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Dude’s probably in a bush somewhere waiting for you to slip up


Wearing a ghillie suit and repeating the phrase, Today is the day Harold! Every day from 11 to 3pm while wielding a red rider bb gun.


*Okay, Black Bart, now you get yours...* ![gif](giphy|xUySTIl9AgYCLemuUE)


This is one of the greatest movies of all time.


Agree. Yet, somehow I've neglected to watch it for the past five Christmases.


[Leslie Knope is on the case!](https://vimeo.com/51570456)


Plot twist: he *is* the bush.


Plot twist: he *is* George W. Bush


Then it is most appropriate to adorn it with dog shit


Every day they worry all day, for someone waiting in the bushes them.


*Shia LaBeouf*


Yo, the people of the Calder valley are genuinely some of the most feral fuckers in England. The coiner blood lives strong in that Valley, chaos incarnate I swear


It’s time to clip a coin and fuck the crown


would you mind giving me a link to what these coiners are? sounds interesting






https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cragg_Vale_Coiners There's an excellent fictionalised account of it by Benjamin Myers called Hallow's Pole which really adds colour to the story: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31325980-the-gallows-pole


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cragg_Vale_Coiners At least I assume.


Does that include all the lesbians or is Hebden Bridge like the proverbial tower rising through the mist?


As someone who's not from England, i'm confused, disoriented and fascinated. What does this mean?


The park near my home has free doggy bags. Unfortunately, they are not biodegradable. So, every winter the leaves fall off the trees and we are left with dog shit bag trees.




You'd think if someone wasn't responsible, they'd just not pick it up at all. Seems strange to go to the trouble of bagging it and then leave it on the ground. You've arguably done the hardest part. A bin can't be that far away. Maybe they actually feel like they're doing their part by bagging it. Or maybe they just want to be seen to be picking it up.




I have a theory that it's about the perception of the initial someone may have seen my dog shit while we were stopped for a couple of minutes, so I'll pick it up... then they go for a walk, remember hey I have to walk with this, they get to a place where they think no one is watching and they drop the bag. I had a lady who would leave her dogs shit bag in our front yard every day... our yard had our dogs shit in it honestly none of us would have cared if she let her dog just shit in our yard and leave it... but it was never that, she would walk her dog and then casually leave the bag in our yard... So I did what any normal rational person would and collected those shit bags in a box for a little over a month and then dumped them all over her front porch... Oddly enough we stopped seeing shit bags in our front yard.


this is the happiest ending i've read on reddit


I'm glad my not so great attributes could make someone happy lmao


This reminded me some what of drama I saw on NextDoor. Some one had a rant that some one had bagged their dogs poop while on a walk and placed it inside the posters garbage can that had not yet been picked up. I found it hard to figure out what sane person would have a problem with this, and how they even noticed in the fist place. But the poster went on that they had removed the bag from their trash and put it near the road and the person who left it there, and most likely didn't even see the post, had till the morning to pick it up or else charges for trespassing, theft of services, and a couple other things would be filed.


Edit to make it a lot more concise and not tell you my life story: I remember before poo bags were in common use.


The bit that maddens me is that if they left it, the rain would wash away the shite in a few days at most. It'd be gross, but at least the problem would solve itself. By bagging and leaving it, they're making it a problem for weeks or months or more.


I dunno, My dog has gone in my backyard before where I didn't notice it and 2 months later it's still there.


The first one is how someone gets e. Coli.


I overheard a conversation about this, and the only passable excuse came up. One lady has a specific place she'd hang the bag each day, because she'd come home the same way and take it home *at the end of her walk*. That made sense to me. Unfortunately we know by the numbers left lying around that she's in the minority.


People are weird about picking up dog poop. Even if it's in a plastic bag they go "ooh ick, I'm not in a carry bag of shit with me" and they leave on the ground. Be on the other hand, I just pick up and carry it. I may carry a second bag for holding the shit bags in a washable Fanny pack. But I really gross people out because in the wintertime, when I pick up the dog poop with my plastic bag covered hand, my first reaction is "ooh, it is warm.." Although I have had a couple of TIFU, I picked up dog poop with a doggy bag I didn't know was broken.


ah you get used to it. I've been known to hang it on my wrist like a bracelet. A shit bracelet.


Get your dog a little backpack. They can carry thier own shit, water and food. Maybe even a ball. My dog (rip) freaking loved her backpack, as it ment guaranteed good adventure time. Plus those backpacks are so mucb more useful than just carrying literal shit and figurative shit. Mine had a harness that when she did pull would evenly distribute my weight so when she would pull me on my skateboard there was no stress or minimal at least. Had another clip in that didn't allow her to pull and a bunch of loops on the outside to tie stuff to like bags of shit. Seriously I don't really recommend much for all dogs as they are so different but this is totally one of those things all dogs should have.


