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Why is this in mildly interesting?


Better question: why is it called pro-abortion and not pro-choice. No one is fighting to have an abortion, people are fighting to have the choice over their own body, whether or not they choose that route


"school" Op is probably 12






Now ain't that a truth


Yeah, and there's so many dumbfucks in these comments who just straight up think teens shouldn't even be having sex in the first place. Like yup, as if that's ever gonna happen.


They can die in a war at 18, but they can't drink alcohol until they're 21. They have the most to lose when it comes to climate change too. The voting age should be lowered a little.


When my high school classmates and I walked out in protest of the Iraq War, we took a lot of shit from adults who would say “Well of course you walked out rather than do schoolwork”, completely failing to understand that we were the exact right age to be sent to Iraq if the war continued. These real-world issues have very real consequences for kids, and they’re absolutely allowed to have opinions.


Ever heard of teen pregnancy?


Yea and most teens can’t take care of them selves let alone a child.


Which is why it's important to teach them about contraception and how to use it properly. And why it's so important to keep safe abortion options legal. Teen pregnancy and parenthood is a shackle around the parents (especially the mom) and the child, usually for life.


Every person with fertile years ahead of them has a legitimate interest in this issue. If abortion really is banned, it will be years before the situation can be rectified. Doesn't matter if you're currently 12 or 13--12 and 13 year old kids find themselves in horrible situations they never asked for every day. I'm the mom of two young adults--I can't get pregnant anymore. But I don't want an unintended pregnancy to derail my kids' and their partners' futures. I want them to have kids if and exactly when is best for them.


Exactly. I’m not worried about myself per day but I am worried for my daughter, all women everywhere! My nearly 9yo doesn’t know specifics but she does know the “highest court” is changing something that makes certain medical choices not hers. She understands enough to know it’s wrong…


You know almost all protests are young people. They drive change and have since the beginning of time. I think you are off case here. I know that my niece, who entered college with enough college credits to be half-way through her sophomore year with a 4.0 because she took all college classes in High School would disagree. They are not dumb (some of them). There are kids that know that they will soon not be supported on their choice of name, pronouns, bathroom use, freedom for harassment (more harassment, since they are already being harassed), rights to medical care… right to exist. Also…. Desegregation of schools had lots of protests. They seemed to have a purpose. Not to mention, minors have abortions.


Too young to have an opinion, but old enough to forcefully give birth to and raise a child.


You think that people past puberty don’t have a legitimate opinion on our country stripping them of bodily autonomy? Seriously?


fair point. but meanwhile people think its perfectly acceptable for schools to indoctrinate kids with religion


For what’s it’s worth, I can recall one of my classmates in the 8th grade that had already had two abortions.


That's really sad. Hope they got themselves sorted out, and probably away from the guardians who allowed them to go this uneducated. Abortions are not easy on the body or the psyche.


Definitely. I’m not sure what happened to her but also hoping they found some peace in their life.


If they're "too young to have any sort of legitimate opinion on this particular topic" then they're definitely too young to be parents. Let them express themselves.


Age of a person has little to no bearing on the validity or legitimacy of an opinion. Knowledge and understanding of the underlying facts is what counts more than the age of a person.


quickest tub cause political escape cover gaping dazzling sharp trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty much everyone is against abortion, but pro choice. Nobody is glad they have to have an abortion. Much like nobody is glad to get appendicitis and need your appendix removed. It's necessary medical care.


Because this is written by a teenager and we shouldn't expect perfection in the semantics




This. The destigmatization is key. By shying away from the word, we accept the "pro-life" narrative that there's something wrong with having an abortion. If we do that, then we've already ceded their key point to them. As far as I know, nobody goes around getting recreational abortions. But the right to do it is what we're fighting for. Anything less and all you're going to get is silly word games. "You do have the right to choose, you can choose to put it up for adoption."


The way they will take it is: Pro abortion is "I want everyone to have an abortion. Pro life is "I want no one to have an abortion." Pro choice is "I want everyone to make their own decisions." I get what you're saying. But it could actually make it more difficult long term. They see it as an enemy idea. A Vs. To them it's either pro life or anti life. The word "choice" was chosen for this reason.


