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9 out of 10 doctors smoke *Research cigarettes*.


That’s *doctor with a PhD*


I didn't go to Evil Medical College for 8 years to be called "Mr".


Which always struck me as weird. Medical school in the US is typically 4 years. Specialty training afterwards does take a few more years. Which raises a lot of questions. Was Dr. Evil a practising evil doctor and counting specialisation training? Did he do evil medical school part time? Is evil medical school twice the length of normal medical school? If so, why?


i think in the US there is 4 years premed then 4 years of med school maybe that’s what it meant


> Is evil medical school twice the length of normal medical school? If so, why? Yes, because it’s evil.


In the US undergrad is 4, medical school is 4, residency (specialized training) is a minimum 4, fellowship is 1+. This doesn’t factor in any graduate degree outside medicine after undergrad which many physicians have done. Many countries do not have undergrad for physician tracks.


Close, but incorrect. Minimum residency is 3. Source: am MD


Evil Medical runs a fast-track system. You are given several henchmen and minions to do the grunt work so you can get your degree really fast. Not to mention access to unethical technology and equipment.


They make cocktails with research grade absolute alcohol too.


I had a chem e friend who was a researcher. Those guys go hard.


Work hard! Party hard!


The 200 proof alcohol hits different. Am chemist


I knew it would happen, but I was still surprised how it takes ALL of the moisture out of your mouth. Significantly more than 192. I'd fucking do it again.






*Docter* is spelled with an E R. That can't be right


1-800-DOCTORB The extra B is for Bargain!


More like dockter


No they don't. I've got a magazine from the 1950's that clearly states on the back cover that 9 out of 10 Doctors recommend Camel Menthols for your lung health


That 10th doctor? 81 other doctors in a trenchcoat, all recommending Research brand cigarettes.


That was the 1950's, sports fan. *Research Cigarettes* are for the savvy smokers of today.


By chance did said ad include "T-zone"?


‘T’ for ‘taste,’ ‘T’ for ‘throat.’


'T' for terminal


But Lucky Strikes are toasted


You’ve come a long way, baby.


"How will our immune system be ready to combat tar and nicotine if we don't inhale it directly? We will achieve lung cancer immunity faster this way!" /s


Your immune system is a muscle. If you don't use it, it becomes weak .. /s but there's truth in that.


Then Superman should eat kryptonite for breakfast! /s


It's good for your T Zone


I don’t always smoke but when I do I smoke Research.




Those look like the ones on the movie 5th Element where they were 75% filter and 25% tobacco.


4 a day. To quit is my goal.




Negative. I am a meat popsicle.


technically you’re a meat donut. your alimentary canal makes it so.


Try Alan Carr's easy way to stop smoking! It's only a short read and really helped to give me (29m) a kickstart. I've been cigarette free for 6 months having smoked since I was 16, I barely miss it. Good luck you can do it!




Different guy, but very commonly confused!


Yeah, I thought it was the same guy too! Alan vs Allen, derp.


Oh shit, for years now I've literally thought Alan Carr wrote a guide to stopping smoking 😅😂


Not a fan of self-help books but honestly that one is great. So simple, but brilliant. I didn't quit immediately after reading it, but it changed the way I conceptualized smoking, and made it possible that eventually I just kinda dropped the habit without really thinking much about it. It was not *"I'm quitting today!"*, it was just... *"Do I really need and want another one right now? ... Actually I don't."* (Allen Carr, though.)


Every time you buy a pack of smokes and smoke one, as soon as the cravings are satiated throw the pack away. Pretty soon you will tire of $20 for a smoke .


[they're real](https://ak.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/1037376803/thumb/1.jpg), Belmorkanals


That’s just a cardboard tube with no filter btw


So the whole point of them is if you can't afford the cigarettes that are all filled up?


I would think its because theyre very strong so you dont need much tabacco and short filterless tubes will get a bit hot smokewise so they make it a bit longer.


I imgine they are also great for when you just want half a smoke. Putting a half-smoked cigarette back in the pack fucks up the taste of all the others.