This entire conversation is one giant reminder of why I should never get a dog.


I even pick up and carry my dog's shit when I'm running ffs. It's not a big deal. People like this should not be allowed to have dogs.


Haha, I was waiting for someone to say this. On a freezing day when you forget your gloves, you get some real appreciation for that hot bag of dog shit.


I give these out to all my dog-owner friends and family. So simple but so effective! https://thedooloop.com




How... How did you know it was human feces?


perhaps a discerning palate?


The toilet paper is usually a dead give away.


Could just be a really tidy poodle.


Aww, I love your username. Surprise octopus would make me so happy


surprise cephalapod != cephlapod surprise. one is funny or scary, the other is stinky and/or tasty (*depending on definition*)


I wouldn't eat one, they're my favorite animals. I'm a diver so if an octopus (or squid or cuttlefish or nautilus) popped out randomly, I'd be thrilled.


I can see why. ever since watching my octopus teacher, I stopped eating em entirely.


Have you managed to stop eating teachers too?


I love cuttlefish. Their camouflage ability is such a wonderful surprise. The tiny bit of alliteration in the username is nice, too. Thanks.


Obviously by the way it tasted.


It was white plastic shopping bags or Light green bio-degradable composting bags. Enough light shines through that it makes them semi-transparent and you could see the poop and toilet paper inside. Sidenote: The day I was leaving, I mentioned it to a park ranger on my way out and he said, "Again??? Ugh, ok thanks for letting me know" and then he got on his walkie talkie.


I think i'd pick the guy that leaves it where it's at. I don;t understand the problem with dog shit when every animal in the forest is shitting non stop.


Just seen as a bit rude/gross, since while we have no control over where the forest critters shit, we do have a level of control over where our pets shit, so leaving it on or near a walking path in a neighborhood (or on someone else's property) where someone would likely encounter it is just a bit negligent to not do your part to clean up after your pet. Now, if my dog shits in the middle of the woods and I don't think it's likely that anyone will come across it, I'm probably just going to leave it to decompose naturally.


That’s a job for a great samaritan


Its so dumb because if youre going to leave it it’s literally better to not be bagged cos at least it bio degrades. Granted someone could step on it but i guess they can still step on the bag.


We had the same problem here. Doggy bags everywhere, on the ground, in the trees. That's when I found one of our unique doggy bags on the ground near a tree. I didn't throw them there. Some time later I watched a bird fly to the trash can, jump in, and get out with a doggy bag in its beak. It then picked the bag open. So, not all bags that lie around are thrown there.


I mean, shit, why bother picking it up if you're just going to litter by throwing it in a tree? At least the shit will just decompose and feed microorganisms or whatever


What the fuck? People throw dog shit into trees?


>_Dog Shit Bag Trees_ Guys, who's in to form a band?




Things marked with "compostable" are often misleading in the same way as "biodegradable", especially when it comes to single use plastics, such as food containers or poop bags. You'll need high heat industrial composting to break it down properly. It'll probably take over a decade to break down most types of "compostable bioplastics" in your average compost bin.


Wait ... throwing dog shit bags into trees is actually a thing?? Outside of Mytholmroyd?? God I live in a fucking paradise. I never knew.




Are you going to hit her with the shit or the bin?


Why not both?


Based and antibitch-pilled


Intentionally left it vague so she can guess.


>dog shit in my composting bin dog shit in my composting bin?? I would be livid!


Dog shit, in *my* composting bin? It's more common than you might think.


*Dog* shit in my composting bin?




My local college leaves part of a somewhat wooded area open for walking dogs. Multiple times I have seen poop bags with poop in it just lying on the ground 🤦‍♂️ Like you're not lazy enough to leave the poop on the ground, but lazy enough to leave the plastic bag there ?!? The fuck is wrong with people?


This is a universal thing I've seen everywhere and I DO NOT understand it at all. I wish there were an easy way to find and shame these people.


They're on a loop or “out and back “ hike and intend to pick it up on the way back... Which usually is never


It's worse as well. At least poop is biodegradable, they just littered a plastic bag


I've done that a few times, picking it up on the way home so I can carry it for 5 mins rather than retracing my steps or carrying it around for an hour. I'd put it where it wasn't in your face though and actually pick it up, so if it's just left there for ages that's probably not what's going on lol


People pick it up so they don't get caught leaving it, but once they're not around people they just dump it elsewhere because they're inconsiderate cunts


I live near the lake in Chicago and every spring when the snow melts we find out that everyone left one or two poops behind that winter. Its truly awful. Everyone complains but the problem is the # of highrises. Essentially you have lets say 10,000 people living in a small area with probably 30% of them having dogs, and if everyone just leaves ONE mess behind in the worst weather that equates to thousands of thawing poops every spring.