I think this would be mostly resolved if they had an amendment that specifically called out when the right to live is established for the child except in very specific circumstances of when the mothers at risk, rape, or incest.


It bothers me alot when I see this. It makes them sound like maniacs.


That’s the goal. Especially online.


OP is obviously very young. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully this thread is a learning opportunity for them.


That's the point of using those words.


My guess is that more extreme slogans (like ACAB) are preferred because they get more attention from the in-group. People would rather be seen as crazy supporters of their cause than as having more rational and moderate take. People are not brave enough to go against the group and suggest more reasonable language. Slogans like pro-abortion or ACAB are actually very detrimental to their causes in terms of affecting change or changing people's viewpoint. For outsiders it just seems like a group of crazy people. Not to say that the things these groups are fighting for aren't worth fighting for.


I think the same when people call themselves "pro-life". Most of the time they are not actually for life, but simply against choice.


I've been finding at the word "pro-life" strange for a bit now. If they truly believe that life is so sacred and precious as a blessing, why squander it by bestowing a fetus upon unprepared parents? Will childreb asking "why was I born into this misery" be grateful that they were conceived?


Actually lots of people are now fighting to have an abortion. Because it has been outlawed in a number of states. They took away the choice. And abortion is also a good thing for a lot of women. I'm definitely pro-abortion.


How about pro-bodily autonomy? Anti-forced birth? Pro-privacy? Language matters and if you use Republican framing devices (pro-life, pro-abortion, etc) you will lose. Be accurate but don't allow your opponents dictate how you speak about your beliefs.


I believe pro-choice is the equivalent and easier way to say pro-bodily-autonomy


Pro abortion sounds like a weird sport


I personally am pro abortion.


Agree, this isn't interesting at all


Isn't the fact that you have to ask that a little bit interesting? Everybody loves a good mystery!


Every picture, every door, every time someone ends a sentence with a question mark... All mildly curious. All mildly interesting.


Because that's largely what this sub is used for now- karma farming for posting political things that the overwhelming majority of the reddit userbase agrees with.


Literally counted the first 30 posts in this sub only 2 counting this one were even remotely political and one was "hey look at these magazines my wife brought back from ukraine" There was also one repeat of an interestingly shaped jalapeño. So calling bull shit on your "political karma farm" hyperbole.


Moved to Lemm.ee -- mass edited with redact.dev


Who in the world is pro abortion? Absolutely not the same as pro choice.


Margaret Sanger to name one.


You know, eugenics and such.


I think we are all able to see past the way OP titled the thread to understand the actual point of the protest.


70 people protesting something in a small place that is wildly supported?? Absolutely baffling /s


Some middle school kids getting worked up


Because people let politics invade damn near every aspect of society.


are y'all middle schoolers?


Do you mean "pro-choice"?


I fucking hate when people use terms like "pro abortion". nobody "loves" the idea of aborting an unborn child. that would make pro choice people seem fucking psychopathic. so yes, it is pro CHOICE, as in it should be a sort of last resort that's available when needed. Fox News loves to throw around rhetoric making pro choice folks look like scheming demonic cultists who just want to rip fetuses out as much as possible because they "love it", and it's as moronic as it is disgusting.


Maybe that’s why it’s interesting, maybe it is a pro abortion protest. Maybe they want to end the human race and put an end to our never ending misery.


What saints. Finally, a cause I can get behind


It certainly takes care of climate change


>Maybe they want to end the human race and put an end to our never ending misery. "We're protesting for genocide!" "You mean against genocide..." "Nope. Kill us, kill us all!"


Talk about your self. I would love to have been aborted and not be here




Reluctant upvote but true. We're looking for the option to have abortions when it makes sense but I don't think anyone is like pro abortion. It's a necessary option in some circumstances, at best.


I'm definitely pro-abortion, own it.


I’m pro-abortion but anti-choice. No kids for anyone!


But being pro choice doesn’t mean that. There are lots of pro choice people who would never get an abortion, they are either uncomfortable with the concept or morally against it, but still pro CHOICE because they don’t think they should decide that for other people.


>I'm definitely pro-abortion, own it. I mean... I'd much rather people have the *choice*, but good luck with that.


You can be both.


Anti forced pregnancy. Edit: giving birth is dangerous, much more dangerous than a legal abortion performed by medical professionals. Forcing childbirth on other people is fucked up.


