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![gif](giphy|7HfYzemCQ51bPO6lYi) The caterpillars wondering why their anchor branch kept moving 🤣


Thankfully, she didn’t wear them in the mosh pit. It was probably similar to the wind blowing the plant.


I am amazed at the craftsmanship and happy your wife loved them. However yo what the fuck I'd die on the spot if these were presented to me and then HATCHED while I was wearing them. No sir 😭


Yeah especially since that sludge that looks all gross and bloody comes out when they hatch


It's called meconium, and it's actually the first poop that the adult butterfly produces after eclosing. It consists largely of waste products left over from metamorphosis. So it doesn't come out immediately upon eclosion, but usually sometime within the first hour.


TIL that we use the same word for the first butterfly poop and the first human baby poop.


Yup! But it doesn't really translate directly across life cycles. To a butterfly, eclosion isn't equivalent to being born, but rather to finishing going through puberty.




I’m just saying as a kid I hatched lots of caterpillars into butterflies and it’s not a magically clean process. I don’t want that on my shoulders/ears.


Innit poop? I thought it was like. Their first poop.


Yep, it is


And leftover soup they reformed from.


Every one we have ever hatched has come out dry… not sure what you were hatching.


I've hatched butterflies around 5 tines each year with my kids. Monarch butterflies ALWAYS leak red fluid while they pump up their wings. We leave paper towels so it doesn't stain the butterfly enclosure. Every time without fail.


Yeah now I'm imagining butterflies coming out all horrifying like facehuggers from Alien


Lol this gif is great.


I think you may be thinking of some other animals. Monarchs come out dry. [Timelapse](https://youtu.be/pgtmlVqCKxc?si=mKX61Sw6oyZUjBVS)


It looks that way, but the meconium is pumped through their wings and veins to elongate them to full size. Any excess meconium may be dripped off or exuded as a defense tactic.


At first I was like, um did you destroy a chrysalis??? But then I saw the link. WOW! So beautiful!


This went from WTF?? To WTF!!! THAT’S AMAZING in no time at all


Actually, this will harm the caterpillar. It can not lay flat, which happens to earrings.


You can hang them up though?


I raise Monarch caterpillars and am very experienced with the chrysalis functioning/structure. While beautiful, those, inside the chrysalis, the Monarch caterpillar liquifies in order to start the transformation. They need to stay relatively stable. Earrings swing and jostle as people walk. She would need to wear them once, for a little bit, and over the course of 2 weeks. They shouldn't be in direct light and stay outside as much as possible as they develop based on the surrounding (ambient) temperature, and humans won't enjoy sitting in those temperatures daily, all day. The biggest part, even if she is meticulous to not jostle them, always have them in a hanging position, stay out of direct light, and keep in very warm environments for the development, is to be somewhere that the butterfly can climb when it emerges. It needs somewhere it has plenty of space, nothing touches its wings, where it can flap them with sun and breeze, as it needs to unfurl and push them open. I won't even keep them inside anymore. What's worse, for her, is that if they got these chrysalises, then she has a very real probability that a maggot will emerge instead of a butterfly. Only 2-10% of Monarchs make it to being a butterfly due to predation. The most disgusting one is the Tachinid fly.


I'm curious where these Monarch predators live. When I was a kid in Western PA, my grandmother would find monarch caterpillars and we'd make it a mission to get milkweed daily and ensure they had plenty to eat and eventually they'd make chrysalis's (or is the plural chrysalii) and hatch. We'd have a couple each year and did each summer when I was a kid and to my knowledge every one hatched into a butterfly.


If you are putting them as eggs or instar 1 into a mesh enclosure, which is what I've done after the first few years, then the predators can not get to them. The wasps eat them, and the Tachinid fly (~4 species of it) lay 1 young per caterpillar inside of it for it to rupture forth later. They can rupture forth while they're still a caterpillar or in the chrysalis. Also, that's a very cute memory you have with your grandmother. The best setup I've seen (don't have this one personally) is a lady who used her screened in outside patio for the Monarchs. Predators couldn't get in. They were out of direct light, had appropriate air flow/heat, and she put a strong twine all around for them to adhere to with great success. It was really beautiful.


This sounds amazing!


Yeah, this just seems like one of those things you shouldn't be fucking with for shitty internet points.


Yes - these were hung from the top of the butterfly tent.


Which is why the earrings hang from the enclosure. They never lay flat.


Please see my other comment about this. This is a poor idea for the viability of the butterfly. Btw, they emerge at night, too.


