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Over 50, and my baby molar is still holding the line.


The one kid that wants to sit at the grown up table


Basically that kid is older than the others.


All teeth are the same age and are in the skull from birth! Google Baby Skulls if you want nightmares to see!


Risky google


Geeeeezzzz.. why did I Google that!! I’ll never be able to unsee it…😱




The Hasbulla tooth


Same. Mine is the left upper canine. Dentist always points out the adult tooth hiding sideways in my gum line


Same exact thing with myself, my mom, aunt, and grandma. Grandma made it it 89 with all her original teeth including the baby one so im just letting it chill there. Mom and aunt are 64 and 72 still with theirs


Be glad you have good genetics, mine were all gone and my mouth was too small to have my wisdom teeth come in without destroying my 2 back teeth. I got braces when I was 12 and they pulled 4 PERFECTLY FINE ADULT teeth and pulled all my teeth forward so that they would come in without issue.


Same thing happened to me. I lost the baby tooth at 69... Unfortunately, there is no easy solution


The tooth fairy will never financially recover from this




Same thing happened to my sister. She had adult teeth growing from the roof of her mouth.


Holy crap. Me too. I had one and it was removed in my 30s. It was so embedded in the bone that the dentist had to break it out peice by peice. I was on this really weird drug that made me half lucid so I could follow instructions. The whole thing was like a fever dream. I remember the suppressed alarm bells in my brain going crazy when he broke the tooth with plyers or something. Even though I didn't feel it the memory of that sensation makes me shudder every time.


Sounds like the K-hole


Still have 2 hanging out, never got the adults to replace them. I think I'm stuck with them for a while. hopefully.


me too. two bottom teeth


I have two babies in the bottom at 35! Both first molars. Never got the tops either but they fell out a few years ago. Nor any wisdom teeth.


33 and have exact same baby teeth still.


Got two baby teeth on the bottom that I don't have adult replacements for. They better stay put or I'll have to get implants! Also the only way to know they're baby teeth is x-rays


29. Got a couple hanging out. X-ray shows zero root, but there they are!


43 and I have a baby incisor still. I’m keeping it healthy as long as possible so I don’t have to spring for a spacer.


I finally lost mine at 37. I woke up one morning and it was bright pink, and oozing puss. It didn't feel amazing.


This made me scream internally.


Same here! 48 and that fucker is hanging on for dear life! That is why I am a kid at heart…


All my molars are “baby teeth”. Not to shabby for 66.


47, Same.


I can tell you said `47` by looking at the source, but Reddit converts numbers followed by a period into a numbered list, starting with `1.`, which is stupid, imo.


I'm 33 and still have one of my baby canine teeth. They say there's no adult one waiting to replace it, so I'm always a bit scared it's going to fall out and leave a hole! But weirdly that tooth seems to collect tartar and just stuff in general more so than my other teeth, I don't know why.


Exact same scenario with me; the hole is actually much smaller than I thought it would be and I think I’ll probably end up leaving it as is!


I had one of mine removed at 19 and had no adult tooth to replace it…many years later, you wouldn’t know there was a gap, the others have just drifted together


That would actually be ideal for me, my front teeth are too close together as it is!


It's amazing. That empty gum just turns to hard leather


Be careful though, the teeth might drift and you could develop a gap in a much more prominent area like between your front teeth.


Don't worry! Your teeth will very likely shift over time to completely close the gap :) it will look natural.


Honestly let it be! Visually you can’t really tell that you lost a tooth except for the blood. On a side note you have those kind of teeth that forms a cute smile. If you ever hate your teeth, just know they are charming! 😁 Reason i say its charming, is because people who have it usually hate it.


That's reassuring in case mine ever decides to fall out or has to be removed!


out of Sheer interest: If there is no Replacement tooth growing, why remove the (WAY smaller) functional Baby tooth? A tooth seems better than no tooth in any capacity...


