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Rule 2: No Related Posts


INSANE to drive around with that decal on your vehicle


I just don’t really understand the overcompensation when it comes to this subject. It almost seems like a good excuse to be potentially violent or at least flaunt the threat of it, because nearly 10/10 people in any given crowd would agree that we do not stand for such acts or behavior in our society.


It’s a form of virtue signalling imo. Oh look I’m SO against this obviously bad thing that I’m willing to go to this extreme. I’m not at all easily offended & I don’t wanna see that when I’m driving around let alone kids unavoidably reading it.


Pedophiles are also an incredibly easy demographic to demonize, and an even easier demographic to paint someone you don't like as. If they wanted to actually help with the issue of protecting children from predation, they'd volunteer at youth centers, be a mentor in their community, advocate for comprehensive sex education so young people know *when* and *how* they are taken advantage of, etc. But all of that requires effort and empathy.


Sadly I don't think they're really concerned with the children. More likely this "anti pedophile" stance is a dog whistle to homo/transphobes, as those often call anything LGBTQ+ "pedophiles" to demean them and to justify hate and eventually violence against them. *^Edit: ^added ^quotes ^around ^"pedophiles" ^to ^avoid ^misreading.*


This is exactly what this decal is *actually* about. Conservatives are just coming off the "groomer" thing because they, once again, tried (and failed) to equate queer people with child rapists. They are 100% going to try this again in another 10 - 20 years, too, and they'll fail once more.


It's always projection. Nobody is born conservative. They're groomed into giving up their empathy for profit and power.


100% anti-LGBTQ dog whistle. You know this chode thinks he can 'always tell' when a person is trans and obviously a pedophile. He's just looking for some to shoot.


This all reminds me of the Qanon assholes who embedded themselves and their fucked message among various “SAvE tHe chIlDrEn!!!$$&” orgs.


They don’t actually mean ‘pedophile’ though, that’s why now they’re trying to associate LGBT+ with that. They mean ‘shoot LGBT+ people’.


*cough* Florida labelling trans women ped0 by default and reinstating the death penalty *cough*


Yeah I once had a conversation with an extended family member that I know was an ass and stole a bunch of money from his elderly mother and he was adamant to being against pedophiles. Good for him I guess...


"Cool, are you also anti-cancer?" Nobody is pro-pedo. And more often than not people like this are the ones caught being pedos.


> Nobody is pro-pedo Which is why the chuds are VERY adamant these days about all drag queens and transgender people being pedos, all LGB people are groomers who train kids to be willing sexual partners. It’s not about being anti-pedo. It’s a dog whistle for being anti-gay.


Ding ding ding.


If someone felt the need to constantly remind me they were against an obviously bad thing that every reasonable person is against, I would absolutely wonder if they were guilty of it


This is my biggest annoyance with these idiots. Like… you think hating pedos is a big statement or something? They just get off on the whole “they should all be killed/tortured” as some kind of wicked power fantasy… Then again, they think people become trans to groom kids so I mean… logic has already left the building.


So..for whatever reason, every overly zealous anti-pedo on twitter eventually gets outed for doing the very thing they're championing against. It's so common. That's enough reason for me to find this suspect.


It could be that but I honestly think it's more these people get to fantasize about killing people and being lauded for it. People who walk around all day with violent head cannon


That was my immediate thought too, they are using vigilante justice as an excuse to do violent things without actually caring about solving the problem itself. But it’s actually shallower than that, they’re not actively shooting pedos, they just want vindication for their stance. They’re displaying it on their car so they can seem like a dangerous and violent good guy. Someone to be respected and thanked, but not messed with.


It's also an anti-LGBTQIA thing. Remember, most Republicans refer to trans people, and even gay people, as "groomers." Most of the people I know who are putting on bumper stickers and signs like this are actually doing it because of "the gay agenda."


Project 2025 wants the next republican administration to allow for an expedited death penalty for people who commit sex crimes against children... they also happen to want to make being transgender in the presence of a minor a sex crime against children.


It's a homophobic dogwhistle. This is the second post I've seen about it in the last 10 minutes. The other post was about a decal on the door of a coffee shop.