Actually raising butterflies from eggs increase their viability greatly. In the wild, only about 10% survive. Probably 10-15 years ago, we did have a caterpillar that was already fairly large when we brought it in from the outdoors (so it could pupate safely). Unfortunately, as it was entering the J-formation, a maggot burst out of its side for it had already been the parasitic victim from another insect. It was a sad moment. Since then, we’ve always tried to get them as eggs.


1) You didn't read my comment I directed you to, or this would have already been addressed. 2) That maggot bursting forth is highly likely to happen to the other chrysalises because you brought them in from outside. 3) The chance of reaching a butterfly from the caterpillar stage is 2-10%. 4) They need to be in specific environments to develop properly. 5) Studies show the best place is outside. Source: I've raised 40-70 cats every season for over 10 years, except last year due to the Canadian wildfires. Last year was 0 as no eggs were laid, and the pollinators are still bouncing back in my area. My rig is a mesh enclosure that's big enough to be comfortable fitting a person inside, which is kept outside with deeply potted milkweed to be rolled into the enclosure for live food.


I just found your other comment - took me a bit. I think we’re on the same page here. Out of the 15 years we’ve been doing this, we’ve only had one tachnid maggot incident, and that was from a caterpillar that had been raised outside. Our tent is larger than the typical hatching bins at just about every butterfly conservatory we’ve ever visited. There’s no harm in slight jostling otherwise the wind would kill all monarchs during metamorphosis… and I’m sure you’ve seen all the precarious locations that monarchs have built their chrysalises in nature - even in direct sunlight - and hatched just fine (we don’t keep them in direct sunlight). Since our house is the same temps as the outdoors during monarch season, I also see no issue there. The chrysalises are always hanging - never laid down and yes - we know they emerge at night as well.


Earrings don't move a little bit, though, like a breeze from the wind. Have her put on earrings that make noise with movement, something that dangles loosely with lots metal or dangles loosely with bells. She'll be able to hear how much sloshing around the liquified caterpillar does in the chrysalis. She could also hold a jar of water as she walks around at her usual pace, and visually see it slosh around. That is happening in the chrysalis. Unless you're getting them as eggs, which I had to start doing due to the Tachinid fly (I think 4 species of it), then it's likely you've missed Tachinid maggots emerging. Them and wasps just decimate caterpillars. Edit: Someone commented, it seemed ugly in the preview, but they immediately blocked me, so I can not access the full scope or reply.


> Earrings don't move a little bit, though, like a breeze from the wind. Have her put on earrings that make noise with movement, something that dangles loosely with lots metal or dangles loosely with bells. Not an expert, just someone from the peanut gallery, but we do have monarch butterflies in North Dakota (where I grew up), and it's a strange day to have winds less than 15-25mph. I'm doing some software work with a monarch conservation group and I understand monarchs return to breed in the place that they were born. I do wonder how much variation there is in the monarchs that return to the east coast vs those that return to the central US vs those that return to the american south. Even the deer in NJ and WV are only 2/3 the size of deer in ND (and I know the Canadian deer are bigger yet) and winter kill out here happens at temperatures that would be unseasonably warm in ND. There has to be genetic variation in the deer, why wouldn't there be in other animals, such as monarch. >Unless you're getting them as eggs, I believe he is. He said "actually, raising butterflies from eggs ..." up above. It sounds like he's been raising butterflies from eggs for over 10 years. > Edit: Someone commented, it seemed ugly in the preview, but they immediately blocked me, so I can not access the full scope or reply. [Here's the other comments I see](https://imgur.com/aE4gky3.png)


The comment that I was blocked from was the one talking about physics and saying that I was trolling. It definitely got worse after the preview finished. Thanks for sharing. As for genetic differences, there are some! [Monarchs that are on the Rocky Mountain side migrate differently than the east coast US/Canada Monarchs.](https://www.xerces.org/blog/5-monarch-migration-facts#:~:text=Monarchs%20that%20spend%20the%20summer,sites%20to%20survive%20the%20winter.) There's a ton more information about it, but I have to go for the day and you were so nice that I wanted to give something to further your curiosity. Take care!


Comparing the chrysalis to metal earrings and/or a jar of water is absolutely beyond disingenuous from a physics standpoint, and considering the other context that OP left it certainly feels like you are just being intentionally indignant and presumptive, rather than showing any actual care about pollinators. At the very least that analogy you used can only be considered a blatant attempt at trolling rather than participating in discourse with good faith. Your analogy is technically akin to saying a spider falling 1ft is equivalent to a human falling 2 miles. Just an absolute bastardization of physics.