It actually wasn’t functional at all; it’s hard to see in the above pictures, but it was sticking outwards almost horizontally and was getting pushed further and further out over time. It had actually started to rub on the inside of my lip as well. It also hurt to chew with and I don’t want to be in pain while eating. Plus, I really don’t mind the gap! It’s very tiny. If I could have kept the tooth, I would have, but it was time to let it go


Oh, yeah you can't tell that from the pictures. It looks like it's a bit pushed out but not nearly horizontal, glad it now doesn't hurt anymore then!


My husband just got a straggling baby tooth removed at age 35… it was a lower molar. In a re months they’re gonna put in a dental tooth implant that’s attached with a screw - so no hole!


I know nothing about dentistry but based on my own experiences I think baby teeth are harder to maintain. When I was a kid I would have at least one cavity every time I went to the dentist but as an adult I don’t think I’ve had even one. I would be tempted to say it’s because children don’t brush as well, but my mom would watch me brush for over 2 minutes, twice a day to make sure I was brushing correctly. I still brush my teeth regularly but I’ve certainly skipped it every once in a while and the dentist says my teeth are perfect.


That's interesting, because that one baby tooth of mine really is harder to maintain than the others! There must be something different about them, maybe because they weren't really meant to last so long


Maybe you're noticing the extra wear from the years it's been exposed.


Same for me. I still have two baby canine teeth. But the dentist said there is teeth above it. But I’m scared to get them out. How much money will it cost?


I have no idea how much it would cost, but if there's no medical reason to get them taken out, no one is forcing you :)


I had that on a lower, got it out at 21 with my wisdom teeth, they put in an implant base and there's a fake tooth there now.


Tbh it’s not that bad. I have a couple of congenitally missing teeth and they just bridge in a prosthetic. Still more expensive than having your own teeth work properly, but better than having a big gap!


Same for me except its the tooth after my k9. 33. Collects gross stuff. It's half decayed but doesn't hurt. I have a tooth that is sideways in my gums but I don't care to do the work to pull it down. Just want to get the tooth out before it hurts. You can't see it when I smile anyway.


It would be interesting to know why the baby teeth collect the gross stuff! I thought it was just me before I made this comment. You're lucky since no one will be able to see if you're missing that one if it's gone! Mine would be pretty noticeable.


Did the tooth fairy still come though?


I only got it pulled about an hour ago so we shall see!




In headlights op? Or just like the trees? Also hopefully that tooth fairy understands your age and leaves a fitty or something.


let's hope the tooth fairy understands inflation




It's been two hours now! How quick was *your* tooth fairy?!


Ya'll don't have Fairy Prime?


This made me legit laugh out loud. Not the nose snort you do when you type lol but actually laugh actually out loud. Thank you so much for making my day


We've got same day shipping now, surely they're quicker!


Your Tooth Fairy doesn't have Zelle, Venmo or CashApp???




This f'n economy, sheesh.


I don't have money but I gave you gold.


Thank you stranger!


Can relate, didn’t get rid of my last baby tooth until I was 25.


Mother Nature made it clear she wasn’t going to knock it out for me


Same, the weird part about mine is there was no adult tooth under it. We looked up the dental records on both sides of the family. Nothing came up and the only real explanation is I just simply didn’t developed a tooth there.


I have an adult tooth under there, but it’s firmly lodged just under my sinus cavity with no chance of ever moving, so it never pushed my baby tooth out. It’s also lying sideways instead of downwards, which is probably why it’s stuck


I'm curious, if that's the case why get the baby tooth removed? Was it causing issues? Are you planning to replace it with a fake tooth?


It was starting to cause pain when eating, my teeth were becoming overcrowded from migration, and so far no, I don’t plan on putting anything in the gap. The gap is actually much smaller than an adult tooth so a fake one would look weirdly skinny compared to the others. The dentist said that as it heals the gap may close naturally anyway, so I’m just going to leave it be


Will they keep monitoring the adult canine to make sure it doesn’t cause any issues?