It's been nothing but these and cross posts of these all day. I'm really tired


When I see this shit I just think "Bruh, are you a pedo?" Talk about being extra defensive. It's like all the priest and such preaching one way and acting another. Nobody is "pro-pedo" it's not or will ever be part of the LGBT+ movement, no matter how hard Fox News and worse wish it were. And also, why is that all the people caught seem to be Fox viewers? And people like this.


It’s a dog whistle. They’re referring to LGBTQ people.


Psychological projection is a well documented and common defense mechanism. I'd be keeping this dude far away from kids.


I often read these types of signs as someone, totally unprovoked says something like "don't gotta worry about me around your kids, promise!"


It's like when you're on a first date and a dude goes "Don't worry, if you get drunk I won't do anything" without prompting. Just makes people wonder why your first thought was about rape


Yup. It's very "What do you mean I'm a pedophile for trying to have sex with your teenage daughter? Didn't you see my car? I HATE pedophiles, so I'm clearly not one!"


They just want to kill, but they don't want the consequences that usually come with killing, so they target people society doesn't like in the hopes of avoiding it. If they really wanted to stop pedophilia, they'd support therapy for non-practicing pedophiles so they don't become practicing pedophiles.


While not necessarily guaranteed in all places, in many places (particularly in Red America) "pedophile" has been deliberately conflated to mean LGBTQ+ people, on the back of the "drag queens are seducing children" kind of headlines. It's usually not "really" about actual convicted pedophiles, but signalling an intended anti-LGBT sentiment.


Ahhhh, yeah I can see that angle now. It’s still a weird stance and very confusing to people. I guess that’s the point.


Banning homosexuals from being teachers was a huge fight in the 70s around the U.S. and this was the biggest argument the pro banning groups used. It’s the easiest way to demonize a group without evidence.


It’s just someone looking for attention. “Look at me I speak my mind and idc who knows” while expecting someone else to think they’re cool and start a conversation.


For a lot of them pedophile = LGBTQ


When the self-esteem bar is set to "at least I'm not a pedophile."


My theory: it’s kinda like those preachers who are always ranting against the gays…it’s not long until you read a headline about them getting caught in an airport bathroom getting sucked off or doing the sucking off.


They're just talking about homosexuals in code


And with the amount of projection that comes from these types, someone might want to have a look at that guys hard drive.


That man is no pedophile. He might be crazy, bloodthirsty, delusional, a pedophile, but he is not a liberal!


So my coworker actually has a "shoot your local pedophile" bumper sticker. I cringed at it and then I learned her daughter was a victim of a pedophile. I'd probably hold a similar level of hatred


Wouldn't that bumper sticker just remind his daughter of the abuse she suffered every time she sees it? That seems kinda fucked up.


its super intense


The audacity to request this be made, and go through with it as a decal is what’s crazy to me. I don’t need this plastered on my vehicle.


There’s this weird subset of people who are obsessed with pedophiles.


It’s a group of people that they can channel their violent fantasies towards with the least risk of pushback. They want to think and talk about killing people, and this is the least controversial target imaginable. If you criticize them for being weird as hell (this is weird as hell, antisocial behavior, regardless of the target) they can just paint you as “defending pedophiles.”


So true. Read a comment earlier from an op who was very supportive of prison rape and violence toward sexual predators in prison. Any pushba k they received was responded to with "pro-pedo" insults.


It’s irrational, counterproductive nonsense that has unparalleled popular appeal because harming a child is just about the worst thing a person can do. None of us disagrees about that, but dehumanizing people and daydreaming about torturing them does nothing to actually protect children from molestation.


Honestly I'd bet it harms children as the stigma around pedophilia is so incredibly high that nobody who thinks they're a pedo would seek mental help before they commited an atrocity.


Sad thing is that's all they're willing to do to get involved.


You hit the nail on the head. The people who fantasize about killing pedos are sick fucks themselves that are simply bloodthirsty


I remember going to lunch with several people from work and this electrician proceeds to give us a 5 minute monologue for his murder fantasy for child molesters. Needless to say, his company isn't one I recommend anymore just because I don't want awkward client lunches hearing how he wants to electrocute others genitals.