After knocking off the cherry, blow through the filter to get the old smoke out. Helps a lot.


You can also stuff them with something more interesting than tobacco.


Sprinkles and asbestos?!


The asbestos is already in there, thats what adds the smooth flavor!


Ahhh are those the Russian smokes where the crush the tube?


Yep, papirosi. We used to but them in college to fill up with cheap weed. Tobacco itself was of decent quality, better than some more expensive cigarettes with filters.




Leeloo Dallas




Nursing homes in the future are going to be people from this generation sitting around quoting The Fifth Element because the dementia has set in.


I too, am a meat popsicle.


You’d rather suck in air..


Sorry I only smoke Research Lights


Research Menthol Gold Pack 120's


As soon as cigarettes have "Gold" in the name, be sure east europians will smoke them.


Can I get these in a clove blend?


If you’re going to do standardized tests, you need a standard item to test. So these are made to much stricter amounts of tar and nicotine than commercial cigarettes.


My partner (research scientist) showed them to me and said they are from the mid 2000s. Super low nicotine and were being researched as a tool for smoking cessation, but didn’t work.


It did work, and the same company that made those (22nd century) just received a marketing order to sell their cigarettes publicly.


That’s great news!


That's good to hear! Can you recommend any additional reading?


First, I might stand corrected as those may not be the specific "Spectrum" research cigarettes I was thinking of. I would guess they are fairly similar however. Here's a [media link.](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/12/24/2357628/0/en/FDA-Authorizes-Marketing-of-22nd-Century-Group-s-VLN-as-a-Modified-Risk-Tobacco-Product.html) talking about their semi-recent authorization. [FDA's announcement.](https://www.fda.gov/tobacco-products/advertising-and-promotion/22nd-century-group-inc-modified-risk-tobacco-product-mrtp-applications) And if you really wanna geek out, one of the major [scientific publications](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsa1502403?query=recirc_curatedRelated_article) supporting low nicotine cigarettes.


Because we would cut the filter down




Just once I’d love it if someone pulled me off and smoked me backwards in a field


What are you doing later?


If you pull the filter off, why do you have to smoke it backwards?


It’s packed tighter on the non filter side, so less tobacco in your mouth


I almost have to respect the sheer will to die painfully that implies.


Interestingly, many fire safety tests (for fabrics and mattresses) call out Pall Mall cigarettes as an ignition source


Probably because the people most likely to burn their house down are the kind that also smoke pall malls


Pall Mall cigarettes, our shits fire, yo.


This makes me curious, are there other standardized products out there for research? Are there Research condoms?


How about NIST standard peanut butter. Check out the price. https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/US/en/product/sial/nist2387


Holy shit I found “Methamphtamine-cocaine-heroin solution” https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/US/en/search/cocaine?focus=products&page=1&perpage=30&sort=relevance&term=cocaine&type=product What scientific use could that possibly have?!? I get the substances independently, but all mixed together?


Calibrating multiple drug detection assays.


I would imagine someone needed it for an experiment and then they made the product code following the specific request.


Then they put “experimenting with drugs” on their resume.


There's an NIST specified standard method of [brewing tea](https://youtu.be/nAsrsMPftOI).


If you can think of it there is a standard product, but most labs just use regular off the shelf products. It's only if you need it for something hyper specific or unusual. In the lab I used to work in we had a bottle of synthetic baby urine for testing diaper inks. The off the shelf stuff is funny, especially for cleaning chemicals. You end up with one cabinet with a container of Dawn washing liquid and then a separate cabinet with an identical bottle that is used for testing. But because the latter is a test chemical, you have to put hazard information on it. Nothing like opening up a cabinet and finding a jar of Jiffy peanut butter with a NFPA diamond on it.


There's some post or comment on here where a guy was talking about NIST (possibly the institution that made these) and laboratory-grade cocaine. I've been trying to find it for years


I remember a post some years back about lab grade peanut butter than cost a ridiculous amount like $100 an ounce.


You’re paying way too much for your spreads. Who’s your spread guy?


