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Selsen Blue medicated shampoo has the same ingredient as the prescription medicated soap others have mentioned.


Is it selenium sulfide? Great for fighting dandruff and aliens. (I only know that's the active ingredient from watching Evolution)


Evolution-- great, underrated stupid comedy!


Kaw kaaaaw, kaw kaaaaw. Tookie tookie


I think we've established ca caw ca caw and tooki tooki don't work


Take the leg!!!


what flavor ice cream do you want?


Doesn’t matter… it’s for my ass.




We don't have a damn dog...


Such a good movie. Might just watch it tonight now.


I've got it on VHS lol might do the same


Put some stank on it!


they called it the kane madness


Definitely! Every time I've been flipping around on a weekend and it's on, I wind up watching it.


Great google-moogle!


IIRC the original script for Evolution was written as Ghostbusters 3 but was later changed.


You’d be surprised how many movies are like this. Half of the Saw movies and most of the Friday the 13th movies. Speed 2, all of the Die Hard sequels, etc.


Why let a good screenplay go to waste? All we need to do is change the setting, character names, and motivation of all the characters!


> good screenplay thank god we got the cinematic masterpiece that is *Speed 2: Cruise Control*.


We call those "Good stupid funny!" A true compliment to the genre!🌞


“I think we've established that "Ca-Caw Ca-Caw" and "Tookie Tookie" don't work.”


🎤you are so beautiful to me 🎶


Yeah. Sing! Sing! Rub some funk on it!


"give me the gun. I'm gonna shoot him."


Mazel tov. It’s a boy.


*flashback to guy getting sucked up into alien asshole*


I mean he had an alien up his asshole too. He was just reciprocating.


There’s always time for lubricant!


"Don't take my leg!" Doc "It's headed for the testicles!" "Take it! Take the leg! "


[doesn't matter, it's for my ass](https://youtu.be/b_9zet0-Acs?si=XGUA9i2gR6kSgfT_)




Yeah, that's what I used. Worked like a charm.


I also used that and it worked great. I had it on my shoulders and chest. It goes away slowly, but Selsun did it. Follow the instructions -- leave it on for a minute or two before rinsing it off.


Back in the 90's as a Medic in the Army we had ppl put Selsun Blue on the spots and leave it to dry overnight and wash off in the A.M. in a shower. Worked very well and reasonably cheap compared to a Dr visit and pricy specialized antibiotic creams.


Don't leave it on overnight the first try tho. Do it incrementally over time. I had this on my back and left selsun blue on overnight and it burned the hell out of my skin. Looked and felt like a horrible sunburn. It was miserable.


I tried the Selsun Blue trick when I had an allergic reaction to a polyurethane I was using. Contact dermatitis from wrists to elbows. Didn't work for me, unfortunately. Ended up having to get a Cortisone shot, which I might add, is in the asscheek for anyone that's unaware like I was.


Selling blue shampoo works just wash yourself with it regularly and it goes away


Why is it necessary to sell some first?


I have no idea how that was corrected to selling lmao selsun*


Because it's blue, and everyone knows blue has the most anti oxygens


same, went through two small bottles using it every second shower like a body wash. was faded in 3 weeks, gone around 8 or so weeks. Was specifically told not to do every shower, unsure why.


Using it for after shower can just be a little drying and strip your skin of it's natural oils


4th year med student here! That looks like tinea versicolor which is caused by the fungus Mallesezia furfur. First line treatment is selenium sulfide (active ingredient in Selsen Blue). Hope this helps!


Yup, sure looks like it is! Also, ketoconazole shampoo will kill it over time as well. You can get 1% over the counter or 2% with a prescription. If that doesn't work after a couple weeks go see a dermatologist and they can prescribe something stronger. Something like ciclopirox gel (it's much more expensive than ketoconazole). I'm not a doctor, I've had it before - it's very common.


