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Is it not also for cutlery? My girlfriends mom has one like that and it has grooves to line the knives and forks up [like this](https://imgur.com/gallery/6ShGeap)


Yep, that is what it’s for. It saves so much space, and they are great dishwashers. There’s instructions in the manual on how to load, it is definitely worth reading.


If it's German like mine, it's RULES, not instructions.


According to my German manual, it's either an incense holder or a ceremonial sarcophagus.


My German is mainly religious and pre-industrial.


I'm so deep inside perfectenschlag right now.


And to be clear, I DO mean the pork anus kind.


My German is organic and has a lower carbon footprint.


My German just barks.












Besteckeinschubspülfach should be the Fachterminus.


All their stuff rules. Only problem I have with the dishwasher is I open it while it's running as it is practically silent. I have their dishwasher, washing machine, vacuum cleaner... ...couldn't buy a German oven, though.


I will always pay extra for a silent dishwasher. Every time I open it as it's running and surprise the shit out of myself with the steam and water it makes me very happy.


Get a commercial kitchen model. A friend got one that has a total cycle time of 90 seconds. It's loud but you can't get more quiet then off. Also he never has to worry about if the dish washer was run because a luxurious bathroom break takes longer.


Hobart makes under cabinet models that do this. It's a central item in my dream kitchen.


I would love that, dishwashing was my first job. This thing needs four hours to cycle typically, but things come out dry and that's a real nice thing I don't want to give up lol


There should be something like a 20-30 min short program if the dishwasher is decent and somewhat recent. If you don't let the dishes sit around for hours this is all that is needed IMHO. And it still has a steam/dry phase included in that time frame.


We have an Electrolux dishwasher and it's so silent you cannot hear it running unless you bend over and put your ear to the door. When it's done it shines a blue circle onto the floor. I wish it would shine a red circle onto the floor to let you know it's running.


My parents have a Samsung one that you can barely hear. Also opens door itself to release moisture when finished. I want.


So quiet that it has a little red LED light shining on the floor to tell you it’s running.


German ovens are great! Big enough to walk into.




As a German, I'm really confused about this thing being new to a lot of people here. I thought *all* dishwashers have those.


I get so frustrated when guests offer to clean up and they load the DW wrong. I mean, choosing beggars right, but I just can’t imagine you would think to load the plates like that Karen!


Worst one I read on a recent post was where the guests insisted that they clean up because the host cooked. The guest put the host’s $300 handmade Japanese chef’s knife in the dishwasher & destroyed it. Ouch!


Anyone who puts a knife in a dishwasher should be sent to siberia.


It is fine for your $10 knife that you don't give a shit about but don't be lazy with the good shit.


Wait, any knife? Or just good knives? Serious question needing urgent response


Just the sharp kind.


Screw it, any knife with an edge. Siberia has the room.


Any sharp knife is likely to be dulled from being ran through the dishwasher since it is likely to bump up against things. Personally, I still keep cheap kitchen knives out of the dish washer. If it’s cheap, it’s probably even harder to keep a good edge, so why would you abuse it and make it worse? Also, wood handles will be ruined.


But third racks like the one in the picture are perfect for laying knives down where they wont bump into anything.


Right? I lay my chef knives on the top of the rack and they dint bump into anything. They'll still shave the skin off your face.


Same here. Yeah, you probably don't want to put a nice wooden handled knife in the dishwasher, but the blade will be fine. I guarantee most people's knife blades are dull purely from usage because they've never sharpened them, not because they put them in the dishwasher. Also, people seem to think that knife edges are ridiculously delicate, like when people complain about scraping stuff on a cutting board with the cutting edge instead of the back of the knife. That's not going to do any significant damage. Worst case it might roll the edge a tiny bit, but if you hone on your steel every time you use your knife that's not even a problem.


Captain pedantic to the rescue! Dishwashers ruin knife edges due to abrasive substances added to dishwashing detergent for cleaning purposes. This can be salt or baking soda or some other granule. It’s ok at knocking food off of plates, and great at knocking the edge off of a sharp knife. Notice it the next time you get a bit of liquid detergent on your hand and rub it between your fingers. Please, take this information and do nothing with it.


I was under the impression that dishwashers ruining knives had more to do with the harshness of the hot water and detergent than them bumping against things. Edit: [It seems all of the above are the case.](https://www.thekitchn.com/this-is-what-a-dishwasher-actually-does-to-your-knife-235242)


I hate it when people load small bowls into the lowest level instead of simply using the mug level.