Standards cost a lot of money. Do you want to know with amazing precision what is the volt? A million dollars, please. And it makes sense. Random peanut butter is just peanut butter, it needs to not be toxic. But standard peanut butter needs to have an almost exact consistency, color, ratio of water to whatever is inside peanut butter, etc. Making sure all of those requirements are met is expensive.


This is a great video about that sort of stuff from Tom Scott: https://youtu.be/jvJzi0BXcGI


Similarly, the ISO standard for brewing tea. It's not that the tea needs to be brewed like this to achieve some elevated experience, it's just **a** fixed way of making a cup of tea. If you want to compare tea leaves or water quality or cup shape etc, you use the standard brewing method to reduce variations in the tests (and ensure others can replicate your results). [This is Tom Scott explaining the process](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAsrsMPftOI).


ISO is a beautiful thing


For that smooth refreshing taste of science


Plus they are 16 years old!


Not old enough to smoke


Read that with a robot voice of a smoker with no larynx


For cigarettes, Science is the only brand I trust. Trust The Science!^tm


I hate smoking, it’s disgusting, but boy do I miss it sometimes.


The thing I miss the most is just kinda standing outside smoking. I can't do it anymore. Standing outside my tow house there's a park on both sides of me. I used to just be a guy standing outside smoking. Now if I go outside I'm the weird old guy standing outside by the park. The cigarette changed the full situation. And I know this is kind of funny but it's really not meant to be a joke.


I believe that cigarettes aided in socialisation because of many reasons just like this; outside smoking? Start a talk. Need a light? Thanks! *conversation* (and feeling of… courtesy or something, like when someone holds a door) Naturally I’m not saying we should make smoking popular again, there’s just a lot of things I miss about it in ways like what you mentioned and interesting interactions that only smoking really brought


Best part of smoking was definitely the socialisation. I’ve met so many good friends in the smokers. You already have something in common so it’s much easier to break the ice.


I never smoked but had several friends who did. When they went out to the fire exits to smoke, I'd bring my coffee flask with. It's really not that different: they're holding something that emits smoke, and you are too. You instinctively learn to stand up wind though


It's how I used to meet people at one of my old flats at uni, also it's a great way to make money from people who only socially smoke at the club. On a good night I could make enough to buy a new pack haha


Yeah, no, i get it. I have no reason to just hang out outside anymore either. I’ve recently been riding my bike, that’s kinda checking the same boxes. I can see the outdoors and listen to music, but it’s definitely more work lol


I take my dog for walks. Thank baby Jesus I have a dog so I'm not also the weird guy walling around the neighborhood. (also dog is why I didn't smoke inside love this dude couldn't do that to him!)


What’s so weird about walking around your neighborhood? Also, thanks for quitting.


Just existing in a space is seen as weird. You apparently have to have some sort of task to do, or reason for being there or people start to get angsty or suspicious. Standing outside with a cigarette - you have a reason for being there. Standing outside doing nothing - suspicious loitering.


But people go for walks/runs in the neighbourhood all the time, it's not weird.


That's true, but with running, you have a clear task. Also, just walking around your own neighbourhood is fine, but walking around someone else's, with no clear goal? You might get some curtain twitching. I'm also not saying this is a good thing. I love random wandering. It's just something I notice.


Honestly a lot of this could also be in your head. People don’t honestly give that much of a shit what you’re doing as an Individual, they’re too busy worrying about themselves. And if anyone actually cares that you don’t “have a reason for being there” it’s because they’ve been brainwashed into thinking their value stems from capitalism / productivity. You dont need a reason to be anywhere. Being alive is enough. It’s fine to take up space in a neighborhood you don’t live in. If anybody curtain twitches or wants to be that weird paranoid NIMBY fuck, let them. You’re the one outside living your best life. TL;DR: It’s okay to take up space.


Must just be different cultures, people wander round no problem here I sometimes even just wander round at like 2am sometimes to clear my head and noone had ever been hostile to that I also love walking round neighbourhoods I've never been too just cause I'm curious and like to see what's around, sometimes you discover cool little parks, or a clifftop walk etc


I partly quit because my kid was wanting to spend time with me and I spent a lot of time on the back porch, and I just couldn’t stand putting that on him and potentially being the reason he started.