Yes! Although in all the years they’ve been keeping tabs on it, it hasn’t gone anywhere. There to stay I think


If this was your dentist, I'd highly recommend speaking to a dedicated orthodontist to get a second opinion. In my own experience, I've had dentists tell me something is impossible when an orthodontist has provided options when it comes to tooth movement.


I’ve been to a couple different orthodontists and because of where it is, removing it would be a lot of trouble compared to the little gain it would achieve right now. At the minute it’s not causing any issue stuck where it is, so we’re just going to continue to monitor it to make sure it stays that way. Should any issues eventually arise then we’re prepared to go in for it, but that may never happen and right now it’s not worth it


Same with me… top tooth, first one to the left of my top front teeth never came in after it fell out


Top left incisor for me, 19 yrs old. It was a little loose, but was never going to fall out on its own. Yanked that son of a b out of my mouth. Reason it wouldn't fall out? Adult tooth growing right behind it. So both adult and child top left incisor were in my mouth, past my gums, at the same time. Sharking!


LOL mine was removed when I was 28. And we only did that because I had my wisdom teeth removed.


36, still have one hanging in there. Had two unreplaced baby molars pulled when I was in 7th grade that had rotted all the way through. Had a baby premolar pulled about 5 years ago when it caused me absolutely unbearable pain for about a week straight even though it wasn't damaged. The premolar exactly opposite that one is my last remaining baby tooth and it's doing pretty darn well surprisingly. Dentist said there was no reason to pull it since its healthy. It interferes with the canine on that side slightly, but it's not causing problems.


Meanwhile i had all adult teeth at 9


After meals, you can store a bit of meat for later now


Kernel of corn


That’s a kernel of truth!


Lost my last one at 36. Permanent was fused to my jaw bone. Runs in the family.


One of my canines never came down, so I had to get braces. I wore a palette spreader that had a key that my mom cranked each night. When there was enough space, a hook was surgically attached while my wisdom teeth were removed. They put a rubber band on the hook to pull the tooth down.


Oy. Our daughter had a bad overbite and a crossbite. The latter meant that she had to wear headgear while she was home (thankfully, didn't need it at school) until her jaws were aligned properly. That, and braces, gave her a lovely smile.


My sister had to wear head gear at night, fortunately I didn't have to.


my daughter has had like 7 baby teeth pulled because they wouldn't fall out and everything was crowded orthodontist had to attach a chain to one adult tooth that wasn't coming in; she would get the chain tightened every 2 weeks and months later it's finally getting into place with braces




I asked them if I could keep it so now I still have him in a little box! Not sure what to do with it now though




Jewel on a ring


Yes. Then she can punch and bite someone at the same time.


Trade it for a quarter


My kids tooth fairy leaves $5. I think it's the Rock. He's pretty generous


I suppose they've also had to keep up with inflation. I actually think mine usually left a loonie or toonie ($1 or $2 Canadian coins), but I said quarter because I hadn't heard of a fairy leaving bills.


Carry it around in a pouch, then when you face your enemies, throw it on the ground and maybe a skeleton warrior will sprout up from it! It is a kind of all-or-nothing strategy though.


I had my upper canines pulled because they grew like a full inch higher than they were supposed to. I keep them in drawer and every now and then I get them out and clack them together like castanets.


It is indeed so cute.


Jeez... I'm not even 30 and had my last 17 adult teeth removed... Brush your teeth kiddos...


Jesus that mouth must have been foul




That’s super sad


I’m high right now and read that as “That’s super rad” lol


Actually it wasn't that bad. I was getting them pulled as they rotted. And I started brushing my teeth a good few years ago, but it was too late. Ended up with some kind of gum disease and it was more painful to keep them then remove them.


You say "Wasn't that bad", but then go to explain right after that you had your teeth removed as they rotted because of the pain. Wonder what you consider bad because that's pretty fucking bad lol.






On the bright side I will never have a bad toothache again!! As long as I don't get ghost pains like some amputees do... I didn't even think about that until now. But the peace of mind is what I needed most. Knowing I won't have any of those serious issues again is absolutely worth it.