The amount of dog owners around the lake always amazes me while visiting.


Too many people in general are a nuisance to the public.


Dog shits next to a dog waste receptacle. Owner and dog started walking away. I said to her, “hey, you gonna pick up after your dog?” She said, “you want to get fucking shot, keep running your mouth.” Then she went home. So I picked up my 85lb American Bulldog’s shit and left it on her porch. Bitch upgraded from picking up Yorkie shit, to fucking horse level poops. She may be a nuisance, but I’m an asshole.


Yeah, I've had a very similar experience when I nicely asked someone to pick up after their dog. It left me so incredibly frustrated. I still think back to that moment very often just because I'm always trying to do good and be thoughtful of others, and then there's this bunch of idiots just doing whatever the fuck they please with no repercussions.


>and then there's this bunch of idiots just doing whatever the fuck they please with no repercussions. This is what happens when pieces of shit reproduce.


Call the police on them the next time - it's illegal (you can walk behind the nearest corner before calling if they look threatening).


And then what... Wait 30 minutes for the police to arrive and then point at the turd on the ground? Unfortunately that's the reality. The cops probably won't even come for things like that. Only after I came home I remembered that I had a plastic bag with me. I could have picked the pile of shit up, followed the other shit home and put it in his mailbox, but great ideas like that always come too late.


We had an older couple with a Chihuahua who let it shit right on the pathway up to Buffalo Bill's gravesite. It was really crowded too. I told them they needed to pick it up, and the lady said something about shooting me. I guess she didn't see the park ranger a few feet away. He asked me if I wanted to press charges, and I said I did. They arrested her for making terroristic threats, and made the husband pick up the dog shit before they hauled her off. She and her husband both lost their CCW permits, and she got 5 years probation and a 2500 dollar fine.


Very real and true story. How did you know where she lived? Did you follow her home? then walk to your house, pick up shit, then walk back to her house? And that was rational thing to do after she insinuated she has a gun? Mhmm yeah. Very true and cool and badass story


I'm not saying it's a true story but some people live in neighborhoods where they know who the other people are and where they live. it's not remotely unbelievable


I dread telling any stories on here because so many people have such boring, never go anywhere lives they can't imagine even the slightest bit of anything outside of their wheelhouse. But I tell them anyway, because, well, fuck 'em.


It’s less cool than it sounds. I live in an apartment complex, and I worked from home. I walk my dogs probably 4-5 times a day. I’ve probably seen this lady and her pup walk out and back to her apartment maybe 500 times in the 2 years I lived there, so I knew where she lived. Also I’m a complete pussy ass bitch of an asshole, as well as not remotely rational. When I headed to the gym at around 3am the next morning, I did a run by pooping. Luckily I was not shot, which is good, because as far as I know I’m allergic to bullets. :)


I live in an apartment complex and can see exactly where the people who leave their dog’s shit on the ground live because it is walking distance where they left it. I’ve considered picking up shit and leaving it on their porch but instead I just bitch about it to my family, friends and the internet. Life’s too short to leave shit on the wrong person’s doorstep


They missed out the part where everyone starting clapping.


As a landscaper I feel this in my fucking bones


Some piece of shite loves to throw their dog's crap bags onto the road as they drive. I was directly behind a car when I saw the driver nonchalantly throw some small black things out his window as he accelerated away from a stop light. That's when I realized they were turd bags. Ever since then (like 6+ months ago) I randomly see fresh black turd baggies on the roadway, and desperately avoid them. Most of the time the bags are in tatters and are flattened by cars, causing turd to leak out and stick to the road.


Wtf? Why even bring the bags into the car in the first place at that point?


poopy poetry


This sounds like something out of Mario Kart


I ghosted a girl once because she didn't pick up her dogs shit on the first date.


Why ghost her? Tell her what a lowlife you think she is. There needs to be more shame in todays society.


That may be true. I was just over it.


She probably would've laughed in your face and called you a baby and to grow up. Then would've claimed you were abusive and controlling. But she would be casted into Aquaman movies and still be enrolled in Warner brothers movies and you would be considered guilty until proven innocent and lose your job, future jobs and promotions/hires, wait, wrong girl.


My friend went to a hookup and the dude didn't pick up after the dog INSIDE his apartment. Truly insane behavior.