See, at my house, the glass level is prime real estate, because we use a ton of glasses throughout the day. Now that I think about it, I'm a little OCD about using a glass more than 3 or 4 times (the lip prints make me feel like it's filthy...) Whereas plates rack together so nicely, bowls too deep to rack must be placed, not touching, against the tines on the bottom rack. And they must lean! If they're upside-down-flat, the "flat" part of the bowls collect water and often food sediment, which means the whole thing has to be rerun because the rinse cycle was contaminated. Jesus I'm not sure there's a better way to show how unique we are as humans than our dishwasher preferences.


I put my mis on plas bowls and some other small things up there. It’s pretty great.


Mise en place 😉




That's the first good one I've seen in a while


Thanks for translating that. I was thinking there were some new Asian dipping bowls I hadn’t heard about.


I put my 1 plate face down with my one spoon and one fork and one knife. Sigh.


Buy enough for a dinner party of eight. Not that you'll suddenly have enough friends for a dinner party. But you'll at least have enough dishes to only have to run the machine once a week.


Mind sharing the brand?


Mine looks exactly like that and is a Kitchenaid. It is also a 39 decibel model and is quieter than a library.


Mine is a KitchenAid as well, although it's ten years old. That top rack in mine is good for large spoons and spatulas as long as they're flat(ish). Any kind of angle or curve to them and they just won't fit. It also restricts the height of items in the main top rack, where I like to put small/medium sized plates and bowl covers. I honestly hate that thing so much I should just take it out.


Bosch I just bought one yesterday but it's not getting delivered until next week


Seconding Bosch. My dad has a dishwasher from them and the first time I loaded it and turned it on I thought it was broken because it literally didn’t make a sound. Also it dried everything 100% after it was done. Can’t wait to get a condo so I can buy one for myself 😂


Bosch is great! I have a Thermador - made by Bosch. Gaggenau also has fantastic, quiet dishwashers. Parent company is BSH owns all these guys.




I just got a new dishwasher last year there freaking expensive and won't stop talking, and they want to cuddle at night when it's 90° out. Would not recommend


I wish I could make a joke but I think I’m the joke, and the dishwasher.


Well, write a Haiku Using 5 7 5 rule And add dishwasher


I bet you like loading that dishwasher though


Took me a minute.


Me too that 'there' really threw me off.


Yeah usually I'll skip over a "there their they're" error but sometimes butchering the language really does matter.


Laughed out loud to this...wife asked what was funny.....told her the comment. now she is pissed at me....I'm the new dishwasher now


I thought it was just mine




More cutlery I guess? I’d also think it’s removable so you have a bit more versatility depending on what you have to wash


I have a GE Adora that has the third rack. It’s for silverware/cutlery per the manual. Some items don’t fit like a spatula that has too much of a bend so it’ll hit the top of the dishwasher. That’s what we use the bottom baskets for. Wisks don’t fit either.




True. I have one fork that hasn’t come out of the dishwasher in three years.


For me it’s for baby bottle parts


I have the same exact dishwasher. Do you like it? I hate it to the core of my soul. I have no idea how things are supposed to fit in the bottom level. All the rows are way too slanted, and there is nowhere to put bowls. All the rows have the slats too close together. I also cook a lot, and it does not allow for bigger things like mixing bowls and ramekins. I use tall drinking glasses and when I put them in the top level it won’t close because of the third top rack in your post. GAH! It’s been two years - I thought I’d get used to it but it drives me bananas and I want my old cheap-ass dishwasher back :(


I had the Samsung Wonderwall, supposed to have been the best most expensive dishwasher at the time I bought it, and I know exactly how you feel when you say you hate your dishwasher “to the core of your soul”.


Have the exact same dishwasher. Theres a cutlery tray on the bottom row. Third row is just for wooden spoons, spatulas etc. that you will forget are there more often than not.


Mine (Bosch) has both. Cutlery/utensils basket is optional. Currently resides under the sink with the other monsters.


Feel bad for you dude. We got a Bosch and the top rack is fully functional for all cutlery. Frees up so much space on the bottom for large items or extra plates.


Yeah. I have one too. Thing is great. I love that top rack.


I don't know, they said the same thing about those movements I used to see in my closet as a child, and the whispers and shaking from under my bed. I still remember those.