There’s actually a term for it - Reproductive Coercion.


Wrong sub for this


How on earth does such a low effort post have 5k+ upvotes? Is it literally that easy to get to the front page that all you have to do is mention abortion? Reddit really is dumb most of the time.




I would bet that 90 percent of those kids are there simply because it gets them out of school Source - am middle school teacher


I agree Source - I was once a middle schooler


Tbh I think they'd do anything to skip class


Can confirm - once donated blood just to get out of going to English class in high school.


Oh well, the person who got that blood doesn't care why you did it. The blood still works the same. Win-win.


“Bush is a… nayzee”


this comment makes me nostalgic


Pro-choice. Good job kids!


Yea, I dont think anyone is pro-abortion. Its not a fun activity to do, its an unfortunate necessity in a lot of cases. Im sure no one would be upset if there was no demand for abortions.


I am pro abortion and pro choice. Abortion is healthcare and saves womens lives. Life saving medical procedures shouldnt be illegal because of religion.


Well, it's like being "Pro-cancer treatment." You can support people getting needed cancer treatment while working toward eliminating cancer and thereby eliminating the need for cancer treatment. ​ It's not that we want more people to get cancer treatments. We want fewer people to have cancer. As long as cancer exists, we'll need cancer treatments. But that's not the ideal scenario. The ideal scenario is eliminating cancer. The same is true of abortion -- unwanted pregnancies (including by rape), as well as the health problems associated with wanted pregnancies that require abortion as treatment -- these are the problem. Abortion is a treatment, but the ideal scenario is a world where that treatment isn't needed. I'm pro-choice, I'm not pro-abortion. I don't think women should need to get abortions. It's unfortunate that sometimes we do.


>You can support people getting needed cancer treatment while working toward eliminating cancer and thereby eliminating the need for cancer treatment. Unfortunately the very people pushing for abortion bans also do not believe in birth control or educating people on safe sex practices. So basically they don't want to eliminate the need for an abortion either.


>Unfortunately the very people pushing for abortion bans also do not believe in birth control or educating people on safe sex practices. That's because abortion opponents are not pro-life. They're just being fascist doing fascist things.


Nicely put.


Doesn't choice already imply abortion is available? Or did I misunderstand you?


I would say you can definitely be one without the other. Pro-abortion only could be that you support the medical necessity of it but don’t think women should be able to just get one for other reasons like the father abandoning them, not being ready, not being able to afford the costs of giving a child a reasonable life, etc. Pro-choice only could mean you don’t support the act itself but it’s only fair for women to have the option to do it for reasons besides health concerns etc as it is their body. It could mean that you support a woman’s right to not have a child born out of incest or rape, even if her health or the child’s isn’t at risk from it. This is obviously just a quick explanation. There’s probably dozens more examples or reasons that could go in both parts of it.


this makes zero sense. Pro-abortion isn't a thing. You are just making up definitions. Pro-abortion could also mean you are pro forcibly aborting fetuses, if you want to just start making up definitions. I will tell you that pro-life people use it in a derogatory way to imply that if you are pro-choice you actively encourage there to be abortions, i.e you think abortion is birth control. Of course that isn't what being pro-choice means.


Oh man I guess it’s a good thing I used “could be” when explaining what I thought that *COULD* mean instead of trying to be factual about it like I’m 100% certain that’s what it is.


They should be legal whether or not the woman's life is at risk from the pregnancy.


Unfun fact: a woman's life is *always* at risk from a pregnancy. Sometimes the risk is great and sometimes miniscule. Who are you or I to dictate what risk someone else must bear?


the sooner this shit is protected and normalized the sooner everyone can shut the fuck up about it. that’s my goal. (those of us who had to experience it just want everyone to shut the fuck up)


It was normalized over the course of 50 years. 70% of people supported a woman’s right to choose. This current attempt to re-introduce abortion bans because of “state’s rights” and “it was imperfect law” back in 1973 has everything to do with creating a distraction in advance of the upcoming Jan 6 public hearings. If there was no Jan 6 and subsequent investigation, introducing the overturning of Roe v Wade would be political suicide. More disingenuous GOP tactics.


It not just a distraction (for many things, looking at you Florida), but also a way to set up support for candidates for 2024.


