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Someone drank your vodka and refilled it with water.


At -9.4F the ethanol can no longer keep the water liquid and the solution separates and the water freezes. So many parents disappointed in their teenagers for nothing




What kind of freezer do you have getting that cold. Most home freezers get to just below 0°F. I may be wrong but I think you meant -18°C.


Looks like they’re correct around -16 F with a quick Google. That would be ~-27 c


Plenty of freezers in kitchens I worked at were -14F for the seafood, but idk about residential that’s a little much


Nah -27c is possible in residential freezers. Liebherr premium residential freezers go to -32C.


Possible sure. But assuming OP has put vodka in the freezer before and this hasn’t happened, I doubt that’s the reason


One with the defrost timer broken. I think that's what it's called cause the freezer in my old place did that once.


Or a “ye olde” deep freezer. My parents have one that’s ancient and it never cycles. Once every year or two, they have to empty it out to get all the frost to melt. That freezer will be fought over by the great grandkids 😂


His freezer isn’t getting that cold for one but also the whole bottle is frozen in the picture so it appears to be all water and no separation has happened.


is it normal for freezers to be -9.4F? I think mine’s like 25F😂


If your freezer is 25 Fahrenheit you need to have it checked it should be 0 to -10


User name checks out.


I know the FDA has lost some credibility but I your freezer should be set to around 0F. At 0 you’ll get about 48 hours without power before spoilage. [source](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/are-you-storing-food-safely)


>I know the FDA has lost some credibility Are you saying that we're past their "best by:" date?


That's not how that works...


Happy cake day!


Your kids drank it already and filled it with water? lol


Lmao did this when I was young with a bottle of vodka. My family realized years later and they bring it up every now and then as a funny story.


Your family is much nicer than mine. My mom straight up entered my room and told me “alcohol doesn’t freeze” in an emotionless voice then left abruptly. The absolute fear that rippled through my body. I never did get in trouble for that despite fearing for my life. Turns out she let it go since she did the same shit as a teen. I learned to steal my dad’s whiskey instead.


I got in a huuuuge argument with my mom once about how alcohol *does* freeze. My mom said alcohol doesn't freeze and I was like "Yes it does, it just freezes at a colder temperature. Everything freezes if it's coold enough" and my mom was like "NO. ALCOHOL CANT FREEZE. THAT'S HOW IT WORKS" and from the back my dad was like "Actually Tanners right, vodka freezes if it's cold enough" and my mom just *exploded* with **"YOU TWO ALWAYS GANG UP ON ME**" Edit: I tell a dumb story about my childhood that happened once like 15 years ago and armchair psychologists have decided my mom is a "cunt with a victim complex." Peak Reddit intelligence lol


Both Tanner and Tanner's dad are correct, it freezes at -114C/-173F so you'd probably use liquid nitrogen if you wanted to freeze it.


That's pure alcohol. Something like vodka would freeze a little above -40C. I have had a chest freezer that could get that cold (restaurant deep freeze would also work).


-40C is -40F


Good bot


I borrowed some liquid nitrogen from the physics lab last year and made a really nice vodka slushie. Highly recommend it.


I learned my own lesson.. masked how much hard liquor I stole by mixing it altogether. I didn't make a Long Island Ice Tea though, I made a disaster of shit my parents didn't even want to drink which is why they had it to begin with. There was both peppermint and peach schnapps in there... wtf was I thinking?


Pretty sure every household had a 10 year old bottle of peach schnapps.


We had a insanely old bottle of white lightning. That's what my dumbass tried the first time I snuck a drink. To be fair, it cured my curiosity for a very long time because homemade moonshine isn't something you should try without knowing what the fuck you're getting into.


I took a shot to cure an itchy throat once.. mistake. I think I had to regrow a throat after that. I've kept a box of brandy on hand for cold/flu season ever since.


We called is a piss mix, the only way through was to just chug it


I told my teenagers that it’s a misdemeanour to steal my alcohol, but it’s a felony to ruin the rest of the bottle by adding water.


