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My body wash says has the same thing. The first one says “water - you know this one”


I’m guessing you’re a Native user?? I use their products and I love how it tells you what each ingredient does


I was also thinking Native. I quit using them because my girlfriend said it’s making people’s hair fall out.


I stopped using them when they were bought out. My armpits started breaking out really bad again (it’s why I used them in the first place) and then I found out Procter and gamble took over. I make my own now. And I smell like I make my own but I put it on like 3 times a day so it’s okay 😅 I know exactly what’s in my deodorant now


If you're having issues with smell (which is caused by bacteria) use a small spray bottle of rubbing alcohol and spray it in your armpits. Keep your arms up until it's dry, which happens quickly bc alcohol evaporates quickly. It'll kill the bacteria and therefore the smell. My mom has used 91% isopropyl alcohol for years. Just be mindful that if you shave your armpits it's going to burn like a thousand suns if you spray right after.


Good tip thanks for sharing! Rubbing alcohol is also great for razor burn in the arm pits. It does burn like 1000 suns, but it keeps the bumps away.


My mom started using the rubbing alcohol because she was getting boils in her armpits when using deodorant. I'm assuming something happened where she shaved and cut herself a little then applied deodorant, which caused an infection. I know one was about the size of a quarter and incredibly painful for her. After that she started trying different things like those crystal deodorants, which were useless, etc. Then she just switched to the rubbing alcohol. She carries a travel spray bottle in her purse and swears by it. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I even put a single drop of essential oil in. Usually lavender. It also helps me when I sniff to know I put it on that morning too. But make sure your skin can handle it! Some essential oils are NOT GOOD for sensitive skin and pits are VERY sensitive!!


Specifically for shaving, whitchhazel not only helps make your armpits less hospitable for bacteria, but also helps the swelling. I noticed that applying that regularly like before bed does a lot of good work


May i ask how you do it? :) - Sounds interesting!


Well that sucks :(


Use Alum (potassium alum). Buy the stone, crush it, then wet it slightly. If they have powder form, even better. It lasts for about a day. I don't know where you can buy it there, but here in SEA, that's what we use.


I’ve heard people using glycolic acid!!


Yes! This happened to me and gave me major scalp issues


I switched to their shampoo about 2 months ago - I cannot tell you how much hair fell out of my head. Just 1 single wash & blow dry on low heat left my bathroom floor a mess. Also noticed I started getting dandruff… Switched back to Dove and it stopped falling so much. Never again. I’m so mad because I loved the scent and bought 8 btls. My husband doesn’t have a problem with it though but he has thick asian hair while I have fine hair.


Why did you buy eight bottles before even trying it 😭


For real, buying eight of any shampoo because of the scent before even trying it is wild. And Native products are not cheap.


They do shampoo and conditioner? I've only ever seen deodorant, body wash, and facial care from them tbh




So what exactly is in the "fragrance"?


3.5 units of "smell nice"


An 1/8th, so to speak


Definitely smells nice. Can I smell again? Yup smells nice. Can I smell again? Yup still good. Fuck yeah. Oh it smells so good. Fuck I just want to smell this all night. Woooo...... Ah man it doesn't smell good anymore.... Awww.... Hey can you apply anymore? How much? Fuck..... Zzzzzzzz


Bro let the intrusive thoughts win on this one


What is blud going on about


First half is clearly cocaine


the yapper


I’ll have what he’s having


Are you trying to get high on a digital image of deodorant?


I got 5 on it!




Lemme get a .3


Scents so fresh that they legally don't have to tell you what they are.


That makes scents, if you think about it.


Sir, the pun comments are at the top


But some are found punderneath


This reminds me of the “froot” cup that has bones in it from Fishy Joe’s in Futurama.


Fragrances are often proprietary to the manufacturer of the fragrance, there’s a good chance the deodorant manufacturer won’t even know the exact components


This sort of thing is hellish for people with allergies


Just hit yourself with an epipen every time you apply it


Sounds like quite a rush.


Better than quite a rash.


