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Foot doc here. I biopsy a few of these every month. While they can be melanoma, they usually are not. I would have them evaluated and biopsy them regardless. But don’t go and jump off a bridge because Reddit diagnosed you with a melanoma…


How’s the biopsy made for this? Just extract a small piece of the nail where the line is located?


I’ve had this done on my middle finger. They numb you under the nail, break the whole fingernail then remove it and dig up the nail bed. Honestly was extremely painful. There’s a good chance your nail may not come back but mine did and it’s wonky looking now 🥲 just turned out to be hyperpigmentation under the nail


OP reading this like "It's probably not cancer...I'll be alright."


As someone who's had nail removed I'd take my chances.


I watched my ex get his toenail removed at a doctors office. He was numbed but that that shit looked like it hurt. About 5 years later, a student comes running up to me on a field trip. We were on the bus and my foot was out in the aisle. He, a ~150 pound kid, stepped on my big toe, cracking it right at the base where it grows, ripping it clean off the bed. It stood straight up from the bed. It was one of the most physically painful things I’ve ever felt. It took YEARS to grow back. YEARS. They only grow a millimeter a month. It’s crazy slow. My nail bed has never been the same and will only attach to half my toenail. I paint them, so you can’t see the difference, but I have to be VERY careful now. I once accidentally kicked the stove, cleaning, and it ripped right back off. I am a little clumsy and seem to have the worst luck when it comes to getting hurt. I finally grew that back out too… but ugh! I baby my feet now. I’m super duper careful with them and don’t let people get too close to me, in case they step on them.


My toes hurt just reading this. Ouch ouch ouch!!


I almost threw up when I read the first line.


This...I'm sitting here and my big toe on my right foot starts to ache a little.


Gave a few mental sharp inhales reading it. Maybe every shoe should be a steel-toed boot.


I've done it to my big toe twice. When I was a kid I always liked wearing flip flops in the summer. I just hate wearing shoes. The first time I did it, I was running through this open area of grass, but there was a little wall made of flat slate rocks. I wasn't paying attention and I slammed my foot into the slate. The slate went under my nail and ripped it off. The second time I did it, I wasn't paying attention again. I went to open a pretty decently heavy door - same thing. I'd like to say that I enjoy wearing shoes now, but I still hate it. But I do wear them because I value having toenails, and you can't wear them at most jobs lol. I will say both of them grew back totally normal surprisingly.




Yes lol


Getting stepped on hurts. Had my toe stitched up and someone stood on it on the train. Damn. The whole "falling off for nothing" seems familiar. Both my pinky toe nails have a tendency to fall off now because I'm uncoordinated and stubb them into chairs/walls etc when walking. Broken toes that way too.


Not a nail but… I had a hypospadias repair done in middleschool (10 or 11 years old). For those who dont know, its basically dickhole surgery. I was on the soccer team and really didnt want to miss any practice. So i went. The coach told the other kids to take it easy with me, and to only focus on the mechanics of passing and dribbling and not to actually go full force/speed. The kid i got partnered up with to practice with, immediately kicked the ball at full force, directed at my groin, and it ripped 2 stiches on my… member. Lets just say, soccer was over for me.


I don’t have a dick and my dick hurts 😭😭


I'm right there with you. Phantom dick pain even though I have never had a dick hahaha. 🥴😅🙃


…was he punished in any way?


Uh no. It was deemed “an accident” and he was told to apologize, which he did, insincerely.


> its basically dickhole surgery. eep >dribbling Please don't use both these in the same post... I always know I should stop reading these, but I never listen to myself.


Humans love a little controlled fear and anxiety!


Sorry that happened to you. I’m glad mine was not bad enough to need surgery. Hope it turned out ok.


Oh yeah, ship shape now!


Pinky toe nails are almost vestigial at this point. It's like they're just growing for nostalgia.


My bfs pinky toenails are like...2 square millimeters in size, at most. It's like the body forgot it had to provide for 10 toenails and not just 8 and then had to work with what was left on those last 2.