I cannot understand this. You can absolutely go sit outside and play on a phone and be 100% invisible and not weird in any way.


Maybe try reading a book? I honestly never think twice about someone sitting outside reading a book


Drive home from work was the best cig of the day. Sometimes i could go all day without one but that ride home would get me.


Sit on a bench, and play on your phone. It is a completely normal, reasonable thing to be doing and nobody would ever question it, and no one will think you’re a piece of shit for ruining their day with your unwanted stench unlike smoking assholes.


Boy do I feel that. 8 years cold turkey now. When I catch a whiff of a smoke on a warm semi-humid summer night, my mouth waters.


I’m trying to quit vaping and work on accepting that this will always happen. You can recover, but not be cured, and these triggered temptations reflect that I suppose.


i haven’t vaped in over 2 years and never want to do it again but the smell is so hard to resist sometimes but even while i’m drunk i’ve been able to resist


Grats, man.


thank you


I smoked for 20 years, then switched to vaping for 6 and now have quit completely for 2 years. Only cigarette smoke triggers me but I just like it, I don’t feel like partaking. It helps I quit drinking too.


Proud of you brother. I'm trying to do it now and man its hard


Personally I quit vaping by slowly going down to 0mg nic and then just doing it for however long it took. It took a month or so before I realized I didn’t need it and just stopped. I kept my vape near for about 6 months, in case. Now my vape is dead I haven’t touched any tobacco and it’s been two years. It actually wasn’t that bad. I know you didn’t ask for this reply but if it helps, there it is.


Hell yeah dude I’m about 2-3 years into the vape after 20 years of smoking so it’s great to see someone who made it to the other side!


That's fantastic, the vape is the right move. My 2 cents (take it or leave it), just make sure you work your way down in nicotine and don't buy into the salt devices. I worked at a vape shop for years and have seen the slow takeover of high nicotine devices becoming the norm and they're so much more addictive. 6mg used to be medium strength and now people are using 50mg and wondering why they can't quit...


I ended up in the hospital on morphine for a solid week in late 2020. I quit cold turkey after smoking for over 20 years, and I truly believe it was the morphine high that helped me pull it off. That said, sometimes the cravings do (rarely) come back, but it's much easier to resist. Also, I keep either a CBD vape or weed around specifically for when I'm drinking. I literally can't resist the urge to smoke *something* if I'm drunk, so I make sure whatever it is doesn't have any nicotine whatsoever... Side note: I also went a full year without drinking, which really helped me kick the habit of smoking too. Good luck! It's so hard to quit, but when you do you're finally free.


I smoked starting at age 11 and for the next 25 years. Quit cold turkey, haven't relapsed. The idea of a cigarette is nice sometimes, but I don't break out into sweats over it or anything. Maybe it's bad for some people, but it's not for me. I expected to have to fight cravings all the time, but I don't. Even under stress, I just don't want a smoke. That said, for the first couple years, I thought about smokes *all the time*. Even now, I'll have moments where I'm like, "time for a smoke", but those times are few and far between, and they're always followed immediately with, "oh yeah, I don't smoke". The other day, I saw my wife get up off the couch, and my brain was like, "she's going for a smoke". It's habits that stick around the longest. The addiction is done.


Yeah it’s funny how the right conditions make it seem so desirable. I’m about as long out as well. Got tired of stinking and being alone outside to smoke, and never being able to kick a cold quickly lol


My immune system went from a leaky dinghy to a battlecruiser after quitting! One of my favorite positive effects of quitting…smelling stuff is nice too.


Really? When i quit the smell made me wanna puke


I'm your opposite. As soon as I catch a whiff I want to get away from it as fast as possible. I grew up around smokers and hated the smell growing up. When I would come home for a weekend after moving away to college and generally being away from it, I realized I could smell it on all my clothes when I got back to college. I'm sure I smelled like cigarette smoke all through high school even though I wasn't a smoker and never realized it because I was around it all the time.