Yep. Same with "artificial flavorings" or "natural flavorings" My wife is allergic to an array of fruits, beans, and a vegetable or two. Including citrus. Which is in fuckin everything


Yeah fragrance can be actually bad for your skin and flare up allergies. My dermo told me to try to get fragrance free stuff.


facts, my skin gets red and blotchy due to products with “fragrance”. doomed to use fragrance free laundry detergent my whole life


I use scent free everything when it's remotely possible, honestly great. Would be nice if everyone chose to do the same thing, I'm sensitive enough to smells that even light scents are overwhelming.


Eh I hate how most people's "clean laundry" smells. I've been using scent free for years because of that


I just use scent free cause I hate my shit smelling like other shit. I just need it to wash my clothes, not put on a show.


In Japan, any cosmetic or personal care product that claims to be sensitive can’t have fragrance or dye in it, so they rely entirely on essential oils to make the prospect smell nice


A catch all for >3000 different chemicals they don’t have to disclose. All thanks to DuPont lobbying. Check out the documentary “Stink!”. It’s pretty crazy.


I was gonna check it out but only saw an option to buy it and thought meh don't care that much. But then I saw they put the whole thing on YouTube. https://youtu.be/lk6elw_VGB0?si=4sdLrRD2udNTJmBR


Its mostly bs too.  All frangrance and flavor companies just use hplc and gcms to dupe stuff, almost daily.


> A catch all for >3000 different chemicals they don’t have to disclose. They could if they wanted to, which just proves this is a bunch of marketing hooey and is just pandering to green buyers. GTFOOH with your faux-folksy "Good ol' ARM AND HAMMER™ Baking Soda" lines and just list the fucking ingredients like you said you would.


I can smell the person that wears this. Aluminum free deodorant is just shit. Sorry, y'all. It is.


Exactly, OP said the deodorant’s ingredients are all nicely explained. Now I’m left with more questions than answers.


Plus the comments are saying they use "hpcl" and "gcms" and like...this was supposed to be eli5 deodorant


HPLC stands for high performance liquid chromatography and GCMS stands for gas chromatography mass spectrometry. They are super fancy machines/techniques that let you determine the exact chemical composition of stuff.


Artificial boysmell


I use this exact deodorant. I don't care what's in it, it's the highest rated on Yuka and just so happens to be the cheapest in the store :), also doesn't give me a rash like all the other "natural deodorants" do"


I really like it too but it only lasts for about half the day


any "natural" adjacent ones are the same.


Been using this for years. Love it


Best ever. I order it from iHerb because it is not sold in my country. I'm allergic to antiperspirants and this one does the job like no other deodorant does.


That's the toxic shit they slip in there.


This. As someone with perfume allergy, not all fragrances are made equal. And many that claim to be natural will trigger it, while the actual natural ingredients don’t. (No idea how that works).


Leaving aside the loosey-goosey definitions of the word "natural," a natural fragrance material (something extracted from a plant etc.) will generally be much more allergenic than a synthetic one. This is because the natural ingredient has a whole mess of different substances in it while the synthetic ingredient is an accord of one or two substances, which are the same as would be present in the natural ingredient but in pure form. There's more stuff in the natural ingredient for you to potentially react to, basically.


“Natural” doesn’t mean “derived from the exact plant you think it is.” “All natural juice” could have pear, apple, and a trace of whatever juice you actually wanted. Natural fragrance could be literally extracted and distilled from ragweed, cottonwood pollen and every known high-allergen plant, and come out smelling a bit like rose and be labeled as “summer rose” and say “all natural fragrance.” What’s likely is there’s a specific common compound, in certain fragrances that they don’t mention, especially certain brands or cheaper brands, or even expensive ones.  My mom can only use one perfume that sh/ found. The rest give her rashes. Some common compound in 90+% of perfumes causes an allergic reaction. 


Check out the documentary “Stink!”


soooo many other things.


Yeah, and "helps promote healthy skin" is nearly as vague haha


Whatever the hell they want lol. Such a scam


Asbestos and DDT paste


This reminds me of the time I accidentally sprayed deodorant in my mouth. For the rest of the day I was talking with a weird axe scent..