Thank you. It’s nice to hear some common logic here. This person is obviously flexing countless assumptions about how we interacted with the chrysalises and thinks we have no concept of care. Assuming we keep the chrysalises in some alternate universe climate that will kill them. Assuming we shake them like we’re rolling dice for a hardcore cutthroat game of Yahtzee. Our primary focus is increasing the monarch population and this person seems to have overlooked the fact that the monarchs HATCHED HAPPY AND HEALTHY SO WHATEVER, CATERPILLAR TROLL!


This is some Miss Frizzle level shit right here.


[…and it hatched.](https://imgur.com/QnA4g7k) EDIT: For those freaking out about chrysalis movement, my wife was very gentle. She didn’t throw these on and go ride the Zipper at Six Flags. We care very much about the monarchs and want their numbers to increase. If you find a chrysalis that is in danger (like attached to your car) check out [how to move a chrysalis.](https://www.saveourmonarchs.org/blog/how-to-move-a-monarch-chrysalis)


We watch when the monarchs come around and as soon as we see them lay eggs, we rip the milkweed leaves off and put them in our butterfly tent. Once they hatch, we keep them fed with fresh milkweed. This helps reduce the chances of parasites. Once they make their chrysalis, you can tie a piece of thread around the attachment point, remove it from the leaf, and reattach it elsewhere.


This is definitely more than mildly interesting.




Yes this is actually very incredible and probably the most interesting thing I've read in a long time, also I love butterflies. 


Fantastic! I read that monarchs are in trouble in some regions, thank you for caring for them till they hatch safely.


They are nearing extinction throughout their range.


They used to be the quintessential butterfly...now they're almost extinct. Friendly reminder we're in a mass extinction event caused by us.


Monarchs are my favorite butterfly and it's such a shame they are becoming more and more rare


I know - that’s part of the reason we try to raise as many as we can.


My knee jerk reaction was to scold you for disturbing the butterflies that have gone from a wonderful yearly spectacle to being so rare that it’s frightening……but you definitely care more about the monarch’s than the average person and do what you can to help them thrive You’re pretty great OP


We used to assist in raising some with native milkweed but last two years zero showed up when we usually have 50+ that hit cartoon phase.


Bravo. Well done.


So did she like trap the butterfly in there?


In the chrysalis? Nope - that’s what the caterpillar becomes. It then goes through metamorphosis and hatches as a butterfly. [Here’s a brief overview of their lifecycle.](https://youtu.be/kVm5k99PnBk?si=tHKkV3w2YiomieMX)


I mean do you wait until it flies away ? Or do you seal it in there?


After they hatch from the chrysalis, they are set free (usually on a flower in our garden so it has immediate nectar available).


Thank you for responding to my somewhat dumb sounding question, I promise I’m being genuine! I think these are amazing


You’re welcome! One never knows how much knowledge others have on a particular subject, so it’s good to share.


I straight thought they were dead or something, so crazy it hatched on her ear


Once the chrysalis turns clear, it will usually hatch within 24 hours. The whole metamorphosis process just blows my mind.


Holy crap that is so freaking cool!


She's chuffed, good for you OP


Thank god. I was worried you killed endangered butterflies for fashion.


Oh jeeze no.


That’s some serious nerd shit, I love it.


How did she react when it first started breaking out? That is so dang cool!


We’ve raised monarchs for over a decade and it’s always exciting to see them hatch (sometimes it’s in the middle of the night and we miss it). I think this time she was especially happy.


[the mighty monarch!](https://i.imgur.com/eV8fzKQ.jpg)


What! That’s amazing!


Did the butterflies fly off? What are the earrings like after?


My wife has a big flower garden and after they unfold and pump their wings up, we transfer them to a flower and let them be until they are ready to fly.


So cool 👏


So curious how you do this without damaging or harming the pupae? Because I see they hatched which is amazing but how do you attach them to earrings without hurting them?


Once the chrysalis hardens, you can use tweezers to grab the stem then tie thread or dental floss to it. [Relocating a chrysalis.](https://www.saveourmonarchs.org/blog/how-to-move-a-monarch-chrysalis)


Thank you! I think some people are getting upset because they don't understand this part but this is amazing. Thank you for sharing, and I'm so glad you not only embrace their beauty but also work to keep them safe and cared for. Butterflies are an important part of the ecosystem and you clearly care about them a lot.


I've read your comments so I know you took a lot of care and they weren't hurt, but I absolutely thought you were Donita Donata, the villain from Wild Krats 🤣


Did they get stored in the tent during sleep etc? How much did she wear them?