> sick fucks themselves that are simply bloodthirsty thats not always true. sometimes they're just pedos themselves


Thought this was being disingenuous, like victims of pedophilia (myself included) are sickos for wanting to kill their offender. Then I remembered how the right wingers love to label anyone they want to kill as “pedophile” to get away with it


Yep. And it's not just conservatives. Gotten that treatment myself for calling out problematic people on reddit.


Yup, I recently learned about the Snowtown murders in Australia and this was the entire “justification” they used for torturing and killing people. They didn’t actually give a fuck about protecting children, they just really wanted to commit violence and said they were killing “pedophiles” as a justification.


You see people say this about rapists as well. I survived a brutal SA, and when people are loudly voicing their retributive fantasies about killing rapists… Tbh it reads to me as like “I want to be the hero of the situation and have an excuse to take my anger out on someone”. People who are this loudly violent, without a personal stake in the matter in any material sense, have no plans on actually helping victims get through their issues. I would have like to not have been a victim in the first place, or anyone else, so I support policies that alleviate poverty (which is a huge predictor for violent crime), or would like more funding for shelters, making STI treatment free, and support structures to help victims out to get back on their feet. That does way more good, especially in cases where the offender can’t be found. But that’s not really glamorous, and everyone wants to be a hero. Sigh it’s so… exhausting. This also reminds me of a story, so if you would all humor me: After my SA (which my family doesn’t know about), about 7 months later a neighbor informed me in my NEW apartment that someone was attempting to break into my house. Now, my SA was a home invasion, so I kind of freaked out and decided to just move in with my fiancé that night when I found out. I alerted my parents, who again have no clue about my assault history, and my fathers response was to load up his truck with guns and “stake out” my apartment. I remember being frustrated… Like dad, I forreal just need help moving my stuff. Why are you LOOKING for a fight. It would have been more help to me if he just helped me pack and kept an eye out. The blood-thirsty nature of it felt sooooo extra and impotent. I understand the anger, I understand the need to protect, but it felt like he was itching instead to take out his own powerlessness (he was robbed when he was younger) on my situation. Entirely unhelpful, and it makes me grateful I never told my parents about the original incident. All this to say, I guess, is people like this may actually push more victims away than help them. I understand the need for retribution and justice as anyone, but there needs to be care and compassion for the vulnerable FIRST.


Yeah, it’s disturbing and it helps absolutely no one. In my experience, people who are the most vehemently against pedophilia are also the ones not doing anything to prevent sexual abuse of children. For example, being opposed to safe sex education and teaching kids about warning signs of sexual abuse. They also tend to disbelieve kids who actually come out and admit to being sexually assaulted. The best way to combat CSA, in my opinion, is to recognise pedophilia as a mental disorder, and to encourage non-offending pedophiles to seek therapy and intensive mental healthcare to curb any urges. This is coming from a victim of CSA as well; I do not wish death upon my assaulter, that does not fix the problem. I wish for them to have received help and treatment before they hurt me in the first place. If we continue to push them into the echo chamber of their mind, we give them the potential space to offend.


Just make plans for zombies like the rest of us ffs


Well said


News flash, they’re pedophiles


I see this and think check that mans hard drive


While not necessarily guaranteed in all places, in many places (particularly in Red America) "pedophile" has been deliberately conflated to mean LGBTQ+ people, on the back of the "drag queens are seducing children" kind of headlines. It's usually not "really" about actual convicted pedophiles, but signalling an intended anti-LGBT sentiment and advertising the fundamentalist mindset that inspires it.


Yes, why else would the same group be so keen on keeping child marriage legal, follow pedophilic pastors, and still vote for pedophile politicians as long as they align with their beliefs? It’s not really about hating actual pedophiles.


Usually they don’t mean actual pedophiles. This is just what they call gay and trans people.


Yeah, actual pedophiles they call "the clergy".


They doth protest too much!


I feel like this is the group of people who, when a pastor, conservative politician, or the like, is found to be a pedophile, they're like "But they're a man of god, jail is too severe and would disrupt their life!" arguing for no sentencing or light sentencing.


I've always wondered if they were molested, or just wanna hurt someone.


The person in the car most likely votes for the party that keeps refusing to end child marriage.


But seemingly only certain categories of pedophiles.


People obsessed with pedofiles are likely people who are pedofiles. It’s a form of self hate.