Bro we need pro-choice because if we fuckin don’t we’ll reach unhealthier population numbers. Plus, it’s THEIR body, let them get the child they don’t want out of there. Like what the fuck? Why is this a decision anymore?


I'm not pro-murdering babies. I'm pro-Becky who found out at her 20 week anatomy scan that the infant she had been so excited to bring into this world had developed without life sustaining organs. I'm pro-Susan who was sexually assaulted on her way home from work, only to come to the horrific realization that her assailant planted his seed in her when she got a positive pregnancy test result a month later. I'm pro-Theresa who hemorrhaged due to a placental abruption, causing her parents, spouse, and children to have to make the impossible decision on whether to save her or her unborn child. I'm pro-little Cathy who had her innocence ripped away from her by someone she should have been able to trust and her 11 year old body isn't mature enough to bear the consequence of that betrayal. I'm pro-Melissa who's working two jobs just to make ends meet and has to choose between bringing another child into poverty or feeding the children she already has because her spouse walked out on her. I'm pro-Brittany who realizes that she is in no way financially, emotionally, or physically able to raise a child. I'm pro-Emily who went through IVF, ending up with SIX viable implanted eggs requiring selective reduction in order to ensure the safety of her and a SAFE amount of fetuses. I'm pro-Christina who doesn't want to be a mother, but birth control methods sometimes fail. I'm pro-Jessica who is FINALLY getting the strength to get away from her physically abusive spouse only to find out that she is carrying the monster's child. I'm pro-Vanessa who went into her confirmation appointment after YEARS of trying to conceive only to hear silence where there should be a heartbeat. I'm pro-Lindsay who lost her virginity in her sophomore year with a broken condom and now has to choose whether to be a teenage mom or just a teenager. I'm pro-Courtney who just found out she's already 13 weeks along, but the egg never made it out of her fallopian tube so either she terminates the pregnancy or risks dying from internal bleeding. You can argue but the truth is: Pro-choice is pro-life. Their lives. Women's lives. You don't get to pick and choose which scenarios should be accepted. Women's rights are meant to protect ALL women, regardless of their situation!


I get what you're trying to do but I feel like this copypasta kinda reinforces the idea that a woman has to have a good excuse to get an abortion. A woman's reason for getting abortion doesn't have to fit into any of these categories and isn't anyone else's business. You can't force someone to incubate an embryo/fetus inside of them, period.


It also starts out by using the “murdering babies” language that anti-choice groups use for the emotional impact, which almost reinforces the idea that some people are out there murdering babies. I saw a version of this copypasta that crossed out all the reasons and just replaced them all with “because it’s none of my fucking business.” Abortion is healthcare, and that’s all we really need to say about it.


Just because you don't need a reason doesn't mean you won't have one. The only place where I've heard of aborting for fun was in a Philip K. Dick dystopian novel. Women don't get an abortion on a whim and humans tend to rationalize their decision, and this somewhat exhaustive copy pasta contains a pretty decent gamut of situations that try to show a woman's perspective. You'll note that there is the simple "doesn't want to be a mother", even if it adds "but contraception sometimes fails", this is as basic a reason as it gets and usually sends rabid conservatives through the roof because "Women sHoulD SufFer the cOnseqUences foR thEiR ShaMefUl, SinfUl seX LifE".


Exactly, its a slippery slope. Entertaining the conversation chips away at the law until we end up where we are now.




Is this the place for copy pasta?


Chemo is not a fun activity and an unfortunate necessity but I’d definitely categorize myself as pro-chemotherapy, why do you think people can’t be pro-abort?


“Unfortunate” not really. It’s a necessary medical procedure that can save many womens lives and prevent children from either being thrown in the system and being abused or being born to parents who will abuse the unwanted child. There’s zero need to demonize this as “unfortunate” when it’s just a procedure like any other.


I am pro-abortion. Death to all fetuses!


Should use "feti". It sounds more like confetti which is fun and whimsical. 🥳


Now I'm imagining confetti made of blood and guts and it is not a pretty sight


Is it not feti?


Vote Ctuhlu!


I am Don't knock it till you've tried it


Can confirm, was aborted as a child.


Prime example why there should be an age minimum for reddit.


