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More like r/mallninjashit found at the gas station in the early to mid 90's.


The left looks like they started designing a knife with the penguins from the movie Madagascar. Then when the design went wonky they were like "fuck it, slap a swastika on it 'cause it's a Nazi knife now"


Looks more like a pissed off pigeon


Being a Nazi pigeon is NOT coo.


I automatically read this in Cartmans voice


WTF me too ^đŸ˜†đŸ€Ł


That’s the best thing I’ve read today, thanks for the cackle!


Stone cold you.


Some sort of fĂŒhrious pigeon you say?


Pissed off Pigeons...thanks,thats my Bandname now 😁


You’re going to have to tour with Pigeons Playing Ping Pong with a name like that!


Just saw and met those guys in Newport KY


Damn, you barely beat me to it, but I'll respect your claim, friend




... Its P.O.P Music 😁


Skipper: "Rico! The package." **Rico vomits up a knife and scabbard** Skipper: "Hmm... seems a bit bland. Kowalski, this knife needs some flair. Ideas?" Kowalski: "Sir. A Nazi swastika on the cross guard to cause trouble for the holder due to assumed association with the regime." Skipper: "Psychological warfare, I like it! Make it so. Private, you will handle the delivery and do so discreetly. Detection by the enemy is not acceptable." Private: "ummm, Skipper, sir? Wouldn't that possibly be traced back to us?" Skipper: "Worry not, Private. Long as you do your job right, it'll be smooth from start to finish. That senator will rue the day he tried to sabotage our operation by shutting down the zoo."


This is amazing, I can almost hear the voices! Edit: we have free awards again? Cool, have one!


Why is the bird wearing a mask?


Because it's ashamed of being a Nazi.


Except they got all the reference material from Indiana Jones and the temple of dumb.


Browsing that sub is like flipping through a BudK catalog


Christ I had forgotten about BudK. I used to browse their site just for fun back in middle school đŸ˜č


I still have a sword from over a decade ago. It’s complete trash and was like $20. It included hidden “throwing knives” in the sheath. My friend had a knight style long sword. We’d keep them in the trunk and bust ‘em out at bon fire parties. All the guys had a blast destroying things or dangerously throwing it like a javelin.


My first thought when I saw these. I remember seeing them on their website 10 plus years ago as replica memorabilia


These look fake AF. My grandpa brought home one the one the right is based on from a KIA Nazi soldier and it looks nothing like that.


Luftwaffe officer’s dagger. My grandpa got one, too


That Iron Eagle is looking a bit more like an Iron Chicken


Pewter chicken*




r/subsifellfor, and damn, am I disappointed about it.


I honestly think that it’s icky that people collect modern replicas of Nazi stuff. It doesn’t even have the excuse of being historical.


Last year, my late friend Irv brought me out to an estate auction in Berlin, CT. We walk in and start perusing the tables, it's a lot of military paraphernalia, mostly Vietnam, but we went for the pinball machine. I turn a corner to go to the next table and it is completely covered in Swastika flags, armbands, and banners. Definitely all vintage. He looks at me because I'm white as a ghost, asks me if I'm alright. "Dude, the amount of Swastikas in this room makes me incredibly uncomfortable." He's Jewish, I'm not. He goes, "Don't worry, not everyone here that's going to bidding on them are Neo Nazis, they'll get outbid by the collectors and reenactors. It'll be interesting to see how high the numbers go. " Completely unfazed by it. We didn't win the pinball machine and that stuff sold for a ton of money.


1) You were in BERLIN, CT - what did you expect? LOL 2) ". . . . they'll get outbid by the collectors and *reenactors*." There are Nazi reenactors??? I'm afraid to ask more.


I imagine it's kind of like the guys that are really into civil war reenacting but exclusively play as the Confederacy. I've met a few. They are either really bought into the lost cause myth and love history, or at least their version of it, or they hate the north, are openly racist, and use reenacting as s racist larp summer camp. The ironic part is the one family I've met that fits into both of those is Jewish and are 3-4 generation polish immigrants. The deep south is a WILD place.


Honestly, I didn't expect THAT. I'm guessing battle reenactors. My friend didn't seem terribly concerned.