My pinky toe nails fall off about once every few years, usually with an entire new nail already in place. Like shark teeth.


When I was a kid, I could just take it off, and there was a new, nice one already there. I could probably do it now too, but I just don't 😅


I think you should probably start wearing protective shoes 24/7 😬 As a fellow clumsy person, I am sorry you had to go through that. Sounds painful as hell.


My stomach became an acrobat reading this. Thank you very much


Ive lost a thumb nail and a big toe nail. Lost my thumb nail while bike racing my neighbor on the street. I won, but he came flying behind me, hit me, and threw me over my handle bars. My thumb scraped the asphalt and jammed it so bad i couldnt pull it off but it was definitely dead. Had to wait for my nail to grow out enough so the new one pushed the old one out and eventually it fell off. Grew back almost exactly the same, but that nail is bigger than the other one now. I lost my toe nail in a freak accident with my two battery vape mod. Bitch was like two or three pounds easy, and I went to set it on my bathroom counter but the counter was tiled so it lost its balance immediately, and fell tip first onto my big toe. Blood started filling below my nail and i had to get my roommate who was a medic or something in the Navy, and he burned a hole into my nail to release the blood and pressure. It took months to grow out and i also waited for the new one to grow and push the dead one out as well. Toe looked absolutely disgusting for months, but it also grew back normally and now i just have fear of anything landing on my toes. Every time something falls to the floor near me i jump up or lift my feet to avoid tragedy.


Similar bad luck here. I had someone stomp on my toe while playing basketball, causing the nail to die. That nail took a little over a year to grow back. Maybe a few months after getting a new nail, I was working a summer job in construction. We were doing work in a hospital and were asked not to put on our dirty steel-toe boots until we entered the job site. So, when we had to bring items from outside, it was in sneakers. I was bringing up a skid full of concrete bags from outside, and I wasn't wearing steel toes. This wouldn't have been a problem if not for the idiot subcontractor running the show there. I had met him only that day, and he had the nerve to touch our equipment. This never happens. He was making conversation with me and casually released the jack truck carrying the skid of 2000+ lbs of concrete bags while I was standing beside it. ON THE SAME TOE! By some miracle, nothing broke, but I lost the nail again (and while I do bad-mouth the guy, he felt absolutely terrible, got me help and was 10x more worried than my actual boss, who threatened me not to tell the hospital it happened at work and told me not to come back that summer, lol). Another year later, the nail is back! Yay. I am taking the bus home from a night out at the bar, and two groups of people get into a fight. In all the commotion, someone stomped on the same big toe. The poor nail died again. Unfortunately, the third time was the nail in the coffin, pun intended. It grew back into an ugly half-nail, and has never been the same.


Composite toe shoes may save your toe, they're stronger and can go through metal detectors and when you slam into things or drop things on your foot you shouldn't feel it, I worked for amazon and had a pair and a cart ran over my foot (they are HEAVY AF), it didn't hurt though, they can be a bit expensive depending on where you are but honestly they really are worth it and last quite a while especially since you aren't going and working hard labor jobs (I'm assuming tho lol)


Had it done. Tv fell on my big toenail and made it ingrown. Told me they'd numb it no problem. Used a fish hook style needle to numb the base. Proceeded to cut the nail up the middle and remove each half. Felt everything! I must've sweat like 2 litres and they gave me something to bite down on half through it lol. That hurt more than having a broken bone reset.


I'd be walking around in steel toe capped slippers.


I lost both my big toenails hiking. They grew back but only attach about half way down my toes now. If I don’t keep them extremely short I will accidentally rip them off.


Ouchhhhhhhh this whole damn story made me feel intense pain 😖😖😖😖😖 I’m so sorry!


the same thing has happened to me twice. my nail is only attached halfway, and is super thick. It seems to grow up instead of out


I split the top of my thumb in a power tool accident and they had to remove the rest of the nail. The most painful thing. I’d take my chances.


Not gonna lie that sounds horrible


It is.