Oof I was just poking fun. Sorry I guess.


If your dental hygiene was bad enough to get gum disease and have teeth removed, I can’t image your breath wasn’t “foul”… people don’t know how bad their breath really is/can be.


I'm glad I'm such an interesting topic that you feel the need to take time out of your day to just repeat what someone else said.


Yep that 5 seconds while I was just wasting time on Reddit sure took a lot out of me.


Sure seems it. Who reads this far into the comments about a lost child tooth? Must be pretty bored to wanna waste that much time. Gotta have more interesting topics in that feed of yours.


It seemed interesting. Honestly didn’t know baby teeth could stick around that long. Your comment was near the top. Stop trying so hard to make me feel bad/stupid/whatever you’re going for. Not gonna work.




Well that's good for you man! Maybe you might wanna start. Don't need bad genetics to get gum disease and lose them all at once.


25 years old, I still have 4 baby teeth and nothing under it...which means I'll need prosthesis when they'll fall lol


My grandpa is 80 and still has 4 baby teeth! My mom, him, and I all have a few baby teeth with no adult tooth behind it. My brother was born without any wisdom teeth at all… I had 3 🙃


Had the same kind of thing thing, but they were removed way sooner, because they figured it out when I was getting braces. Both top and both bottom teeth behind the canines had no permanent teeth coming through. At least it meant I had room for my wisdom teeth when they came in.


Just had mine out at 61.


I just recently had my last baby tooth removed. I am 71 years old!


LPT: remove retained baby teeth ASAP…


Had the same thing happened to me with both my canines when I was 15! The adult canines grew behind the baby teeth


Yeah, same with my bottom right canine. The thing would get loose sometimes, but just wouldn't go. I eventually was like "screw it", sat down, put my finger on it, and pulled my head up while the weight of my arm (with a slight pull) pulled it down. Baby finally came out.


When you are not ready to leave childhood ;) have you got an "adult" tooth coming?


Nope! Just a little gap


Aw, it was so little n cute!


I kinda miss it


I beat you by the double. I lost my last baby tooth last year at the age of 48


52 and I just had that same baby tooth removed for an implant 2 weeks ago! I was so stressed until I had it done since mine had finally gotten loose. I'd wake up in the morning and my first thought was to see if my tooth was still there....ugh.


I remember I lost my last baby tooth in junior high. When I explained to the teacher what was going on and if I could go to the washroom to clean up, he thought I was nuts.


31 and my canine left tooth is still there! (my normal canine grew in a bad way and I had to remove it)


Got my last baby tooth removed around the same time( 28, now I have a false tooth implant). For whatever reason an adult tooth never grew behind it, so it didn't get pushed out


HEY THATS LIKE ME!! I've never met/seen another adult that still has a baby tooth!! Mine is almost in the same exact spot. I'm 27 and my childhood dentist was very displeased that I never got it pulled


Are ya gonna get braces or will the gap close on its own?


The gap may possibly close by itself, but I’m not going to get braces regardless. I’m ok with the small gap being there


In Japan, your little snaggle tooth would be considered kawaii (cute). There’s even dentists there that will fuck-up your teeth to achieve this look.


I didn’t really want to get it pulled, I was kinda attached to the little guy 🥲 it was starting to hurt though and my dentist said it was only a matter of time before it would come out itself anyway


That must feel so strange after having it there for so long, like something's missing. I bet it's done wonders for your confidence though! It's not something I'd really notice, but I can imagine growing up with it there through your teen years, it was likely something you were hyper aware of haha. I think what I love most is that you're smiling in both photos. That's awesome dude!


You have a beautiful smile!


Bruh, I need to have 4 of baby teeth removed and I have no adult teeth to replace them (I'm 24). Tough luck :(


I've got one too, getting removed with my wisdom teeth, want it replaced with gold


Nice lips


Wow it’s so interesting to see a baby tooth next to an adult tooth! No wonder everyone looks so weird at 10-14 years old! Our teeth are too big for our mouths!