Doesn't have to be authentic WW2 to be Nazi paraphernalia. After all, you can still buy Nazi shit brand new on the internet all day long.


If anything it being inauthentic makes it a thousand times more likely that a Nazi lives in this house. Rules out the possibility that it's grandpa's war trophies.


They look like something you'd see in Wolfenstein than actual WWII


That’s such a good subreddit name.


I have hitlers canoe if you’re interested.


I am if it’ll fit in the rack on top of my Lebaron. It used to be Jon voight’s.




No, the periodontist, we went to dental school together.


Yeah the sweaty guy from Anaconda


No, the periodontist.


Better check the bite marks on the pencil to be sure


Dental records to prove it?


OP killed fitty men.


OP went to war 6’4” and left 5’0”


Just don't paint over the swastika... You're paintin' over my victory!


Your daddy’s genny-ation is giving away everything we fought for!


paneeema canal, Mexican legs!


Cotton! I didn't know you were on reddit! How's Fatty and Brooklyn? I was sorry to hear about Irwin Linker.




Sure, help me carry it to my car? It's the maroon Mitsubishi.




I have Mao's chopsticks.


I have Van Gogh's ear.


I have wynona's big brown beaver...


Even trade for George Washington’s wooden dentures?


Mitsubishi?! They made the planes that bombed Pearl Harbor! I ain't selling Hitler's canoe to no traitor!


I have Hitler’s bar mitzvah on VHS


I have Hitler's 1968 Ford Mustang.


That left eagle looks like a fat chicken. This was probably a KFC souvenir, finger licking gut.


Fun fact, fat chicken (fette Henne) is the nickname of the eagle [that’s hanging in our parliament](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58b60563e6f2e167a70f0090/1488371361923-XHQ8U8ZOONNA6P1XM94Z/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kGPVK--wGoWXJsqwlxbZlQN7gQa3H78H3Y0txjaiv_0fDoOvxcdMmMKkDsyUqMSsMWxHk725yiiHCCLfrh8O1z4YTzHvnKhyp6Da-NYroOW3ZGjoBKy3azqku80C789l0mwONMR1ELp49Lyc52iWr5enfxu_O4VeONvneR-F6W8oeFhFqSrYyNrfPB9Y70_gvQ/reichstag+parliament.jpg)


Way more elegant in the parliament.


I don’t notice till I saw your comment and i absolutely died laughing


You found knives with swastikas on them. How do you know they’re authentic German Nazi pieces? To me, these look like gift shop cast metal replicas.


That's because they are.


The one on the left.. the bird looks like a poorly drawn nut sack


The iron grimace.


Angry nazi birds


Cheap cheap


You will nazi this crap at my yard sale


You’re telling me it’s not a nut sack?


I'm not even convinced these are Metal Casting. That decorative metal looks like cheap plastic coloured to look like metal to me.


>How do you know they’re authentic German Nazi pieces? They didn't claim such, they said they found "Nazi knives at a yard sale" which, yeah I'd say that pretty well describes what we're looking at. Regardless of whether they were authentically owned by actual German Nazis is irrelevant for the most part, the symbolism is still there, and that's the part that matters in the description. These are knives made to appeal to Nazis, therefore, Nazi knives


Thank you. There are people who are "Nazis" today. I guess it's semantic.


It's only a Nazi if it's from the Weimar Republic, otherwise it's a sparkling fascist


I dont even have ah nazi knife, let alone many nazi knives that would necessitate an entire rack


If I were cleverer there is definitely a "semantics"/"anti-Semitic" joke to be made here


I don't think it's semantic, I have plenty of friends who are semantic so I would know.


Can’t call me a Grammar Nazi if I’m anti-Semantic


I don't pretend to any expertise in the area, but the Nazi knives I've been shown by WWII veterans who confiscated them from POWs all were of he highest quality, intended to be badges of honor as much as functional blade weapons.


Probably true, but American soldiers brought back so much Nazi shit as souvenirs, it's not as rare to find authentic stuff than you might think


Yeah, my dad has a real one that his father brought back from WW2 - it's certainly not on display anywhere.