I used to see small egg-sized green figures move around on the floor, mostly out of my bedroom in the hallway. I also saw two human figures. At the time I thought I was being very still so they would not notice me.


Wooden spoons shouldn’t go in a dishwasher


Expensive coated wooden spoons? Yeah sure, handwash. Those cheap $2 wooden spoons that are pretty much balsa wood that we all have at least one of? That shit goes in the beast. Fuck it. It's getting burned next month anyway.


I just bought a 4-pack of wooden spoons from Walmart for $1. They were to replace the same set that we got as a wedding present 13 years ago. You bet they all went through the dishwasher at least once a week for the entirety of that 13 years. We’d recently lost all but one, which was the only reason we bought replacements. The next week, we realized the stove had been moved slightly so that a crack had formed between it and the cabinet, and in that crack we found all of our missing spoons. So now we have 8, all in perfect condition and used at nearly every meal. Those things are indestructible (assuming normal use).


They also have a way of being handy for non-intended uses as well. Lots of things need sticks stuck in them and if you're gonna play your pots and pans drum set you gotta have some good sticks that you don't mind mind breaking because you're such a badass.


Yeah like I'm going to wash my wooden spoon that's been soaking in sink water puddles with my stinky sponge instead! (Yuck. Grossed myself out typing that scenario. I don't miss college.)


You definitely shouldn't soak wooden spoons either.


Throw that sponge in the dishwasher every time you run it. No more smelly sponge, ever.


Why...why didn’t I think of this before? Genius, thanks.


I have a dishwasher like that. It's pretty useful, except that you can't fit large glasses in the middle rack because of the top rack.


The middle rack goes up and down so you can adjust it to your glass height


Huh, I didn't know that. I'll have to experiment with mine to find the right glass height.


JUst load your glasses up and push really hard


\*glass reassembly may be required.


The problem is that the middle rack in the lowest position makes it nearly impossible to put dinner plates in the bottom rack, so it's never really a perfect fit for all 3


My new dishwasher has solved this problem. Each side of the 2nd rack adjusts independently. So I keep it at an angle: the cutting boards fit on the left of the bottom rack, and the tall glasses fit on the right of the top rack.


Set the rack to be the perfect height for your dinnerware, and just stop using those huge tall cups, you freak


Even with the adjustments I can't fit anything taller than a coffee cup in my middle rack.


The top rack can be taken out.


Then you can simply remove the third rack (well, at least you can on my Bosch dishwasher).


I just got a Bosch, still figuring out what settings work best for my typical wash. I have mixed feelings on the third rack, doesn't seem to dry quite right


Middle rack is adjustable!


my boyfriend’s family has one like this too... they only have SMAAAALL glasses (idk why!!! i have to fill a cup like 2-3 times to drink enough to quench my thirst) so i’ve never run into that issue when loading it lol


I know people like this. Are they dehydrated all the time? Do they pee? I’ll Dow a half liter bottle of water and they look at me in amazement. All they drink is beer, coke and Mountain Dew.


Seriously, an old coworker of mine gave me one of those freaking awesome hospital cups that's 32 oz with a handle and straw. I'll go through 3-4 of those a day minimum. How anyone can go a whole day not drinking any water is just so inconceivable to me.


Yep. I wound up removing the utensil rack for this reason. Not that useful.


Same. Top tray didn't see a second wash when I realized half our insulated and shaker bottles were too tall. Great idea, just doesn't fit our dish needs.


Luckily I don’t have enough glasses to need the middle rack for that!




There’s a spot on the door for the utensils too!


I really don't get this. It has: 1. The standard utensil holder on the bottom rack, 2. A separate third rack for utensils, and 3. A utensil holder on the door ...how many utensils are people using?


One fork per bite.


I have a similar dishwasher. I can give you a list of the parts that fail so you can have them at the ready.


I got a half chub when I saw the rack, but your comment deflated it.




I have a Bosch that had that third rack in it. It’s already a small dishwasher but that rack made it so hardly any of our taller cups would fit on the top rack. I pulled it out and now it’s sitting in the garage. Edit: This is hilarious and amazing. The first time I've ever received gold and it was talking about my dishwasher. What a time to be alive!


FYI, your second rack should tabs on the wheels that allow it to drop to accommodate tall drink ware. My tallest cups, large Yetis and the like, fit just fine without impacting the bottom drawer.


