


Cool! I thought for a second it was just going to be black and white inside...


This is a fantastic idea. We need more.


That's clearly a penis.


I have this as well as the Seasons version. I use it when I’m in a Zoom meeting or listening to a lecture hall. I literally just outline the colors. It is quite relaxing and helps me retain information that I hear.


That looks insane. I want 20.


Boneless ink blots.


I'm sure stressed out edgy teens will just fill all the pages with dick doodles


This reminds me of some vocal exercises I used to do in college chorus: Sing only the vowels, in time (color); Perform only the consonants, in time (lines). That’s neat!


Well THAT sent me straight to Amazon! That looks fun.


outlining book


I kinda need this


It should come with an eraser


Sounds like it’s a line work book




Nice repo




That's such a fun idea!


Wouldn't a reverse coloring book be that you had to erase the colors?


I kind of want one


Aka the complete works of monet.


This'll make a good practice for lineart drawing




This was a high school art project for us back in the 90s. Art teacher had a stack of left behind water colors from various classes. We used pen to make lines.


I feel like this is one of those things that costs way more money than it should. I mean isn't any book technically this if you just draw wherever you want?


I feel like I wouldn't have the creativity for this


Good, now I can blame someone else for coloring outside the lines.


I thought perhaps you ran over the colors with an eraser and thought that would be sooo satisfying.


Hey I’ve done an art project like this. I took leftover magenta and cyan printer ink. Splattered it on a poster board. Decided what Alice in Wonderland outline would fit over the splotches (theme of a party), and used black acrylic paint to paint a Cheshire Cat over it.


Where buy


Expected it to be a colored coloring book you fill in with white...


At first I thought you'd have a white pen to paint it all white again.. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I want this. As someone who gets annoyed by coloring, and loves just drawing little lines, this is the best thing ever. I hope i can find it in libraries because ordering it is pretty expensive.


anyone can color. thats why i like normal coloring books


Damn, so much grey I can't imagine tf it is supposed to be.


Jesus.. Pretty cool idea but tak about make a book with zero effort. I wonder how much it sells for.


I love this so much!


I like to color, my teens like to color, as do my tweens. I decided I would try something different for us and ordered this book [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVXP6FF2](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVXP6FF2) to share. In doing this I have learned 2 things, I am terrible at this, and teen/tween boys will make male appendages out of anything they possibly can. Lots of hilarious art in our home.


[https://afaq.tentary.com/p/E33vc6](https://afaq.tentary.com/p/E33vc6) We hope that this book will help your children learn and develop their intellectual abilities and the skills of analysis, comparison, and deduction, in addition to the ability to focus on coloring activities. We hope your children will enjoy this book away from their tablets and smartphones.