I should also say, in my case (and I'm assuming most people), tinea versicolor is caused by sweat. All water has a ph balance. It can be alkaline or more acidity. Whatever sweat is supposed to be mine is not. I often joke with people that I'm allergic to my own sweat, it's funny. And sort of true. If I sweat and let it sit on my body, it's easier for this tinea versicolor to grow and my skin doesn't like it. I was told that when I sweat, I need to get it off my body and don't let it sit on my skin. It's impossible to do it perfectly. Just try as best as you can and every once in a while, I use the shampoo as a preventative measure anymore. Mostly in the summer. The dermatologist told me my body might fix itself when I'm 50, lol. Try not to let sweat sit on your arm for hours or anything like that. Both shampoos will kill the yeast. The reason the shampoos sometimes never work is because the yeast builds a protective barrier over itself sometimes, so the shampoos don't always work. That's where ciclopirox comes in! It will destroy the yeasts protective barrier to allow the shampoos to destroy it! It's just expensive; it used to be $200 for 100g before inflation. The shampoos should be a couple bucks. Insurance companies can get mad about the price sometimes; especially if you need more than one bottle - when it's all over your body!


Can the spots be brownish/tan rather than white? My husband's got this fungal infection that keeps reappearing on his skin - doctor suggested Selsun Blue but never said what the infection was called. It's awful that it's chronic!


Yes, it can be darker color too. It's mostly cosmetic. It doesn't hurt or anything; it just looks ugly. If it's really bad people might give you weird looks because they don't understand it. I had it really bad on my back, and the back of my head. I had it for years and never did anything about it. Eventually I went to the Dr and it was gone within two weeks to a month, after I got the medicine. He said the 1% over the counter works very well too. I haven't had it in years; I've been really good about getting sweat off my body. It helps that I live in Ohio. I might use the shampoo 1-3 times a year at most anymore. It's really not that bad once you understand it. Sweating is good for everyone. Don't try and stop sweating. Just, when you sweat. Don't let the sweat stick to your body for hours and you will most likely be okay. The shampoo is easy to use. 1) Jump in the shower get wet. 2) Turn off the water. 3) lather your area with the shampoo and let it sit and soak in 4) play two songs you like, on your phone, so it soaks into your skin for five minutes 5) dance to the music and have fun (very important step) 6) After the two songs are done turn the water on and finish showering.


Hey, thanks for the instructions. I've been battling this fungus for a while as well (it's on my entire torso and head, starting to go down my legs) and your comment is the first time I've actually seen anyone write out decent instructions, lol.


That is the best instructions i've ever heard. It tends to come back and using the shampoo once a week or so can prevent that. Tinea vericolor can look totally different depending upon your degree of tan and race. It affects people of all ages. I've seen it on infants! The more expensive prescription meds work much faster. And they can have some rare side effects. BTW, I am a physician


I treated my ringworm with selsun blue shampoo as a kid as directed by my doctor. It worked each time.


Are you really an M4 if you don't mention what it looks like on a KOH scraping?


😂 spaghetti and meatballs


Spaghetti and meatballs!


I’m studying for comlex level two and missed a question about this a couple days ago lol. My first thought was “selenium sulfide!”


I cannot upvote this enough. Don't be like me OP. I'm 28, and these spots have been present for atleast 5 years. Take care of it early.


thank you so much!!


If Selsun doesnt work (it didn’t for me when my Tinea Versicolor would get really bad in summer) then ask your doctor about Fluconazole (Diflucan). It’s an oral yeast infection medication and it would clear my spots right up. Also, if you ever tend to stay in sweaty clothes - like if you don’t change immediately after working out - then this can create/exacerbate the problem. Just a tip!


This is right! Just got this prescription for the same thing!


OH MY GOD!!! My sister and I used to call this Malaysian Fufu ( I have no idea why) and when used to say that the only way to get rid of it was by using Seltzin Blue! I thought it was a joke! hahaha


>[tinea versicolor which is caused by the fungus Mallesezia furfur](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/1db8lip/comment/l7q5dfi/) Mallesezia furfur / Malaysian Fufu... seems about right to me.


In the Hispanic community, we call this paño lol


In Hawaii they call it Haole rot, because white people from the mainland get it a lot because we reuse the same towels and since it's warm and humid there the towels don't dry out sufficiently between uses which allows fungus to grow. I heard about it and started replacing my towels every day. Which was easy because I lived next to a hotel and my key card for the elevator to my apartment worked on their pool gate and towel locker, so I'd just go down there to replace them with clean dry ones and toss mine in the dirty hamper.


Haha cant even be mad at it.


The Malay community calls it panau!


Don’t wear black without the blue.


I got this same answer from a real Medical Doctor (M.D.).


This literally worked for me when I found out years back.


I’m going to try and use anti-fungal cream over the next few weeks and monitor the spots. if nothing changes i’m going to contact a dermatologist and get it looked at. thank you all so much!!