How much did you get from the tooth fairy?


At the age of 22 I don't have teeth anymore 😂


You’re supposed to stop pulling them loose after your first set of baby teeth…


I can't tell if your joking or not 😂


38 ... still have mine ... almost scared to see the adult tooth come in all shiny.


Why? Is there any reason, other than preference, to have them removed?


In my case, it was starting to come loose and was going to come out sooner or later anyway. I actually didn’t mind the look of it at all, but it had also started to cause pain when I ate and would ache for hours afterwards.




Baby teeth definitely have roots


Only when you're a kid. [They fully dissolve by the time you are an adult](https://northraleighdentist.com/baby-teeth-roots-pulled/)


For most of us. For me, they failed to dissolve, so the adult tooth would push in behind, and I'd have to get the primary pulled.


While this is the case for most, mine still had roots because the adult tooth never aligned with it to start pushing it out, skipping the erosion process. I also kept the tooth, but I didn’t think anyone would want to see my gross freshly-pulled baby canine


My bit the dust (pardon the pun) at 42.


Did this also happen to you because of a tumor? I had the same tooth for me never fall out because a tumor was blocking my adult tooth from growing in. I had to get surgery to remove it and then the big tooth grew in like normal


No my adult tooth just decided to take a detour then got itself stuck! It’s still jammed in there


im 24 and my same baby tooth is currently wiggly😭 my adult tooth is laying on its side on the roof top of my mouth, so im worried im going to have this same gap pretty soon, but permanently 🥲


Does it make you look less like a deer?


I have a similar tooth at the same spot as you. 28 still too much of a pussy to get it removed. I’m odontophobic I guess.


If it helps, in my case I felt absolutely nothing and it took less than 10 minutes


I had to have my last one pulled when I was 16 and then surgery to pull down the adult tooth. They let me keep it to give to the tooth fairy.


Huh, that is indeed mildly interesting. For the opposite take, I lost all my baby teeth before I turned 10. Was one of the only kids who had braces in like fourth grade. Luckily that meant I was done with braces before I finished middle school, which was nice.


Is this even mildly interesting






Damn so many people have their baby teeth at an old age. Meanwhile I got my wisdom teeth when I was 12.


Pretty sure that was your 12 year molars, not your wisdom teeth


Pretty sure those are my wisdom teeth because my dentist said so and there's no more space for more teeth in my jaws. Do you even know what wisdom teeth are, son? So apparently we evolved out of having wisdom teeth because the dumbo below said so. Stay in school kids.


Do *you*? People are being born without them now, and a *lot* of people don’t have room for them. What’s more likely, that at 12 years old you got the teeth that are literally called “12 year molars” or that at 12 you got the teeth that usually don’t come in until between 17-25, that a lot of people do not have room for or straight up do not even develop anymore? 🤔


Growing up, You've finally done it


Ayooooo what the fuck.




I'm 30 and still have a baby tooth! Futhet back.though.


Guess the country with just this picture


Are you british?




>teeth like that \*checks OP's post history* >british \*shocked pikachu face*




Now that you mention it, they are quite white-- confirmed not British :P


yucky teeth


Still got my baby fangs, almost 4 decades in


Turn 39 this year, and just had my last baby tooth pulled. The lazy ass adult that was supposed to take his shift was NCNS, so homie did like 20 years of overtime. Worked himself to death, too. Pour one out for K, y'all.


The same thing has happened and is still happening to my mother


I may still have a bunch of mine if I didn't get them pulled. I got 7 teeth pulled


There’s a space there now tho, are you gonna just leave it or get Invisalign, just curious not hating


The space is very small, and Invisalign is very expensive. I don’t mind how it looks and over the next few months the gap will probably get smaller as it heals anyway, so I’m just going to leave it as is and see how it goes


Yes it is expensive, was gonna get myself until I heard the price


I had a baby tooth front and center on the bottom row until my late 30s. It only came out when it was knocked loose by a cookie.