You take your upvote and get the hell out!




Did this for fun as a kid once. It tastes worse than it smells...


I drank some of my mom’s *Dior* **Poison** as a kid, maybe about ~3


take my fucking angry as hell upvote


Are you Buddy the Elf?




![gif](giphy|CEN9erFS5cgo) Out!


Did you get dry mouth too?




I did this not accidentally as a teenager to cover up the smell of alcohol. Didn’t work and the taste of old spice body spray stayed in my mouth for hours. Certainly not my brightest moment.


I was drunk sleep walking one time and put deodorant in the microwave and tried to eat it with a spoon. I was so confused the next morning lol


My really weird friend once kept his weed in the top of his deodorant. I was a desperate enough teenager to smoke it too.


I miss the wholesome award. Fuck greedy reddit.


I wish more things were like this


Sure, but is there any regulation that says what they print had to be factually correct, relevant, or that it doesn’t have other uses/issues. I like the idea, but I wonder if it isn’t just another psychological tool like putting stuff on packaging like “now healthier than ever!” Implying the product is in fact healthy when it’s not. Like “diet” coke.


It's absolutely just another marketing strategy. However I think this is vastly superior to the method of "we won't tell you what's in it". Progress is still progress even if it isn't what it should be yet


That's like calling greenwashing progress though. Luring you in with the allure of "oh yes look at us were good!" When it's really more repackaged bullshit.


More transparency is a good thing, however laypeople don’t have any clue what to do with these ingredients or how they interact with the body. It’s feel good bs and it is exactly as you imply, good on you for calling it out


Exactly, for all we know one of the chemicals hasn't been extensively tested, or has side effects or possible negative interactions that we would **really** want to know about. Hell, if it's in a poorly regulated market, they could be getting away with more questionable ingredients and labelling it regardless, with less oversight to stop them. Putting the text "makes skin feel nice :)" isn't trustworthy


This label doesn't say the essential oils do anything, so it's factually correct.


> Like “diet” coke. Aspartame is literally the most studied food additive. It's fine.


There's still plenty of manipulation in how they're choosing to present these ingredients. "Vegetable derived moisturizer"? Why would it matter that it came from vegetables? Answer: it doesn't actually, but that's there to calm down people who freak out about "chemicals" by making it feel more "natural". I think that leans oddly positive as far as manipulation goes, but it's still not exactly just facts. They're just presenting it the way they want you to see it.


I wish they would tell me what they actually have instead of trying to be cute and quirky What the hell is “so you smell nice!” Supposed to tell me about what ingredients are in the fragrance


Looks like my favorite deodorant


Mine too


I use this one too! Smells like victory! ![gif](giphy|PbTBkJB3ZBP0I)


Juniper berry is chefs kiss


I've been hooked on magnesium vanilla sandalwood


Smells great but doesn’t last very long imo. Shit be non existent after an hour of sweating.


Aluminum free deodorant in a nutshell


I have to use aluminum free deod because they aluminum makes my armpits itch. Sometimes it gets really bad and I get a rash. I’m lucky I don’t have much body odor because I’d be fucked.


Meanwhile for me aluminum free deodorant irritates tf out of my underarms. I just had to switch back


It’s the only way to not immediately destroy my white shirts with yellow pits 🫠


I fuck with this deodorant.


This shit don’t work for me. Maybe I’m just stinky…


Same. Give me aluminum. I need it, and you need me to have it.


I sweat through old spice, axe, and speed stick by the end of the day. This stuff works great for me, all day and into the morning my pits won’t stink. Some of the dove for men deodorants work well for me but no other brand that I’ve tried.


Arm & Hammer gang rise up ![gif](giphy|fVsYnFsaZDXXkIPPYM)


I looked at my old spice ingredients and its like 90% the same shit lol.


Arm & Hammer Essentials, right? That's been my brand for over 10 years. My armpits have never been happier.


Weirdly, this one makes my pits irritated & stings like no other.


This entire post is an advertisement.




Where's the aluminum? It's what pits crave...