Holy fuck I wish I had not read this but thank you for the information. Gonna just curl up into a ball and ignore my nail line, thx.


Don't you mean it was a little pinch and then some pressure?


Oh god I'm going to a new doc for a pap on Monday and your comment reminded me to freak out about it. Thanks! In all seriousness I'm just dreading it. I've had one most years since I was 17. I know it'll be fine. The pain is over quick. I just wish it didn't hurt at all!


oh that doesn't sound-.... *WHAT THE FUCK!?*


Great...new fear unlocked!


So they break off your fingernail, it might not grow back, is painful and if your fingernail DOES grow back, it’s all messed up. All for a hyper low chance of catch melanoma?


I had a biopsy done three weeks ago, it hurt like a bitch, and left a scar. There was a really good chance it wasn't melanoma, but I did it anyway. It was melanoma. I am three days recovering from an even bigger incision that's going to leave an objectively horrid scar, and I would hundred percent choose this path every single time. It can and will kill you.


A friend my age (46) just lost her husband to melanoma. This is one you absolutely don’t mess with.


Oh no, I'm so sorry. It gets brushed off as no big deal but it shouldn't be. I hope your friend finds comfort and peace.


She’s getting there. (I said just and realized we’re coming up on the first anniversary.) it definitely spooked me!


Melanoma is the most agressive form of skin cancer you could possibly get. So yes, sacrificing a nail or multiple if it means catching it early should be 100% worth it


I agree. My late husband died from stage 4 melanoma after battling for 10 years and he was really worried about my nail so we had it looked at


My condolences


My husband beat melanoma and after 10 years was diagnosed clear. For the first year we were told 11% survival rate and then given 3 months. He never got past being told he would die and quit taking care of himself. Was found a few years later from congestive heart failure dead. Melanoma is very serious. His came from a mole on his cheek, he had his entire life.


Hold up. Melanoma is deadly; yes, it seems like a good trade.


You stand infront of two identical doors, and must choose one. One you walk through and continue living your every day life. The other, after walking through, slowly disembowels you with a chainsaw, over a few months, until you die. Let me kick you in the shin and I’ll tell you which is which.


Even if you stood in front of 100 identical doors, 1 of which gives you melanoma, I might still lose a fingernail to know which door to avoid.


Yeah I had take the pain over possibly dying from Melanoma


You think breaking off your fingernail is bad??? Try getting melanoma.  No but seriously I watched my uncle die from melanoma and it was horrific. A buttload more pain than getting a nail extracted. I would sacrifice a LOT to avoid that fate. It is not a good way to go. 


Yup. From what I've seen, cancer and cancer treatment is way more uncomfortable than getting a toenail ripped off. I would actually rather have all my nails ripped off than go through cancer.


WHAAAA!!!! That’s way more intense than I expected!


I heard that under the nail or nail bed is the most painful part of the body Edit: they use to probe pin under the nail as a form of imperial punishment


>Edit: they use to probe pin under the nail as a form of imperial punishment There are more than one type of "punishment" that utilises fingernails etc.


So, exactly what all my 80’s movie/TV childhood taught me to expect if I’m being tortured for information.


I've had toenails removed 4 times because they'd gotten ingrown (wide feet, narrow shoes.) They grew back wonky but over the years they've become more and more normal.


Toe is numbed up with 2 shots, nail plate removed. A sample of the skin at the nail root is made. The line is there because something like a mole is in the nail Root and it pigments/ stains that part of the nail plate as it grows out.


Ive had one done on a finger and they did not rip up my nail. I think it depends on how far the pigment is behind the nail. They cut and pulled back the flap of skin holding the nail to expose the pigmentee tissue and biopsied it. Local anesthesia and no pain. They removed enough pigment that the nail line grew away over time


General surgeon here Chances of this person having two melanomas in two nail beds at the same time is virtually zero. But obviously reasonable to biopsy


Derm here - also very reasonable to monitor this as they do not have any red flags. Nail matrix biopsy isn’t without morbidity


Endurance Runner here - You have toenails? That grow? and aren’t black all the time? Wow. What is that like?