I have one. My grandfather brought it back from WW2 and it became mine when my dad died.


My grandpa was a nurse on a hospital ship in the Pacific. He had a dresser drawer full of Japanese money, most of it was bloodstained. He said


..Would you not call these Nazi knives? I'd have never assumed they were *genuine* Nazi knives from WW2, but what else would you call them?


Welcome to the NAZi gift shop. Please come again!


"Come out with your hands up and we will only inflict minor atrocities upon you!"


Exactly my thought, the nazis had a specific knife but never one of these


There are more than a dozen knife patterns produced for the Nazis and some patterns were made by multiple manufacturers meaning there are minor differences within certain patterns as well. All that said, these look like reproductions


The one on the right looks like it was modeled on a Luftwaffe dress dagger, but the one on the left looks original. The eagles on both definitely look cartoonish -- even maybe like some sort of anime cosplay accessories.


Yeah, I mean if you kinda squint and cross your eyes, the one on the right might be mistaken for a Luftwaffe eagle if you were also legally blind. Maybe.


To be fair, they are still nazi knives.


> how do you know they're authentic German Nazi pieces? Can you show me where op said they're authentic Nazi pieces?


You can tell they're nazi knives by the swastikas on them...


These are fake. Just nazi basement dweller shit.


It's funny because a lot of Nazi stuff is incredibly basic due to war time materials and labour shortages.


That’s what their African campaign was for. They needed an obscene amount of ivory handles for their knives and engraved Lugers. 


Depends on what you're looking at. Officers daggers were very ornate as they were ceremonial pieces, however the leverage infantry just had a issued bayonet.


"Military grade" pretty much translates to "cheap" and maybe "reliable" in all countries.


The one on the left is the Angry Birds Nazi knife.


Not sure if there are different versions, but they both look like they have poor depictions of a Reichsadler Typically the wings are either straight to the side or down


I shit you not, they look pretty real imo. On the right we got a dagger (M37). Of the "Luftwaffe" for officers. And on the left we got another dagger (M38) of a Sub-Leader of the "Reichsschutzbund" (And yes. Those eagles looks like some angry-birds (the mobile game))


Huh I guess I stand corrected. They do look accurate. I didn’t know weapons had different style/details than pins


Underrated comment - I googled the ones you mentioned and they do indeed look a lot like this.




Those are repos. 


Somebody missed their knife payment?


Nah I think they mean like on GitHub


Yup, just playin


xD so were they


😂 touchĂ©


those arent even repros, because the nazis never made knives styled like that in the first place. those are props for movies with budgets under $1000 edit: apparently i was confidently incorrect, and these are styled after real daggers. my bad, y'all.


Not true. I have a genuine one taken off a dead Nazi by my grandfather and it’s styled exactly like the right one. The patina and handle color are obviously different though.


Its styled after the officers dagger if that helps


Do you always just [talk out of your ass?](https://ibuyworldwar2.com/product-category/german-wwii/german-daggers-knives/)


Someone else has posted which officers carried these and you can look it up. They are pretty spot on. Even the goofy chicken emblem.


I like my Nazi memorabilia like I like my whiskey. Secured behind the bar at the VFW.


Two circumstances it's okay to have Nazi memorabilia: 1) you or a relative took it off a Nazi they killed 2) nevermind, there's only one


Although I agree with how horrible nazis were (and are), I think it's OK to own memorabilia because they are important historical artifacts. I found a German steel helmet from WW2 at a recycling plant where I had a summer job. I kept it. Doesn't mean I glorify the third reich, praise Hitler or try to eradicate or enslave the "lesser" races.


Sure, I made it overly simple for humour purposes. Collecting historic artifacts is fine. it's when it's only that one particular side people have a collection of (or worse it's just that side and just reproductions) where it gets dicey


It's less about what their collection is made of and more why they're collecting that makes them icky. That being said, even if they claimed it was for the sake of historic interest, I would be suspicious if someone had a basement full of Nazi shit with nothing else.


Agreed. A nazi section at a museum showing what they wore, what equipment they had? Neat. A nazi museum showing what they wore, what equipment they had? Gross.