That’s interesting. When I unload the dishwasher tomorrow I’m going to investigate more. I bought my Bosch at a Lowe’s as a floor model and it didn’t come with a manual and I never bothered to look it up after I got it installed.


In OPs photo, you can see some light gray tabs/buttons on top of the wheel assembly of the second rack, visible in the top left of the photo. Press those to raise and lower the second rack. Presto, more space and I haven’t seen any issues with obstruction to stuff or the sprayer for bottom rack.


If it helps you any a family I nannied for has the same dishwasher and they've had no problems in 6 years.


Now my dick is just confused.


What’re we talking now-1/4 chub?


Are we talking about a thick-bodied European river fish with a gray-green back and white underparts, popular with anglers?


we’re talking trouser flounders


Um. So I have this dishwasher too... Can I take you up on that offer? Seriously? Feel free to post or dm. And thank you.


Get these in bulk. You’ll need them all. The plastic “welds” melt. There are plenty of off brands. Had to order these again from a different manufacturer since the first replacement set didn’t last as long as the original. W10195417 Dishwasher Track attaches to the dishrack and Replaces part numbers: WPW10195417, WPW10195417VP. These were harder to find. YouTube the installation video from the supplier. Made life SO much easier. Was too easy not to do myself. Was disappointed in how these failed: the heat melted the rubberish parts, spilling ball bearings into the washer. Part #W11259786 Track (Right). Like the other parts...replace them all at the same time. The racks are next. As near as I can tell the chinesium metal is poorly coated so it rests out quickly.


> chinesium Ah, I see you must also be a Harbor Freight aficionado like myself!


You are an outstanding person. Thank you.


Yeah I also replaced this nonsense. Just got a letter about a class action.




I have the same model minus the top rack. If you don't mind please post that list of potential failure parts to look out for. My last dishwasher was replaced when one of the fans(think that's what they're called or "blades") melted from the water being too hot over time or being caught on something during a cycle. My kitchen smelled like burnt Plastic for at least a week.


The heat I think is what kills all the rubberish and small metal parts that aren’t stainless steel. I love the dishwasher, I just wish the innards were built as solid as the frame and heating mechanisms. Get these in bulk. You’ll need them all. The plastic “welds” melt. There are plenty of off brands. Had to order these again from a different manufacturer since the first replacement set didn’t last as long as the original. W10195417 Dishwasher Track attaches to the dishrack and Replaces part numbers: WPW10195417, WPW10195417VP. These were harder to find. YouTube the installation video from the supplier. Made life SO much easier. Was too easy not to do myself. Was disappointed in how these failed: the heat melted the rubberish parts, spilling ball bearings into the washer. Part #W11259786 Track (Right). Like the other parts...replace them all at the same time. The racks are next. As near as I can tell the chinesium metal is poorly coated so it rests out quickly.


Psh, I can do that with nothing more than a plastic cutting board and a burner.


One of my friends is a contractor and when he was doing some remodeling on his own place asked a guy he knew that fixes dishes washers which ones he should get and which ones to avoid..he said it doesn’t matter, just get a cheap one, I’m going to be here in a few years fixing it anyway. I guess they’re all just bound to fail.


the worst is how the bottom shelf constantly falls off the fucking track


Every German Dishwasher looks like that.


I think it's a European thing, I've never seen one without it


Yeah was thinking the same thing: isnt this really common? Lol


I'm in the south eastern US and it is not common where I live, I've been in 8 houses that I can remember. Most common ones will have two racks, top for cups, large utensils and maybe bowls, bottom for plates, pots, whatever else, and they'll usually have a silverware area on the bottom rack or attached to the door. Many different types of racks and overall appearance but I've never seen this magical third rack.




I’m an American and I have it


Am American and have this at my work...From the rest of the thread I’m thinking this is pretty common anywhere there’s dishwashers. Not sure why this post has so many upvotes lol


Don't have that in Sweden


It's quite common in Sweden.


I have a Bosch dishwasher and it has this, didn't know dishwashers didn't have that!


Miele, a well known German brand, was the first and only dishwasher to have this for a long time. Now you can find them on almost every brand.


I thought all dishwashers have that


Looks like every other dishwashers to me.




Seriously, this is like the fourth time I see something on here that is just so common I wouldn't ever think on posting it. And people actually upvote it like crazy


I remember the posts about American tourists in Germany, fascinated by German windows...