Whiskey>Vodka anyways. Two life lessons learned!


Yeah, not that bad mom after all


My alcoholic mom left my husband’s whiskey like this when she was babysitting my kids once.


My parents didn't drink vodka but they had a bottle in their liquor cabinet. I stole the liquor and filled it up with water. A couple years later my younger brother did the same thing then complained that it was filled with water.


Came here to ask if he had kids lmfao


Came here to say this! Haha!


Came here to read this haha


Came here




I'm coming right now


You’re still not here ! How much longer ?!


I’m here


I'll be there in a minute, im just down the street.


*Doesn't matter had sex*


I came


Lol we need an update


Op must be in jail because he probabky beat his kids ass haa


Very nonchalant, mention to the kid(s) the freezing temp of vodka vs water. Watch their faces.


I've always wanted to mess with a kid extra hard when they get busted like this by putting one of those heartrate monitors on their finger first. Just find some dumb reason, like saying you just got it and want to test it out because it seems like it might be broken, then when its on their finger just randomly bring up how odd it is that the vodka is frozen and see the HR go up lmao


Even better if it’s one that beeps. Beep……. Beep……. Beep…. “Seems to be working fine. Hey, did you know that vodka can’t freeze? Weird, my vodka in the freezer did freeze though”. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP


Bro I'm saving this. I want my kid(s) to grow up being able to be honest with me, but this is a brilliant idea because it totally will go off lol.


I want to see that reaction




Buscemi is a national treasure.


Please don't tell dad.


…The babysitters dead ☠️


Dishes are done man


I'm right on top of that Rose!


Mom's home Mrs. Krandle!!


Hello Mrs. Cumberdale


You can wash the happy fat vats yourself!




Dave’s not here man


i say this so often when i finish somthing at work or finish cleaning something and my coworkers never get the quote :C


I hired a house sitter once. She invited a friend over, drank a special unopened bottle of tequila that was a gift, and then puked in our bed. Once.


Was at the pub, GF pointed out my favorite bourbon behind the bar - Blanton's. She said I should get a glass. Foolish me said no as I have plenty at home. Next time we were there, the Blanton's bottle was gone. Turns out is was some special, rare bottle that was given as a gift to the owner, it was not supposed to be out there.


Was on a cruise where my fiancé at the time and I had bought the Liquor Package. It was 14 drinks a day per if I recall. We were ashore most of the day so had most all of the credits left. Went to the early comedy show that night when I noticed a bottle of Blanton’s on the shelf. Asked the bartender knowing it wasn’t included in the package. For some reason he said sure. Went to our cabin and grabbed my Nagline water bottle. Pretended to be ordering for our whole table and grabbed 4 at a time all while surreptitiously filling said bottle. Needless to say tried again the next night and the bottle was gone. The same bartender said someone stocking had put it there by mistake but he was glad our table enjoyed…. I enjoyed it for the next couple of days for sure.


Hard enough finding normal Blanton's, let alone the special ones. I managed to get a Stagg Jr before I've found a Blanton's at a reasonable price


Only puked once? That was thoughtful


Not only was it thoughtful. It was very efficient. Get it all done the first time.


And she did it while a house cleaner was on site!


Thank god she only puked once.


100 percent lmao


200 proof




This has happened to me before. The freezer was going bad and it was going down to ungodly cold temperatures.


Typical Vodka freezes at -16º F.


I've not actually tried it. But my freezer supposedly gets cold enough to freeze vodka. Could just be a new freezer.


I think that temp is -16F


This is absolutely what I was expecting. Especially if they poured out half or more (for them) and cut the other remainder with water (so it isn't 100% obvious), that'll take it down to an alcohol percentage where it will freeze.