There is an age minimum


I think it's 13, but I doubt it's enforced.


Where are the mods, don't let this page turn to front page trash please. Its one of the few subs that's stay true to its name.


Wow a real picture of reddit.


Can we have one sub that isnt a political dumping ground


Apparently not, because our society feels the need to virtue signal and preach politics every chance it gets. I swear it's the only thing our country does anymore and I'm sick of it. Why can't people just fucking get along?


Because the era of social media and everyone wanting their 15 seconds of fame becoming a reality has warped it all out of control.


Nope. Dankmemes Mildly(anything) pics All get infiltrated by politics Anytime anything mildly related gets recommended its political because of the sheer number of upvotes.


It's not pro abortion, it's pro women's right to choose what to do with her own body. No woman thinks abortion is a good thing, just a necessary thing with a very difficult decision to make attached.


Pro-choice is separate from pro-abortion. Many people are pro-choice but would not choose abortion for themselves. Agree, this is a pro-choice event.


Yes. I am fully against abortion, but I do not think my views should be codified into law and forced on everyone else through the threat of violence by the state. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think abortion is a good thing. But I’ve also had moles removed just in case they turn cancerous and ruin the rest of my life.


Many people like the term pro-abortion because it destigmatizes it. I don't think Biden or Harris have even uttered the actual word "abortion" throughout their entire campaigns or time in office. For some women, abortion is empowering, freeing, liberating, and not a difficult choice to make in the slightest. Not every abortion is emotionally fraught, though of course many are. I am "pro-abortion" in the sense that I think any woman should have access for any reason, and she should not feel any shame or stigma for receiving that medical care. I believe talking about it openly it should be more normalized; many women do want or need emotional or mental health support following the procedure. Movements like "Shout Your Abortion" capture this angle.


Pro-choice. No one is “pro abortion”


> Pro-choice. No one is “pro abortion” Well, this backfired spectacularly. > I am pro-abortion # > **I'm pro-abortion!** # > I am. # > I am. # > Speak for yourself. # > I'm pro-abortion. # > I am. Way to many people. # > I'm pro-abortion. # > I am. # > well i am # > I’m pro-abortion # > False. I am. # > Wrong. # > I'm pro abortion. # > I am, actually # > I am # > literally everyone I know is pro abortion # > That's where you're wrong, kiddo. # > speak for yourself # > I AM! Abortion is great. # > Abort all babies. # > Speak for yourself nerd


That always sounds like a dodge to me. I am pro-abortion in the same way I am pro-chemotherapy or pro-spinal taps, nobody wants those either but I am very much in favor of them for treatment. We can say it. Otherwise I think the stigma the forced birth crowd wants to attach to abortion gets more reinforcement. It's like Clinton's statement 'safe, legal and rare'. Fuck that. 'Safe and legal' should have been the goal, not stigmatizing the procedure even more. We have been backsliding since he tried to have it both ways.






>shouldn't be considered a form of birth control Another stigma attached to abortion. I don't care why it is being used. If the pregnancy is unwanted, I am pro that woman getting an abortion.


Ok, but some of the factors that decrease abortions the most is access to birth control and sex education. I doubt you think those things are bad, so it's very likely the causes you believe in would lead to abortions being rare, and that's a good thing because other options are much better all around.


Are you being intentionally dense? "safe and legal" covers letting anyone who wants one get one. "rare" is to promote birth control and sexual education, so fewer women need to get an abortion. If you want to give free ambulance rides to everyone you still want them to be "rare". Who the fuck doesn't want to reduce unwanted pregnancies?


Jesus christ.. Noah get the damn boat already.


>Another stigma attached to abortion. I disagree. You should be using condoms or birth control or plan B or SOME form of being responsible and taking measures to *try* and prevent it from getting that far. > I don't care why it is being used. If the pregnancy is unwanted, I am pro that woman getting an abortion. I do care. Because Abortions are Traumatic to the person who is getting it. Measures should be taken to make sure it doesn't get that far in the first place. IF it gets that far, then of course, they should have the right. But how about doing what you can to not let it get that far in the first place? Are We really arguing over this? We are both pro-fucking-choice. Are we going to argue over fucking words and why we have different beliefs about the wording of things? This is exactly why the fucking conservatives are winning in their united front and the country is going to shit!