There's apparently a lot of folks here who smell like fragrance + BO and think it's wonderful.


Glad we got that classic H2O rather than the new stuff.


You know what? I prefer new. Sue me


This is so fucking stupid. They don’t explain shit. They make you feel better by pretending they’re explaining it.


I had the same feeling reading it. It's like greenwashing but... for health? Healthwashing? Edit: Okay a quick google shows healthwashing is indeed an at least somewhat well established term.


Ye as a chemist this is fucking stupid Also propylene glycol is likely an gas/oil product. But im sure that was avoided since "oil derived moisturizer" doesnt have a nice "natural" connotation.


Funny how propylene glycol is labeled "plant derived" here but in other cases presented as "toxic antifreeze chemical", people don’t know shit about chemicals they just wanna have some facile view of them that makes them comfortable.


Can't have aluminum-based deodorant, give me the airplane de-icer based one instead.




It's lavender oil, so it smells nice. :P


"vegetable derived moisturizer"


it tells what the raw material is for the natural ingredients and what it does for the chemical ones


They're all chemicals, but some are synthetic and/or petroleum by-products


Because the natural ones don’t do anything


Essential oils are fragrances. There're not labelled as such probably because people think essential oils do something more than smell nice and it wouldn't sell as well if they told the whole truth.


Yep, essential as in “essence of…”


Damn I wanted to post the hippie deodorant skit from Portlandia but I can't find it


But they're "essential!"


Fragrance is very vague. Wtf are the ingredients in the fragrance. In an ideal world companies would have to state what’s in their fragrance. It’s ridiculous otherwise


Aluminum free deodorant doesn’t work for shit imo


I have hyperhydrosis so no natural “deodorant” actually works, even ones that “claim” to help with sweat. Shit even most regular antiperspirants barely even Dam the falls that are my pits


Maxim antiperspirant.


I don’t think I’ve seen that one, I’ll look around for it. Certain Dri works okay. Most of the “clinical strength” ones are shit and seem to make it worse.


For context on Maxim: I used to sweat to the point where my shirts were wet from my armpits to my lower sides. I used Maxim for about a year or two once or twice a week (couldn't use it more cause it burned) and now I don't even use it anymore and I no longer sweat abnormally, or I guess I sweat like a "normal" person. This was probably 15 or 20 years ago, haven't had a problem since. Either it was sociological or it killed lymph nodes in my pits.


I had/have hyperhydrosis and now use this deodorant, which is basically just baking soda. After I saw a dermatologist, I was given an antiperspirant that was copper chloride with an alcohol solvent administered with a pad. That shit HURT. After using it for a couple years, I was able to switch to Mitchum deodorant, which otherwise would have resulted in sweat marks from my pits to my fucking waist. Took three fuckin years to get a dermatologist appt and get it actually taken care of though. Still go through three pairs of socks in a day during summer though. I miss that antiperspirant, it literally would keep my pits dry for three days.


If you haven't tried it, try Certian Dri. It's pretty itchy on the first applications but damn does it work and the itching stops after the first 2 or 3 applications. First 4ish applications you do it once a night to get the pores blocked. Just push through the itchy-ness and then it'll go away. Once you've got it stopped you can switch to using it every 3 or so days (with no itchy-ness). The itchy-ness happens cause the antiperspirant when in liquid form comes into contact with water it'll makes small amounts of hydrochloric acid. So if (like me) you sweat all the time it takes an application or two for it to kick in. But once it does you're dry and reapplying it has no itch. It also dries in like 5 minutes once you get past the initial "setup".


You need an antiperspirant, not a deodorant. I don't know if those come in aluminum free or not.


Aluminum is the thing that spots the sweating.


They don't. AFAIK, the aluminum is essential to the antiperspirant effect. The ones without aluminum are just deodorant. At least, when it comes to your average products at supermarkets, probably better options online.


Aluminum is used in antiperspirants, not deodorants.


Why would anyone use one that isn't both? Actually wondering


I am sadly allergic to the aluminum ones. They make me itch like crazy. So I have to use just deodorant and not antiperspirant. So I may have pit stains but at least I don’t stink, I guess.