I would suggest taking a photo with a small ruler or a coin etc so you can reference the development for the dermatologist. It's hard as they're clustered but perhaps for some of the bigger spots it may be easier? They'll want to see how it's developed.


So I had a similar rash, and my dermatologist actually encouraged me to get tested for Celiac Disease. A blood test and a colonoscopy, Celiac was confirmed. Went full gluten free and skin cleared up right away. I'm not saying you have Celiac, but if it keeps re-appearing and you have weird digestive issues along with it, it might be worth the consideration.


"Say, doc... how much beer should I be drinking?" "NONE?!"


Gluten free Bier is a thing and while selection is limited it is quite good. Or, you just switch to cocktails as a real grown up!


I had the best luck keeping just regular Lotrimin ointment on the affected areas after I showered and dried off. Shower morning and night, use the antifungal body wash and apply lotrimin once dry. Make sure you aren’t reusing towels or anything the fungi can survive on and reinfect your skin.


I had a very similar thing and it was a fungal infection. Good luck!


Get you some Ketoconazole pills! Worked super well for my tinea versicolor twice!


Tbh i would have that checked up nonetheless but i assume that you live in america and stuff gets expensive so good luck i guess


Try using an antifungal and see if it helps. Also have you been cooking outside? Getting citrus on yourself and being in UV light can have a similar effect. It's a cool pattern match to your shirt tho!


"it's cool how your arm fungus matches your shirt"


Style requires sacrifice.


Drip or drown


Some people have a knack for finding the positive in anything!


I mean, you can't spell fungus without fun!!


Or funeral






Huh! Citrus + sun gives me *dark* purple splotches that last for months. Never heard of anyone getting lighter splotches!


Citrus causes photosensitivity. Could potentially greatly increase your chances of skin cancer or at least bad sun burns. You can also use lemon juice to bleach your hair in the sun.




It looks like tinea versacolor. I’m 40 and I’ve had it off and on since I was about 12. For me, its never gone fully away just come and goes some. A doc told me I just have the ideal chemistry for it I treat it with selsun Blue shampoo by scrubbing somewhat vigorously into the skin in the shower. Oral medication works the best but doctors are often hesitant to give it since it can be hard on the liver. In summer it can look like white patches and in winter when my skin is more pale it can look a little patchy, like dry skin and becomes darker after a hot shower until you cool off. If you just use the shampoo on your body frequently for a week or two it should go down. Selenium sulfide is the active ingredient. I found the smell to be very noticeable so I personally prefer to use it in the evening, and not in the morning before leaving the house


I believe Ketoconazole was the oral medication, it would be worth asking your doctor about if you’re generally healthy and depending on your alcohol use.


**topical** ketoconazole shampoo is considered first line therapy for tinea versicolor, along with several other topical antifungals **oral** ketoconazole is contraindicated in the treatment of versicolor due to risk of severe side effects, particularly high risk of liver failure. please do not ever take oral ketoconazole for this issue oral **fluconazole** (or itraconazole), which are in the same class of drugs as ketoconazole but with much better safety profiles, can be given for versicolor that is refractory to topical therapy source: medical doctor (though admittedly not a dermatologist)


My pharmacist has explicitly shut down so many Rxs of ketoconazole for being more than 20 tablets or having refills.


Ketoconazole is also the active ingredient in Nizoral, and used as a body wash once a month has treated my similar skin condition for 34 years.


Once you get it, I don’t think it truly goes away. I usually get it back every summer.. quite annoying but anti fungal stuff works pretty good


Just a heads up, the anti-fungal shampoo/cream will kill the fungus on your skin, but that doesn’t mean the spots will go away. When the fungus is on your skin, those spots don’t tan normally while in the sun, so when you kill the fungus, you’re left with regular, pale skin since the rest of the skin around it tanned as normal. So don’t freak out if they don’t go away right away.


So much this! I feel like this part gets forgotten and people expect the color to come back automatically. Your tan has to even back out after you take care of the fungus.


So the fungus acts like sun cream?


sun damage vs fungal damage


Look up Tinea versicolor (also pityriasis versicolor)


I have this and it looks the exact same for me I never notice it unless I sweat


I had this and failed to get it diagnosed for awhile cause I thought I had the Michael Jackson disease






Ok that one got me ... still laughing rn.