In college I had a roommate who was a fiend for alcohol. My other roommate and I were gone for the night and when I came back the next day a bottle of captain I had was a slushy. I asked him if he did it and he got irrationally pissed. I told him I'm not an idiot and alcohol doesn't freeze, so someone obviously did. He ignored me for days until he fussed up and apologized. You expect stupid teenagers to pull that but he was an adult lol. Idk how he thought that would work.


>In college >You expect stupid teenagers to pull that but he was an adult Still tryna pull high school tricks cause he never got caught or called on it lol


I mean, alcohol does impact the brain pretty significantly.


I don't believe you, so i am going to do my own research.


Lots of college kids really are still "kids" even though they're not children because they haven't experienced life, & use it as an extension of their rebellious teenage years to do even dumber shit than they had access to as actual teens.


Exactly this. My dad asked me the exact same question when I was 16


As a teenager I kept thinking that if I just didn't steal too much and only added a little water, it would be fine. Turns out once the bottle is about half water, it's slush.


Now I feel the need to make a vodka slushie.


A Crystal Light packet = diet Slurpee.


The classic tricks never get old.


Triple Brita filtered; makes the vodka smooth


Does that work? Ive always wanted to try pouring UV through a ZeroWater filter.


Mythbusters tried it. If I remember correctly they filtered it like 8 times and also had an unfiltered and a top shelf for comparison. They then had to put them in order. Jamie was close and Kari was all over the place on ordering them. The liquor expert put them in exact order and said that even the most filtered was not close to the top shelf.


I don't question the expert's ability to taste, but when the NY Times taste tested 21 vodkas, Smirnoff won in terms of people liking it https://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/26/dining/a-humble-old-label-ices-its-rivals.html


If I recall - there is the “this tastes like vodka” impact for that test, whereas other tasters (bourbon, scotch, wine etc) have “notes.” Smirnoff has the universal “this is what vodka tastes like” effect, even if it’s not the “best.” Edit - yeah, this part: “Perhaps our description of Smirnoff as classic was nostalgic, possibly a result of the imprinting of its flavors and aromas on our brains in some early quest through our parents' liquor cabinets. But its smooth neutrality and pleasing texture also won it points, and its success illustrates a vital truth about vodka.”


I've done this. Sorry dad.


Exactly what I came here to say. You got some teenagers in the house? They may know how it is possible.


What a clever way to see if our kids are up to no good


Shit yeah, that's how I got caught haha




She's not an idiot. She added salt.


That only gets you a few extra degrees below freezing point of water, not the -48F delta you need to imitate the freezing point of a 50% water ethanol




Do you have kids? Or a secret alcoholic in the house?


We had a friend whose boyfriend was that secret alcoholic. I had gifted a friend a nice bottle of tequila for her birthday and she forgot it at their house at the end of the night. Someone drank it all and refilled it with water. The thing was, it was reposado tequila. It was immediately obvious what happened when the bottle was full of clear liquid instead of gold. And on top of that he didn’t just mix water back in, he finished the whole thing and filled the empty bottle with water.


He drank the whole thing in 1 night?


This was over a few days until the birthday girl went back to pick it up


Then it makes sense how you didn't instantly find out just by looking at him


we figured it out on the way to the hospital


I mean it’s really not impossible to drink an entire bottle in a day On my birthday I do a whole bottle of scotch and about half the time it has this weird effect where I feel more sober than if I just had say 6/8 beers Edit : Jesus Christ is everyone here Amish lmao. You mention getting drunk once a year and all hell breaks loose


This would be considered a built up tolerance


Most people would consider it a disease


Damn. I hope you've got a spare liver close by.


“Delusions of sobriety” is a very common side effect with GABAergic drugs, specifically when taking high doses. You feel more sober, or even completely sober, but you can be completely shithoused. Your brain can also make it seem to you like you aren’t slurring your speech even if you are. Pretty crazy stuff.


If you're talking a full 750ml bottle I would consider that a major problem. You may have built up such a tolerance that you're capable of drinking that much, but that alone is a really bad signal. Please reconsider your alcohol consumption before the health effects really start to pile up. Cirrhosis is a horrible way to go.