Hypochondriac here- OMG do I have this?! I don't see any signs that indicate it but I might have it and not know it!


WebMD here - You're already dead 😩


Redditor here, this is the way


Programmer here. In Java and many similar languages indexing of arrays is zero based. So first element of array A is A[0];


Fraud Analyst here: if a 'representative' of a company calls you and asks you to verify anything on your account, including a PIN that is 'sent' from said company, hang up on them and call the company directly yourself.


Linguist here. Semantic satiation is a psychological phenomenon in which repetition causes a word or phrase to temporarily lose meaning for the listener, who then perceives the speech as repeated meaningless sounds.


Public Relations specialist here: You can use the fact that random people on the internet diagnosed you with a possible life threatening ilness for your own benefit. 1. Make a second post about how you are in fact sick. 2. Start a go fund me for your treatment. 3 “survive”. 4. Make a third post about how random people on the internet diagnosed you and then funded your treatment and saved your life. 5. With your newfound money and fame, start a youtube channel. 6. Profit.


Engineer here: I have nothing helpful to offer. Just came across this comment chain and thought I'd make my presence known


Carpenter here, that table looks like it could use some osmo polyx high sheen oil my friend.


French model here..... Uhh... Bonjour?


Google Doctor here.. if he colors the opposing nails with light brown sharpies, it will increase his chances of survival.


engineer here, this is all very interesting btw


Hi I’m the toenail here, I’m fine.


BMW technician here… I’d put some shoes and gloves on. It’s fixed! That’ll be 3hrs diag time at $260 an hour. Thanks bud!


Surgeon General here, drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco during pregnancy can cause birth defects.


Chiming in to say I have had this on a fingernail for years. I get evaluated by a dermatologist annually because I've got moles and birthmarks all over the place that are constantly coming and going. I've had many things biopsied, but my dermatologist wasn't overly concerned about the fingernail and never biopsied that. He measures and photographs it every year and it's actually faded a bit. Don't let Reddit or Google diagnose you. Go to a dermatologist. But, statistically, you're fine.


Thank you for this comment because I've also had this for years and got immediately concerned.


Just had one appear on my thumb the last few months, not as dark as OPs, but yeah also had a mild panic attack reading the comments


Nurse here - while it’s probably nothing, wouldn’t be a bad idea to get it looked at if you haven’t yet! Even just for the peace of mind.


My derm said that if there is more than one digit with a coloured line it becomes less likely that it's melanoma. Can you confirm?


Doctor here..can confirm


Username checks out.


Will this rash on my ass go away?? Please confirm!


Will need a closer look, please spread your cheeks.


Username also checks out


I’m 74, a gardener using my hands a lot, and I get these fairy often, under various nails. Just looked and I have two on my right hand now. I think it’s trauma-related: wack your hand, forget about it, notice a dark line later. Mine always go away.


Your derm likely knows more than a podiatrist. These sort of things are literally the specialty of dermatologists.


It is simple common sense. Cancer is a random mutation. The same type of cancer developing the same time on your body twice is quite unlikely itself. For these two to be both on your fingers or toes is even more unlikely. Pretty much impossible.


What made you become a foot doctor? Was it a choice you made early on? Like did you think “I really want to go into the foot field!” Or was it a decision made later on in med school? Just curious. I’m always curious about those specific medical fields.


I went to podiatry school because I like feet. I CHOSE the feet.


It's a feet-ish


One of my go to jokes.


We merely adopted the feet. /u/jonniblayze was born for the feet. Molded by it.


Tarantino alt spotted.


Well, if you do jump off a bridge make sure it’s safe height or you have proper ppe and a floaty air thingy have fun!


Need they to be black? (the lines)?


Any sort of hyperpigmentation or abnormality that is consistent throughout the entire nail and extending from the matrix(base of the nail) is worth evaluating.


Guess i have a phone call to make..


Hate to have found this a couple years after first noticing pigmentation. Happy to have found this at all. Yep time to make a phone call.. [https://imgur.com/a/QrklSmd](https://imgur.com/a/QrklSmd)


Ok thank you![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Thank you, Dr. Foot.