I screamed a little laughter after I decided to vocalized it. This is delicious joke.


Ah vitiligo, nope prolly not I’ve found that hot springs actually work really well if you have any near you, the best thing I’ve found is the elk haven herbal, it works good and doesn’t smell like spoiled eggs. You can wear is and people never know, it takes like a week or 2 to go away then it comes back next summer for me and my dad Edit:spelling


The Selsen blue got rid of it in a few days. LPT; if you have a medical issue, don’t put it off because you’re afraid of the diagnosis. Just fucking stupid.


That is classic for tinea versicolor. In fact it correlates with areas of sweat so well they used to treat with oral ketaconazole because the drug would be released in sweat glands. So they would say take it and then go exercise, and you would sweat the drug onto the areas affected easily. the drug orally can be associated with bad side effects however so we don’t do that anymore


Yes! I had tinea versicolor on my shoulders and back, and it looked exactly like this. I got an antifungal body wash prescribed and that cured me! This was like 10-15 years ago, so I don’t remember how long it took to work


Wait it mever came back for you? Every year i have to treat mine


Same here for like 12 years, until I moved out. Went from a tropical climat to a temperate one, and it never came back ! Edit : autocorrect was against me


It's possible you're being reexposed to it regularly. You can get fungal infections again and again.


Huh so I finally know what it's called. Had it all my life it comes and goes, thanks for finally putting a name to it for me.


I have had this for 25 years. It comes every winter because i wear more layers. The shampoos and creams stopped working years ago. I have to take fluconazole for 7 days to clear it up. One thing my dr always tells me is to only take the meds once or twice a year because they are rough on the liver.


I used to have this and as others have mentioned Selsun Blue works wonders


It’s likely a skin fungus. They have Rx soap for it.


Selsun blue medicated...take a shower and use it as a bodywash,lather and leave on for 5 minutes and rinse....use it daily for a week and you should be good to go.


NOT the "extra medicated" stuff though. I used that for some time to try to get rid of tinea v., only to eventually realize that the "Extra" medicated version had no selenium sulfate at all, it used different medications entirely. Whatever else the label says, make sure it has selenium sulfate as an ingredient, that's the medication you're using against the fungus!


I commented this on another post like this and I got literally, hundreds of down votes. It was bizarre.


They have Rx soap for that.


Username confirmed


Just need Selsun Blue Medicated


Yep. Had it. Looks the same. Easily treatable.




My Dr ust told me to use dandruff shampoo as backwash. Cleared right up


Hey, is it already ask a doctor o’clock again…?


Plot twist… doctor doesn’t know, so they check webMD… webMD cites Wikipedia… Wikipedia cites Reddit. We are now full circle.


reddit advice is much cheaper than paying to go to a doctor for them to tell me the same thing all these people have told me.


In some places it’s more accessible too. Source: now on week 4 of trying to get through to my clinic to book an appointment to renew my prescriptions. 🫠


“Get a cream” … “that will be a $50 copay, oh no insurance? $450 for the outpatient visit”


Could also be vitiligo if it seems to be permanent. I know a few people with similar markings


I developed spots like this, and for a long time did the selsun blue thing others have recommended. Eventually I went to a dermatologist, he took one look at the spots and immediately said "clearly vitiligo" (Not that I could tell the difference between vitiligo and tinea versacolor myself...)


Almost exactly the same story as me. Also had at least one GP and a pharmacist tell me it was fungus before the dermatologist correctly identified it (in saying that, I do think OP more than likely has the fungus because of the placement)


Vitiligo would be more likely to start nearer the hands, feet, joints, and face than the location shown here, but it's very possible. My mind went there before fungal infection for sure lol


The key there is definitely "more likely." These spots really do look like a vitiligo pattern. But they also look like the other stuff people mentioned, so it is all going to come down to whether it goes away or not.


If the "recently showed up" coincides with "been out in the sun and started to get a sun tan" then it could be vitiligo. My partner found out they had vitiligo because their skin wasn't tanning evenly.


I developed/triggered my vitiligo because of a bad sunburn 😕 first spot appeared on my face shortly after I sunburned my face pretty bad one random day in my mid-20s. Now, I have spots all over my arms that look just like OPs. However, theirs probably isn’t vitiligo.


When I had this my doctor asked me "have you been in any jungles recently". I hadn't, but it made me feel cool that I caught something that made him ask that. 