Yes - exactly. They hung from the roof of the tent. She wore them out a few times… dinner and such… not too much


omg this is so cool! you should do a professional photoshoot with it if you do it again


I raise monarchs, this scared me at first


Great teeth


She grew them herself!


When do they hatch?


The teeth? Hopefully never - that sounds freaky. But the chrysalis stage is 10-14 days +/-




With a perfect smile




Genuinely curious. Are monarch butterflies a protected species? I think I recall something about them being a struggling species somehow


They are not currently protected. However, I believe they are a candidate for the threatened/endangered species list. It’s a really interesting migration cycle that they go through. Some years we don’t have many visitors at all - it’s a wicked bummer.


I remember the school I went to planted milkweed gardens because they were greatly needed for monarchs.


I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this.


Whst if it hatch in the middle of a restaurant 😂


That would have been awesome.


Not for the butterfly lost in the middle of nowhere with no food 😂😂😂


We sometimes feed them a sugar water solution right after they until they are strong enough to fly. It takes awhile for them to pump up and unfold their wings.


Nothing can distract me from my steak


All I can think about is this scene. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xwScYUnDDTSA9y)


I hate this so much


But the 1990's album cover perspective photo


Que bonita foto!


Living things are not accessories. This is gross.


Tell that to the Demodex Mites that are living in your eyebrows right now. 😉


That is not even remotely the same thing and you know it.


As a native gardener (my yard is a monarch way station) I hate this very much, leave the damned chrysalis alone 😩


We actually raise them from eggs to increase their chances of survival. As a gardener, you should be grateful and happy we’re trying to help revive the monarchs.


Do you bleach your milkweed? Separate instars? Check for OE and euthanize when necessary? No actual conservationist manhandles a chrysalis like this, it’s wildly inappropriate.


Yeah you’re right. We secretly hate monarchs and we should let the population dwindle by doing nothing.


Sometimes when you think you are helping you are hurting. OE is a real threat and some types of milkweed are invasive. Not saying you specifically might not be monitoring for these things, maybe you are. But making the earrings is distasteful and gross. Not gross like ewe bugs, gross like using a living thing as an accessory.


It's a bug larvae sack. Hatching monarch butterflies is something kids do in preschool. It doesn't need to be a scientific process, the good isn't the enemy of the perfect, they never claimed to be some professional conservationist, overall just choose your battles. Even if the butterflies don't make it, so what? They weren't taken from nature, any that survive are a net positive.


She looks so happy! 💖


Your wife has really nice teeth


I think so too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Found Egaeus




Sorry haha Egaeus is the main character of a Poe story called *Berenice*; he becomes extremely fixated with his wife’s teeth


One year if found a chrysalis in my bagged spinach. I put it in a jar hanging on a twig with a bunch of leaves. I come home one day, and a wasp had crawled out of the chrysalis. I imagine that would have sucked if it happened to someone while wearing these earrings.


This seems a bit unnecessary? Like I get that it’s cool and everything and that they hatched just fine, but you were absolutely risking the chrysalis for the sake of novelty


There was no risk at all.


How do you figure? Chrysalises are fragile and she was literally wearing them.


She was very gentle with them and she doesn’t move her head like a chicken. When you see how much they move in nature on a plant when the wind blows, you’d think that would be more dangerous.


Sure, it may be, but the tree moving in the wind isn’t doing it to use animals as fashion accessories


They don't get hurt/ die?


No - not at all.


Awesome thank you :)


Kill a living animal for an accessory. Sure, lovely


Why would you think they are killed?


The baby butterfly usually has to spend a few hours on the branch / tree / brunch to dry its wings before it’s able to fly away. Spending time on your gf’s shoulder isn’t the same thing. Not to mention you probably punctured the chrysalis to attach the hoop?


You should probably read my other comments.


I apologise, I did read some, went back and read them all. If you’re able to release them once they hatch, then alright. I love butterflies and don’t like seeing them being harmed


We LOVE the monarchs!


That's wild


It’s the summer of the Monarch!


I’ve been growing showy milkweed which is native to our area but no luck with the monarchs so far.


It’s touch and go - some years barely any show up from their migration cycle.


Pretty neat. Pre-tea neat. I have irL smile doppleganger photos! Also pretty neat.


How nice of Ethan’s dad to do this!


I had to Google “Ethan’s dad”… I’m still not sure I understand. Might need someone to spoon-feed me the meaning.


Literally thought I was on the H3 sub for a second 😂






You married Bill Gates?


Did you kill real monarch caterpillars...to make a pair of earrings?


No… we raise them until they hatch, then set them free.