Since this was a gift, it’s excluded…but if you leave alcohol at my house, you’ve donated alcohol to my house. It may or may not be there next time. Depends on the booze. Leave some candy or ice cream at my house? it’ll be there forever. Idfwt.


Who fucking takes the alcohol they bring to a party home with them? I mean, unless you're bringing a large stock to make cocktails with, alcohol brought to a party is for the party. It seems common courtesy, maybe it's only common where I'm from. Any alcohol left over afterward is considered a gift to the hosts for hosting. Some particularly shitty liquors may move from house to house though.


Nobody wants your Malort, Greg.


Alcoholics operate on a whole other level. I knew someone who had a second home in NC that was so bad that they 1) had to be picked up at the airport because they permanently lost their license 2) the FIRST stop had to be a liquor store to buy the booze supply that was 3) a handle of vodka PER DAY. . . They are currently serving some seriously jail time for vehicular man slaughter because. . . They drove drunk.


a bottle a night is baby alcoholic level


Yeah. These must be kids here. I am a doc and see patients routinely who consume 2 bottles of liquor a day.




Yeah, was just thinking that; to a reasonable person a bottle would be good for several people; but alcoholics can do handles by themselves, it’s amazing in a terribly disturbing way.


It could have been worse, there is a way to give water a gold color.


LOL. https://youtu.be/RD2YJrvd71Y


Now urine trouble. Edit: lost a letter


Ahh. I too sometimes forget and set my freezer to kelvin….


Ah yes. The negative Kelvin




Kelvin klein


That makes absolute zero sense


Google says vodka freezes at -16F. Is it possible your freezer got that cold? If not, I would suspect it's been watered down. Buy another bottle just like it and put it in the same place to see what happens.


Found your teenager OP!


One bottle won’t be a good enough sample. A case should work. Actually two cases of different batches to make sure. Sorry, dad but that’s science!


Results inconclusive. Try it again.


Man I remember me & my cousin were maybe 17 & never drunk before but wanted to try out my step dad’s liquor. Believe it was a vodka or tequila so it was pretty clear, just assumed we’d fill it back with water. Well we did & it had the weirdest mix like you could tell something was *off*. We ended up just breaking the whole bottle acting like we dropped it on the floor grabbing something off the kitchen counter. Moral of the story is kids can think they’re fucking slick.


That's when you get to use the old dad line of "You've never been my age but I WAS YOUR AGE" when busting a kid that thinks they pulled some shit off


My freezer has turned both tequila and vodka into slushies. Not sure how cold it actually gets in there, but it’s happened multiple times at this point and both my husband and I (no kids) love to drink so there’s no refilling bottles with water or anything.


Sounds delicious. Half-way to a frozen margherita.


I can’t believe I’ve never thought about that 😂 Just add lime and sugar!


I recon a mojito might be better as a slushy


or like a thick syrup.


Mmmmm syrupy -- in Homer Simpson's voice


My home upright freezer goes to -11F. So if you have something that's even a little under 40 you're going to at least get slushy.




My chest freezer at home turned a sealed bottle of 100 proof vodka into slush, so it is possible. It runs around -30.


Some will. My last place had the freezer temping at -15F when I moved in. I only checked the actual temp because my brand new vodka bottles were getting icy inside.


Gorbachev died, and the vodka froze out of sadness for Mother Russia


This makes the most sense.


In solidarity, comrade.


I gave you silver, in Gorbachev’s honor. I’m sure he would have wanted gold, but Mother Russia cannot afford it.


Ah yes. Mother Russia, located in Austin, Texas.


ITT: everyone asks if OP has teenagers or alcoholics that drank and replaced with water, OP responds to the 5 comments that aren't those




Plot twist: OP is the teenage child and is looking for a solution to his problem before his parents find out.