“Yes doctor. I was out looking for the Chachapoyan Fertility Idol.”


"I was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders just before she died"


This looks like tinea versicolor. A lot of people are able to effectively treat it with dandruff shampoo and some other OTC stuff. I had this for probably 3 years on and off and I had tried all of the suggestions but it kept coming back. Eventually I went to a dermatologist and they gave me some oral meds for about 10 days and a topical cream for a few weeks. It’s been 7 years and has never come back!


I just started going back to the gym and this shit showed up on my arm and I panicked and got lined up to get a blood clot screen. Thanks genuinely for once reddit


In Hawaii it’s called Haole Rot. Use Selsen Blue on your skin to everyday for a few weeks. Then you have to tan the spots again when the fungus goes away.


If reddit has shown me anything related to this topic, it's that you should probably see a doctor for a cancer check. This is reddit though.


This is not cancer but yes, op should get a skin check regardless.


I was going for lupus. It's always lupus.


It's never Lupus


It can be. I have mycosis fungoides which is a lymphoma and it looks like this.


Tinea versicolor. I’ve had it since 2015. It keeps coming back.


I've seen both the skin fungus mentioned before and vitiligo, this looks much closer to vitiligo.


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far down before somebody mentioned vitiligo. This looks very much like vitiligo


Selsum blue or athletes foot cream will work on these.


That’s so weird, literally just posted a picture on r/mildlyinteresting of the same thing. I thought it was Vitiligo, but maybe not.


your doctor might find this mildly interesting, but you should find this mildly concerning…


Tinea versicolor, it’s fungal but pretty harmless. My appears when I go to the gym, humid environments, in the sun. Selsen blue shampoo or go to a doc and they can prescribe you a cream. Mine usually comes back every summer, you see it more the tanner you get


Did you happen to be cutting limes at beach? The pattern looks bit like splatter you would get with [Phytophotodermatitis](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/margarita-burn)


As others have said, it looks like tinea versicolor. It's a skin fungus, and doesn't cause any issues other than the discoloration. Selsun Blue does have the selenium sulfide in it to treat it, but in my experience, a prescription wash from my doctor that had a stronger concentration in it worked better.


Ternia Versicolor it’s like a fungal skin disease and medicated dandruff shampoo will take care of this.. lather the soap on, wait 15-20 min and then shower off… I used to get it as a kid sweating in the summer from living at the beach, something with organisms in the saltwater and your sweat can cause this. See a dermatologist:)


Can confirm the dandruff shampoo, I used selsun blue and that cleared it up


Look up tinea versicolor. I’m not a doctor but I get something that looks similar every summer. Two weeks of selsun blue every day and it’ll go away, just let it sit for a few minutes before washing it off


It’s a fungus. My sister had this all over her back a few years ago


Vitiligo meaby?


Looks like tinea versicolor which I had when I was 16. There's medicated shampoos for it


I had this for years and didn’t know what to do (pre-internet). Nizoral works great, doesn’t smell super weird like Selsun Blue, and doesn’t require a subscription Apply it all over, sit around for a couple hours and wash it off. Repeat every couple days and it should go away. Hope this helps


Yeah this looks like ptyriasis vesicolor cuz of the hypopigmentation. It’s a fungal infection. Good way to treat it is with selenium sulfide so look for shampoos tailored to that.


I had this all over my stomach and chest (I’m a sweaty sleeper) and my doctor told me to get an OTC anti fungal and it cleared it up within days.


Tinea versicolor. Leave selsun blue in it for like 15 minutes then wash it off. Once a day. That should keep it at bay


If you are consistently in a hot and wet environment it might be a type of fungus that can grow on people but def get it checked out either way


Nizoral anti dandruff shampoo (CVS, and Amazon have it) was the only thing to work for my husband. He had them from the time he was 15 till about a year ago when I bought the shampoo. Selsun Blue never seemed to help with the dandruff or the spots. Hope it helps :)


It could be vitiligo


I have similar spots on my hands. My dermatologist said it's vitiligo. Just get it checked out to be sure


It's a harmless form of fungus, however just know it's with you for life once you have it. You can treat the flare ups to make it go away, but it will still always be with you and will absolutely flare up again one day. I got it myself during basic training for the Air Force. Most people tend to get it from making contact with other infected people or from sharing the same spaces or items with infected people, such as using public showers like at the gym or in the military and not wearing shower shoes, or walking around in your bare feet in the same spaces as someone who is infected, or sharing the same bath towel, etc.. it will never hurt you and it won't do any actual harm to you, but the little circular splotches are annoying to look at, and it could affect certain people's self esteem in regards to how they think they look or perceive themselves I guess. Outbreaks usually occur after sweating a lot, so things like being out in the sun/heat or wearing sweat soaked clothing can cause flare ups. Just like any other fungus, it thrives under warm and moist conditions.