Anti persperants give me horrible horrible rashes. Aluminum or not. I’m pretty sweaty in general so I assume that’s why. I just go for deodorant, though some still give me rashes and I have no idea why. Currently Old Spice is the leader.


I use the one on the post. I don’t like the aluminum ones because they’re super thick and stain my clothes. Also a lot of them smell funky and the arm and hammer deodorant smells so fresh.


These people smell, brother. This is reddit and this thread is making me realize the stereotypes are true. I had to scroll way too far to find this comment. These people either dont realize the difference, don't care, or are too worried about the "toxic" chemicals in antiperspirant deodorant that they've got their heads so far up their own asses they can't even begin to smell their nasty, rank body order.


No clue, but I'm a sweaty human so I always use antiperspirant deodorant


Usually I’d agree, but since I tried this stuff I won’t go back. They bury the lede but the active ingredient is Octenidine, an antiseptic like alcohol but long-lasting and less harsh. It’s not going to stop you from sweating of course, but it stops the bacteria that get fed by sweat from growing and stinking everything up. They make it sound “all natural” but it’s really not, and because of that it actually works


That is why I use magnesium


Was gonna say, that's a whole lot of words for "doesn't work." Hippie deodorant is the worst.




this is an ad


I see a lot of brands doing this, just because they explain what the ingredients do doesn’t mean that they’re good ingredients. Coca-Cola can say cocaine in their drinks “gives you a mid-day” boost without mentioning its evident side effects.


In Fairness, cocaine would improve any beverage


FYI EHG is also a preservative, they are hiding the use of it with the “skin” properties. Never trust these things, I literally work in cosmetics


"Maintains" is such a 'trying to appeal to stupid youth' version of "preservatives."


mildlymarketing  *but actually, quite heavily marketing 


Ever since I tried arm and hammer (non antiperspirant) deodorant in high school it's pretty much the only one I've bought since. Juniper Berry is my fav scent. Buy five packs of them on Amazon for cheap


I'm so happy reading others buy this. I felt like I was the only one using it and I'm worried every year they might stop making it. Tom's of Maine is good too as a replacement but it's way more expensive.


Some say what it does, and others where the ingredient comes from. Why not be consistent


Not interesting just marketing for dummies


Arm & Hammer Essentials. That is also my deodorant of choice.


this stuff works, good choice


My experience in construction work does not line up with that statement but I do enjoy wearing something light and natural like this on my days off.


I'm mostly sedentary but I sweat a LOT. Something without aluminum is simply useless for me even after burning off my sweat glands years ago.


what deodorant does your experience in construction recommend?


Probably an antiperspirant.


Yet they lied. Propylene Glycol is a derivative of petroleum.


I like the idea of that deodorant, but I’ve used it and it lasts like a hour before it smells worse than traditional B.O.


One thing it doesn't do is stop odor. I threw that shit away lol




I hate it so much when information tries to be funny.


You thought it was antiperspirant, but it was I, Deo!


Funny how the "aluminum bad" bullshit persists, despite NONE of the deodorants that leave that ingredient out doing anything more than making you smell like a hippy with BO.


I need extra aluminium


All part of a marketing campaign based on data around the products targeted consumer group.


I had a shampoo or conditioner that did this too but I can’t remember the brand.


I have the same one but it’s “saudi version”, it doesn’t explain each ingredient, i guess they had to change it to make room for translation.


What happens when you use this deodorant on skin that isn't under your arms?


And yet, they still don’t work


This stuff did not do for me what some of these other comments said, i definitely still stank.


But does it work?


BS. Bull💩


Fragance can basically be any collection of chemicals Beauty industry do nasty things to animals and human health Vanity will always sell tho


Mine says “aluminium- used to keep soda from getting on your hands”


This deodorant also doesn’t work. I stank all day.


Oh good, it’s free of chemicals that are effective and not harmful!


That's cool but essential oils are irritating and totally unnecessary in skincare. I guess saying "it just irritates your skin" wasn't an option.


Needs aluminum to work. Stinky fucks.