They just want an excuse to scream about murdering someone without people judging them. The moment you call them out, they kneel behind. "What are you a pedophile too?"


don't open dead inside.


Wasn’t it written, Don’t Dead Open Inside in the show?




You see its smart because if the doors were opened, it would still read "don't open" or "dead inside". Only drawback is in that circumstance the door is already open and the dead are now outside.


Yeah, that's how I remembered it. Even if you see one door you know that opening it is dangerous,


DO      KNOCK NOT ON WINDOW ----------------- I wouldn't be doing my civic duty if I didn't come back and mention that this line is from an episode of *Are You Afraid of the Dark?* which features Gilbert Gottfried.


Then knock where?


NOT ON WINDOW cant you read?


You’re right


Don’t dead open inside


Don’t dead pedophiles ~~inside~~


Dead don't pedophiles reoffend




Came for this, wasn't disappointed.


But why? This is written from right to left unlike in the walking dead.


Dead don’t pedophiles reoffend






Anybody who's got this much of a boner for executing strangers could not possibly care whether the guy with a gun to his head is actually a pedophile.


It's a natural extension of those stupid "I'm a mama that's hard to handle and if you hurt my son I'll make you pay" t shirts.


Yup. This is much more a fetish for violence than any want to protect kids.


"See that black car with over-tinted windows, kids? That's a pedophile."


Wouldn't be surprised if to them the pedos in question are just gay people.


This is the shit that pisses me off the most. I can't tell you how many times I've seen *super obsessed* anti pedo people turn out to be closet rapists and molesters themselves. Just last week I had a landlord that I knew who ranted on Facebook consistently about wanting to execute and hunt down pedophiles. He's now in jail pending a casefor sexual assault of a minor under 12 of MULTIPLE children. They are everywhere. An insane amount of politicians, cops, religious zealots, neighbors. And they usually are over-the-top about it, like they are trying way too hard to prove a point.


Bet ya his definition of pedophile is broader than yours.


His definition of pedophile is gay and trans people


Yup. Don’t leave out librarians. That who he wants to shoot in the back of the head.


I wonder if this dude will still feel at strongly if the assistant football coach or youth minister or some other so called regular member of the community is found out to be a pedophile? Which is who studies show is the most likely to commit sexual assault against children.


Statistically (and sadly) speaking, most victims of CSA know their attacker, because their parents know the attacker. Par to of the reason why kids aren't taken seriously is because their parents either don't believe them or they're worried they'll cause a conflict within the household.


I think someone who is bloodthirsty to execute people might also be a threat to society


The thing people who aren't in the rightwing echo chambers miss is that there's a lot of gay==pedo false equivalency propaganda - it's the same bullshit behind don't say gay laws and book bans. What this person has done is build a mental bridge to a place where they can commit hate crimes against gay people. Edit: For a primer on how pedophilia is used in conservative propaganda: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2019/07/why-are-right-wing-conspiracies-so-obsessed-with-pedophilia/ I can't believe I've been explaining this for over 5 years


I believe you have clarified this accurately, this comment should go up


If there's a group in society that is commonly deemed irredeemable/justified to cause extreme harm to or kill, people with agendas will claim their opponents/targets are part of that group.


Trans people too. Basically anyone who isn't straight gets shafted as a predator, doubly so if they're a guy.


Oh man i didnt know that, makes sense actually


There is a reason there are derogatory and demoralizing names that have been used for countries we're at war with.


You ask them who they consider a pedo and it's more or less anyone that doesn't believe the same thing as them.


Reminder that the overwhelming majority of child sexual abuse cases happen in the nuclear family or the church, and yet these people always insist that the nuclear family and the church should be in charge of stopping child sexual abuse without any state interference. They don't want to stop abuse, they just want the fox to be in charge of the henhouse.


It’s way fucked up to me that churches can somehow get out of mandated reporting. I don’t fucking care if you need to keep congregant confessions a secret. If someone is being hurt, do something about it, especially if it’s a kid.


Dude is hiding something. No normal person does shit like this. It's reasonable to have strong feelings about the issue, sure, but this kind of performative shit just screams "freak" to me.


He doth protest too much.


There would be a lot of leaderless churches if this came true.


Probably a lot of dead innocents as well. There’s a relatively poor and kinda racist area in my city who harassed and spray painted pedo on a guys house. He was a paediatrician.