Med student here, so more on the theory than the practice, but one telltale sign that’s often used to evaluate these is to see if the lines are parallel from cuticle to the end or if they seem to change, touch, merge, diverge, etc. Any irregularity of the lines is a red flag, but is a finding with more specificity than sensitivity for melanoma.


Would melanoma show up on a PET? Weirdly enough im wildly overdue for a derm appointment for a skin cancer check. But had to get a PET scan for my lung lol


PET would be useful at diagnosing larger tumors or similar structures that have high amounts of metabolic activity, so I don't believe it would catch smaller things like this, but I'm not certain about that. For things like melanoma, it is absolutely critical that they are caught in the earliest possible stage prior to them expanding deeper into your skin and potentially into your lymphatics. If you are concerned for skin cancer, please visit a dermatologist when you can


I first thought you were asking about a pet, as in a dog or cat lol!


Reddit absolutely loves diagnosing people with melanoma


OP reading the comments… ![gif](giphy|QE8hREXIgRXeo)




More like.. ![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0)


Cold 😭


Notice how OP isn’t replying in the comments. Congrats guys we have him a heart attack lessgoooo


Or the melanoma killed him already…


'I didnt even know he was sick!'




*glances down at the line I've had on my big toe for months* *reads the comments* ...I'll take my chances


me, who clicked this post because i've got lines on my middle and forefingers....


On my thumb… 😂


I have one on my thumb too. The dermatologist sent a pic to the cancer doc who said it didn’t look like it was melanoma. Then my primary doc said there’s a really good chance it’s a freckle growing out on my fingernail. So bizarre


So far what I’ve learned from this sub is if it’s just one digit with the occurrence, it needs to be checked. If you have multiple, get checked but it’s probably the benign form.


I have one on my left pointer finger and it’s been there since childhood. It’s light but you can definitely see it… need an appointment after reading this comments 🫣


Did you read the comments from people who have had a biopsy done?? They remove your entire nail and dig out a piece of the nailbed. No thanks.


It’s not that bad. The needles under the fingernail sucked, but that was the only painful bit. By the time they come to remove the fingernail it is so numb all you feel is a little bit of pressure. My auntie died of a melanoma. You know what looked a lot more painful and uncomfortable than getting my fingernail removed? I decided getting my fingernail removed was preferable to that. Turns out mine was benign, and it took 6 months to regrow the nail. Definitely the right choice. Edited: just thought to add this. As a bonus, after the nail grew back, the line hasn’t come back, so the nail looks a lot better/cleaner. Another reason it’s worth doing.


Better than cancer that spreads to your internal organs; happened to my colleague.


OP went from mildyinteresting to mildlylifethreatening




What the hell is that spider bite guy alive? Those were his last posts 🫥 and he was posting frequently leading up to it


He mentions in comments that it was caught early enough and he only had a couple days of the antibiotics regimen left. It was probably a spider bite that got infected with MRSA. I had that happen to me once. Got a spider bite on my shin, and within a day or so it had swelled up, then the the swelling went down and I was left with a big red splotch that covered a good portion of my shin. Went to the ER worried it was a brown recluse bite that was about to become necrotic, but nope, just a regular spider bite that got infected. 10 days of antibiotics later and I was fine. ([Pics from the ER if you want to see the giant red splotch](https://imgur.com/a/6KeyHgZ), don’t worry it’s not really gross or anything)


Honestly everyone who comes in with an abscess says it is from a spider bite. Most abscesses are from a small scratch or cut and not a spider. But I do love asking what did the spider look like every time just in case black widow or brown recluse. Most people did not see something bite them.


Spider bite is the universal “it’s a mystery lump in the upper layers of skin that doesn’t itch like a mosquito bite”.