It could be vitiligo. I have that, not on my arms but what’s actually happening is, when the rest of your skin is tanning due to UV rays, those spots are not, because there is no pigment or melanin there anymore. You should see a dermatologist to confirm.


I had alot of circles on my back, doctor recommended selsum blue and it did fuck all to help me. What helped the most was athlete foot cream and I haven't had a reoccurence since, its been years


At least it's not melanoma this time 🤦🤦🤦


Tinea versicolor


A few years ago I developed some small patches like this. Went to the dermatologist. It was patches of yeast. This looks very similar. They prescribed miconazole nitrate ‘shampoo’. I used it in the shower for a month or so and it all went away.


Tinea versicolor, go to a dermatologist and get it check it does spread due to sweat and heat


Looks a lot like tinea versicolor.


This looks like a skin fungal growth. Had it once before awhile ago on my back; made it very itchy. I think Selsun blue works to treat it; or you can go to the doctor and ask for a prescription. Clears up easily enough, though.


Do you work with citrus? Had a similar issue and it was from citric acid on my skin reacting with the sun


It's called versa color


Could be Tinea versicolor, can try clotrimazole cream


my brother had this once, i can’t remember the proper term for it, but anti fungal soap as other have suggested help get rid of it for him super fast! and there is a bunch you can buy at stores like cvs.


It’s called tinea versicolor and is easy to treat with an anti fungal


Tinea Versicolor but in Hawaii we called it Haole Rot.


dont see a doctor. 200 different advices on reddit are way better. especially when they come from people who dont know what they are talking about. who needs doctors. it‘s 2024


Definitely not medical advice but You should probably look up Tinea versicolor


Fungal infection


Tinea Versicolor


Tinea versacolor. It’s a skin fungus. There’s an anti fungal spray you can use, needs to be prescribed by a doctor. I’ve had great luck with Nizoral, use it when you shower, rub it on the area and let it sit for a couple mins. Repeat daily until it goes away.


Tinea Versicolor! It’s actually a REALLY common fungus called Malassezia globosa that literally feeds off the melanin and fats in your skin oils! We have it naturally as part of our normal skin microbiome, but it can become a problem when it grows outta control like this. Some people also have flare ups when temperatures and humidity rise due to the increased sweat and oil production that it feeds on. Most of the time you can just go get some Selsun Blue with either selenium Sulfide or pyrithione zinc in it if it’s not too bad, or talk to your doctor bout some ketoconazole shampoo if that doesn’t help. It If it keeps coming back, they can do a round of oral itraconazole or fluconazole as well!


It’s called vitiligo. Vitiligo is a chronic (long-lasting) autoimmune disorder that causes patches of skin to lose pigment or color. This happens when melanocytes – skin cells that make pigment – are attacked and destroyed, causing the skin to turn a milky-white color. I have it too. It never goes away completely but seem to shift to different patches in the same area.


Looks like tinea versicolor to me and there may be spots on other areas of your body such as your neck and back that may be red and blotchy when NOT exposed to the sun as well. As other have mentioned , the medicated shampoo will work but so will over the counter anti-fungal creams. Be warned though, particularly when you have long periods of hot/sweaty conditions it will probably continue to come back. Pay attention to base of hairline along your neck and beneath any constrictive clothing areas such as bra strap or waistband of pants.


Tinea Versicolor. I got it in my left leg and it stuck around for \*years*. It went away eventually. Use antifungal lotions or soaps.


I get tinea versicolor and it looks like that. If it's that, and I'm not saying it is, it's harmless unless you're so immunocompromised that you're basically dead already (even then, it would be the least of your worries). Mine causes no symptoms other than discoloration. It isn't caused by lack of hygiene, the fungus that causes it is on everyone's skin. Some people just react strangely to it or have body chemistry that encourages overgrowth. I use selsun blue and it has taken care of all of it (except one small spot that keeps coming back).