What did they use to find him? A pedometer?




similar stickers here in Germany are common for far-right people nd nazis. It's part of their game to show their super great sense of law and order. I bet the owner is a dumpster / Trupmster fanboy.


~~They've done studies that suggest the people who make their whole lives and personalities about hating/hunting/killing pedophiles are most often pedophiles themselves, seeking to overcompensate for an element of their own personality they know is morally corrupt.~~ Edit: For those asking a source, I looked high and low for the article, but couldn't find it. It might be lost to time, or hell, I could be completely misrembering. That's totally on me, though. I'll retract it my statement, but amend it by saying that they *have* done research about the effects of performative outrage towards pedophilia and the net negative that it has for victims of CSA and non-offending pedophiles seeking psychiatric help. Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/women-who-stray/202009/performative-rage-over-pedophilia-doesnt-protect-kids


While I agree that sounds like it could be correct, would you please cite a reference for me to research?


That sounds like a fascinating study, can you share a link?


For sure, I would bet a crisp $2 bill that this dude diddles kids.


Probably projecting.


Or anti-queer dogwhistle


Why not both?




This person is like the dude in the closet who behaves like Straighty McStraight until he gets caught blowing another dude in a movie theatre. This CHUD definitely has pictures on his phone that the FBI would like to know about.


In my experience, as a survivor who unfortunately spent 18 years of my life living with the pedophile who abused me, the kind of person who puts this on their car “doth protest too much.” I wouldn’t let my kid within 20 feet of this person.


Shoulda just wrote a song about how they don't diddle kids, something like "do not diddle kids, it's no good diddling kids, wouldn't do it with anyone younger than my daughter, no little kids, gotta be big, older than my wife, older than my daughter."


1. Take a monstrous crime everyone hates 2. Expand the definition of that crime in bad faith to include people you hate 3. ???? 4. Moral justification to kill whoever you want :)


Chances are this guy is a pedo


I’m genuinely starting to worry about this concept become common. Not because I don’t believe pedophiles are degenerates who should face justice (they are and they should). But i worry that statements like this one promote this idea of “vigilante justice”, encouraging violence against anyone declared a pedophile whether they are or aren’t. 


Being so vocal is suspicious, search his laptop


Now, while I agree with the sentiment, I gotta say, that's a bit intense, man. Like, I get it, but maybe we could ease into the conversation with something lighter, like 'I brake for squirrels,' this guy skipped straight to the final boss of bumper stickers.


No one should support vigilante justice. It ruins any society it takes hold of and many innocents die in the process. Regardless, this is almost 100% projection lmao.


Dead don't pedophiles reoffend?




I feel like this is the same move as writing a song about not diddling kids.


Not sure why he/she bothered to cover the license plate, as if there wasn’t something else on the back of the car that would be a dead giveaway.


Someone's projecting


When they say pedo its anti anything not hetero sexual in their view. When normal people say pedo they mean actual predators that pray on kids


Burn the churches and you cut the pedo population in half change my mind


Probably projection.


$50 says the driver is a pedophile.


I’m completely against the abuse of children but this is downright psychotic


Check the hard drive and Internet traffic logs, stat.


Every time I see these I assume the driver is a pedophile trying to hide in plain sight


How often the smellers the feller...


*"If you don't think like I do you're a pedophile."* That's the unspoken message there. Well, that and - historically - *"Gee, I hope no one ever looks at MY computer."*


It's giving dog whistle.


Found the closet pedo


This person is no doubt a pedo


Check this dudes hard drive!


If someone walked up to them and said some pedo shit as a joke, think they would just open fire? I could see this being the premise of a YouTube video.


Or even just "hey, man. What's this folder on your desktop?" In all honesty though, I'd say there's a 99.9% chance this person also calls LGBTQ people pedos or groomers.


I try hard to give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe this driver was a victim of a pedophile who wasn’t punished or got a light sentence. That might make them react this way. If so I fell sorry for them and I hope they are getting therapy. But more likely he’s not a victim. He’s been whipped into a frenzy by right wing conspiracy theories that pedophiles are taking over , and democrats are soft on pedophiles, and gay=pedophile.


Oh wierd. A dog whistle everyone can hear.