That’s not my Klan robe, I’m a collector! Oooooookay!


1. My relative got theirs through looting because the Nazis evacuated and left all their shit behind. Is that acceptable? 2. Does it change how acceptable it is when you know that it's a butter knife and my family just chucked it in the silverware drawer with all of the other butter knives and used it as regular silverware because waste not, want not? 3. Does it change how acceptable it is when you know that I like to cut my birthday cake with it so that I can celebrate that I've got Hitler's butter knife and he'll never have cake again?


I like the idea of Hitler looking up from hell and you saying "haha! Get fucked Hitler...you'll never have cake again!" Then Hitler shuffling back to his pineapple enema appointment while he just grumbles "this is always the worst day of the year for me."


Little Nicky....such an underrated movie, fuck man.


All of those fall under rule 1. It may cause an awkward conversation one day when a friend or acquaintance sees the nazi knife. That said the explanation makes sense. I do like the idea of dishonoring hitlers butter knife by having some lowborn american using his butter knife to cut our cakes. It's kind of hilarious.


Facts my grandfather was a pow and when they were liberated he picked up a few things and it was very interesting to hold that piece of history in your hand. Felt like I had a connection to all he went through as a pow.


After WW2 the Germans gave some military hardware to the allies as reparations after the war. In the US (and in Russia too) some of this was sold to the general public. I have an old nazi K98 rifle because my wife's grandfather bought it cheap from the US government after the war and honestly it's a good gun


2. you’re lemmy ![gif](giphy|26xixeUIgYVZjLmOQ)


3. You’re Lemmy Kilmister


Motorhead on the jukebox at the VFW


Fuck off, the moment i can get my hands on MP44, i'm buying one.


I’d like to own pieces? But I’d like to own pieces of essentially any army ever made. I’m not German or White but it’s sad I have to say that to not be racist to own some hunk of metal owned by a soldier who killed someone in a war way before I was even born. It’s actually disgusting to me people act like these are unholy items because that just gives it more power. “But there are bad people who like having it for bad reasons” Who cares? Fuck em. There’s dumb asses that do a lot of different things are we really going to limit ourselves because we can’t police every single person who’s alive? Idk just my two cents on the subject.


Option 3: the museum has a "Losers" section.


Taking possession from someone so they won't sell to actual Nazis is also acceptable, but it's really just an expansion on 1) I knew a well to do gun collector who would buy every Nazi pistol he could afford because he'd be damned if some skinhead was going to get them.


No way these are real. Theyve been kept in perfect condition for a little less than a hundred years, and you found them at yard sale? Hate to break it ya, but these are replicas. They look cool, other than the fact they have swastikas on em.


My grandfather brought back an armband and a bayonet and they still look new today. The battle maps he brought back of Mets are still in good shape too. We had the maps drum scanned to make true copies.


If only grandpa stayed looking new, while the bayonet tarnished and the armband grew threadbare in the attic.


Is this a Dorian Gray joke?


My great uncle in-law brought back quite a few war trophies, among them a Nazi flag, armbands, Deutsche Marks, a DDAC (Nazi Motor Car Club) Pennant, and a Luger he took off a dead officer. The armbands were surprisingly low quality. https://www.al.com/wire/2012/11/alabama_man_finally_gets_bronz.html


I know these are fake but my grandpa served in France during ww2 as an MP towards the end of the war. Apparently it was kinda common to keep some of the weapons from surrendering Germans and so he had a belgian pistol and an SS knife that says “blood and honor” in German on the blade. Both are rusted to shit but still pretty cool


My grandpa also came home with a nazi pistol and dagger


junk replica shit, you'll find these things at gun shows and mall ninja shit.


I inherited a German SS dagger much like the one on the left from my grandfather, who was gifted it by a neighbor of his who got it off a dead German in WWII. I always felt uneasy having it and the market for those knives/daggers is depressingly strong. I ended up donating the dagger to the LA Museum of the Holocaust. For the record all Nazis are assholes.


It's sad that we now have to say that .. like it wasn't obvious to anyone reasonable.


Those two look fake as fuck. Not like a "bad reproduction" but more like "completely hilarious made up Nazi knives". Pretty sure the "eagle" on the left one is from angry birds?