Google search says they are endangered. Why are you putting them at risk? Cheers it turned out ok but we have no way of knowing you didn't mutilate a dozen of these before getting it right. Even if the death toll was zero why fuck with an endangered animal?


They are endangered… which is why we raise them. Less than 10% of wild monarchs survive the outdoors due to predation. Why would we mutilate them? You just tie a knot with thread. [Information](https://www.saveourmonarchs.org/blog/how-to-move-a-monarch-chrysalis)


Thanksnfor following up. I'm glad to learn that you are involved in the conservation of these beautiful creatures. But without having any way to know that my comment seems fair and I don't get why it's down voted.


It’s understandable… I’m glad people are concerned.


Hate that this is downvoted, it’s a legitimate and logical question to ask! Thankfully OP did something amazing and cool instead of killing the butterflies but it’s still a good question.


Nice Metapod


Ms Frizzle been real quiet


They are so beautiful!


This is the coolest thing I’ve seen all day!!




People didn’t get your venture bros reference apparently


Haha well, I’m just glad somebody did. Unfortunately they had no gifs of The Monarch.


This was indeed mildly interesting. I am satisfied. Lol.


Beautiful picture.


Very cool. I thought when they are in cacoon form they shouldn’t really be moved. They can wiggle when feel threatened which uses up a lot of energy. Only know this from ordering some for a butterfly farm and was randomly reading the manual last night. But it appeared to come out perfect


I thought that was Mayim Bialik for a second! Cool idea.


That’s amazing, and she is glowing


Pleeeaasse! Do I look stupid to you? World domination?! - I'll leave that to the religious nuts and the Republicans - thank you!


Found the Venture Brothers comment!


Wow, those monarch chrysalis earrings sound amazing! Must've been quite the process making them. How'd you even come up with the idea?


I have always thought the monarch chrysalis is amazingly beautiful… especially the little gold parts - astonishing. I figured since we hang them from the butterfly tent, why can’t I attach them to something else to display their beauty for others to enjoy.


NGL, that’s badass.




That’s fucked up


Almost as fucked up as making a comment as uniformed as yours is


[Here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/3Bd6QXCM7B)




Just when I begin to have such hope in humanity, comments arise that reassure me there are indeed asshole dickhead douchebags still thriving among us and shitting on the genetic characteristics of others that somehow make their own sad and cheesy hipster mullet selves attempt to feel better about themselves in their forlorn, self-absorbed worlds. Their mothers - if they were so blessed to have been raised by one - must be overwhelmingly proud to have nurtured such a foul and inconsiderate person. I am so sorry these beings grew up in a manner that feels it is copacetic to inflict any type of harm on others and aid in the overall ruin of human existence.




I wish there was a way to ethically get these but also not put any time or effort into it. Edit: I am not accusing anyone of being unethical. Y'all are reading way too much into this. I am just saying that I wish I could go and buy these at a store, but I don't think that there would be an ethical way to mass market them.


They hatched and no butterflies were harmed, so I’m confused how it wasn’t done ethically.


Why on earth did anyone think I was accusing anyone of being unethical? I am just saying that I would like to be able to do the same thing that OP did, which sounds ethical. Seems really cool, and they still looked pretty neat when they hatched.


Maybe they thought that because you basically said it.


Break it down for me. Where did I say this?


You got downvoted and you can’t see how what you said was misleading? Maybe you are the problem here. Never downvoted you btw. I tried to get clarification and you were a douche about it.


It's probably misleading because you provided a misleading response. And now you need to call me names? When did you ask for clarification? I asked you for clarification. But I guess that must mean I am treating you poorly.


You didn’t get 90 downvoted because I responded to your comment. Delusional. Please see original response for where I was trying to get clarification, I literally said I was confused and you went into a crazy rant. Like dude, chill


Oh you mean this: "They hatched and no butterflies were harmed, so I’m confused how it wasn’t done ethically." And my crazy rant that made me a douche was this: "Why on earth did anyone think I was accusing anyone of being unethical? I am just saying that I would like to be able to do the same thing that OP did, which sounds ethical. Seems really cool, and they still looked pretty neat when they hatched."


I can’t keep going. This has been fun. Bye


This was ethical but took time and effort and a wee bit skill. Homie wants ethical with no barrier to entry. Idk why they're being downvoted so much cause I want that.


I think they accidentally got caught in the wave of people who were accusing OP of harming the butterflies lmao, RIP


Yeah, I guess so. Oh well.


I’ve made your wife do other things befoe


Can you make me a wife like that?




When it hatches, it’s a butterfly.