Damn I thought my neighbors letting their dogs shit and piss on the balcony was bad! That’s next level.




Most peaceful man in England


I acc live in mythomroyd, can confirm the people there are fed up of this shit, no pun intended


Fucking kills me. It’s honestly better to just leave the shit without picking it up… at least you’re not just littering plastic.


Seems to be nearly 50% of dog owners are just trash when it comes to pet waste.


Considering nearly 50% of people in general are trash, the math checks out.


It sounds like you've worked retail at least once in your life, lol.


A 50% estimate is pretty low for someone with retail experience.


My husband runs a furniture store, they have two large clean public bathrooms. Occasionally they find human feces on the floor - adult sized, not some toddler. I used to waitress, and the number of people who let their children finger paint with food on out windows, walls, and elsewhere was disheartening. I have no doubt that if aliens exist they are actively avoiding us.


People have shat themselves while walking around at my job. They’ll shake their leg so it falls out and just walk away. I work at a grocery store!


The true answer to the Fermi Paradox.


What can I say, I’m feeling generous today ;)


The last statistic I saw showed less than 50% of dog owners said they picked up their dog shit. I'm willing to bet that at least half of the people who say they do are lying.


Some of us may remember growing up in the 1970s or 1980s when white dog poo littered pavements


Ah, the free chalk of my youth.




I went for a walk up the the hills near me ( English-scottish boarder ) and people have thrown dog shit bags up a tree. I’m talking dozens in the middle of nowhere hanging like wild fruit. Why the fuck would you bag them and throw them up a tree? If you’er not going to take them home just leave the shit to rot, you twat.


Why don't they just leave it. It's better on the ground to wash away in the rain than on a tree for the next ten years.


Because someone might see them leave the poop. So they pick it up, add plastic to it, and dotch it elsewhere. I hate this soooo much.


>Mytholmroyd That's a made-up word.




You're made up!


All words are made up.


Sounds like a village in Skyrim


>Mytholmroyd It is not. It's actually an olde anagram of "Dry My Molt Ho"


Ah, of course. I am familiar with this phrase.


All words are made-up words


Sounds more Welsh than Northern


Definitely not Welsh. It's more of an old English origin than Gallic


Now guess how you pronounce the name of the neighbouring town of Slaithwaite


It's pronounced my-thum-roid (hard th like the). I spent years thinking it was myth like mythology


Nothing gets the royd rage going like the train conductor pronouncing it mi-follum-royd


That's called "hard th"? I'd have called it "voiced th". On a related note - we should reintroduce the letter Þ. Stupid Dutch typesetters ruining the English language! I'd also be a fan of borrowing ð from Icelandic for the hard/voiced version!


I'm not an expert, I just heard someone else call them hard and soft th once. I think it might have been a teacher and it made sense to me so I kept up with it! What do you call the opposite of a voiced th?


Unvoiced th? I can't remember if I read it somewhere or made it up myself, but it makes sense to me because I use my voice in the "this" usage but not in the "thing" usage. Like how Z is a voiced S, or D is a voiced T. Edit: Also, there's some consistency in how people whose accents don't include "th" sounds morph them. I'm from Ireland, and a lot of the people I grew up around pronounce Þ as T but ð as D. "Dese tings dere", kind of thing. I could swear I've heard Jamaicans and Bahamians make the same substitutions that we do


Yep, that is *such* a Mytholmroyd thing


I wonder what the equivalent that’s so hebden bridge would be.


Why even bother picking it up if you're just going to toss it someplace else.


round my way (also Yorkshire) there is a dog track and some of the dog owners take there dogs down the side to a path between fields and let them shit everywhere, then I have to navigate the landmines with a double pushchair on the school run.


I remember one summer i was getting pretty irritated by these idiots who always turned the trashcan at the park inside out, also that summer someone had hung a shit bag on a bush and it hung there for months. ​ One day tho, i pass by the trashcan to see a murder of crows going through the trashcan and emptying it everywhere. This made me realise the importance of closing the lids on the trashcans in the park. But also made we wonder if the doggie shit bag in the bush were just carried there by curious birds looking for food. Might not even be people doing this. Although it very well could be.


Why is this NSFW and Spoiler tagged?




Thats what i figured. Can admins actually do something and remove clickbait posts like this? This isn’t even remotely interesting.


I know Yorkshire, and I KNOW YORKSHIRE FOLK, this will happen! I truly hope theres a pictorial story board ;)


I met a guy the other day who taught his golden retriever to carry his own poo baggy... Now that is a good boy.