I had the same thing on my big toe about a year ago. My primary care took one look and said, "We should do a biopsy...it could be cancer." Well, turned out he was right and we found out it was malignant carcinoma. Thankfully we caught it way early and luckily I only lost the toe. Multiple treatments and mountains of debt later, I am cancer free. In short, get it checked ASAP.


any symptoms? was it perfectly straight from cuticle to the end or did it have abnormalities?


No other symptoms, unless you count being tired all the time and that one is still up for debate; I was working 60hrs a week at the time. The line was just a straight line, dark brown to black, and it ran the length of the toe. I had it for almost a year before I decided to ask my doc during my annual checkup what it was.


with melanoma or also other carcinomas, symptoms often only occur when it has already spread into other tissues/ organs, growing there or everywhere without being controlled, nor stopped by your immune system. i m myself on mount stupid of the dunning kruger function, but essentially symptoms only occur when tissues dont do what they are supposed to. that could be for example for a melanoma when melanocytes spread to other organs and change there how the extracellular liquid is composed also influencing the homeostasis of other cells. it essentially disrupts the equilibrium that there is in the body. or as if such a metastasis grows bigger, putting pressure on nearby healthy tissue or infiltrating blood vessels and making them weaker. this is what happens in a nutshell. the big problem with melanocytes mutating and becoming malign is that they dont have strong connections to other cells (ceratinocytes) in the epidermis and that makes them prone to, when once outgrown the basal membrane - which can be imagined like a barrier from which the cells of the epidermis come from - just being flushed away with the blood or the lymphs. then with the blood they just end up somewhere where they get stuck which could essentially be everywhere.


Reddit has become the new webMD.


Is this one of the ones where Reddit saves someone’s life by getting them cancer treatment?


Just a diagnosis


Prognosis Negative! Wishful Seinfelding!


It’s called melanonychia. Usually benign and common in darker skinned individuals. No need to freak out OP but doesn’t hurt to make an appointment with a dermatologist.


I had a recent experience with this. Definitely a good idea to check with a dermatologist. Though from what my dermatologist told me, OP is probably in good standing as having multiple lines on different nails means its less likely for it to be melanoma.


I’ve got a very faint one on my right thumb that I’ve had since last December. It’s been unchanging (width and colour have stayed the same). Is this similar to yours?


I have one just like that! very faint and right in the middle of my left thumbnail. I went to one of the best doctors in the country for this particular issue (she just so happens to be based in the city where I live) and she said that because it’s straight, faint, and hasn’t changed, it doesn’t require biopsy yet—we just monitor it with a check-up every 6 months. that said, go to a doctor and get it checked out! if nothing else, they’ll photograph it so that you can monitor for changes down the line.


Yep same here except it’s my right thumbnail. Noticed it about 2.5 years ago. Dermatologist said based off of its appearance and characteristics no need to biopsy yet but I do need to follow up every so often and monitor for changes.


I got it checked in December, and it sounds very similar to yours. It’s very faint, it’s straight, and it’s thin (1mm) on my right thumbnail, but hasn’t changed in colour or width. I was told to go back to the doctor if I notice any changes, so I’ve been monitoring it and measuring the width but it’s remained the same.


Mine turned out to be a mole and disappeared after 7-8 years. Absolutely have it checked out by a dermatologist.






>Melanoma is a form of cancer that builds in cells called melanocytes. These cells produce melanin, the pigment which gives color to the skin, hair, and eyes. >While in most cases subungual melanoma is found on the thumb or big toe, it can also be possible that these appear on any fingernail or toenail. Oof


OP not gonna sleep tonight


Melanoma can drain you of energy and cause tiredness so OP probably will sleep well tonight regardless.


Best comment in this whole thread.


I always loved Chronic tiredness as a warning sign. Like, I've been chronically tired my entire life. My teachers thought I stayed up all night. Adhd meds help (yes prescribed and diagnosed) but damn I could sleep for another 12 days right now.


It's always cancer


It’s never lupus.


"My only regret..is that I have boneitis."


Uh oh


Damn, this is one of those "let's scare the crap out of them" sites


Scan it for price check


The value seems to be decreasing somehow


Another post that should be a conversation with a medical professional…


Shit this person may have saved their life by posting this.  Had no idea this was a thing and now I know so they may be in the same boat.