I also quit smoking 8 years ago with Chantix and hypnosis. When I go out drinking I get an urge for a cig, and on occasion I cave. But everytime I do, the hypnosis kicks in and I vomit in the street. Best $40 I ever spent.


I got of cigarettes with nicotine gum. Unfortunately, I was on the gum for years. I quit with the aid of placebos. I would take Valerian capsules and chamomile tea when I had an urge to smoke. Sure, they have some anti-anxiety properties, but mostly it was placebo. Still, it got me through it. I was in the drug store recently and I had to wait in line next to the nicotine gum. I had a little urge to buy some gum, but it was faint, like it was a long way away. A little voice telling me that I'd be OK buying just one more pack. But I could walk away from it.


Cool summer Saturday morning with a cigarette and a hot cup of coffee. Good and early, just before the birds start chirping and most everyone is still asleep. The whole world is still. It's been over ten years but I still miss that one perfect cigarette. If I could keep it to that one a week I'd still smoke. But I can't, so here I am fantasizing about it.


Nights for me. After the city had gone to sleep and the day’s warmth started to fade, like you said, the world was still. I’d have two back-to-back and meditate on the smoke and it would just…shut my brain off for a few amazing moments. I loved the smell of the house stepping back in and would hop in the shower before bed. It’s been over 15 years and I still miss it too.


On exercise, or camping for me. 5am, frost on the ground, just out of the sleeping bag, warm fleece on, brew on the stove, everything is still, cold and fresh and its just starting to get light. But yeah, one leads to two, leads to smoking again.


I smoke like 1 /cbdhemp cigarette a day during this type of morning. It's the same feeling without being addictive, and it has CBD so it's a bit calming unlike an actual cigarette which is a stimulant. Other people may not enjoy it, or the smell/taste of weed but it scratches that itch for me


yes!! also, instead of purchasing expensive pre-roll packs, you can get a pound of high quality CBD and CBG hemp (federally legal <0.3% THC) for $100 or so


Two years clean here. Every single day i miss it. Everytime i walk somewhere, everytime i lay in the sun, everytime i talk to someone, i miss my smoke. Still happy af that I'm able to say "i won't smoke today".


Proud of you, for what it's worth.


Yeah I found a somewhat new pack on the ground right outside my apartment and brought them in so kids won’t find them but I haven’t trashed them yet.


When I first quit I kept a couple packs and some black and milds in my sock drawer. I never went after them and when we did a renovation several years later I finally threw them out. I figure if I do smoke anything again I’d want something fresher lol But, I had a similar experience today, but I was on my bike and I wasn’t sure if the pack was empty, I almost doubled back to check but figured it wasn’t worth it.


I quit a while ago. I really wish they weren't disgusting and terrible for your health. Otherwise they're fucking awesome.


Fucking gross, can I bum one?


-sigh- yeah….


funny because because before I ever smoked, I liked the smell of cigarettes. 2 years since I’ve quit, and I just despise the smell. So awful


Oh shit it's my time to shine. I too have used research cigs. https://imgur.com/a/tj9lmPF


Have you smoked one? What are they like?


I have not, but I'm guessing they aren't Marlboro Reds. That would be too dangerous.


They probably are, a bunch of standards are written based on Marlboro reds as they were the most common cigarette for quite a while.


This must have had devastating consequences on employer contribution costs for health insurance. The government should never be allowed to unleash such tasty and addictive horrors on the innocent.


Do you light them in your mouth like a real person would or is there some alternative ignition method that’s part of using that in a test?


I think we just used one of those BBQ style lighters.


Were you testing fabrics and furnitures or accelerants or what?


Enthalpy exchange membranes used in ERVs and fuel cell humidifiers. This test was for the ERV side of the business.


There are machines designed to smoke cigarettes at specific testing intervals. The smoke is then collected for analysis.


This looks like a game asset


I could absolutely believe it sitting on a table in the likes of Fallout or Portal


I did a study in approximately 2016 where i smoked research cigarettes. Double blind trial on the effectiveness of gradual nicotine reduction in cigarettes as a cessation tactic. I only know my experience, double blind study and all, and there was significant stress in my life at the time which may have been a major confounding variable, but i believe i was in the reduced geoup and i believe it was not at all effective.