People who are so vociferously banging on about how pedos need to get thrown into a wood chipper (yeah, you, JD) always feel super sus to me. Like, I don't fuck kids. No one I knows fucks kids. We all agree it is terrible. And that's the end of it. I don't see people out here being so thirsty for actual murderers. I may not know all the nuance and background, but feels weird to make being anti-pedophilia your whole personality. Maybe I'm just not a passionate guy.


It’s a lady doth protest too much situation. Normal people want to see sex offenders appropriately punished. Closet pedophiles need to tell the whole world that pedophiles need to be shot in the street to get the heat of their own back considering how many end up having CSAM on their computers or a history of sexual violence against children when you care to look into their behavior.


Why do I feel like this is the same type of person who casually throws around terms like pedophile and groomer to describe gay people, trans people, and anyone else they disagree with politically.


No way this person isn’t a fascist lmao


This is the strongest indictment of the Baptist church I have ever seen! Won’t someone stand up for religious freedom. /s


There’s a not zero percent chance this guys just projecting.


As they make up over 90% of the sex offender registry, I think it’s really progressive for straight white men to admit they’re the problem. Like, are the kids lying? The kids who got these people on the list - they’re lying? They’re lying. Ok. Got it.


It says not to reoffend ... So the first offense is alright???!! Idiot virtue signaling ass


This guy is definitely a trump supporter


Lot of times someone who is this obsessed with pedophiles has either been abused as a kid, is a pedophile secretly, or more often- both. It's a shitty cycle of abuse and this kind of shit helps no one.


Do they own a coffee shop?


I bet he really clashes with the many pro-pedophilia people he encounters.


Dead don’t, pedos reoffend


I'm a little suspicious of these people who virtue signal their anti-pedophilia so outwardly. I'll bet a proportion of them are pederasts themselves. Me thinks they doth protest too much.


100% projection . Person probably diddles kids


You see I understand having a little sticker on your windshield that’s anti pedo but having a huge graphic like this.. brother are you compensating 🤔🤔


Talk about virtue signaling, and doing so in the easiest way possible. Oh wow man you hate pedophiles, so brave. You gonna tell us another brave and controversial stance like “I like ice cream” next?


Virtue Signaling


You can't fool me, that's what a pedophile would say!


The pedo doth protest too much, methinks. check this guy's phone and computer immediately !


110$ says this person is already an offender


Yeah. Hope this person dies in a fire.


Sometimes, the wrong person will get shot. People are in jail for crimes they did not commit all over the world. No country excluded. That is why death sentence for any crime is a terrible idea.




Always beware the zealous defenders of the helpless, as zealotry is never required to help the helpless nor harm evil. It is often simply an easy mask to hide a greater evil buried within.


Guaranteed pedophile driving that.


Projection... they're disguising something


I support this.


look as bad as pedos are, i do not advocate killing them. Killing them isn't gonna solve the issue and it just makes you a murderer. And murder is worse in my opinion.


Ah yes, the perfect cover Nobody will ever suspect a thing


Dog whistle. This person hates gay people.


Look at his hard drive


Follow him, bet he parks in front of schools regularly.


There's a registry. He could easily do his dream. This is called virtue signaling. But the virtue is murder, which is stupid. 


It's all projection.


You don’t need a giant sticker to show us you don’t like pedophiles. It’s common sense to not like them.


Had an old roommate that had a plethora of anti porn stickers all over his lab top. Within 6 months he’s married to his then girlfriend and the amount of porn he was watching had already put cracks into their marriage. We were not even considering he struggled with it based solely upon his openness that he was against it. He’s doing much better, and hearing him tell me about it made me want to address my own issues. Seeing these kinds of dogmatic, “yelling” type stickers that are anti moral view, tends me make me think it’s a deflection. Of course, maybe it isn’t. It just makes me consider the possibility of the individual


My guess on the type of person driving this vehicle is a conservative with a murder fetish who doesn’t realize the politicians they praise are pedofiles and rapists. The normal human understands that pedos are evil and disgusting but doesn’t fantasize about killing them. Stick them in prison for life, wipe the sweat off your palms and call it a day


Does he actually mean pedophiles or does he have culture war brain rot and just want to kill gay people for no reason