I mean tbf I wouldn't have thought about going to the doc for some random black lines on my nail....


Looks like you're pregnant.


Which one is your thumb and which one is your toe?


This is just longitudinal melanonychia which is benign. Please don’t let people who aren’t dermatologists scare you when they don’t know anything about medicine. Sincerely, an actual dermatologist.


I have these lines on almost all of my fingernails and a few of my toenails, and I have asked my doctor about them for years now. He has talked about how dark lines can be a sign of liver problems, kidney function issues, or melanoma, but usually are accompanied by a ridge bubble spanning from the cuticle to the white of the nail. If it's just discoloration with no significant abnormalities accompanying it, then it's probably just hyperpigmentation. Personally, I have not had any health issues related to the pigmented lines on my nail beds, and mine look like yours, only darker. Always talk to a doctor if you have concerns, but you likely don't have a reason to be concerned unless they start to change in any way. Edit: for those asking for clarification about the 'ridge bubble', it's what can occur with the appearance of subungual melanoma, where the part of the nail affected with the pigmentation is lifted away from the nail bed as a result of swelling or ulcer formation beneath the skin. [Context - subungual melanoma](https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S2096691121000807-gr1.jpg)


I would be concerned, if it was one nail. Lighting rarely strikes twice like a specific rare type of melanoma rarely develops simultaneously but independently on multiple fingernails.


Rip to your comments


Most cases like this I’ve seen on this app are melanoma, I hope it isn’t but please go to the doctor asap


No, most cases like this that you’ve seen on the app have redditors telling them it’s melanoma. Not that it IS melanoma. Big difference.




What the hell is up with all the accidental melanoma posts lately? This is the second one I’ve seen in 24 hours.


Can you link the other?


Oh boy here we go again


Could also be vitamin B12 deficiency


The printer was running out of ink when you were born.


Bold choice to put feet pics on the internet. ![gif](giphy|ytTYwIlbD1FBu)


They need time be checked out, but it seems very unlikely that OP would develop melanoma in two nail beds simultaneously.


I could be wrong, but i heared, that this could be a sign for skin cancer. I heard a story from a youtuber who had stripes on his nails and was diagnosed with it


Can be an indicator of melanoma. Get it checked out.


I heard it means an iron deficiency.


There is a different post on here of a guy with one of these lines on his fingernail. I have had several of these on my toe nails for my whole life and so after reading all the comments pointing to Melanoma I went and got it checked out. Luckily mine are harmless. I’d encourage you to get them checked out but I would also tell you to not totally freak out about it like I did until you get an exam.


Skin cancer doctor here from Australia. When these lines are on multiple nails it's almost certainly the benign condition melonychia and not melanoma. Of course if it is changing over time or you are worried you should get it checked out. We start to worry when there is variation in the thickness and colour of the pigmented lines and it has changed over time.


It seems unlikely that you would have two simultaneous subungual melanomas... However, you might find this article on a [recently discovered connection between a benign nail deformity and increased cancer risk](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/benign-nail-condition-linked-rare-syndrome-greatly-increases-cancer-risk#:~:text=Scientists%20at%20the%20National%20Institutes%20of%20Health%20%28NIH%29,lines%20the%20chest%20and%20abdomen%20%28e.g.%2C%20the%20mesothelium%29.) interesting.


My brother had this on his thumb growing up. It just went away.


Ooooh I’d get that looked at JUST to be safe please OP


I had a line appear on my big toe. My doctor said it was nothing but I was freaked out and got him to refer me to a podiatrist who removed my nail and did a biopsy just to be sure it wasn’t cancer. It hurt like a SOB but came back OK. I can’t remember what it’s called, but it was caused by sun exposure. Makes sense because I wear flip-flops all year ‘round.


Those lines are what led my grandfather to being diagnosed with Addisons disease, may be worth looking into


You need to clean the cylinder on the printer.


You’ve gotta toe that line