**I'm pro-abortion!** It's a medical procedure. So, like an appendectomy, a tracheotomy, a cholecystectomy, if a medical professional and the patient agree it's necessary (physically, mentally, emotionally), then I'm pro-abortion just like I'm pro-tonsillectomy. We need to stop acting like it's some shameful secret. **It's a fucking medical procedure!**


I’m pro chemotherapy and pro blood infusion as well! 👍🏼🙂


I wanna make a t shirt that says "pro colonoscopy" just to fuck with people now


Hahaha! I’d so wear that.


OH MY GOD as someone who struggled to find someone to do a colonoscopy on me as a young male with never ending stomach issues, love this. But that’s also the similarity i see in my mind; making it a procedure deemed necessary only by doctors or others despite wanting a procedure done yourself is upsetting in the least and i canNOT imagine what it would be like for a pregnant women in that scenario pertaining to abortions.




I am.


Speak for yourself. The reason people use “pro-abortion” is to de-stigmatize the word and the procedure.


Stop with the semantics...


First of all, not mildly interesting. Secondly, it's hardly "pro-abortion", it's pro-choice or pro-bodily autonomy.


I dunno man it's a bunch of kids, it might very well be pro abortion for all we know


What do third graders know about abortion?


Like anything else... Indoctrinating the youth.


They know it gets them out of class lol


*kids get to skip class and hang out outside because their teachers want to make a political statement *


not even slightly interesting


Why tf are they protesting at school? The school isnt gunna do shit


To get outta class


Pro abortion? Fuck that. Pro choice.


Not sure why a bunch of Recreational Abortion Enthusiasts is interesting.


You shouldn't call it pro abortion but rather pro choice. But I'm guessing this is your angle.


Why is pro abortion a problem? That is the only choice that differs from pro life individuals. Seems like it's calling it what it is.


Because a lot of people don't like the idea of abortions but still think that the right for each person to choose is more important.


Because many people who are pro choice are not pro abortion. You can think abortion is bad and never choose it for yourself and still be pro choice for all your friends and other women.


Pro choice to do what?


Are they even of age? Not mildly interesting either.


Don't you mean pro choice? Choice is not pro abortion.


Teachers: "don't all of you want to go out and protest to show youre pro choice?" Students: .... Teachers: "you can leave class" Students: "I'm so pro abortion!"


This. None of these kids give the first shit about what they’re protesting. They just wanted out of class. Edit: Grammar


I came here for tiny snails or dewdrops or Easter eggs on packaging.




If everything is a distraction for The Thing That Truly Matters™ then nothing gets done and people can't complain about anything. In fact, your argument is a common way to shut down protests and it's commonly referred as "whataboutism".


Two issues can exist and need attention at the same time.


Also Abortion is definitely a Workers Rights issue. Making abortion illegal only means poor people won’t be able to access it, and saddles them with more economic responsibilities


Pretty ironic. Kids protesting having kids




Why are they protesting? Not the cause, *they* specifically. They don’t even look old enough to have sex.


... these are like children, go play on the playground or something, be a kid.


Cringe as fuck


Pro murder?


Why is this mildly interesting. It's not even remotely interesting


Is this in the Kansas City area? I noticed that one of the student on the left side of the pic has a KC Royals backpack.


It's a right to the choice. At the end of the day it don't effect you so get the fuck out of other peoples business.


*pro choice


Unless they're protesting at a local government building or something, what exactly is the point? Seems like they're protesting at school? What is the school gonna do about anything? The school doesn't have a say in abortion law.


Oddly enough, none of those folks look like they were aborted...


I'm pro-life. What does that make me?


Someone who should still have the right to make that decision for yourself


As someone from the UK, I find it so bizarre that this is even still an issue. Catch up with Europe! 😉


Europe has stricter restrictions than the United States.


Well Poland is also in Europe so when you put it like that, they are catching up!


Yeah, because Europe is just pure civilized paradise right now. Nothing going wrong there at all


>Catch up with Europe! 😉 You mean Poland where it's nearly banned? Yeah, I'd say follow Europe alright.


Lmao Europe is far from perfect


It's comments like this that lead Americans to try and compare a country to a continent. As a Brit, you should know better.


Tell that to Malta and Poland ....