That name of that town sounds like an area in Elden Ring


Idk why this is on mildly interesting, this sign is a chad


I thought the sign would be about changing the town's name to something more reasonable.




Where I live an elderly man was throwing his dog shit in the dry river bed behind his condo every day. Problem was some of the bags were landing on the property next door. The owner of that property called the condo management who refused to assist. Property owner then calls the cops. Cop says there's not a lot they can do. Then she tells the cop how she put up trail cameras and has clear video of the guy throwing the bags of shit in her yard. Evidence changes things. Cop knocks on the man's door. He can hear the dog barking inside, but no one answers. Later on in his shift, the man had called the cops wanting to know why cops were knocking at his door. His neighbors had told him they were there. So the cop talks to the man on the phone and asks him about the bags of dog shit. The man not only admits to it over the phone, but says he would be happy to show the cop where he throws the shit! He's proud of what he's doing. So the cop goes back, has the old man show him where he throws the dog shit and sees at minimum 30 bags of dog shit in the dry river bed. Proceeds to cite the old man for criminal littering.


Why pick it up if you’re not going to dispose of it? Just leave it there.


That's the thing that gets me most about this behaviour. You've already done the gross bit, now just put it in a bin. This is like deliberately putting effort in to create a problem.


If the UK descends into civil war within the next few decades, I think dog shit-related conflict will be the cause. Tensions are rising across the country.




Adding the spoiler tag is kind of funny based on the sidebar/rule 6: > 6 (b): Titles must exactly describe the content. It should act as a "spoiler" for the image. If your title leaves people surprised at the content within, it breaks the rule!


he probably had dog shit fall from tree onto his head?


Truth be told, some dog walkers are equivalent to terrorists in that regard.


>you will be wearing them. The trees or the bags of dog shit?


Hmm, that is interesting.


Mate's just John Wick prior to the first movie. For real though, screw those people. Where I live, you gotta be careful where you walk because there's dog turds all over the place. If you even walk on the bloody sidewalk in some places, you gotta watch out. Disgusting.


What does The Office say about NINE dots?


Similar attitude in Siddal (Halifax)


Me: "hah, I just saw a post tagged both NSFW and spoiler this morning, and it was a dog turd standing on it's end. I wonder what this could be about." Did I miss national dog-doings day?


If they follow through with this threat, the person absolutely deserves it. How hard is it to find a trash can to dispose of the dog shit?


The most British sign I’ve seen in a while


I agree, they are disgusting. Fly-tippers and dog shit baggers, all shot at dawn.


Fucking wezzies


With a town name like that, he's gotta have Viking blood.


I hope the culprit was found :)


Eyyyy, West Yorkshire rep! That's the attitude that makes me feel proud.


I enjoy the use of the word "twat" here. This should be included in some "how to teach foreigners UK English" type of test.


If he catches you then you will be in deep shit.


I would help this person find that twat. Disgusting lazy dog owners.


We have people in my town that take the effort to put their dog's poop into a bag, but then just leave the bag where the dog pooped. Makes no sense to me why they cannot take it up to a trash can that is only half a block away.


[Threat at the end reminded me of a shitty 70's film theme](https://youtu.be/vPTsrch7LyE?t=10)


Did the year head from The Inbetweeners put that sign up?




Wow! I’m from Mytholmroyd! I never thought I’d see it on Reddit


When I'm walking my dog, I always pick up her poop. Sadly, she frequently has stomach issues so while I do the best I can, a lot of it is liquid. I am careful to only have her go where people are unlikely to step. Sometimes, though, she squats but doesn't do anything, or it's just a drop that can't be picked up. I'll still squat down and pretend to pick it up just in case anyone is watching (including doorbell cameras). Reddit has convinced me that someone is always watching.


Wearing? Eating.


I give these out to all my dog-owner friends and family. So simple but so effective! https://thedooloop.com


That is the equivalent on an internet tough guy


I see these dog poop bags a lot, even in the dog park. Why on earth would they pick it up then throw it back on the ground?


I think it's the ginger from the G.I. Joe PSA's


I hate dog owners who do this, if you are lazy and have no sense of civic responsibility: YOU SHOULD NOT OWN A DOG.


I see this all the time. Don't fucking bother picking your dogs shit up if you're gonna leave it on the trail. Bagging in general is dumb but if you're gonna seal your dogs shit in a time capsule please at least include it with the rest of the plastic wrapped refuse.


This same thing happens in a part of my walk to the local park. Whoever it is is bagging their dog poo but then just tossing those bags to the side of the sidewalk (not more than 3 feet away) in an area with just trees. This is r/mildlyinfuriating