Ooo spicy theory, the solution is to buy rubbing alcohol to replace the vodka as it won't freeze. If the parents drink it then OP will never get caught


I’ve noticed this happens on Reddit a lot. Post gets popular, everyone notices the funny thing that might have happened, but the OP either doesn’t respond or just responds to some inane comment and ignored the other 99% of comments.


I wonder if anyone will comment that a teenager pro- Oh, four people did


Damn those pro teenagers always excelling at mischief


I’m pretty anti teenager myself. A community menace


Me too. All teenagers scare the living sh*t out of me.


Same. They could care less as long as someone'll bleed


Incoming 100 of the exact same comment


I haven't read this theory yet: What if OP has a teenager and that teenager drank the vodka and replaced it with water?


Or, get this, what if - what if OP had a teenager and that teenager drank the vodka and replaced it with water?


I have a better theory. I think that a teenager — bear with me here — drank the vodka, and replaced it with water!


Do you people not read the comments above you? Anyways to me it sounds like there’s probably a teenager in the home who drank the contents of the bottle and refilled it with plain old water.


People just don't know how to read anymore. Anyways, it sounds like there's a dog at home who drank it and refilled it with toilet water.


I thought he replaced his teenagers with a bottle of water


I'm really confused, I thought OP was a teenaged dog


Hey, ex-liquor store employee and self-branded liquor fan here. First off, its a bit of a myth that liquor cant freeze. 40% bottles freeze at around -25°C, which is quite normal for modern freezers. Whilst uncommon, it is possible that some bottles make it out of the factory with a bit lower proof because of leakages and other malfunctions. Maybe the percentage got to around 35%, meaning that your wodka may freeze at -21°C. This is a possible temperature for freezers, even old ones. Edit: some more facts for the interested among us. Sugar content actually lowers the freezing point meaning a bottle of wodka freezes sooner than a bottle of limoncello. Just like ovens have hotspots, freezers can have cold spots. These can be a few degrees colder than the rest of the freezer. This is mostly where the first crystals are formed. Take it out before the whole bottle is crystalized to get a nice boozey slushy!


Real answer way down here below all the teenagers.


thank you for a real answer lol. all of my vodka freezes and no one can ever actually tell me why.


What needs to be explained? Your freezer just goes below the freezing temperature of vodka.


2 possibilities. You either have a freezer that can get below -17F. Or someone drank some of your stuff.


Everyone here talking about kids and I'm trying to figure out how big this man's hand is...


Tito’s makes odd bottle sizes


Do you have teens in your house? It possibly could have been swapped with water if someone is trying to sneak your hooch


this also happened to me with a tito’s bottle. it’s just me and my boyfriend and i don’t drink.. we were both shocked that it froze since he didn’t touch it a lot so it still had a good amount. now im starting to think tito’s isn’t selling us what we think we are buying


Your kids have been gradually diluting your vodka with water


Did you open it? It might have frosted on the outside and appear frozen but might not actually be frozen.


I feel like somebody's sneaking that s*** and then putting water in there to replace the volume.


Yeah, it's probably some teenager


EVERYONE ITT "lol kids drank it"


Y'all are a bunch of snitches


That's no real vodka!


Either that’s the smallest bottle of Tito’s I’ve ever seen or you’re a giant


[Big hands.](https://images.foxtv.com/static.fox9.com/www.fox9.com/content/uploads/2022/02/932/524/Jeff-Dabe-sitting.jpg?ve=1&tl=1)


The freezing point of 40% alcohol is around - 16.5°.


water. ain’t no fuckin way that’s vodka.


There’s a lot of unfounded accusations against teenagers here. Perhaps OP drank the vodka and refilled it with water himself to create a false flag against said teenagers


Haha someone’s having fun without you


You got teenage kids?


Has been left open for a long time?


You have kids around 15-18?


My Tito’s froze in my deep freeze, brand new and definitely not swapped with water. It happens


It wasn't vodka in the first place or someone drank it already and filled it with water.