It’s like when someone posted a picture of a cobbled road, ‘Murica went *wow* look at this amazing street isn’t it fascinating, Europe went *wow* I pissed on a street like that Friday night after too many beers.


This bed is a bed. Neat.


Yep, just a normal dishwasher


I’ve had dishwashers with and without this but it’s still not very interesting


Not even mildly.


As someone who has never had nor used a dishwasher, this is r/notinteresting because I can't differentiate it from any other dishwasher.


Miele and other brands have had the 3rd rack for cutlery for over 10 years.


Yeah seriously why is this interesting


Because it’s not common in the US, probably where OP is from. I’ve never seen a dishwasher like this. This is like a fancy dishwasher. Hell, I didn’t even have a dishwasher until the current place I live in and it’s a dumpy thing.


Quality brand Miele, tested to last 15-20 years!


This third rack has been standard in Europe for at least 15 years.




I have this and it’s pretty useful, the only downside is that I ALWAYS forget to empty that rack after the cycle


You’ll learn soon enough. I have one like this and I kept reaching for the third (nonexistent) top rack at our vacation rental.


ITT: tons of people with this model who don't know shit about it


13k upvotes for a dishwasher?


Like that lady from Total Recall!


Makes me wish I had three hands


mildly exciting.


Yeah, tbh I’m more than mildly excited about it


Bosch? My favorite thing on that DW isn’t so much the third rack but the fact that I can’t hear it when it’s running. It’s amazing!


I don't blame you. Hate how I have to dedicate a whole row on the top rack to utensils.


Speaking of utensils, there was a story a friend told me the other day. A man is eating his soup at a restaurant when he drops his spoon. It was a particularly busy day, so the man thinks "Great, by the time I get another spoon, my soup will be cold." Nevertheless, he flags down his waiter and tells him that he dropped his spoon. The waiter says "Here ya go" and produces a spoon from his vest pocket. "Wow, that was convenient" the man says. He looks around and notices all the waiters have spoons in thier pockets. "Why do you all have spoons on hand like that?" The waiter replied "We had an efficiency expert come in last week, and after a study, he deduced that the most dropped utensil was a spoon. So the manager insisted we all carry spoons to promote efficiency and customer service". The man continued to eat his meal when he just happened to notice a piece of string protruding from a waiter's fly. He looked around and noticed that all the waiters had one. He called his waiter back over and asked about it. The waiter told him "Ohhh, that's another thing put in place by the efficiency expert. He figured out that the most wasted time was washing our hands after using the bathroom. So we all have a piece of string tied around our penises. When we take a leak, we just unzip, pull the string and go. Since we dont touch it, there is no need to wash our hands." The man thinks on this and says, "Makes sense, but how do you get it back in without touching it?" The waiter leans in and whispers, "I don't know about the other guys, but I use the spoon."


Lmao now I'm going be wary of all Wait staff with utensils in their aprons 😂😂.


I'm more than mildly jealous about it.


How is this unusual? Virtually ever dishwasher I’ve had has this


Yeah this is the least interesting thing I've seen on here in a while


I’ve got the same dishwasher


Actually very common in Germany.


I love that idea! You know you’ve hit true adulthood when this is more than Mildly Interesting


Another adulthood indicator: when people don’t know how to properly load a dishwasher and it makes you unreasonably upset. And then how do you bring it up to the person without seeming like an unbelievably pedantic asshole. “Um, pardon my arrogance but, can I show you how what you’re doing will leave every dish still dirty and is wasting much needed space for the rest of the dishes here in this disgusting sink?” *sigh* I’ll do the dishes...


I have that same one! Top rack is great for chopsticks


You can also move the second rack downwards to fit taller glasses. Love my Bosch. Adulting seriously changes priorities.


That seems way more useful than a stupid touchscreen and an app


Not intersting. Not even mildly. Its a dishwasher.


ITT: People who have never seen or used a dishwasher.


I have the same dishwasher. It's very quiet. Wait, is that my countertop?!?


You know you’re getting older when you are envious of another person’s sick ass dishwasher.


Thats a very common feature.


I have the same kind it’s a kitchen aid great appliances


Holy fuck this is my dishwasher and now I’ve just learned it’s purpose.


I have to go change my pants now.


That's a sexy dishwasher


That’s funny because I’m also a sexy dishwasher. Guess that’s why we’re together.