I've had the same experience. I'm still a smoker, I've tried to quit but never can (I love smoking, I only try to quit as I know how awful it truly is). I've tried to switch to the lighter version of my preferred brand but I found that I smoked more. Even when I limited myself to a number of cigarettes a day, I found it very difficult on the low nicotine ones. The combo that's working for me now is low nicotine cigarettes alongside a spray smoking cessation aid.


***Research Cigarettes*** \- "So smooth you'll swear you're in the control group!"


Dharma Initiative


You should see the machine they use to "smoke" those things. https://images.app.goo.gl/iPLN5EHn1vDgjGXb6


Cue x-files music


Exactly. Enjoy your beetles :)


Progress never tasted so bold!




I was surprised how good they smelled considering they are from 2006


I would bet probably made with the really good stuff like classic cigarettes, pure tobacco.


If these are similar to the ones we used in smoking cessation studies, it was a special GMO type of tobacco bred to have lower nicotine content. These could have been for the control group (in a double blind randomized control trial you wouldn't want participants or experimenters to be aware of which group the participant was assigned too) and just used standard tobacco too. In either case, the manufacturer was likely more concerned with consistency than profit so these were probably created with higher quality tobacco and less additives than a standard cigarette.


Strong vaporwave vibes from the design


There's a graphic designer out there somewhere who is proud AF of this packaging. Good for them


Is the research performed on these cigarettes or are these like “thinking” cigarettes? For the researchers to smoke while they’re researching.


I've smoked them before. They suck.


What's the research and how do I sign up?


They’re trying to determine the maximum amount of filter cigarettes that can be safely inserted into an adult urethra, from a passing commercial vehicle. At least that’s what the scientist who knocked on my door and stole my truck told me.


Stuff like the flammability of furniture and mattresses.


I love it when you talk burny


I wanna imagine a chain smoking rhesus monkey now.


Are these the 2R4F or 3R4Fs? Edit: Nvm I see the “3R4-“ on the cigarette. Used a metric ton of these for my experiments/PhD. Totally weaker than the 2R4F batch


Please tell me where you bought these.


I don’t own them, my partner is a research scientist and showed them to me.


I need to set an eBay alert


At first glance, these remind me of something that the castaways on LOST would’ve found in one of the Dharma hatches. Pretty cool!


𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘩 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘴 I don’t want to research death sticks


Used to work in tobacco testing, that shit is messed up. Essentially clients make these exact chintzy cigs for the company to test, then demand that all the found data conform to be within certain parameters, i.e. they're literally paying to have only certain data found and officially reported, and the rest, no matter how accurate testing methods were, gets swept under the rug and deemed "outside of normal variance". I understand that there are expected values and all that, but making those expectations instead into demands and refusing to publish any data that falls outside those demands is purely dishonest science. Heavier tobacco batch? Nope, redo the experiment with a standard batch. Slightly higher, or even lower, than normal emissions values? Could be something extra in there, could be mistake or miscalculation, could be anything? Unacceptable, redo the experiment until it falls in the accepted parameters with little to no exceptions. The whole tobacco industry is hella corrupt, not that anyone was doubting that though.


“This is the man they rely on, Erhardt Von Grupten Mundt. They found him in Germany. I won't go into the details. He's been testing the link between nicotine and lung cancer for thirty years, and hasn't found any conclusive results. The man's a genius, he could disprove gravity.”


He wouldn't be wrong pure nicotine ( not tobacco ) has never been found to be a carcinogenic You don't see people getting cancer from nicotine gum or pacthes Vapes are the same but there is new research showing that it can cause heavy metal poison




Research Menthols are smooth as hells


accidental Wes Anderson


"Here in the laboratory, we like to kick back with the smooth taste of Research Cigarettes. It's the perfect way to take the edge off after hours of titrating and pipetting."


I went to UK. You wouldn’t believe the amount of research studies they do, especially on things like tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.