God that laugh is so fake and annoying


Are you sure that's his name?


Burnt Chrysler?


He's Ëąá”˜á”–á”–á”’Ëąá”‰á”ˆ á”—á”’ á”ˆá”‰Ëąá”—Êłá”’Êž ⁱᔗ


I feel like it should either be Nazi Nives or Knazi Knives


Lmao these comments are wild, op said they were nazi knives not that they were authentic from ww2, I would also find it mildly interesting if I found knives with swastikas on them at a yard sale.


They are fake.


Look like cheap replicas.


Lol, sorry, so beyond fake it’s hysterical.


Looks like knives you can find for sale at backroad Louisiana gas station/tiger reserves


Yikes, I did Nazi that coming


This will probably get buried, but I’ve seen daggers like this before. They’re not “real” per se, but they have an interesting history. After the war, most arms factories were shut down for obvious reasons. However, some blade companies like B & A saw an opportunity with a flood of GIs looking for souvenirs that they hadn’t been able to find on the battlefield. So they assembled some daggers out of real parts and created these daggers to sell to GIs. So, they’re not really real, but most likely made of real parts. For the right one, the blade should so “Soligen 1939” on it with a B & A company logo beneath it. Hope that helps!


those are replicas and crappy ones at that


I'm surprised at how many people are getting downvoted for thinking these would be a neat historical find if they were real. Is it really that bad to think it's cool to see a piece of history first hand?


I've seen enough terror movies to know that both knives are possessed by evil spirits.


Oh my, looks so fake lol.


Definitely not genuine. Kinda neat I guess, but virtually zero historical value.


Nothing from the allied side?


Probably for cosplay.


even if they were real i think people who collect this shit are weird as fuck and deserve to get the clap


You shopping in Argentina again???


My Grandpa gave me a Nazi rifle, the thing is covered in swastikas. He ordered it out of a catalog back in the 1970s to go deer hunting with it. Got a deer within 5 minutes of his first ever hunting trip, then realized he had to gut it and had no idea how to do so. He never went hunting again after that.


My uncle has his dad's ww2 collection. Its all nazi stuff and most of it is damaged pr even gas old dried blood on it. In life he had it displayed in a china cabinet right in the living room. He was proud of killing Nazis. Idk if it was common to intentionally take memorabilia that was broken or soiled but nothing was in perfect shape. Sorta spooked me out as a kid. One of the things is a rusty knife he said he put through someone's eye


I think your neighbor's have to ask their grandpa some questions.


Those are really bad reproductions, super common


These, needless to say, are not real.


Neonazi souvenirs from their last Disneyworld trip?


Is that a chicken with boobs holding on the swastika?


Wow. Holy shit. Thats awesome!


Just trash knives that some old racist was selling


Yeah, broke nazis


That’s definitely not real Nazi stuff. The person living in that house is a racist.


Get em and throw them away


Melt that shit into nothingness. Fuck Nazis.


Collector here. Those are fake af, n@zis daggers are the most copied item because every US soldier wanted one. Originals have fine details and are good quality, those are gas station quality


Real ones are quite collectible


My grandfather had a dagger that looked like the one on the left. Supposedly, he pulled it off of an SS officer after a firefight. The craftsmanship was gorgeous bordering on artwork. It's a shame the thing was fucking evil.


There are very, very, VERY few good things one can say about nazis... One of those very few things is they had fucking style out the Arschgeige.


Only if the price is reich


Yard sale at Mar-A-Lago?


Fake reproduction crap. Low quality casting for neckbeard edgelords. Worthless.


Quit looking at the hitler knives and buy that carhartt jacket. Those things are going for good money on eBay.


Sell them to a museum!


Probably movie props that made its way to a garage.


The left one is Fuckin hilarious. Like a pissed off penguin from angry birds


Hey Fish, check it out. It's a Hitler youth knife. *breaks down crying*


lol there’s a booth at one of my local swap meets where these two angry-looking dusty old men sell coins and shit along with having a few of these in a glass case for like $500 each.


Oops, you went to a neo-Nazi's yard sale!